Beans with bugs: Covert carnivory and infested seed selection by the red-nosed cuxiú monkey


Barnett, A., dos Santos-Barnett, T., Muir, J., Tománek, P., Gregory, T., Matte, A., Bezerra, B., de Oliveira, T., Norconk, M. and Boyle, S. 2023. Beans with bugs: Covert carnivory and infested seed selection by the red-nosed cuxiú monkey. Biotropica. 55 (3), pp. 579-593.
TitleBeans with bugs: Covert carnivory and infested seed selection by the red-nosed cuxiú monkey
AuthorsBarnett, A., dos Santos-Barnett, T., Muir, J., Tománek, P., Gregory, T., Matte, A., Bezerra, B., de Oliveira, T., Norconk, M. and Boyle, S.

Members of the Neotropical primate genus Chiropotes eat large volumes of immature seeds. However, such items are often low in available proteins, and digestion of seeds is further inhibited by tannins. This suggests that overall plant-derived protein intake is relatively low. We examined the presence of insect larvae in partially eaten fruits, compared with intact fruit on trees, and examined fecal pellets for the presence of larvae. We found that red-nosed cuxiú (Chiropotes albinasus) individuals may supplement their limited seed-derived protein intake by ingesting seed-inhabiting insects. Comparison of fruits partially eaten for their seeds with those sampled directly from trees showed that fruits with insect-containing seeds were positively selected in 20 of the 41 C. albinasus diet items tested, suggesting that fruits with infested seeds are actively selected by foraging animals. We found no differences in accessibility to seeds, that is, no differences in husk penetrability between fruits with infested and uninfested seeds excluding the likelihood that insect-infestation results in easier access to the seeds in such fruits. Additionally, none of the C. albinasus fecal samples showed any evidence of living pupae or larvae, indicating that infesting larvae are digested. Our findings raise the possibility that these seed-predating primates might provide net benefits to the plant species they feed on, since they feed from many species of plants and their actions may reduce the populations of seed-infesting insects.

Keywordsbearded saki; pitheciid; protein; seed predation; tannin
Sustainable Development Goals15 Life on land
Middlesex University ThemeSustainability
Research GroupBehavioural Biology group
Publication dates
Online10 Apr 2023
Print08 May 2023
Publication process dates
Submitted21 Jan 2022
Accepted07 Dec 2022
Deposited13 Feb 2024
Output statusPublished
Publisher's version
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Copyright Statement

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2023 The Authors.

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