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Web 2.0 and user-generated content: legal challenges in the new frontier.
George, C. and Skerri, J. 2007. Web 2.0 and user-generated content: legal challenges in the new frontier. Journal of Information, Law and Technology.Article
Uncovering trends in human trafficking and migrant smuggling activities: a natural language processing approach to UNODC SHERLOC database
Papadouka, M. 2023. Uncovering trends in human trafficking and migrant smuggling activities: a natural language processing approach to UNODC SHERLOC database. Antigone. 3 (5), pp. 8-34.Article
The psychiatric decision unit as an emerging model in mental health crisis care: A national survey in England
Goldsmith, L., Anderson, K., Clarke, G., Crowe, C., Jarman, H., Johnson, S., Lloyd-Evans, B., Lomani, J., McDaid, D., Park, A., Smith, J., Turner, K. and Gillard, S. 2021. The psychiatric decision unit as an emerging model in mental health crisis care: A national survey in England. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 30 (4), pp. 955-962.
An investigation into the emergence of the anarcho-punk scene of the 1980s
Dines, M. 2004. An investigation into the emergence of the anarcho-punk scene of the 1980s. PhD thesis University of Salford, Salford, UK School of Media, Music & PerformancePhD thesis
The call of the open seas
Grahl, J. 2017. The call of the open seas. The Chartist.Article
Crossing the line: establishing counselling training in hard to reach and marginalised communities
Sandelson, J. 2017. Crossing the line: establishing counselling training in hard to reach and marginalised communities.Other
Associative search through formal concept analysis in criminal intelligence analysis
Qazi, N., Wong, B., Kodagoda, N. and Rick, A. 2016. Associative search through formal concept analysis in criminal intelligence analysis. IEEE SMC 2016: International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Budapest, Hungry 09 - 12 Oct 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 1917-1922 paper
The plights of migrant domestic workers in the UK: a legal perspective
Salih, I. 2016. The plights of migrant domestic workers in the UK: a legal perspective. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of LawPhD thesis
Revolution in a comic strip: Gasparazzo and the identity of southern migrants in Turin, 1969-1975
Pizzolato, N. 2007. Revolution in a comic strip: Gasparazzo and the identity of southern migrants in Turin, 1969-1975. International Review of Social History. 52 (S15), pp. 59-75.
Exploring the lifeworlds of community activists: an investigation of incompleteness and contradiction
Erskine, C. 2014. Exploring the lifeworlds of community activists: an investigation of incompleteness and contradiction. DProf thesis Middlesex University Institute for Work Based LearningDProf thesis
Partnerships and communities in English drug policy: the challenge of deprivation
MacGregor, S. and Thickett, A. 2011. Partnerships and communities in English drug policy: the challenge of deprivation. International Journal of Drug Policy. 22 (6), pp. 478-490.
Social innovation in poor places: organizational and institutional work in developing and sustaining an entrepreneurial third sector organization
Stott, N. 2012. Social innovation in poor places: organizational and institutional work in developing and sustaining an entrepreneurial third sector organization. DProf thesis Middlesex University Institute for Work Based LearningDProf thesis
Interviewing women bereaved by homicide: reports of secondary victimization by the criminal justice system
Gekoski, A., Adler, J. and Gray, J. 2013. Interviewing women bereaved by homicide: reports of secondary victimization by the criminal justice system. International Review of Victimology. 19 (3), pp. 307-329.
Handbook on the study of multiple perpetrator rape: a multidisciplinary response to an international problem.
Horvath, M. and Woodhams, J. (ed.) 2013. Handbook on the study of multiple perpetrator rape: a multidisciplinary response to an international problem. Oxon, UK Routledge.Book
Critical learning in the transition from professional specialist to senior executive
Durrant, R. 2013. Critical learning in the transition from professional specialist to senior executive. DProf thesis Middlesex University Institute of Work Based LearningDProf thesis
Conclusions: sovereignty, globalization and the future of international relations
Hough, P. 2010. Conclusions: sovereignty, globalization and the future of international relations. in: Haynes, J., Hough, P., Malik, S. and Pettiford, L. (ed.) World politics : international relations and globalization in the 21st Century Pearson. pp. 682-699Book chapter
Drugs as a password and the law as a drug: discussing the legalisation of illicit substances
Ruggiero, V. 1995. Drugs as a password and the law as a drug: discussing the legalisation of illicit substances. in: South, N. (ed.) Drugs, cultures, controls & everyday life SAGE Publications.Book chapter
Time-lapse, time map: the photographic body of San Francisco in David Fincher’s Zodiac
Sutton, D. 2011. Time-lapse, time map: the photographic body of San Francisco in David Fincher’s Zodiac. L’Atalante: Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos.Article
Indigenous peoples and globalization: from development aggression to self-determined development
Doyle, C., Gilbert, J., The European Centre for Minority Issues and The European Academy Bozen/Bolzano 2011. Indigenous peoples and globalization: from development aggression to self-determined development. in: European yearbook of minority issues Martinus Nijhoff.Book chapter
A contextual analysis of flood hazard management in peninsular Malaysia.
Chan, N. 1995. A contextual analysis of flood hazard management in peninsular Malaysia. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of geography and environmental managementPhD thesis