Dr Mahdi Aiash

NameDr Mahdi Aiash
Job titleAP in Computer Science and Cyber Security
Research institute
Primary appointmentComputer Science
Email addressm.aiash@mdx.ac.uk
Contact categoryAcademic staff



Dr. Mahdi Aiash is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Cybersecurity at Middlesex University, where he leads the Cybersecurity Research Group. Specializing in practical cybersecurity, exploitation research, and AI/ML security, Dr. Aiash brings a wealth of expertise to both academia and industry.

He holds numerous industry certifications in areas such as penetration testing and intrusion analysis and has been recognized as a finalist in the Ministry of Defence Cyber Security competition, as well as being shortlisted for Cyber Personality of the Year. 

Dr Aiash has been featured in local and national media, providing expert insights on cybersecurity issues and has served as an advisor in the areas of cybersecurity and AI security. His commitment to the field is reflected in his extensive experience managing interdisciplinary research proposals and securing several  fund from UK government initiatives.


Programme Leader for MSc Cybersecurity and Pentesting at Middlesex University

Education and qualifications


Prizes and Awards

Research outputs

Signature-based security analysis and detection of IoT threats in advanced message queuing protocol

Hashimyar, M.E., Aiash, M., Khoshkholghi, A. and Nalli, G. 2025. Signature-based security analysis and detection of IoT threats in advanced message queuing protocol. Network. 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.3390/network5010005

Leveraging oversampling techniques in machine learning models for multi-class malware detection in smart home applications

Chowdhury, A., Isalm, M., Kaisar, S., Naha, R., Khoshkholghi, A., Aiash, M. and Khoda, M.E. 2023. Leveraging oversampling techniques in machine learning models for multi-class malware detection in smart home applications. IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. Exeter, United Kingdom 01 - 03 Nov 2023 IEEE. pp. 2216-2221

Performance and cryptographic evaluation of security protocols in distributed networks using applied pi calculus and Markov Chain

Edris, E., Aiash, M., Khoshkholghi, A., Naha, R., Chowdhury, A. and Loo, J. 2023. Performance and cryptographic evaluation of security protocols in distributed networks using applied pi calculus and Markov Chain. Internet of Things. 24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iot.2023.100913

IoT-based emergency vehicle services in intelligent transportation system

Chowdhury, A., Kaisar, S., Khoda, M., Naha, R., Khoshkholghi, A. and Aiash, M. 2023. IoT-based emergency vehicle services in intelligent transportation system. Sensors. 23 (11). https://doi.org/10.3390/s23115324

Formalization and evaluation of EAP-AKA’ protocol for 5G network access security

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2022. Formalization and evaluation of EAP-AKA’ protocol for 5G network access security. Array. 16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.array.2022.100254

An introduction of a modular framework for securing 5G networks and beyond

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2022. An introduction of a modular framework for securing 5G networks and beyond. Network. 2 (3), pp. 419-439. https://doi.org/10.3390/network2030026

Security in network services delivery for 5G enabled D2D communications: challenges and solutions

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2021. Security in network services delivery for 5G enabled D2D communications: challenges and solutions. in: Montasari, R., Jahankhani, H. and Al-Khateeb, H. (ed.) Challenges in the IoT and Smart Environments: A Practitioners' Guide to Security, Ethics and Criminal Threats Cham Springer. pp. 1-27

DCSS protocol for data caching and sharing security in a 5G network

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2021. DCSS protocol for data caching and sharing security in a 5G network. Network. 1 (2), pp. 75-94. https://doi.org/10.3390/network1020006

Formal verification of authentication and service authorization protocols in 5G-enabled device-to-device communications using ProVerif

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2021. Formal verification of authentication and service authorization protocols in 5G-enabled device-to-device communications using ProVerif. Electronics. 10 (13). https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10131608

Modeling and verifying a resource allocation algorithm for secure service migration for commercial cloud systems

