Employment Relations group

TitleEmployment Relations group

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National institutions and employers' age management practices in Britain and Germany: path dependence and option exploration
Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R., Flynn, M. and Schroeder, H. 2011. National institutions and employers' age management practices in Britain and Germany: path dependence and option exploration. Human Relations. 64 (4), pp. 507-530. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726710396246


Post-Soviet management and critical agency theory.
Morrison, C. 2008. Post-Soviet management and critical agency theory. 26th International Labour Process Conference.. UCD Quinn School of Business, Dublin

Conference paper

Labour and technological discipline: chaos and order in a Russian textile company.
Morrison, C. 2003. Labour and technological discipline: chaos and order in a Russian textile company. in: Dannhaeuser, N. and Werner, C. (ed.) Anthropological perspectives on economic development and integration. Amsterdam Elsevier.

Book chapter

Managing the labour collective: wage systems in the Russian industrial enterprise
Morrison, C. and Schwartz, G. 2003. Managing the labour collective: wage systems in the Russian industrial enterprise. Europe-Asia Studies. 55 (4), pp. 553-574. https://doi.org/10.1080/0966813032000083993


Ownership and management in holding companies and the future of the Russian textile industry.
Morrison, C. 2007. Ownership and management in holding companies and the future of the Russian textile industry. Post-Communist Economies. 19 (2), pp. 167-186. https://doi.org/10.1080/14631370701312147


Moldovan employment relations: path dependency?
Morrison, C. and Croucher, R. 2010. Moldovan employment relations: path dependency? Employee Relations. 32 (3), pp. 227-247. https://doi.org/10.1108/01425451011038771


Flexibility and work-life balance.
Lewis, S. and Roper, I. 2008. Flexibility and work-life balance. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach. London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 181-199

Book chapter

Context, strategy and financial participation: a comparative analysis
Croucher, R., Brookes, M., Wood, G. and Brewster, C. 2010. Context, strategy and financial participation: a comparative analysis. Human Relations. 63 (6), pp. 835-855. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726709343654


The ideal of non-coherence in the World Bank’s social capital reforms: a textual analysis of 'gratuitous complexity'.
Weltman, D. and Upchurch, M. 2010. The ideal of non-coherence in the World Bank’s social capital reforms: a textual analysis of 'gratuitous complexity'. Journal of Language & Politics. 9 (1), pp. 50-73. https://doi.org/10.1075/jlp.9.1.03wel


A Russian factory enters the market economy.
Morrison, C. 2008. A Russian factory enters the market economy. London Routledge.


Contract & agency labour: beyond self-regulation?
Cotton, E. 2010. Contract & agency labour: beyond self-regulation? Middlesex University.

Working paper

'Social partnerships', the market and trade-union involvement in training: Britain and Germany compared
Upchurch, M. 1997. 'Social partnerships', the market and trade-union involvement in training: Britain and Germany compared. Journal of European Social Policy. 7 (3), pp. 191-2008.


The influences on direct communication in British and Danish Firms: country, 'strategic HRM' or unionisation?
Croucher, R., Parry, E. and Gooderham, P. 2006. The influences on direct communication in British and Danish Firms: country, 'strategic HRM' or unionisation? European Journal of Industrial Relations. 12 (3), pp. 267-286. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959680106068913


A German employee network and union renewal: the Siemenskonflikt
Croucher, R., Martens, H. and Singe, I. 2007. A German employee network and union renewal: the Siemenskonflikt. Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations. 62 (1), pp. 143-169. https://doi.org/10.7202/015801ar


Trade unions and the crisis of democracy
Roper, I. 2004. Trade unions and the crisis of democracy. in: Harcourt, M. and Wood, G. (ed.) Trade Unions and Democracy: Strategies and Perspectives Manchester. Manchester University Press.

Book chapter

Towards the revitalisation of the public?
Wood, G. and Roper, I. 2004. Towards the revitalisation of the public? in: Dibben, P., Wood, G. and Roper, I. (ed.) Contesting public sector reforms: critical perspectives, international debates. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Public sector management and the neo-liberal hegemony: a critical and international perspective
Dibben, P., Roper, I. and Wood, G. 2004. Public sector management and the neo-liberal hegemony: a critical and international perspective. in: Dibben, P., Wood, G. and Roper, I. (ed.) Contesting public sector reforms: critical perspectives, international debates. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Managing quality in public services: some distinct implications for the re-organisation of work
Roper, I. 2004. Managing quality in public services: some distinct implications for the re-organisation of work. in: Dibben, P., Wood, G. and Roper, I. (ed.) Contesting public sector reforms: critical perspectives, international debates. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

The limits of numerical flexibility: continuity and change
Harcourt, M., Roper, I. and Wood, G. 2006. The limits of numerical flexibility: continuity and change. in: Wood, G. and James, P. (ed.) Institutions, Production, and Working Life Oxford, UK Oxford University Press (OUP).

