Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Marketing & Recruitment

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Development for change.
Bravenboer, D., Cairns, B., Judson, T. and MOVE: Life Long Learning Network for the East of England 2009. Development for change. University of Hertfordshire.

Project report

Progression in practice.
Bravenboer, D. and MOVE: Life Long Learning Network for the East of England 2008. Progression in practice. University of Hertfordshire.

Project report

Composition of intact hormone and free subunits in the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material found in serum and urine of patients with carcinoma of the bladder.
Iles, R., Lee, C., Oliver, R. and Chard, T. 1990. Composition of intact hormone and free subunits in the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material found in serum and urine of patients with carcinoma of the bladder. Clinical Endocrinology. 33 (3), pp. 355-364.


Rapid diagnosis of testicular choriocarcinoma by urinary pregnancy tests.
Caulfield, M., Dilkes, M., Iles, R., Handel, B. and Oliver, R. 1990. Rapid diagnosis of testicular choriocarcinoma by urinary pregnancy tests. Lancet. 335 (8699), p. 1230.


Biological significance of beta hCG, HLA and other membrane antigen expression on bladder tumours and their relationship to tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL)
Oliver, R., Nouri, A., Crosby, D., Iles, R., Naverette, C., Martin, J., Bodmer, W. and Festenstein, H. 1989. Biological significance of beta hCG, HLA and other membrane antigen expression on bladder tumours and their relationship to tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). International journal of immunogenetics. 16 (4-5), pp. 381-390.


Expression of beta human chorionic gonadotrophin by non-trophoblastic non-endocrine 'normal' and malignant epithelial cells.
Iles, R., Purkis, P., Whitehead, P., Oliver, R. and Chard, T. 1990. Expression of beta human chorionic gonadotrophin by non-trophoblastic non-endocrine 'normal' and malignant epithelial cells. British journal of cancer. 61 (5), pp. 663-666.


Enhancement of ectopic beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin expression by interferon-alpha.
Iles, R. and Chard, T. 1989. Enhancement of ectopic beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin expression by interferon-alpha. Journal of Endocrinology. 123 (3), pp. 501-507.


Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin in serum and urine. A marker for metastatic urothelial cancer.
Iles, R., Jenkins, B., Oliver, R., Blandy, J. and Chard, T. 1989. Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin in serum and urine. A marker for metastatic urothelial cancer. British Journal of Urology. 64 (3), pp. 241-244.


Immunochemical analysis of the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material secreted by 'normal' and neoplastic urothelial cells.
Iles, R. and Chard, T. 1989. Immunochemical analysis of the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material secreted by 'normal' and neoplastic urothelial cells. Journal of molecular endocrinology. 2 (2), pp. 107-112.


Amplification or rearrangement of the beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG)--human LH gene cluster is not responsible for the ectopic production of beta-hCG by bladder tumour cells.
Iles, R., Czepulkowski, B., Young, B. and Chard, T. 1989. Amplification or rearrangement of the beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG)--human LH gene cluster is not responsible for the ectopic production of beta-hCG by bladder tumour cells. Journal of molecular endocrinology. 2 (2), pp. 113-117.


In vitro secretion of human chorionic gonadotrophin by bladder tumour cells.
Iles, R., Oliver, R., Kitau, M., Walker, C. and Chard, T. 1987. In vitro secretion of human chorionic gonadotrophin by bladder tumour cells. British journal of cancer. 55 (6), pp. 623-626.


The measurement of urinary beta core fragment in conjunction with serum CA125 does not aid the differentiation of malignant from benign pelvic masses.
Carter, P., Iles, R., Neven, P., Davies, A., Shepherd, J. and Chard, T. 1993. The measurement of urinary beta core fragment in conjunction with serum CA125 does not aid the differentiation of malignant from benign pelvic masses. Gynecologic Oncology. 51 (3), pp. 368-371.


Bony metastases from breast cancer: a study of foetal antigen 2 as a blood tumour marker.
Cheung, K., Iles, R. and Robertson, J. 2010. Bony metastases from breast cancer: a study of foetal antigen 2 as a blood tumour marker. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 8 (38).


Purine metabolite levels in pre-ovulatory human follicles may hold the key to ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome.
Iles, R. and Docherty, S. 2010. Purine metabolite levels in pre-ovulatory human follicles may hold the key to ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome. Metabolism.


