Dr Nico Pizzolato
Name | Dr Nico Pizzolato |
Job title | Director of Postgraduate Research Studies |
Research institute | |
Primary appointment | Research Knowledge Transfer Office |
Email address | N.Pizzolato@mdx.ac.uk |
ORCID | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3618-5188 |
Contact category | Academic staff |
Biography My research interests are located at the intersection between history, social theory and labour and management studies. Most of my work touches on the following themes: labour migration and social movements, unfree and coerced labour in advanced capitalism, social policy in the age of Fordism, workplace democracy, critical pedagogy. I am the author of Challenging Global Capitalism: Labor Migration, Radical Struggle, and Urban Change in Detroit and Turin (Palgrave, 2013). I am the co-editor of the book Gramsci: A Pedagogy to Change the World (Springer, 2017). My work as appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals such as American Historical Review, Labor History, International Review of Social History, International Working Class History, Capital&Class and Contemporary European History. My research has also been disseminated in critical online magazines such as Viewpoint and Commonware. I also have a strong interest in writing for professional and academic pratice. I run writing workshops as part of my teaching portfolio. I have gained my PhD at University College London, and lectured at Queen Mary, University of London, Università di Palermo, and the University of Edinburgh. I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and of the Royal Historical Society. I am a seminar convenor at the Institute of Historical Research, University of London..
Teaching Most of my teaching is devoted to develop research students. I am the Director of Postgraduate Research Studies and in that role I lead on the governance, quality assurance and development of postgraduate research in the University and across research partner institutions. I convene postgraduate researcher development session on different methodologies, writing and different aspects of being a doctoral researcher. I am a supervisor in the DProf (Transdisciplinary). This is a doctoral programme aimed at senior professionals who carry out academic research in their organisation or as part of their professional practice. I currently supervise 16 students and I have seen a few through completion. I am an enthusiast of digital learning , in particular as applied to adult education in university and in the workplace, and in general the possibilities of learning in a digital, interconnected world. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Education and qualifications
Prizes and Awards
External activities
Research outputs
Reconceptualising the factory as plant-ation: Black radicalism and the politics of history in a Detroit automobile plant
Pizzolato, N. 2024. Reconceptualising the factory as plant-ation: Black radicalism and the politics of history in a Detroit automobile plant. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory. https://doi.org/10.1163/1569206x-bja10062The hidden labour of digital capitalism: changes, continuities, critical issues
Pizzolato, N. 2024. The hidden labour of digital capitalism: changes, continuities, critical issues. International Review of Social History. 69 (2), pp. 299-306. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859024000336EDI and postgraduate research: report on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion review of postgraduate research at Middlesex University
Pizzolato, N., Saini, R., Stumbitz, B. and Sotiropoulou, P. 2024. EDI and postgraduate research: report on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion review of postgraduate research at Middlesex University. Middlesex University. https://doi.org/10.60528/1qw7q5Introduction: Gender and work in twentieth-century Italy: new approaches
Bracke, M.A., Favretto, I. and Pizzolato, N. 2024. Introduction: Gender and work in twentieth-century Italy: new approaches. Modern Italy. https://doi.org/10.1017/mit.2024.7Constructing debt: discursive and material strategies of labour coercion in the U.S. South, 1903-1964
Pizzolato, N. 2024. Constructing debt: discursive and material strategies of labour coercion in the U.S. South, 1903-1964. in: Batista, A., Müller, V. and Peres, C. (ed.) Coercion and Wage Labor: Exploring Work Relations through History and Art UCL Press. pp. 275-300Il lavoro attraverso lo sguardo femminile: la fotografia delle donne in Italia tra ricerca artistica e critica sociale
