Behavioural Biology group
Title | Behavioural Biology group |
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Eat the fruit earlier: Sakis (Pithecia chrysocephala) show enhanced temporal fruit resource access compared with squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in an urban forest fragment in Brazil
Take, M., Yumoto, T., Barnett, A., Onizawa, K. and Spironello, W. 2024. Eat the fruit earlier: Sakis (Pithecia chrysocephala) show enhanced temporal fruit resource access compared with squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in an urban forest fragment in Brazil. American Journal of Primatology. 86 (2), pp. 1-20.
Pied tamarins change their vocal behavior in response to noise levels in the largest city in the Amazon
Sobroza, T., Gordo, M., Dunn, J., Pequeno, P., Naissinger, B. and Barnett, A. 2024. Pied tamarins change their vocal behavior in response to noise levels in the largest city in the Amazon. American Journal of Primatology. 86 (5).
Do pied tamarins increase scent-marking in response to urban noise?
Sobroza, T., Dunn, J., Gordo, M. and Barnett, A. 2024. Do pied tamarins increase scent-marking in response to urban noise? Ethology Ecology and Evolution. 36 (2), pp. 136-149.
When partitioning is not an option: Resource availability predicts intraguild interactions in two isolated Amazonian primate assemblages
Cavalcante, T., Mourthé, Í., Barnett, A. and Bicca-Marques, J. 2023. When partitioning is not an option: Resource availability predicts intraguild interactions in two isolated Amazonian primate assemblages. Biotropica. 55 (4), pp. 839-848.
When food fights back: Cebid primate strategies of larval paper wasp predation and the high‐energy yield of high‐risk foraging.
Barnett, A., Stone, A., Shaw, P., Ronchi-Teles, B., dos Santos-Barnett, T., Pimenta, N., Kinap, N., Spironello, W., Bitencourt, A., Penhorwood, G., Umeed, R., de Oliveira, T., Bezerra, B., Boyle, S., Ross, C. and Wenzel, J. 2023. When food fights back: Cebid primate strategies of larval paper wasp predation and the high‐energy yield of high‐risk foraging. Austral Ecology: A Journal of Ecology in the Southern Hemisphere. 48 (4), pp. 719-742.
Beans with bugs: Covert carnivory and infested seed selection by the red-nosed cuxiú monkey
Barnett, A., dos Santos-Barnett, T., Muir, J., Tománek, P., Gregory, T., Matte, A., Bezerra, B., de Oliveira, T., Norconk, M. and Boyle, S. 2023. Beans with bugs: Covert carnivory and infested seed selection by the red-nosed cuxiú monkey. Biotropica. 55 (3), pp. 579-593.
Knowledge shortfalls for titi monkey: A poorly known clade of small-bodied South American primates
Souza-Alves, J., Boyle, S. and Barnett, A. 2023. Knowledge shortfalls for titi monkey: A poorly known clade of small-bodied South American primates. Biological Conservation. 286.
Records of Crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766, Carnivora, Canidae) in Rondônia, Brazil: range extension, threats and conservation
Ferreira, D., Oliveira, M., Goebel, L., Andriolo, A., Pommer-Barbosa, R., Mattos, F. and Barnett, A. 2023. Records of Crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766, Carnivora, Canidae) in Rondônia, Brazil: range extension, threats and conservation. Mammalia. 87 (6), pp. 577-582.
Searching for food in a concrete jungle: feeding ecology of a Psittacine assemblage (Aves, Psittacidae) in a major Amazonian city
Soares, C., Barnett, A., Scudeller, V. and Borges, S. 2023. Searching for food in a concrete jungle: feeding ecology of a Psittacine assemblage (Aves, Psittacidae) in a major Amazonian city. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 95 (3).
The role of information in evolutionary biology
Dickins, T. 2023. The role of information in evolutionary biology. Acta Biotheoretica. 71 (3).
Sibling aggression between Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridacyla) chicks
Mead, A. and Dickins, T. 2023. Sibling aggression between Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridacyla) chicks. Journal of the Lundy Field Society. 8, pp. 87-98.Article
Evolutionary biology: Contemporary and historical reflections upon core theory
Dickins, T. and Dickins, B. (ed.) 2023. Evolutionary biology: Contemporary and historical reflections upon core theory. Cham, Switzerland. Springer.Edited Book
Gull-human interactions in an urban population of Herring Gulls Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus
Beasley, E. and Dickins, T. 2023. Gull-human interactions in an urban population of Herring Gulls Larus argentatus and Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus. Bird Study. 70 (1-2), pp. 55-58.
