Prof Andreas Albrecht

NameProf Andreas Albrecht
Job titleProfessor in Simulation & Modelling
Research institute
Primary appointmentS&T School Leadership
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)

Research outputs

Long non-coding RNA structure and function: Is there a link? [Corrigendum]

Zampetaki, A., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2019. Long non-coding RNA structure and function: Is there a link? [Corrigendum]. Frontiers in Physiology, Frontiers Research Foundation.

Long non-coding RNA structure and function: Is there a link?

Zampetaki, A., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2018. Long non-coding RNA structure and function: Is there a link? Frontiers in Physiology. 9.

Crispr/Cas9 gene editing reveals novel tertiary constraints in clustered miRNA processing

Lataniotis, L., Albrecht, A., Kok, F., Monfries, C., Benedetti, L., Lawson, N., Hughes, S., Steinhofel, K., Mayr, M. and Zampetaki, A. 2018. Crispr/Cas9 gene editing reveals novel tertiary constraints in clustered miRNA processing. Cardiovascular Research. 114 (Supp_1), pp. S1-S1.

Crispr/Cas9 editing reveals novel mechanisms of clustered microRNA regulation and function

Lataniotis, L., Albrecht, A., Kok, F., Monfries, C., Benedetti, L., Lawson, N., Hughes, S., Steinhofel, K., Mayr, M. and Zampetaki, A. 2017. Crispr/Cas9 editing reveals novel mechanisms of clustered microRNA regulation and function. Scientific Reports. 7, pp. 1-14.

Crispr/Cas9 gene editing reveals novel tertiary constraints in clustered mirna processing

Lataniotis, L., Albrecht, A., Kok, F., Monfries, C., Benedetti, L., Lawson, N., Hughes, S., Steinhofel, K., Mayr, M. and Zampetaki, A. 2017. Crispr/Cas9 gene editing reveals novel tertiary constraints in clustered mirna processing. Heart. 103 (5), p. A133.

Random versus deterministic descent in RNA energy landscape analysis

Day, L., Souki, O., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2016. Random versus deterministic descent in RNA energy landscape analysis. Advances in Bioinformatics. 2016.

A new heuristic method for approximating the number of local minima in partial RNA energy landscapes

Albrecht, A., Day, L., Souki, O. and Steinhofel, K. 2016. A new heuristic method for approximating the number of local minima in partial RNA energy landscapes. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 60, pp. 43-52.

iRDA: a new filter towards predictive, stable, and enriched candidate genes

Lai, H., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2015. iRDA: a new filter towards predictive, stable, and enriched candidate genes. BMC Genomics. 16.

Robust signature discovery for affymetrix GeneChip® cancer classification

Lai, H., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2015. Robust signature discovery for affymetrix GeneChip® cancer classification. 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Angers, France 06 - 08 Mar 2014 Springer. pp. 329-345

A new vision of evaluating gene expression signatures

Lai, H., Otzturk, C., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2015. A new vision of evaluating gene expression signatures. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 57, pp. 54-60.

MicroRNA target prediction based upon metastable RNA secondary structures

Souki, O., Day, L., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2015. MicroRNA target prediction based upon metastable RNA secondary structures. 3rd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO 2015). Granada, Spain 15 - 17 Apr 2015 Springer. pp. 456-467

A framework for high-throughput gene signatures with microarray-based brain cancer gene expression profiling data

Lai, H., Albrecht, A. and Steinhöfel, K. 2014. A framework for high-throughput gene signatures with microarray-based brain cancer gene expression profiling data. 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Angers, France SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications.

Energy-efficient multicast routing by using genetic local search

Katerinchuk, V., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2014. Energy-efficient multicast routing by using genetic local search. 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Angers, France 06 - 08 Mar 2014 pp. 740-746

A firefly-inspired method for protein structure prediction in lattice models

Maher, B., Albrecht, A., Loomes, M., Yang, X. and Steinhofel, K. 2014. A firefly-inspired method for protein structure prediction in lattice models. Biomolecules. 4 (1), pp. 56-75.

Accessibility of microRNA binding sites in meta-stable RNA secondary structures in the presence of SNPs

Day, L., Abdelhadi Ep Souki, O., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2014. Accessibility of microRNA binding sites in meta-stable RNA secondary structures in the presence of SNPs. Bioinformatics. 30 (3), pp. 343-352.

