Dr Simon McCarthy

Dr Simon McCarthy
NameDr Simon McCarthy
Job titleSenior Research Fellow
Research institute
Primary appointmentNatural Sciences
Email addresss.mccarthy@mdx.ac.uk
Contact categoryAcademic staff



Simon has over thirty years of quantitative and qualitative social research experience in both commercial and academic environments. Simon's interest is in behaviour and risk decision making evolving from a previous career in commercial communications market research for international blue chip fmcg brands.


MSc Module Leader: Factors affecting risk and strategic risk intervention (PRS4434), Sustainable Decision Making (PRS4560), Principles of health stressors (BIO1655) and Research Methods and Project Dissertation  (PRS4499 / PRS 4489).

Contributions to Social research methods for modules:

       Research Methods (PRS4799)

       Research methods and project (PRS3999)

       Research methods and project planning (BIO2005)

       Approaches to experimental research (BIO2003)

       Research methods and professional practice (BMS2007)

Supervision requests at the Doctorate level on relevant research topics are welcomed.

2023 - current: Supervisor PhD candidate Sam Serpooshan (Flood Risk Management)

2022 - current: Supervisor PhD candidate Arzoo Hassan (Flood Risk Management)

2022 -current: Supervisor DProf candidate Obinna Benjamin (Sustainable Waste Management: Construction & demolition)

DProf 2024: Supervisor (Awarded) Saeed Oluwadipe (Sustainable Waste Management: Household)

PhD 2020: Supervisor PhD (Awarded) Marlies Barendrecht. Socio-hydrological modelling of the human flood system. Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resource Management, Vienna.

PhD 2018: Director of Studies. PhD (Awarded): Ali Alahmari 'The role of knowledge and institutional challenges to the adoption of sustainable drainage in Saudi Arabia: Implications for sustainable environmental development'.

PhD 2016 Supervisor PhD (Awarded): Simrat Riyait 'I'm big your small I'm right your wrong. The influence of gender and generation on migrant response to flood risk in England'

Education and qualifications


Prizes and Awards

Research outputs

Supporting flood and coastal erosion risk management through partnerships: key lessons

Priest, S., Alexander, M., McCarthy, S., Penning-Rowsell, E., Cumiskey, L. and Cobbing, P. 2021. Supporting flood and coastal erosion risk management through partnerships: key lessons. Bristol, UK Environment Agency.

A critical review of household recycling barriers in the United Kingdom

Oluwadipe, S., Garelick, H., McCarthy, S. and Purchase, D. 2022. A critical review of household recycling barriers in the United Kingdom. Waste Management & Research : The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy. 40 (7), pp. 905-918. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734242X211060619

Flood and coastal erosion risk management research and development framework: working with communities

Twigger-Ross, C., Sadauskis, R., Orr, P., Jones, R., McCarthy, S., Parker, D., Priest, S. and Simms, J. 2021. Flood and coastal erosion risk management research and development framework: working with communities. Bristol, UK Environment Agency.

Flood and coastal erosion risk management research and development framework: working with communities: literature review

Twigger-Ross, C., Sadauskis, R., Orr, P., Jones, R., McCarthy, S., Parker, D., Priest, S. and Simms, J. 2021. Flood and coastal erosion risk management research and development framework: working with communities: literature review. Bristol, UK Environment Agency.

A comparative analysis of the relationship between flood experience and private flood mitigation behaviour in the regions of England

Barendrecht, M., McCarthy, S. and Viglione, A. 2021. A comparative analysis of the relationship between flood experience and private flood mitigation behaviour in the regions of England. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 14 (2), pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12700

Communicating impacts in flood warnings and forecasting

Blazey, N. and McCarthy, S. 2020. Communicating impacts in flood warnings and forecasting. Bristol, UK Environment Agency.

Communicating impacts in flood warning and forecasting [project summary SC150013/S]

Blazey, N. and McCarthy, S. 2020. Communicating impacts in flood warning and forecasting [project summary SC150013/S]. Bristol, UK Environment Agency.

