Dr Geetha Abeysinghe

NameDr Geetha Abeysinghe
Job titlePL Computing Science_1
Research institute
Primary appointmentS&T School Leadership
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)

Research outputs

Towards relating delivery methods and examination success: lessons learned from the VALO LLP project case study

Rahanu, H., Georgiadou, E., Siakas, K., Ekert, D., Messanarz, R. and Abeysinghe, G. 2015. Towards relating delivery methods and examination success: lessons learned from the VALO LLP project case study. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 27 (8), pp. 555-564. https://doi.org/10.1002/smr.1726

Evaluating social media frameworks for small and large organisation

Alsobhi, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2014. Evaluating social media frameworks for small and large organisation. The 7th Saudi Students Conference (SSC2014). Edinburgh, UK 01 - 02 Feb 2014

Curriculum design within a semantic information system

Zheng, Y., Dafoulas, G., Abeysinghe, G. and Cardoso Maia, C. 2014. Curriculum design within a semantic information system. Key Engineering Materials. 572, pp. 562-565. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.572.562

An evaluation of accessibility of e-Learning for dyslexic students

Alsobhi, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2013. An evaluation of accessibility of e-Learning for dyslexic students. International Conference on Current Trends in Information Technology (CTIT 2013)). Dubai, UAE 11 - 12 Dec 2013 IEEE. pp. 1-4 https://doi.org/1010.1109/CTIT.2013.6749468

Social media readiness in small businesses

Abeysinghe, G. and Alsobhi, A. 2013. Social media readiness in small businesses. International Conference Information Systems. Lisbon, Portugal 13 - 15 Mar 2013 pp. 267-272

Using learning management systems as support mechanisms for formative feedback – the case of lifelong learning

Dafoulas, G., Barn, B., Abeysinghe, G., Zheng, Y., Swigger, K., Brazile, R., Alpaslan, F., Serce, F. and Lopez, V. 2010. Using learning management systems as support mechanisms for formative feedback – the case of lifelong learning. in: EDULEARN10 Proceedings. IATED. pp. 2614-2622

Middlesex University skills and education planning tool

Dafoulas, G., Barn, B., Abeysinghe, G. and Zheng, Y. 2011. Middlesex University skills and education planning tool. JISC eLearning Experts Meeting.

Programme design, accreditation and APEL/APCL support tools

Dafoulas, G., Barn, B., Abeysinghe, G. and Zheng, Y. 2011. Programme design, accreditation and APEL/APCL support tools. UK Academy for Information Systems 16th Annual International Conference.

Semantics for the asynchronous communication in LIPS, a language for implementing parallel/distributed systems

Rajan, A., Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2010. Semantics for the asynchronous communication in LIPS, a language for implementing parallel/distributed systems. in: Sobh, T. and Elleithy, K. (ed.) Innovations in computing science and software engineering Netherlands Springer. pp. 23-28

Lifelong learning and workforce development design – towards a new generation of educational planning tools

Dafoulas, G., Barn, B., Abeysinghe, G. and Zheng, Y. 2010. Lifelong learning and workforce development design – towards a new generation of educational planning tools. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2010).

An equivalence theorem for the specification of asynchronous communication systems (SACS) and asynchronous message passing systems (AMPS)

Rajan, A., Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2010. An equivalence theorem for the specification of asynchronous communication systems (SACS) and asynchronous message passing systems (AMPS). in: Elleithy, K. (ed.) Advanced techniques in computing sciences and software engineering London, UK Springer. pp. 491-496

Adoption of web based collaboration tools in the enterprise: challenges and opportunities.

Onyechi, G. and Abeysinghe, G. 2009. Adoption of web based collaboration tools in the enterprise: challenges and opportunities. CTIT 2009. Dubai 15 - 16 Dec 2009 pp. 1-6

Formalisms for the verification of parallel/distributed systems.

Rajan, A., Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2009. Formalisms for the verification of parallel/distributed systems. CTIT 2009. Dubai 08 - 09 Dec 2009 pp. 1-7

Formalism for high level specification of parallel/distributed languages.

