
FacultyOther Research

Latest research outputs

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Student communications: a review of current practices and scoping a new vision
Shaw, J. and Gilani, D. 2025. Student communications: a review of current practices and scoping a new vision. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603108.2024.2449395


The agentic belonging workshop: a quasi-experimental evaluation of a social belonging intervention in two English universities
Gilani, D., McArthur, D. and Thomas, L. 2024. The agentic belonging workshop: a quasi-experimental evaluation of a social belonging intervention in two English universities. Student Success. https://doi.org/10.5204/ssj.3667


The promise and limitations of student belonging as a predictor of retention
Gilani, D., McArthur, D. and Thomas, L. 2024. The promise and limitations of student belonging as a predictor of retention. Trends in Higher Education. 3 (4), pp. 993-1016. https://doi.org/10.3390/higheredu3040058


Autoethnography, storytelling and Lego® Serious Play®: embracing the subjectivity of practice to engage students within academic librarianship
Wheeler, A. 2024. Autoethnography, storytelling and Lego® Serious Play®: embracing the subjectivity of practice to engage students within academic librarianship. Legal Information Management. 24 (2), pp. 92-97. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1472669624000239


How to better understand students’ sense of belonging
Gilani, D. and Connor, S. 2024. How to better understand students’ sense of belonging. Wonkhe.


Belonging Research Project: an analysis of innovative methodologies
Connor, S., Gilani, D., Cojocaru, C., Heron, E., Parkin, H., Thomas, L, May, M. and O'Connor, R. 2024. Belonging Research Project: an analysis of innovative methodologies. National Teaching Repository. https://doi.org/10.25416/NTR.27248700.v2

Project report

Oracy for global learning
Loukopoulou, K. 2024. Oracy for global learning. Middlesex University Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: Transnational Education. Dubai, UAE 11 - 11 Sep 2024

Conference item

The hidden labour of digital capitalism: changes, continuities, critical issues
Pizzolato, N. 2024. The hidden labour of digital capitalism: changes, continuities, critical issues. International Review of Social History. 69 (2), pp. 299-306. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859024000336


EDI and postgraduate research: report on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion review of postgraduate research at Middlesex University
Pizzolato, N., Saini, R., Stumbitz, B. and Sotiropoulou, P. 2024. EDI and postgraduate research: report on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion review of postgraduate research at Middlesex University. Middlesex University. https://doi.org/10.60528/1qw7q5

Project report

Revised approach for the calculation of groundwater flooding annual average damages: establishing a probability-based relationship for groundwater flooding
Viavattene, C., Hardman, D., Penning-Rowsell, E., Morris, J., Chatterton, J., Parker, D. and Priest, S. 2024. Revised approach for the calculation of groundwater flooding annual average damages: establishing a probability-based relationship for groundwater flooding. Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University.

Project report

Can you credit it? Towards a process for ascribing credit to apprenticeships in England
Bravenboer, D., Crawford-Lee, M. and Dunn, C. 2024. Can you credit it? Towards a process for ascribing credit to apprenticeships in England. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning. https://doi.org/10.1108/HESWBL-09-2023-0255


Book Review: The Impact of a sense of belonging in college: Implications for student persistence, retention and success by Bentrim, E. M., and Henning, G. W.
Gilani, D. 2024. Book Review: The Impact of a sense of belonging in college: Implications for student persistence, retention and success by Bentrim, E. M., and Henning, G. W. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/15210251241268868


Challenging simplistic and deficit perceptions of belonging amongst historically underrepresented students
Gilani, D. 2024. Challenging simplistic and deficit perceptions of belonging amongst historically underrepresented students. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. 5 (3), pp. 17-24.


Student attitudes and preferences towards communications from their university – a meta-analysis of student communications research within UK higher education institutions
Gilani, D. 2024. Student attitudes and preferences towards communications from their university – a meta-analysis of student communications research within UK higher education institutions. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 46 (3), pp. 274-290. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360080X.2024.2344234


Introduction: Gender and work in twentieth-century Italy: new approaches
Bracke, M.A., Favretto, I. and Pizzolato, N. 2024. Introduction: Gender and work in twentieth-century Italy: new approaches. Modern Italy. https://doi.org/10.1017/mit.2024.7


Constructing debt: discursive and material strategies of labour coercion in the U.S. South, 1903-1964
Pizzolato, N. 2024. Constructing debt: discursive and material strategies of labour coercion in the U.S. South, 1903-1964. in: Batista, A., Müller, V. and Peres, C. (ed.) Coercion and Wage Labor: Exploring Work Relations through History and Art UCL Press. pp. 275-300

Book chapter

Reconceptualising the factory as plant-ation: Black radicalism and the politics of history in a Detroit automobile plant
Pizzolato, N. 2024. Reconceptualising the factory as plant-ation: Black radicalism and the politics of history in a Detroit automobile plant. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory. https://doi.org/10.1163/1569206x-bja10062


"That's bang out of order, mate!": Gendered and racialized micro‐practices of disadvantage and privilege in UK business schools
Śliwa, M., Gordon, L., Mason, K. and Beech, N. 2024. "That's bang out of order, mate!": Gendered and racialized micro‐practices of disadvantage and privilege in UK business schools. Gender, Work and Organization. 31 (5), pp. 1852-1872. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12920


L&T Chat Show S3E4: Alan Wheeler on evaluating learning gain through Lego Serious Play
Wheeler, A. 2023. L&T Chat Show S3E4: Alan Wheeler on evaluating learning gain through Lego Serious Play. Spotify