Di Trapani, M., Favretto, I., Pizzolato, N. and Betti, E. 2022. Il lavoro attraverso lo sguardo femminile: la fotografia delle donne in Italia tra ricerca artistica e critica sociale. Sociologia del lavoro. https://doi.org/10.3280/SL2022-163014Through the female gaze: women and work in Italy since the 1950s
Di Trapani, M., Favretto, I. and Pizzolato, N. 2021. Through the female gaze: women and work in Italy since the 1950s.Amanda Ciafone. Counter-Cola: A Multinational History of the Global Corporation. [Book review]
Pizzolato, N. 2020. Amanda Ciafone. Counter-Cola: A Multinational History of the Global Corporation. [Book review]. American Historical Review. 125 (2), pp. 626-627. https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhz1197"Once we owned slaves". Labour and coercion in 20th century American plantations
Pizzolato, N. 2020. "Once we owned slaves". Labour and coercion in 20th century American plantations. Contemporanea: Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900. XXIII (1), pp. 25-51. https://doi.org/10.1409/96379Back to the factory: the continuing salience of industrial workplace history
Akgöz, G., Croucher, R. and Pizzolato, N. 2020. Back to the factory: the continuing salience of industrial workplace history. Labor History. 61 (1), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2019.1681632Scioperi al ritmo dei tamburi: Black Power nel “1968” americano
Pizzolato, N. 2018. Scioperi al ritmo dei tamburi: Black Power nel “1968” americano. Scienza e Politica. 30 (59), pp. 61-78. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1825-9618/8902Tactics of refusal: idioms of protest and political subjectivities in Italy's "1968 years"
Pizzolato, N. 2018. Tactics of refusal: idioms of protest and political subjectivities in Italy's "1968 years". American Historical Review. 123 (3), pp. 758-763. https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/123.3.758Harvests of shame: enduring unfree labour in twentieth century United States, 1933-1964
Pizzolato, N. 2018. Harvests of shame: enduring unfree labour in twentieth century United States, 1933-1964. Labor History. 59 (4), pp. 472-490. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2018.1467259The Influence of professional doctorates on practice and the workplace
Boud, D., Fillery-Travis, A., Pizzolato, N. and Sutton, B. 2018. The Influence of professional doctorates on practice and the workplace. Studies in Higher Education. 43 (5), pp. 914-926. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2018.1438121Transdisciplinary qualities in practice doctorates
Costley, C. and Pizzolato, N. 2018. Transdisciplinary qualities in practice doctorates. Studies in Continuing Education. 40 (1), pp. 30-45. https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2017.1394287A new revolutionary practice: operaisti and the 'refusal of work' in 1970's Italy
Pizzolato, N. 2017. A new revolutionary practice: operaisti and the 'refusal of work' in 1970's Italy. Estudos Historicos (Rio de Janeiro). 30 (61), pp. 449-464. https://doi.org/10.1590/s2178-14942017000200008Antonio Gramsci: a pedagogy to change the world
Pizzolato, N. and Holst, J. 2017. Antonio Gramsci: a pedagogy to change the world. London Springer, Cham.Gramsci, politics and pedagogy: an interpretative framework
Pizzolato, N. and Holst, J. 2017. Gramsci, politics and pedagogy: an interpretative framework. in: Pizzolato, N. and Holst, J. (ed.) Antonio Gramsci: A Pedagogy To Change the World Springer. pp. 1-32The IWW in Turin: ‘Militant history’, workers’ struggle and the crisis of Fordism in 1970s Italy
Pizzolato, N. 2017. The IWW in Turin: ‘Militant history’, workers’ struggle and the crisis of Fordism in 1970s Italy. International Labor and Working Class History. 91, pp. 109-126. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0147547916000314The antinomies of Fordism
Pizzolato, N. 2017. The antinomies of Fordism. Storica. 23 (69), pp. 159-173. https://doi.org/10.23744/1794‘As much in bondage as they were before’: unfree labour during the New Deal (1935-1952)
Pizzolato, N. 2016. ‘As much in bondage as they were before’: unfree labour during the New Deal (1935-1952). in: van der Linden, M. and Rodríguez García, M. (ed.) On Coerced Labour Leiden De Gruyter Brill.Il compito rivoluzionario dell’auto-organizzazione: una nota su Grace Lee Boggs
Pizzolato, N. 2016. Il compito rivoluzionario dell’auto-organizzazione: una nota su Grace Lee Boggs. Commonware.The revolutionary task of self-activity: a note on Grace Lee Boggs
Pizzolato, N. 2016. The revolutionary task of self-activity: a note on Grace Lee Boggs. Viewpoint.The IWW in Turin: militant history and the crisis of high capitalism in 1970s Italy