Measurement of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as a screening test for Down’s Syndrome
Chard, T. and Iles, R. 1994. Measurement of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as a screening test for Down’s Syndrome. in: Grudzinskas, J., Chard, T., Chapman, M. and Cuckle, H. (ed.) Screening for Down’s Syndrome Cambridge University Press (CUP). pp. 73-84

Book chapter

Media effects and the subjectification of film regulation.
Cronin, T. 2009. Media effects and the subjectification of film regulation. The Velvet Light Trap. 63, pp. 3-21.


The limits of cinema: corporeal spectatorship and the desire for sensation.
Cronin, T. 2003. The limits of cinema: corporeal spectatorship and the desire for sensation. Multimedia Histories: from magic lantern to the Internet.. Exeter University.

Conference paper

Fear of the dark: regulating the cinematic experience
Cronin, T. 2007. Fear of the dark: regulating the cinematic experience. Perspectives on Power: an Interdisciplinary QUB/Quest Postgraduate Conference. Belfast, UK 02 - 03 Mar 2007

Conference paper

Reading Wolf Creek: normative social strategies in the reception of contemporary film.
Cronin, T. 2007. Reading Wolf Creek: normative social strategies in the reception of contemporary film. ‘Sharing Experience’: audiences in media, communication and cultural studies.. Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Conference paper

Horrific subjects: transgression and alienation in Michael Haneke’s 'Funny Games' and Gaspar Noe’s 'Irreversible'
Cronin, T. 2009. Horrific subjects: transgression and alienation in Michael Haneke’s 'Funny Games' and Gaspar Noe’s 'Irreversible'. The New Extremism: Contemporary European Cinema Conference. Cambridge, UK 24 - 25 Apr 2009

Conference paper

Guilty pleasures: media effects and technologies of the self
Cronin, T. 2009. Guilty pleasures: media effects and technologies of the self. The International Association for Media and History (IAMHIST) Conference 2009: Social Fears and Moral Panics. Aberystwyth, UK 08 - 11 Jul 2009

Conference paper

Disciplining the spectator: the subjectification of film regulation.
Cronin, T. 2009. Disciplining the spectator: the subjectification of film regulation. Screen Studies Conference 2009: Screen Theorizing Today.. University of Glasgow, Scotland.

Conference paper

Fear of the dark: regulating the film experience.
Cronin, T. 2007. Fear of the dark: regulating the film experience. Quest.


Urinary concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin and its fragments as a prognostic marker in bladder cancer
Iles, R., Persad, R., Trivedi, M., Sharma, K., Dickinson, A., Smith, P. and Chard, T. 1996. Urinary concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin and its fragments as a prognostic marker in bladder cancer. British Journal of Urology. 77 (1), pp. 61-69.


Urinary analysis for Down's syndrome: is the measurement of urinary β-core the future of biochemical screening for Down's syndrome
Iles, R. 1996. Urinary analysis for Down's syndrome: is the measurement of urinary β-core the future of biochemical screening for Down's syndrome. Early Human Development. 47, pp. S41-S45.


Detection of β-core fragment in second trimester Down's syndrome pregnancies
Cole, L., Isozaki, T., Palomaki, G., Canick, J., Iles, R., Kellner, L., Saller, D. and Cuckle, H. 1996. Detection of β-core fragment in second trimester Down's syndrome pregnancies. Early Human Development. 47, pp. S47-S48.


Human urothelial carcinomas - a typical disease of the aged: the clinical utility of human chorionic gonadotrophin in patient management and future therapy
Iles, R. and Butler, S. 1998. Human urothelial carcinomas - a typical disease of the aged: the clinical utility of human chorionic gonadotrophin in patient management and future therapy. Experimental Gerontology. 33 (5), pp. 379-391.


Serum concentrations of cancer antigen 125, placental alkaline phosphatase, cancer-associated serum antigen and free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin as prognostic markers for epithelial ovarian cancer
Ind, T., Iles, R., Shepherd, J. and Chard, T. 1997. Serum concentrations of cancer antigen 125, placental alkaline phosphatase, cancer-associated serum antigen and free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin as prognostic markers for epithelial ovarian cancer. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 104 (9), pp. 1024-1029.