Karthick, G., Mapp, G., Kammueller, F. and Aiash, M. 2022. Modeling and verifying a resource allocation algorithm for secure service migration for commercial cloud systems. Computational Intelligence. 38 (3), pp. 811-828. https://doi.org/10.1111/coin.12421

Formal verification of secondary authentication protocol for 5G secondary authentication

Edris, E., Aiash, M., Loo, J. and Alhakeem, M. 2021. Formal verification of secondary authentication protocol for 5G secondary authentication. International Journal of Security and Networks. 16 (4), pp. 223-234. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSN.2021.119379

The case for federated identity management in 5G communications

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2020. The case for federated identity management in 5G communications. The Fifth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2020). Paris, France 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 120-127 https://doi.org/10.1109/FMEC49853.2020.9144855

Formal verification and analysis of primary authentication based on 5G-AKA protocol

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2020. Formal verification and analysis of primary authentication based on 5G-AKA protocol. Third International Symposium on 5G Emerging Technologies (5GET 2020) in conjunction with the Fourth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2020). Paris, France 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 256-261 https://doi.org/10.1109/SDS49854.2020.9143899

Network service federated identity (NS-FId) protocol for service authorization in 5G network

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2020. Network service federated identity (NS-FId) protocol for service authorization in 5G network. The Fifth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2020). Paris, France 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 128-135

Investigating network services abstraction in 5G enabled device-to-device (D2D) communications

Edris, E., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2019. Investigating network services abstraction in 5G enabled device-to-device (D2D) communications. 2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI). Leicester, United Kingdom 19 - 23 Aug 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 1660-1665 https://doi.org/10.1109/SmartWorld-UIC-ATC-SCALCOM-IOP-SCI.2019.00296

Formalization and analysis of a resource allocation security protocol for secure service migration

Karthick, G., Mapp, G., Kammueller, F. and Aiash, M. 2018. Formalization and analysis of a resource allocation security protocol for secure service migration. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC2018). Zurich, Switzerland 17 - 20 Dec 2018 IEEE. pp. 207-212 https://doi.org/10.1109/UCC-Companion.2018.00058

ZKPVM: a zero-knowledge authentication protocol for VMs' live migration in mobile cloud computing

Edris, E. and Aiash, M. 2018. ZKPVM: a zero-knowledge authentication protocol for VMs' live migration in mobile cloud computing. ICSOFT 2018: 13th International Conference on Software Technologies. Porto, Portugal 26 - 28 Jul 2018 pp. 858-864

A security framework for node-to-node communications based on the LISP architecture

Kallash, M., Loo, J., Lasebae, A. and Aiash, M. 2018. A security framework for node-to-node communications based on the LISP architecture. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. 10 (3), pp. 276-291. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJESDF.2018.093024

Interference Management and System Optimisation for Femtocells Technology in LTE and Future 4G/5G Networks

Raheem, R., Lasebae, A., Aiash, M., Loo, J., Colson, R. and Raheem, A. 2017. Interference Management and System Optimisation for Femtocells Technology in LTE and Future 4G/5G Networks. in: Yurish, S. (ed.) Advances in Networks, Security and Communications: Reviews - Volume 1 International Frequency Sensor Association Publishing.

Software defined networking for wireless sensor networks: a survey

Hassan, M., Vien, Q. and Aiash, M. 2017. Software defined networking for wireless sensor networks: a survey. Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks. 3 (2), pp. 10-22. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.awcn.20170302.11

Project-based cooperative learning to enhance competence while teaching engineering modules

Gandhi, V., Yang, Z. and Aiash, M. 2017. Project-based cooperative learning to enhance competence while teaching engineering modules. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning. 27 (3), pp. 198-208. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJCEELL.2017.10003462

Exploring a security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments

Karthick, G., Mapp, G., Kammueller, F. and Aiash, M. 2017. Exploring a security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments. ICC’17. Cambridge University, Cambridge 22 Mar 2019 ICC’17, Cambridge, United Kingdom © 2017 ACM.. pp. 1-6 https://doi.org/10.1145/3018896.3056795