A note on a priori estimations of classification circuit complexity

Albrecht, A., Chashkin, A., Iliopoulos, C., Kasim-Zade, O., Lappas, G. and Steinhofel, K. 2010. A note on a priori estimations of classification circuit complexity. Fundamenta Informaticae. 104 (3), pp. 201-217.

Gene selection guided by feature interdependence

Lai, H., Albrecht, A. and Steinhofel, K. 2013. Gene selection guided by feature interdependence. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET).

Approximating the set of local minima in partial RNA folding landscapes

Sahoo, S. and Albrecht, A. 2012. Approximating the set of local minima in partial RNA folding landscapes. Bioinformatics. 28 (4), pp. 523-530.

Derivative scores from site accessibility and ranking of miRNA target predictions

Dayem Ullah, A., Sahoo, S., Steinhofel, K. and Albrecht, A. 2012. Derivative scores from site accessibility and ranking of miRNA target predictions. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications. 8 (3/4), pp. 171-191.

Ranking of microRNA target prediction scores by Pareto front analysis

Sahoo, S. and Albrecht, A. 2010. Ranking of microRNA target prediction scores by Pareto front analysis. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 34 (5-6), pp. 284-292.

Uphill unfolding of native protein conformations in cubic lattices

Albrecht, A., Kapsokalivas, L. and Steinhofel, K. 2010. Uphill unfolding of native protein conformations in cubic lattices. Journal of Computational Science. 1 (1), pp. 6-12.

Analysis of local search landscapes for k-SAT instances

Albrecht, A., Lane, P. and Steinhofel, K. 2010. Analysis of local search landscapes for k-SAT instances. Mathematics in Computer Science. 3 (4), pp. 465-488.

Population-based local search for protein folding simulation in the MJ energy model and cubic lattices

Kapsokalivas, L., Gan, X., Albrecht, A. and Steinhöfel, K. 2009. Population-based local search for protein folding simulation in the MJ energy model and cubic lattices. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 33 (4), pp. 283-294.

A local search heuristic for bounded-degree minimum spanning trees

Zahrani, M., Loomes, M., Malcolm, J. and Albrecht, A. 2008. A local search heuristic for bounded-degree minimum spanning trees. Engineering Optimization. 40 (12), pp. 1115-1135.

Stochastic protein folding simulation in the three-dimensional HP-model

Albrecht, A., Skaliotis, A. and Steinhöfel, K. 2008. Stochastic protein folding simulation in the three-dimensional HP-model. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 32 (4), pp. 248-255.

Genetic local search for multicast routing with pre-processing by logarithmic simulated annealing

Zahrani, M., Loomes, M., Malcolm, J., Ullah, A., Steinhoefel, K. and Albrecht, A. 2008. Genetic local search for multicast routing with pre-processing by logarithmic simulated annealing. Computers and Operations Research. 35 (6), pp. 2049-2070.

Combinatorial landscape analysis for k-SAT instances

Albrecht, A., Lane, P. and Steinhofel, K. 2008. Combinatorial landscape analysis for k-SAT instances. in: 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence) IEEE. pp. 2498-2504

Relating time complexity of protein folding simulation to approximations of folding time

Steinhofel, K., Skaliotis, A. and Albrecht, A. 2007. Relating time complexity of protein folding simulation to approximations of folding time. Computer Physics Communications. 176 (7), pp. 465-470.

Stochastic local search for the Feature Set problem, with applications to microarray data

Albrecht, A. 2006. Stochastic local search for the Feature Set problem, with applications to microarray data. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 183 (2), pp. 1148-1164.

Landscape analysis for multicast routing

Loomes, M., Albrecht, A., Malcolm, J. and Zahrani, M. 2006. Landscape analysis for multicast routing. Computer Communications. 30 (1), pp. 101-116.

A stopping criterion for logarithmic simulated annealing

Albrecht, A. 2006. A stopping criterion for logarithmic simulated annealing. Computing. 78 (1), pp. 55-79.

A computational study on circuit size versus circuit depth

Lappas, G., Frank, R. and Albrecht, A. 2006. A computational study on circuit size versus circuit depth. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 15 (2), pp. 143-162.