Comparison of 12 assays for detecting hCG and related molecules in urine samples from Down syndrome pregnancies.
Cole, L., Kellner, L., Isozaki, T., Palomaki, G., Iles, R., Walker, R., Ozaki, M. and Canick, J. 1997. Comparison of 12 assays for detecting hCG and related molecules in urine samples from Down syndrome pregnancies. Prenatal diagnosis. 17 (7), pp. 607-614.<607::AID-PD118>3.0.CO;2-7


Measures of urine concentration in maternal urine screening for Down syndrome.
Iles, R., Black, A., Gunn, L., Sehmi, I., Cuckle, H. and Chard, T. 1998. Measures of urine concentration in maternal urine screening for Down syndrome. Prenatal diagnosis. 18 (10), pp. 1006-1009.<1006::AID-PD386>3.0.CO;2-O


Dimerization of urinary beta-core/hCFbetacf: a cause of poor beta-core assay performance in Down syndrome screening studies.
Iles, R., Butler, S. and Jacoby, E. 1999. Dimerization of urinary beta-core/hCFbetacf: a cause of poor beta-core assay performance in Down syndrome screening studies. Prenatal diagnosis. 19 (8), pp. 790-792.<790::AID-PD627>3.0.CO;2-Z


Urinary beta-core hCG: Screening for aneuploidies in early pregnancy (11-14 weeks’ gestation).
MacIntosh, M., Nicolaides, K., Noble, P., Chard, T., Gunn, L. and Iles, R. 1997. Urinary beta-core hCG: Screening for aneuploidies in early pregnancy (11-14 weeks’ gestation). Prenatal diagnosis. 17 (5), pp. 401-405.<401::AID-PD40>3.0.CO;2-M


Substantial urinary concentrations of material resembling beta-core fragment of chorionic gonadotropin beta-subunit in mid-menstrual cycle
Neven, P., Iles, R., Howes, I., Sharma, K., Shepherd, J., Edwards, R., Collins, W. and Chard, T. 1993. Substantial urinary concentrations of material resembling beta-core fragment of chorionic gonadotropin beta-subunit in mid-menstrual cycle. Clinical Chemistry. 39 (9), pp. 1857-1860.


Production of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and PLAP-like material by epithelial germ cell and non-germ cell tumours in vitro
Iles, R., Ind, T. and Chard, T. 1994. Production of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and PLAP-like material by epithelial germ cell and non-germ cell tumours in vitro. British journal of cancer. 69 (2), pp. 274-278.


Diurnal variation of urinary "hCG beta subunit core fragment" production evaluated in patients with gynecological neoplasms
Neven, P., Iles, R., Carter, P., Shepherd, J. and Chard, T. 1994. Diurnal variation of urinary "hCG beta subunit core fragment" production evaluated in patients with gynecological neoplasms. Clinical Chemistry. 40 (3), pp. 484-485.


Characterisation of the differential expression of marker antigens by normal and malignant endometrial epithelium
Chatzaki, E., Gallagher, C., Iles, R., Ind, T., Nouri, A., Bax, C. and Grudzinskas, J. 1994. Characterisation of the differential expression of marker antigens by normal and malignant endometrial epithelium. British journal of cancer. 69 (6), pp. 1010-1014.


Serum placental-type alkaline phosphatase activity in women with squamous and glandular malignancies of the reproductive tract
Ind, T., Iles, R., Carter, P., Lowe, D., Shepherd, J., Hudson, C. and Chard, T. 1994. Serum placental-type alkaline phosphatase activity in women with squamous and glandular malignancies of the reproductive tract. Journal of Clinical Pathology. 47 (11), pp. 1035-1037.


Measurement of urinary beta core fragment of human chorionic gonadotrophin in women with vulvovaginal malignancy and its prognostic significance
Carter, P., Iles, R., Neven, P., Ind, T., Shepherd, J. and Chard, T. 1995. Measurement of urinary beta core fragment of human chorionic gonadotrophin in women with vulvovaginal malignancy and its prognostic significance. British journal of cancer. 71 (2), pp. 350-353.


The effects of beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin on the in vitro growth of bladder cancer cell lines
Gillott, D., Iles, R. and Chard, T. 1996. The effects of beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin on the in vitro growth of bladder cancer cell lines. British journal of cancer. 73 (3), pp. 323-326.


The temporary anatomical structures prominent in the first trimester may be fulfilling exchange functions assigned to the placenta in the second and third trimester
Docherty, S., Iles, R., Wathen, N. and Chard, T. 1996. The temporary anatomical structures prominent in the first trimester may be fulfilling exchange functions assigned to the placenta in the second and third trimester. Human Reproduction. 11 (6), pp. 1157-1161.


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