Exploring a security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments

Karthick, G., Mapp, G., Kammueller, F. and Aiash, M. 2017. Exploring a security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments. 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing (ICC 2017). Churchill College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 22 - 23 Mar 2017 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). https://doi.org/10.1145/3018896.3056795

Mobile femtocell utilisation in LTE vehicular environment: vehicular penetration loss elimination and performance enhancement

Raheem, R., Lasebae, A., Aiash, M., Loo, J. and Colson, R. 2017. Mobile femtocell utilisation in LTE vehicular environment: vehicular penetration loss elimination and performance enhancement. Vehicular Communications. 9 (12), pp. 31-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vehcom.2017.02.003

Mobility management for vehicular user equipment in LTE/mobile femtocell networks

Raheem, R., Lasebae, A., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2017. Mobility management for vehicular user equipment in LTE/mobile femtocell networks. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector. 9 (4), pp. 60-87. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJISSS.2017100105

Interference management for co-channel mobile femtocells technology in LTE networks

Raheem, R., Lasebae, A., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2016. Interference management for co-channel mobile femtocells technology in LTE networks. 2016 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE). London, United Kingdom 14 - 16 Sep 2016 IEEE. pp. 80-87 https://doi.org/10.1109/IE.2016.21

Machine learning based botnet identification traffic

Azab, A., Alazab, M. and Aiash, M. 2016. Machine learning based botnet identification traffic. 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-2016). Tianjin, China 23 - 26 Aug 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 1788-1794 https://doi.org/10.1109/TrustCom.2016.0275

Enhancing the SVDD accuracy in Intrusion Detection Systems by removing external voids

Kenaza, T., Bennaceur, K., Labed, A. and Aiash, M. 2016. Enhancing the SVDD accuracy in Intrusion Detection Systems by removing external voids. 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-16). Tianjin, China 23 - 25 Aug 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 1765-1770 https://doi.org/10.1109/TrustCom.2016.0271

A progressive approach to design authentication protocols for mobile heterogeneous networks

Kenaza, T., Aiash, M., Loo, J., Lasebae, A. and Whitney, G. 2016. A progressive approach to design authentication protocols for mobile heterogeneous networks. IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/I​SPA, 2016. Tianjin, China 23 - 26 Aug 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 1776-1781 https://doi.org/10.1109/trustcom.2016.0273

A specification-based IDS for detecting attacks on RPL-based network topology

Le, A., Loo, J., Chai, K. and Aiash, M. 2016. A specification-based IDS for detecting attacks on RPL-based network topology. Information. 7 (2). https://doi.org/10.3390/info7020025

Toward an efficient ontology-based event correlation in SIEM

Kenazag, T. and Aiash, M. 2016. Toward an efficient ontology-based event correlation in SIEM. 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT2016). Madrid, Spain 23 - 26 May 2016 Elsevier. pp. 139-146 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2016.04.109

Performance evaluation of mobile users served by fixed and mobile femtocells in LTE networks

Raheem, R., Lasebae, A., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2016. Performance evaluation of mobile users served by fixed and mobile femtocells in LTE networks. Journal of Networking Technology. 7 (1), pp. 16-33.

Virtualization and cyber security: arming future security practitioners

Tharayanil, M., Whitney, G., Aiash, M. and Benzaid, C. 2015. Virtualization and cyber security: arming future security practitioners. IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA: EFINS 2015 The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on the Emerging Future Internet and Network Security. Helsinki, Finland 20 - 22 Aug 2015 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 1398-1402 https://doi.org/10.1109/trustcom.2015.537

A formally verified access control mechanism for information centric networks

Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2015. A formally verified access control mechanism for information centric networks. The 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2015). Colmar, Alsace, France 20 - 22 Jul 2015 SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. pp. 377-383 https://doi.org/10.5220/0005566303770383