Pizzolato, N. 2015. The IWW in Turin: militant history and the crisis of high capitalism in 1970s Italy. Global Labour and the Crises of High Capitalism: Rethinking the 1970s. Re:Work Institute, Humboldt Universitat, Berlin 28 - 29 Jun 2015American peonage: connections, categories, scales, 1935-1952
Pizzolato, N. 2015. American peonage: connections, categories, scales, 1935-1952. Translocal and Microhistories of Labour. Centre for Global History and Culture -- University of Warwick 23 - 24 Jan 2015From local to global: American peonage during the New Deal, 1935-1952
Pizzolato, N. 2014. From local to global: American peonage during the New Deal, 1935-1952. III Seminário Internacional Mundos do Trabalho. Salvador de Bahia, Brazil 26 - 29 Nov 2014I Terroni in Città: revisiting southern migrants militancy in Turin's hot autumn
Pizzolato, N. 2012. I Terroni in Città: revisiting southern migrants militancy in Turin's hot autumn. Contemporary European History. 21 (4), pp. 619-634. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960777312000409Challenging global capitalism: labor migration, radical struggle, and urban change in Detroit and Turin
Pizzolato, N. 2013. Challenging global capitalism: labor migration, radical struggle, and urban change in Detroit and Turin. New York Palgrave Macmillan.The American worker and the Forze Nuove: Turin and Detroit at the twilight of Fordism
Pizzolato, N. 2013. The American worker and the Forze Nuove: Turin and Detroit at the twilight of Fordism. Viewpoint Magazine.Transnational radicals: labour dissent and political activism in Detroit and Turin (1950-1970)
Pizzolato, N. 2011. Transnational radicals: labour dissent and political activism in Detroit and Turin (1950-1970). International Review of Social History. 56 (1), pp. 1-30. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859010000696Strikes in the United States since World War II
Pizzolato, N. 2009. Strikes in the United States since World War II. in: Brenner, A., Day, B. and Ness, I. (ed.) The encyclopedia of strikes in American history New York, NY, USA Routledge. pp. 226-238Italian national identity and nationalism (1870-1980)
Pizzolato, N. 2008. Italian national identity and nationalism (1870-1980). in: Herb, G. and Kaplan, D. (ed.) Nations and nationalism: a global historical overview ABC-Clio.An ordinary transgression. Adultery and concubinage: from the neighbourhood to the Court (Diocese of Monreale, 1590-1680)
Pizzolato, N. 2007. An ordinary transgression. Adultery and concubinage: from the neighbourhood to the Court (Diocese of Monreale, 1590-1680). Quaderni Storici. https://doi.org/10.1408/24449Revolution in a comic strip: Gasparazzo and the identity of southern migrants in Turin, 1969-1975
Pizzolato, N. 2007. Revolution in a comic strip: Gasparazzo and the identity of southern migrants in Turin, 1969-1975. International Review of Social History. 52 (S15), pp. 59-75. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859007003124Fatiche globali. Un’agenda per la storia del lavoro
Pizzolato, N. 2006. Fatiche globali. Un’agenda per la storia del lavoro. Zapruder."Lo diavolo mi ingannao". La sodomia nelle campagne siciliane (1572-1664)
Pizzolato, N. 2006. "Lo diavolo mi ingannao". La sodomia nelle campagne siciliane (1572-1664). Quaderni Storici. 2, pp. 449-480. https://doi.org/10.1408/22531Gli operai, gli immigrati, la rivoluzione. Detroit e Torino: un'ipotesi comparative (1967-73)
Pizzolato, N. 2006. Gli operai, gli immigrati, la rivoluzione. Detroit e Torino: un'ipotesi comparative (1967-73). Meridiana.“Una situazione sado-masochistica ad incastro”. Il dibattito scientifico sull’immigrazione meridionale (1950-1970)
Pizzolato, N. 2005. “Una situazione sado-masochistica ad incastro”. Il dibattito scientifico sull’immigrazione meridionale (1950-1970). Quaderni Storici. https://doi.org/10.1408/19594The American labor movement (1948-1981)
Pizzolato, N. 2004. The American labor movement (1948-1981). in: Ness, I. (ed.) Encyclopedia of American social movements New York Routledge.Gli immigrati del fordismo. Torino e Detroit: due distretti operai a confronto
Pizzolato, N. 2004. Gli immigrati del fordismo. Torino e Detroit: due distretti operai a confronto. Zapruder.Workers and revolutionaries at the twilight of Fordism: the breakdown of industrial relations in the automobile plants of Detroit and Turin, 1967-1973
Pizzolato, N. 2004. Workers and revolutionaries at the twilight of Fordism: the breakdown of industrial relations in the automobile plants of Detroit and Turin, 1967-1973. Labor History. 45 (4), pp. 419-443. https://doi.org/10.1080/00236560420002922342867
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