Measuring heritability: why bother?
Shuker, D. and Dickins, T. 2022. Measuring heritability: why bother? Behavioral and Brain Sciences: An International Journal of Current Research and Theory with Open Peer Commentary. 45.
Global sex differences in hygiene norms and their relation to sex equality
Eriksson, K., Dickins, T. and Strimling, P. 2022. Global sex differences in hygiene norms and their relation to sex equality. PLOS Global Public Health. 2 (6), pp. 1-17.Article
AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A dataset of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest
Antunes, A., Montanarin, A., Gräbin, D., Monteiro, E., de Pinho, F., Alvarenga, G., Ahumada, J., Wallace, R., Ramalho, E., Barnett, A., Bager, A., Lopes, A., Keuroghlian, A., Giroux, A., Herrera, A., Correa, A., Meiga, A., Jácomo, A., Barban, A., Antunes, A., Coelho, A., Camilo, A., Nunes, A., Gomes, A., Zanzini, A., Castro, A., Desbiez, A., Figueiredo, A., de Thoisy, B., Gauzens, B., Oliveira, D., de Lima, C., Peres, C., Durigan, C., Brocardo, C., da Rosa, C., Zárate-Castañeda, C., Monteza-Moreno, C., Carnicer, C., Trinca, C., Polli, D., Ferraz, D., Lane, D., da Rocha, D., Barcelos, D., Auz, D., Rosa, D., Silva, D., Silvério, D., Eaton, D., Nakano-Oliveira, E., Venticinque, E., Junior, E., Mendonça, E., Vieira, E., Isasi-Catalá, E., Fischer, E., Castro, E., Oliveira, E., de Melo, F., Muniz, F., Rohe, F., Baccaro, F., Michalski, F., Paim, F., Santos, F., Anaguano, F., Palmeira, F., Reis, F., Aguiar-Silva, F., Batista, G., Zapata-Ríos, G., Forero-Medina, G., Neto, G., Alves, G., Ayala, G., Pedersoli, G., Bizri, H., do Prado, H., Mozerle, H., Costa, H., Lima, I., Palacios, J., Assis, J., Boubli, J., Metzger, J., Teixeira, J., Miranda, J., Polisar, J., Salvador, J., Borges-Almeida, K., Didier, K., Pereira, K., Torralvo, K., Gajapersad, K., Silveira, L., Maioli, L., Maracahipes-Santos, L., Valenzuela, L., Benavalli, L., Fletcher, L., Paolucci, L., Zanzini, L., da Silva, L., Rodrigues, L., Benchimol, M., Oliveira, M., Lima, M., da Silva, M., Junior, M., Viscarra, M., Cohn-Haft, M., Abrahams, M., Benedetti, M., Marmontel, M., Hirt, M., Tôrres, N., Junior, O., Alvarez-Loayza, P., Jansen, P., Prist, P., Brando, P., Perônico, P., Leite, R., Rabelo, R., Sollmann, R., Beltrão-Mendes, R., Ferreira, R., Coutinho, R., Oliveira, R., Ilha, R., Hilário, R., Pires, R., Sampaio, R., Moreira, R., Botero-Arias, R., Martinez, R., Nóbrega, R., Fadini, R., Morato, R., Carneiro, R., Almeida, R., Ramos, R., Schaub, R., Dornas, R., Cueva, R., Rolim, S., Laurindo, S., Espinosa, S., Fernandes, T., Sanaiotti, T., Alvim, T., Dornas, T., Piña, T., Andrade, V., Santiago, W., Magnusson, W., Campos, Z. and Ribeiro, M. 2022. AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A dataset of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest. Ecology. 103 (9).
Combining geospatial abundance and ecological niche models to identify high-priority areas for conservation: The neglected role of broadscale interspecific competition
Cavalcante, T., Weber, M.M. and Barnett, A. 2022. Combining geospatial abundance and ecological niche models to identify high-priority areas for conservation: The neglected role of broadscale interspecific competition. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution . 10, pp. 1-20.