U-sphere: strengthening scalable flat-name routing for decentralized networks

Kos, J., Aiash, M., Loo, J. and Trček, D. 2015. U-sphere: strengthening scalable flat-name routing for decentralized networks. Computer Networks. 89, pp. 14-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2015.07.006

Supporting communication in information centric networks using the location/ID split protocol and time released caching

Aiash, M., Mapp, G. and Kallash, M. 2015. Supporting communication in information centric networks using the location/ID split protocol and time released caching. 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing (ICCC). Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 26 - 29 Apr 2015 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 233-238 https://doi.org/10.1109/CLOUDCOMP.2015.7149657

Will ToR achieve its goals in the "future internet"? : an empirical study of using ToR with cloud computing

Carnielli, A. and Aiash, M. 2015. Will ToR achieve its goals in the "future internet"? : an empirical study of using ToR with cloud computing. IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA-2015). Gwangju, Korea 24 - 27 Mar 2015 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 135-140

Introducing a hybrid infrastructure and information-centric approach for secure cloud computing

Aiash, M., Colson, R. and Kallash, M. 2015. Introducing a hybrid infrastructure and information-centric approach for secure cloud computing. IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA-2015). Gwangju, Korea 24 - 27 Mar 2015 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 154-159 https://doi.org/10.1109/WAINA.2015.80

Dynamic traffic management for interactive cloud services: localising traffic based on network throughput and user mobility

Sardis, F., Mapp, G., Loo, J. and Aiash, M. 2014. Dynamic traffic management for interactive cloud services: localising traffic based on network throughput and user mobility. 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC),. London, UK 08 - 11 Dec 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 298-306 https://doi.org/10.1109/UCC.2014.39

Challenges and solutions for secure information centric networks: a case study of the NetInf architecture

Loo, J. and Aiash, M. 2015. Challenges and solutions for secure information centric networks: a case study of the NetInf architecture. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 50, pp. 64-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2014.06.003

An integrated authentication and authorization approach for the network of information architecture

Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2015. An integrated authentication and authorization approach for the network of information architecture. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 50, pp. 73-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2014.06.004

Investigating the impact of live migration on the network infrastructure in enterprise environments

Sinti, J., Jiffry, F. and Aiash, M. 2014. Investigating the impact of live migration on the network infrastructure in enterprise environments. Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2014 28th International Conference on. Victoria, Canada 13 - 16 May 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 154-159 https://doi.org/10.1109/WAINA.2014.34

A secure framework for communications in heterogeneous networks

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Lasebae, A. and Loo, J. 2014. A secure framework for communications in heterogeneous networks. WAINA 2014 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops. Victoria, BC 13 - 16 May 2014 pp. 841-846

Secure live virtual machines migration: issues and solutions

Aiash, M., Mapp, G. and Gemikonakli, O. 2014. Secure live virtual machines migration: issues and solutions. IEEE AINA 2014. Victoria, BC, Canada 13 - 16 May 2014

Exploring a new security framework for cloud storage using capabilities

Mapp, G., Aiash, M., Ondiege, B. and Clarke, M. 2014. Exploring a new security framework for cloud storage using capabilities. 1st International Workshop on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing, a workshop of SOSE. Oxford, United Kingdom 07 - 11 Apr 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 484-489 https://doi.org/10.1109/SOSE.2014.69

A formal analysis of authentication protocols for mobile devices in next generation networks

Aiash, M. 2015. A formal analysis of authentication protocols for mobile devices in next generation networks. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 27 (12), pp. 2938-2953. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.3260

Supporting communications in the IOTs using the location/ID split protocol: a security analysis

Lasebae, A., Loo, J., Aiash, M. and Raheem, A. 2013. Supporting communications in the IOTs using the location/ID split protocol: a security analysis. Future Generation Communication Technology (FGCT) 4- date of conference in full: 12-14 Nov. 2013. London, UK 12 - 14 Nov 2013 pp. 1-5