Computer-assisted diagnosis of focal liver lesions on CT images: evaluation of the perceptron algorithm

Hein, E., Albrecht, A., Melzer, D., Steinhofel, K., Rogalla, P., Hamm, B. and Taupitz, M. 2005. Computer-assisted diagnosis of focal liver lesions on CT images: evaluation of the perceptron algorithm. Academic Radiology. 12 (9), pp. 1205 -1210.

Classification improvement by an extended depth LSA machine

Albrecht, A. and Lappas, G. 2004. Classification improvement by an extended depth LSA machine. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. 3 (3), pp. 1120-1125.

On the evaluation of dividing samples for training an extended depth LSA machine

Albrecht, A. and Lappas, G. 2004. On the evaluation of dividing samples for training an extended depth LSA machine. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. 3 (3), pp. 1251-1257.

An experimental analysis of local minima to improve neighbourhood search

Steinhofel, K., Albrecht, A. and Wong, C. 2003. An experimental analysis of local minima to improve neighbourhood search. Computers and Operations Research. 30 (14), pp. 2157-2173.

An Epicurean learning approach to gene-expression data classification

Albrecht, A., Vinterbo, S. and Ohno-Machado, L. 2003. An Epicurean learning approach to gene-expression data classification. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 28 (1), pp. 75-87.

The convergence of stochastic algorithms solving flow shop scheduling

Steinhofel, K., Albrecht, A. and Wong, C. 2002. The convergence of stochastic algorithms solving flow shop scheduling. Theoretical Computer Science. 285 (1), pp. 101-117.

Adaptive simulated annealing for CT image classification

Loomes, M., Albrecht, A., Steinhoefel, K. and Taupitz, M. 2002. Adaptive simulated annealing for CT image classification. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 16 (5), pp. 573-588.

Fast parallel heuristics for the job shop scheduling problem

Steinhofel, K., Albrecht, A. and Wong, C. 2002. Fast parallel heuristics for the job shop scheduling problem. Computers and Operations Research. 29 (2), pp. 151-169.

Bounded-depth threshold circuits for computer-assisted CT image classification

Albrecht, A., Hein, E., Steinhofel, K., Taupitz, M. and Wong, C. 2002. Bounded-depth threshold circuits for computer-assisted CT image classification. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 24 (2), pp. 179-192.

Combining the perceptron algorithm with logarithmic simulated annealing

Albrecht, A. and Wong, C. 2001. Combining the perceptron algorithm with logarithmic simulated annealing. Neural Processing Letters. 14 (1), pp. 75-83.

Logarithmic simulated annealing for X-ray diagnosis

Albrecht, A., Steinhofel, K., Taupitz, M. and Wong, C. 2001. Logarithmic simulated annealing for X-ray diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 22 (3), pp. 249-260.

Two simulated annealing-based heuristics for the job shop scheduling problem

Steinhofel, K., Albrecht, A. and Wong, C. 1999. Two simulated annealing-based heuristics for the job shop scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 118 (3), pp. 524-548.

The Steiner tree problem in orientation metrics

Yan, G., Albrecht, A., Young, G. and Wong, C. 1997. The Steiner tree problem in orientation metrics. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 55 (3), pp. 529-546.

Stochastic simulations of two-dimensional composite packings

Albrecht, A., Cheung, S., Leung, K. and Wong, C. 1997. Stochastic simulations of two-dimensional composite packings. Journal of Computational Physics. 136 (2), pp. 559-579.

Computing elastic moduli of two-dimensional random networks of rigid and nonrigid bonds by simulated annealing

Albrecht, A., Cheung, S., Leung, K. and Wong, C. 1997. Computing elastic moduli of two-dimensional random networks of rigid and nonrigid bonds by simulated annealing. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 44 (2), pp. 187-215.

Optimal placements of flexible objects. I. Analytical results for the unbounded case

Albrecht, A., Cheung, S., Hui, K., Leung, K. and Wong, C. 1997. Optimal placements of flexible objects. I. Analytical results for the unbounded case. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 46 (8), pp. 890-904.

Optimal placements of flexible objects. II. A simulated annealing approach for the bounded case

Albrecht, A., Cheung, S., Hui, K., Leung, K. and Wong, C. 1997. Optimal placements of flexible objects. II. A simulated annealing approach for the bounded case. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 46 (8), pp. 905-929.
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