Digital or visual media

Mapping UX: the Cultural Web and cultural change
Clover, D. 2023. Mapping UX: the Cultural Web and cultural change. in: Priestner, A. (ed.) User Experience in Libraries: Yearbook 2023 Lincolnshire User Experience in Libraries. pp. 207-212

Book chapter

AI enhanced collaborative human-machine interactions for home-based telerehabilitation
Le, H., Loomes, M.J. and Loureiro, R.C.V. 2023. AI enhanced collaborative human-machine interactions for home-based telerehabilitation. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering. 10. https://doi.org/10.1177/20556683231156788


Projecting creative processes: art films and art education in post-war Britain
Loukopoulou, K. 2023. Projecting creative processes: art films and art education in post-war Britain. TMG Journal for Media History. 26 (1), pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.18146/tmg.837


Building belonging a year on – how has higher education changed?
Gilani, D. 2023. Building belonging a year on – how has higher education changed? Wonkhe.


Authentic by design: developing students for the talent economy
Barter, P., Megeney, A., Graham, J., Parmar, D. and Mourouti, O. 2023. Authentic by design: developing students for the talent economy. AdvanceHE Assessment and Feedback Symposium 2023. Reading, UK 07 - 07 Nov 2023

Conference item

Women’s tacit, uncoded knowledge ownership and value in conflict zones
Raina, N. 2023. Women’s tacit, uncoded knowledge ownership and value in conflict zones. in: Deepwell, K. (ed.) De-/anti-/post-colonial feminisms in contemporary art and textile crafts London, UK KT Press.

Book chapter

Cataloguing the ‘oriental’ in MoDA’s Silver Studio Collection
Kerr, K. 2023. Cataloguing the ‘oriental’ in MoDA’s Silver Studio Collection. Middlesex University. https://doi.org/10.22023/mdx.24081330

Project report

LILAC 2023: An audio-visual report
Wheeler, A. and Dolman, L. 2023. LILAC 2023: An audio-visual report. Journal of Information Literacy. 17 (1), pp. 265-278. https://doi.org/10.11645/17.1.42


Lego® Serious Play® and higher education: encouraging creative learning in the academic library
Wheeler, A. 2023. Lego® Serious Play® and higher education: encouraging creative learning in the academic library. Insights. 36 (1), p. 8. https://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.611


“Handwork rendered expeditious”: the Rottmann-Silver stencil venture of the 1890s
Hendon, Z. 2023. “Handwork rendered expeditious”: the Rottmann-Silver stencil venture of the 1890s. Christopher Dresser Society Journal. 2.


Evaluating the effectiveness of flood and coastal erosion risk governance in England and Wales
Alexander, M., Priest, S., Penning-Rowsell, E. and Cobbing, P. 2021. Evaluating the effectiveness of flood and coastal erosion risk governance in England and Wales. Bristol, UK Environment Agency.

Project report

Professionalising sales and forging futures: integrated degree apprenticeship case study
Nottingham, P., Sutton, L., Bravenboer, D., Stevenson, F., Williams, D. and Philip, E. 2019. Professionalising sales and forging futures: integrated degree apprenticeship case study. in: The impact of the SEEC Credit Level Descriptors: case studies UK SEEC. pp. 18-21

Book chapter

Learning from each other: why and how business schools need to create a ‘Paradox Box’ for academic-policy impact
Beech, N., Mason, K., MacIntosh, R. and Beech, D. 2022. Learning from each other: why and how business schools need to create a ‘Paradox Box’ for academic-policy impact. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 21 (3), pp. 487-502. https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2021.0303


Using Lego® Serious Play® in higher education with law students: encouraging playfulness and creativity within library workshops
Wheeler, A. 2020. Using Lego® Serious Play® in higher education with law students: encouraging playfulness and creativity within library workshops. Legal Information Management. 20 (4), pp. 222-226. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1472669620000523


L&T Chat Show episode 8 - Alan Wheeler and Lego
Saunder, R. and Wheeler, A. 2022. L&T Chat Show episode 8 - Alan Wheeler and Lego. Spotify

Digital or visual media

The official discourse of academic credit in England
Bravenboer, D. 2022. The official discourse of academic credit in England. in: Turnbull, W. and Woolf, H. (ed.) Widening Access to Higher Education in the UK: Developments and Approaches Using Credit Accumulation and Transfer Maidenhead, Berkshire Open University Press. pp. 63-79

Book chapter

Guest Editorial [Special issue: Transforming the Perception of Apprenticeships in England: Careers in the Public Sector] , Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 10 No. 5, pp. 693-700.
Bravenboer, D. and Crawford-Lee, M. 2020. Guest Editorial [Special issue: Transforming the Perception of Apprenticeships in England: Careers in the Public Sector] , Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 10 No. 5, pp. 693-700. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Edited Journal

Third space reloaded: reflections from the academic development front
Loukopoulou, K. 2022. Third space reloaded: reflections from the academic development front. Third Space Perspectives Blog.


Arena’s memorial portrait of Henry Moore
Loukopoulou, K. 2022. Arena’s memorial portrait of Henry Moore. Learning on Screen.


What do you mean by belonging?
Bewick, B., Thomas, L. and Gilani, D. 2022. What do you mean by belonging? University of Leeds.


Peer-to-peer phone calls as a method of providing proactive and personalised support to enhance student engagement
Gilani, D., Parke, R. and Wilson, N. 2022. Peer-to-peer phone calls as a method of providing proactive and personalised support to enhance student engagement. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. 4 (2), pp. 82-104.