From fixed to mobile femtocells in LTE systems: issues and challenges

Raheem, R., Lasebae, A., Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2013. From fixed to mobile femtocells in LTE systems: issues and challenges. 2013 Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technology (FGCT). London, United Kingdom 12 - 14 Nov 2013 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 207-212 https://doi.org/10.1109/FGCT.2013.6767218

Concern level assessment: building domain knowledge into a visual system to support network-security situation awareness

Kodagoda, N., Attfield, S., Choudhury, S., Rooney, C., Mapp, G., Nguyen, P., Slabbert, L., Wong, B., Aiash, M., Zheng, Y., Xu, K. and Lasebae, A. 2014. Concern level assessment: building domain knowledge into a visual system to support network-security situation awareness. Information Visualization. 13 (4), pp. 346-360. https://doi.org/10.1177/1473871613490291

Introducing a novel authentication protocol for secure services in heterogeneous environments using Casper/FDR

Aiash, M. and Loo, J. 2014. Introducing a novel authentication protocol for secure services in heterogeneous environments using Casper/FDR. International Journal of Communication Systems. 27 (12), pp. 3600-3618. https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.2561

A novel security protocol for resolving addresses in the location/ID split architecture

Aiash, M. 2013. A novel security protocol for resolving addresses in the location/ID split architecture. The 7th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2013). Spain 03 - 04 Jun 2013

On the investigation of cloud-based mobile media environments with service-populating and QoS-aware mechanisms

Sardis, F., Mapp, G., Loo, J., Aiash, M. and Vinel, A. 2013. On the investigation of cloud-based mobile media environments with service-populating and QoS-aware mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 15 (4), pp. 769-777. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMM.2013.2240286

An integrated approach to QoS and security in future mobile networks using the Y-Comm framework

Aiash, M. 2012. An integrated approach to QoS and security in future mobile networks using the Y-Comm framework. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Engineering and Information Sciences

Integrating mobility, quality-of-service and security in future mobile networks

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Lasebae, A., Phan, R. and Loo, J. 2013. Integrating mobility, quality-of-service and security in future mobile networks. in: Ao, S. and Gelman, L. (ed.) Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Systems New York Springer.

Securing address registration in location/ID split protocol using ID-based cryptography

Aiash, M., Al-Nemrat, A. and Preston, D. 2013. Securing address registration in location/ID split protocol using ID-based cryptography. Tsaoussidis, V., Kassler, A., Koucheryavy, Y. and Mellouk, A. (ed.) In proceeding of: The 11th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications WWIC 2013. Russia 05 - 07 Jun 2013 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-38401-1_10

M-Sieve: a visualisation tool for supporting network security analysts

Choudhury, S., Kodagoda, N., Nguyen, P., Rooney, C., Attfield, S., Xu, K., Zheng, Y., Wong, B., Chen, R., Mapp, G., Slabbert, L., Aiash, M. and Lasebae, A. 2012. M-Sieve: a visualisation tool for supporting network security analysts. VisWeek 2012. Seattle, WA, USA 14 - 19 Oct 2012

6LoWPAN: a study on QoS security threats and countermeasures using intrusion detection system approach

Le, A., Loo, J., Lasebae, A., Aiash, M. and Luo, Y. 2012. 6LoWPAN: a study on QoS security threats and countermeasures using intrusion detection system approach. International Journal of Communication Systems. 25 (9), pp. 1189-1212. https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.2356

Exploiting location and contextual information to develop a comprehensive framework for proactive handover in heterogeneous environments

Mapp, G., Katsriku, F., Aiash, M., Chinnam, N., Lopes, R., Moreira, E., Vanni, R., Augusto, M., Middlesex University and University of Sao Paulo 2012. Exploiting location and contextual information to develop a comprehensive framework for proactive handover in heterogeneous environments. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/748163

A formally verified AKA protocol for vertical handover inheterogeneous environments using Casper/FDR