Conclusion: Nature-Based Solutions in Flood Risk Management

Hartmann, T., Slavíková, L. and McCarthy, S. 2019. Conclusion: Nature-Based Solutions in Flood Risk Management. in: Hartmann, T., Slavíková, L. and McCarthy, S. (ed.) Nature-Based Flood Risk Management on Private Land Springer, Cham. pp. 221-228

Nature-based solutions in flood risk management

Hartmann, T., Slavíková, L. and McCarthy, S. 2019. Nature-based solutions in flood risk management. in: Hartmann, T., Slavíková, L. and McCarthy, S. (ed.) Nature-Based Flood Risk Management on Private Land Springer, Cham. pp. 3-8

Nature-based flood risk management on private land: disciplinary perspectives on a multidisciplinary challenge

Hartmann, T., Slavíková, L. and McCarthy, S. (ed.) 2019. Nature-based flood risk management on private land: disciplinary perspectives on a multidisciplinary challenge. Switzerland Springer, Cham.

Compensatory approaches and engagement techniques to gain flood storage in England and Wales

McCarthy, S., Viavattene, C., Sheehan, J. and Green, C. 2018. Compensatory approaches and engagement techniques to gain flood storage in England and Wales. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 11 (1), pp. 85-94. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12336

Citizens observatories for effective Earth observations: the WeSenseIt approach

Mazumdar, S., Lanfranchi, V., Ireson, N., Wrigley, S., Bagnasco, C., Wehn, U., McDonagh, R., Ferri, M., McCarthy, S., Huwald, H. and Ciravegna, F. 2016. Citizens observatories for effective Earth observations: the WeSenseIt approach. Environmental Scientist. 25 (2), pp. 56-61.

Citizen observatories as facilitators of change in water governance? Experiences from three European cases

Wehn, U., McCarthy, S., Lanfranchi, V. and Tapsell, S. 2015. Citizen observatories as facilitators of change in water governance? Experiences from three European cases. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 14 (9), pp. 2073-2086.

Cooperative agreements between water supply companies and farmers in Dorset

Viavattene, C., McCarthy, S., Green, C. and Pardoe, J. 2015. Cooperative agreements between water supply companies and farmers in Dorset. in: Lago, M., Mysiak, J., Gomez, C., Delacamara, G. and Maziotis, A. (ed.) Use of Economic Instruments in Water PolicyInsights from International Experience Switzerland Springer International Publishing.

Communication and engagement techniques in local flood risk management. Companion guide

Daly, D., Jodieri, R., McCarthy, S., Pygott, K., Wright, M. and CIRIA 2015. Communication and engagement techniques in local flood risk management. Companion guide. London Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA).

Communication and engagement in local flood risk management

Daly, D., Jodieri, R., McCarthy, S., Pygott, K., Wright, M. and CIRIA 2015. Communication and engagement in local flood risk management. London Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA).

Encouraging stakeholder participation (D6.22)

McCarthy, S. and Tapsell, S. 2014. Encouraging stakeholder participation (D6.22). in: Encouraging stakeholder participation (D6.22) European Commission FP7 ENV.2012.6.5-1. pp. 1-47

A review of literature on citizen science: contribution to WP6

Tapsell, S. and McCarthy, S. 2014. A review of literature on citizen science: contribution to WP6. in: A Review of Literature on Citizen Science: Contribution to WP6 European Commission FP7 ENV.2012.6.5-1. pp. 1-65

Requirement analysis for citizen observatories (including stakeholder sensor adoption and usage). D6.21

McCarthy, S., Tapsell, S., McDonagh, R., Vita, L., Kim, A. and Uta, W. 2014. Requirement analysis for citizen observatories (including stakeholder sensor adoption and usage). D6.21. in: Requirement analysis for citizen observatories (including stakeholder sensor adoption and usage). D6.21 European Commission FP7 ENV.2012.6.5-1. pp. 1-147

Flood resilience community pathfinder evaluation: rapid evidence assessment

Twigger-Ross, C., Kashefi, E., Weldon, S., Brooks, K., Deeming, H., Forrest, S., Fielding, J., Gomersall, A., Harries, T., McCarthy, S., Orr, P., Parker, D. and Tapsell, S. 2014. Flood resilience community pathfinder evaluation: rapid evidence assessment. London, UK Defra.

Framework for assessing uncertainty in fluvial flood risk mapping

Beven, K., Leedal, D. and McCarthy, S. 2014. Framework for assessing uncertainty in fluvial flood risk mapping. London, UK CIRIA.