Pulp Fiction: why some populations of ripe-fruit specialists Ateles chamek and A. marginatus prefer insect-infested foods
dos Santos-Barnett, T., Cavalcante, T., Boyle, S., Matte, A., Bezerra, B., de Oliveira, T. and Barnett, A. 2022. Pulp Fiction: why some populations of ripe-fruit specialists Ateles chamek and A. marginatus prefer insect-infested foods. International Journal of Primatology. 43 (3), pp. 384-408.
Biotic indicators for ecological state change in Amazonian floodplains
Correa, S.B., van der Sleen, P., Siddiqui, S.F., Bogotá-Gregory, J.D., Arantes, C.C., Barnett, A., Couto, T.B.A., Goulding, M. and Anderson, E.P. 2022. Biotic indicators for ecological state change in Amazonian floodplains. BioScience. 72 (8), pp. 753-768.
Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar
Eppley, T.M., Hoeks, S., Chapman, C.A., Ganzhorn, J.U., Hall, K., Owen, M.A., Adams, D.B., Allgas, N., Amato, K.R., Andriamahaihavana, M., Aristizabal, J.F., Baden, A.L., Balestri, M., Barnett, A., Bicca-Marques, J.C., Bowler, M., Boyle, S.A., Brown, M., Caillaud, D., Calegaro-Marques, C., Campbell, C.J., Campera, M., Campos, F. A., Cardoso, T.S., Carretero-Pinzón, X., Champion, J., Chaves, Ó.M., Chen-Kraus, C., Colquhoun, I.C., Dean, B., Dubrueil, C., Ellis, K.M., Erhart, E.M., Evans, K.J.E., Fedigan, L.M., Felton, A.M., Ferreira, R.G., Fichtel, C., Fonseca, M.L., Fontes, I.P., Fortes, V.B., Fumian, I., Gibson, D., Guzzo, G.B., Hartwell, K.S., Heymann, E.W., Hilário, R.R., Holmes, S.M., Irwin, M.T., Johnson, S.E., Kappeler, P.M., Kelley, E.A., King, T., Knogge, C., Koch, F., Kowalewski, M.M., Lange, L.R., Lauterbur, M.E., Louis, E.E., Lutz, M.C, Martínez, J., Melin, A.D., de Melo, F.R., Mihaminekena, T.H., Mogilewsky, M.S., Moreira, L.S., Moura, L.A., Muhle, C.B., Nagy-Reis, M.B., Norconk, M.A., Notman, H., O’Mara, M. T., Ostner, J., Patel, E.R., Pavelka, M.S.M., Pinacho-Guendulain, B., Porter, L.M., Pozo-Montuy, G., Raboy, B.E., Rahalinarivo, V., Raharinoro, N.A., Rakotomalala, Z., Ramos-Fernández, G., Rasamisoa, D.C., Ratsimbazafy, J., Ravaloharimanitra, M., Razafindramanana, J., Razanaparany, T.P., Righini, N., Robson, N.M., Gonçalves, J.R., Sanamo, J., Santacruz, N., Sato, H., Sauther, M.L., Scarry, C.J., Serio-Silva, J.C., Shanee, S., Lins, P., Smith, A.C., Smith Aguilar, S.E., Souza-Alves, J.P., Stavis, V.K., Steffens, K.J.E., Stone, A.I., Strier, K.B., Suarez, S.A., Talebi, M., Tecot, S.R., Tujague, M.P., Valenta, K., Van Belle, S., Vasey, N., Wallace, R.B., Welch, G., Wright, P. C., Donati, G. and Santini, L. 2022. Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119 (42), pp. 1-10.
Why is greater income inequality associated with lower life satisfaction and poorer health? Evidence from the European Quality of Life Survey, 2012
Nettle, D. and Dickins, T. 2022. Why is greater income inequality associated with lower life satisfaction and poorer health? Evidence from the European Quality of Life Survey, 2012. The Social Science Journal.