Book chapter

Trade, aid and conflict resolution: the changing relations between Britain and East Africa.
Roper, I., Wood, G. and Africa Institute of South Africa. 2007. Trade, aid and conflict resolution: the changing relations between Britain and East Africa. in: Adar, G. and Schraeder, P. (ed.) Globalization and emerging trends in African foreign policy: a comparative perspective of Eastern Africa. Lanham, MD University Press of America..

Book chapter

Conclusion: the logic of work and employment reforms in the public services: a comparative reflection
Wood, G. and Roper, I. 2007. Conclusion: the logic of work and employment reforms in the public services: a comparative reflection. in: Dibben, P., James, P., Roper, I. and Wood, G. (ed.) Modernising work in public services: redefining roles and relationships in Britain's changing workplace. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 180-189

Book chapter

Partnership: transforming the employment relationship in public service delivery
Roper, I. and Grimshaw, D. 2007. Partnership: transforming the employment relationship in public service delivery. in: Dibben, P., James, P., Roper, I. and Wood, G. (ed.) Modernising work in public services: redefining roles and relationships in Britain's changing workplace. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 165-179

Book chapter

Contesting public sector reforms: critical perspectives, international debates
Dibben, P., Wood, G. and Roper, I. 2004. Contesting public sector reforms: critical perspectives, international debates. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.


Modernising work in public services: redefining roles and relationships in Britain's changing workplace
Dibben, P., Wood, G., Roper, I. and James, P. 2007. Modernising work in public services: redefining roles and relationships in Britain's changing workplace. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.


Quality management and trade unions in local government: demonstrating social partnership
Roper, I. 2000. Quality management and trade unions in local government: demonstrating social partnership. Employee Relations. 22 (5), pp. 442-466. https://doi.org/10.1108/01425450010377579


No room for manoeuvre: does 'best value' provide a better deal for workers in UK local government?
Higgins, P. and Roper, I. 2002. No room for manoeuvre: does 'best value' provide a better deal for workers in UK local government? Society in Transition. 30 (2).


The business of politics in Mozambique: the 1999 elections and beyond.
Roper, I. and Wood, G. 2003. The business of politics in Mozambique: the 1999 elections and beyond. Archiv orientalni. 71 (1).


Involving the socially excluded in transport decision making
Dibben, P., James, P. and Roper, I. 2004. Involving the socially excluded in transport decision making. Local governance. 30 (1), pp. 32-41.


Compulsory or not compulsory: the use of competition in British local government.
Higgins, P., James, P. and Roper, I. 2004. Compulsory or not compulsory: the use of competition in British local government. Asia pacific journal of public administration. 26 (2), pp. 95-114.


The importance of legislated employment protection for worker commitment in coordinated market economics
Roper, I., Harcourt, M. and Wood, G. 2007. The importance of legislated employment protection for worker commitment in coordinated market economics. Journal of Economic Issues.


The legal structuring of women's collective voice in the South Korean workplace
Croucher, R. and Miles, L. 2009. The legal structuring of women's collective voice in the South Korean workplace. Journal of contemporary Asia. 39 (2), pp. 231-246. https://doi.org/10.1080/00472330902723816


Labour law
Lewis, D. and Sargeant, M. 2008. Labour law. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 69-89

Book chapter

Partnership with and without trade unions in the UK financial services: filling or fuelling the representation gap?
Upchurch, M., Tailby, S., Richardson, M., Danford, A. and Stewart, P. 2007. Partnership with and without trade unions in the UK financial services: filling or fuelling the representation gap? Industrial Relations Journal. 38 (3), pp. 210-228.


Workplace partnership and work-life balance: a local government case study
Upchurch, M., Tailby, S., Richardson, M., Danford, A. and Stewart, P. 2005. Workplace partnership and work-life balance: a local government case study. in: Houston, D. (ed.) Work-life balance in the 21st century. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

The IFIs and labour reform in post communist economies.
Upchurch, M. 2009. The IFIs and labour reform in post communist economies. Globalizations. 6 (2), pp. 297-316.


Public sector employment
Upchurch, M. 2002. Public sector employment. in: Hollinshead, G., Nicholls, P. and Tailby, S. (ed.) Employee relations Harlow FT/Prentice Hall.

Book chapter

The crisis of social democratic unionism: the opening up of civil society and the prospects for union renewal in the UK, France and Germany
Upchurch, M., Taylor, G. and Mathers, A. 2008. The crisis of social democratic unionism: the opening up of civil society and the prospects for union renewal in the UK, France and Germany. Labor studies journal.


The realities of partnership at work
Upchurch, M., Danford, A., Tailby, S. and Richardson, M. 2008. The realities of partnership at work. Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.


Profiles of union workplace representatives : evidence from three unions in SW England
Upchurch, M., Danford, A. and Richardson, M. 2002. Profiles of union workplace representatives : evidence from three unions in SW England. Industrial relations. 33 (2).


Transferring management knowledge from the west to the Balkans: dilemmas, diversity, and the need for congruence.
Upchurch, M. and Cicimil, S. 2006. Transferring management knowledge from the west to the Balkans: dilemmas, diversity, and the need for congruence. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 5 (1), pp. 165-180.


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