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Lasebae, A., Phan, R. and Loo, J. 2012. A formally verified AKA protocol for vertical handover inheterogeneous environments using Casper/FDR. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2012 (57). https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1499-2012-57

A formally verified device authentication protocol using Casper/FDR

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Phan, R., Lasebae, A. and Loo, J. 2012. A formally verified device authentication protocol using Casper/FDR. Min, G., Wu, Y., Liu, L., Jin, X., Jarvis, S. and Al-Dubai, A. (ed.) 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2012). Liverpool, UK 25 - 27 Jun 2012 IEEE. pp. 1293-1298 https://doi.org/10.1109/TrustCom.2012.27

A survey of potential architectures for communication in heterogeneous networks

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Lasebae, A., Loo, J., Sardis, F., Phan, R., Augusto, M., Moreira, E. and Vanni, R. 2012. A survey of potential architectures for communication in heterogeneous networks. IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2012). London 18 - 20 Apr 2012 IEEE. pp. 1-6 https://doi.org/10.1109/WTS.2012.6266121

Exploring the concept of scope to provide better security for internet services.

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Lasebae, A., Phan, R., Middlesex University and Loughborough University 2011. Exploring the concept of scope to provide better security for internet services. First Global Conference on Communication, Science and Engineering (CCSIE 2011). Middlesex University 25 - 27 Jul 2011

Security models for heterogeneous networking

Mapp, G., Aiash, M., Lasebae, A. and Phan, R. 2010. Security models for heterogeneous networking. Katsikas, S. (ed.) 4th International Conference on Security and Cryptography. Athens, Greece 26 - 28 Jul 2010 IEEE. pp. 1-4

Security and QoS integration for protecting service providers in hterogeneous environments

Aiash, M., Mapp, G. and Lasebae, A. 2011. Security and QoS integration for protecting service providers in hterogeneous environments. International Journal of Computer Science. 38 (4), pp. 384-393.

Enhancing naming and location services to support multi-homed devices in heterogeneous environments

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Lasebae, A., Phan, R., Augusto, M., Vanni, R., Moreira, E., Middlesex University, Loughborough University and University of Sao Paulo 2011. Enhancing naming and location services to support multi-homed devices in heterogeneous environments. First Conference on Communication, Science and Information Enginneering (CCSIE 2011). Middlesex University 25 - 27 Jul 2011

A QoS framework for heterogeneous networking

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Lasebae, A., Augusto, M., Vanni, R. and Moreira, E. 2011. A QoS framework for heterogeneous networking. ICWN'11: The 2011 International Conference of Wireless Networks (held as part of WCE 2011). London, UK 06 - 08 Jul 2011

Exploring multi-homing issues in heterogeneous networks

Mapp, G., Aiash, M., Guardia, H., Crowcroft, J., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Middlesex University, Federal University of Sao Paulo and University of Cambridge 2011. Exploring multi-homing issues in heterogeneous networks. IEEE. pp. 690-695 https://doi.org/10.1109/WAINA.2011.140

Providing security in 4G systems: unveiling the challenges

Aiash, M., Mapp, G., Lasebae, A., Phan, R., Middlesex University and Loughborough University 2010. Providing security in 4G systems: unveiling the challenges. Atmaca, T., Palicot, J., Amor, N., Tsiatsos, T., Marot, M. and Dini, O. (ed.) IEEE. pp. 439-444 https://doi.org/10.1109/AICT.2010.24

Exploring efficient imperative handover mechanisms for heterogeneous wireless networks

Mapp, G., Shaikh, F., Aiash, M., Vanni, R., Augusto, M. and Moreira, E. 2009. Exploring efficient imperative handover mechanisms for heterogeneous wireless networks. Duresi, A., Barolli, L., Enokido, T., Uehara, M., Shakshuki, E. and Takizawa, M. (ed.) 12th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems. Indianapolis, Indiana 19 - 21 Aug 2009 IEEE. pp. 286-291 https://doi.org/10.1109/NBiS.2009.95
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