Developing a process for stakeholder participation in flood risk mapping

Priest, S., Pardoe, J., McCarthy, S., Meyer, V., Kuhlicke, C. and Luther, J. 2012. Developing a process for stakeholder participation in flood risk mapping. Klijn, F. and Schweckendiek, T. (ed.) London CRC Press. pp. 185-186

Recommendations for the user-specific enhancement of flood maps

Meyer, V., Kuhlicke, C., Luther, J., Fuchs, S., Priest, S., Dorner, W., Serrhini, K., Pardoe, J., McCarthy, S., Seidel, J., Palka, G., Unnerstall, H., Viavattene, C. and Scheuer, S. 2012. Recommendations for the user-specific enhancement of flood maps. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 12, pp. 1701-1716. https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-12-1701-2012

Perspectives on social capacity building for natural hazards: Outlining an emerging field of research and practice in Europe

Kuhlicke, C., Steinführer, A., Begg, C., Bianchizza, C., Bründl, M., Buchecker, M., De Marchi, B., Di Masso Tarditti, M., Höppner, C., Komac, B., Lemkow, L., Luther, J., McCarthy, S., Pellizzoni, L., Renn, O., Scolobig, A., Supramaniam, M., Tapsell, S., Wachinger, G., Walker, G., Whittle, R., Zorn, M. and Faulkner, H. 2011. Perspectives on social capacity building for natural hazards: Outlining an emerging field of research and practice in Europe. Environmental Science & Policy. 14 (7), pp. 804-814. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2011.05.001

Surface water flood warning requirements and potential in England and Wales

Parker, D., Priest, S. and McCarthy, S. 2011. Surface water flood warning requirements and potential in England and Wales. Applied Geography. 31 (3), pp. 891-900. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.01.002

Narrowing the focus: public understanding of flood maps in the River Thames catchment

Priest, S., Pardoe, J., McCarthy, S. and Viavattene, C. 2011. Narrowing the focus: public understanding of flood maps in the River Thames catchment. in: Zenz, G. and Hornich, R. (ed.) Urban Flood Risk Management: Approaches to enhance resilience of communities, Proceedings of the International Symposium, 21st-23rd September 2011 Graz Technischen Universitat Graz. pp. 309-314

Flood risk communication

Faulkner, H., Tunstall, S. and McCarthy, S. 2010. Flood risk communication. in: Pernder, G. and Faulkner, H. (ed.) Flood risk science and management WileyBlackwell.

RPA stakeholder and policy: final report work package 7.3. Risk communication: inter-professional flood risk management.

McCarthy, S., Tunstall, S. and Faulkner, H. 2008. RPA stakeholder and policy: final report work package 7.3. Risk communication: inter-professional flood risk management. Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University.

Social vulnerability to natural hazards

Tapsell, S., McCarthy, S., Faulkner, H., Alexander, M., Steinführer, A., Kuhlicke, C., Brown, S., Walker, G., Pellizzoni, L., Scolobig, A., De Marchi, B., Bianchizza, C., Supramaniam, M. and Kallis, G. 2010. Social vulnerability to natural hazards. European Commission.

Flood risk management and planning policy in a time of policy transition: the case of the Wapshott Road Planning Inquiry, Surrey, England.

Tunstall, S., McCarthy, S. and Faulkner, H. 2009. Flood risk management and planning policy in a time of policy transition: the case of the Wapshott Road Planning Inquiry, Surrey, England. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 2 (3), pp. 159-169. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1753-318X.2009.01030.x

New insights into the benefits of flood warnings: results from a household survey in England and Wales.

Parker, D., McCarthy, S. and Tunstall, S. 2007. New insights into the benefits of flood warnings: results from a household survey in England and Wales. Environmental Hazards. 7 (3), pp. 193-210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envhaz.2007.08.005

Risk communication in emergency response to a simulated extreme flood

McCarthy, S., Tunstall, S., Parker, D., Faulkner, H. and Howe, J. 2007. Risk communication in emergency response to a simulated extreme flood. Environmental Hazards: Human and Policy Dimensions. 7 (3), pp. 179-192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envhaz.2007.06.003

Contextual influences on national level flood risk communication.

McCarthy, S. 2007. Contextual influences on national level flood risk communication. Environmental Hazards. 7 (2), pp. 128-140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envhaz.2007.06.002

Enhancing the human benefits of flood warnings

Parker, D., McCarthy, S. and Tapsell, S. 2007. Enhancing the human benefits of flood warnings. Natural Hazards. 43 (3), pp. 397-414. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-007-9137-y
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