Rajan, A., Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2009. Formalism for high level specification of parallel/distributed languages. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 19-25 https://doi.org/10.1109/CTIT.2009.5423121

Participatory pattern in asynchronous discussion forum: a cross-cultural perspective.

Khan, N. and Abeysinghe, G. 2009. Participatory pattern in asynchronous discussion forum: a cross-cultural perspective. 10th Annual Conference of the Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences. Canterbury, UK 25 - 27 Aug 2009 pp. 102-106

Towards a truly global society.

Abeysinghe, G. 2008. Towards a truly global society. 1st International Conference on Semantic E-business and Enterprise Computing (SEEC 2008). Cochin, India 17 - 20 Sep 2008

Semantics for the specification of asynchronous communicating systems (SACS)

Rajan, A., Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2008. Semantics for the specification of asynchronous communicating systems (SACS). in: Sobh, T. (ed.) Advances in computer and information sciences and engineering. New York Springer. pp. 33-38

Asynchronous message passing architecture for a distributed programming language.

Bavan, A., Rajan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2007. Asynchronous message passing architecture for a distributed programming language. The IADIS International conference on Applied Computing 2007. Salamanca, Spain 17 - 20 Feb 2007

Semantics for an asynchronous message passing system.

Rajan, A., Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2007. Semantics for an asynchronous message passing system. in: Elleithy, K. (ed.) Advances and innovations in systems, computing sciences and software engineering. Springer. pp. 83-88

Specification of asynchronous communicating systems (SACS).

Bavan, A., Illingworth, E., Rajan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2007. Specification of asynchronous communicating systems (SACS). IADIS.

Semantics for an asynchronous message passing system.

Rajan, A., Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2006. Semantics for an asynchronous message passing system. International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, CISSE 2006. Online 04 - 14 Dec 2006

Semantics for a distributed programming language using SACS and weakest pre-conditions.

Rajan, A., Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2006. Semantics for a distributed programming language using SACS and weakest pre-conditions. in: ADCOM 2006 autonomic computing: proceedings. IEEE. pp. 434-439

On the specification and implementation of distributed systems using NMDS and LIPS

Bavan, A. and Abeysinghe, G. 2005. On the specification and implementation of distributed systems using NMDS and LIPS. Information and software technology. 47 (11), pp. 721-734. https://doi.org/10.1108/01425450010377579

Generating discourse structures for written texts

Le, H., Abeysinghe, G. and Huyck, C. 2004. Generating discourse structures for written texts. International Conference on Computational Linguistics, (COLING 2004). University of Geneva, Switzerland 23 - 27 Aug 2004 pp. 329-355

Automated discourse segmentation by syntactic information and cue phrases.

Le, H., Abeysinghe, G. and Huyck, C. 2004. Automated discourse segmentation by syntactic information and cue phrases. IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2004). Innsbruck, Austria 16 - 18 Feb 2004 pp. 293-298

Requirement specification for distributed applications using diagrammatic notations.

Abeysinghe, G., Bavan, A. and Rajan, A. 2004. Requirement specification for distributed applications using diagrammatic notations. in: Dasgupta, A., Iyengar, S. and Bhatt, H. (ed.) Twelfth international conference on advances in computing & communications, ADCOM-2004: 15-18 December, 2004. New Delhi Allied Publishers. pp. 527-535

A study to improve the efficiency of a discourse parsing system

Le, H., Abeysinghe, G. and Huyck, C. 2003. A study to improve the efficiency of a discourse parsing system. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, (CICLing’03). Mexico City 16 - 22 Feb 2003 pp. 101-114

Using cohesive devices to recognize rhetorical relations in text.

Le, H., Abeysinghe, G. and Huyck, C. 2003. Using cohesive devices to recognize rhetorical relations in text. 4th Computational Linguistics UK Research Colloquium (CLUK-4). Edinburgh University Jan 2003 pp. 123-128

Specification and modelling of distributed systems.

Bavan, A., Abeysinghe, G. and Maye, R. 2003. Specification and modelling of distributed systems. in: D'Auriol, B. (ed.) Proceedings of the international conference on communications in computing: CIC '2003. CSREA Press.
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