Adult Kittiwake expelling chick from nesting ledge
Mead, A., Neller, K., Horrod-Wilson, W. and Dickins, T. 2021. Adult Kittiwake expelling chick from nesting ledge. British Birds. 114 (12), pp. 766-766.Article
Humans discriminate individual large-billed crows and individual cats by their respective vocalizations
Schalz, S., Meekings, S. and Dickins, T. 2021. Humans discriminate individual large-billed crows and individual cats by their respective vocalizations. International Journal of Comparative Psychology. 34, pp. 1-12.Article
Data and context
Dickins, T. 2021. Data and context. Biosemiotics. 14 (3), pp. 633-642.
Hygiene norms across 56 nations are predicted by self-control values and disease threat
Eriksson, K., Dickins, T. and Strimling, P. 2021. Hygiene norms across 56 nations are predicted by self-control values and disease threat. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology. 2, pp. 1-10.
The modern synthesis: Evolution and the organization of information
Dickins, T. 2021. The modern synthesis: Evolution and the organization of information. Springer.Authored Book
Inequality and existential threat: a reply to ‘Fairness, generosity and conditionality in the welfare system: the case of UK disability benefits’ by Elliot Johnson and Daniel Nettle
Dickins, T. 2021. Inequality and existential threat: a reply to ‘Fairness, generosity and conditionality in the welfare system: the case of UK disability benefits’ by Elliot Johnson and Daniel Nettle. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs. 13 (2), pp. 221-224.
A not-so proximate account of cleansing behavior
Sigger, J. and Dickins, T. 2021. A not-so proximate account of cleansing behavior. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: An International Journal of Current Research and Theory with Open Peer Commentary. 44.
Ecological psychology, radical enactivism and behavior: an evolutionary perspective
Dickins, T. 2021. Ecological psychology, radical enactivism and behavior: an evolutionary perspective. Behavior and Philosophy. 49, pp. 1-23.Article
Stashing behaviour in a Herring Gull
Dickins, T. and Thompson, M. 2020. Stashing behaviour in a Herring Gull. British Birds. 113 (4), pp. 235-235.Article
Humans discriminate individual zebra finches by their song
Schalz, S. and Dickins, T. 2021. Humans discriminate individual zebra finches by their song. Biolinguistics. 14 (SI), pp. 130-144.Article
Conflation and refutation: Book review of T. Uller and K. N. Laland. eds. 2019. Evolutionary causation: biological and philosophical Reflections. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 352: pp. ISBN: 978‐0‐262‐03992‐5. $60.00/£50.00
Dickins, T. 2020. Conflation and refutation: Book review of T. Uller and K. N. Laland. eds. 2019. Evolutionary causation: biological and philosophical Reflections. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 352: pp. ISBN: 978‐0‐262‐03992‐5. $60.00/£50.00. Evolution. 74 (2), pp. 508-514.
Food shopping under risk and uncertainty
Dickins, T. and Schalz, S. 2020. Food shopping under risk and uncertainty. Learning and Motivation. 72, pp. 1-9.
Ancestral primacy of same-sex sexual behaviour does not explain its stable prevalence in modern populations
Dickins, T. and Rahman, Q. 2020. Ancestral primacy of same-sex sexual behaviour does not explain its stable prevalence in modern populations. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 4 (6), pp. 782-783.
Avian communities of Lundy 2008-2016
Dickins, T. and Twigger, L. 2020. Avian communities of Lundy 2008-2016. Journal of the Lundy Field Society. 7, pp. 163-180.Article
Russell, Y. 2019. Reputation. in: Vonk, J. and Shackelforth, T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior Springer. pp. 1-8Book chapter
Russell, Y. 2018. Assemblage. in: Vonk, J. and Shackelforth, T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior Springer, Cham. pp. 1-4Book chapter
Russell, Y. 2018. Allogrooming. in: Vonk, J. and Shackelforth, T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior Springer, Cham. pp. 1-4Book chapter
Precise time-matching in chimpanzee allogrooming does not occur after a short delay
Phelps, S., Ng, W., Musolesi, M. and Russell, Y. 2018. Precise time-matching in chimpanzee allogrooming does not occur after a short delay. PLoS ONE. 13 (9), pp. 1-26.
Clutch size in Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) on Lundy
Dickins, T., Neller, K. and Spencer, R. 2018. Clutch size in Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) on Lundy. Journal of the Lundy Field Society. 6, pp. 35-54.Article
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