Sassy, or not?

Stem-completion priming in Alzheimer's disease: the importance of target word articulation

Ray's a laugh

Photographic work included in 'New Photography 12', Museum of Modern Art, New York

International legal aspects

Justice, democracy, and impunity in post-genocide Rwanda: searching for solutions to impossible problems

The death penalty as cruel treatment and torture: capital punishment challenged in the world's courts

Reservations to the convention on the rights of the child

Mechanism of action of the intrauterine contraceptive device: evidence for a specific biochemical deficiency in the endometrium

Quantitative determination of escherichia coli in water using CHROMagar® E. coli

Diffusion of mixed micelles of bile salt-lecithin in amylopectin gels: a Fourier transform infrared microscopy approach

'Race' and community care

The effects of beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin on the in vitro growth of bladder cancer cell lines

The temporary anatomical structures prominent in the first trimester may be fulfilling exchange functions assigned to the placenta in the second and third trimester

The quality of life of renal dialysis patients: trying to find the missing measurement

Dysmenorrhoea, mental attitude and GP consultation

Service provision for sickle-cell disease: school-based education

The Common Communication Format (CCF)

Psychological adaptation and symptom distress in bone marrow transplant recipients

Mapping of human non-muscle type cofilin (CFL1) to chromosome 11q13 and muscle-type cofilin (CFL2) to chromosome 14

Adenovirus-mediated gene delivery to the corneal endothelium.

Gene therapy for cancer

Suicide gene expression induced in tumour cells transduced with recombinant adenoviral, retroviral and plasmid vectors containing the ERBB2 promoter

Psychology and non-psychology students' estimation of their desirable and undesirable personality traits

Urinary concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin and its fragments as a prognostic marker in bladder cancer

Urinary analysis for Down's syndrome: is the measurement of urinary β-core the future of biochemical screening for Down's syndrome

Detection of β-core fragment in second trimester Down's syndrome pregnancies

Olfactory remediation: current evidence and possible applications

The effects of audience laughter on men's and women's responses to humor

Irish feminism and the vote: an anthology of the Irish citizen newspaper, 1912-1920

The massacre of innocence: infanticide in the Irish Free State

A comparison of carbonyl compound concentrations at urban roadside and indoor sites

Remote sensing of carbon monoxide vehicle emissions

Water nucleation on aerosol particles containing surface-active agents

Immunochemical mapping of gonadotropin

Times (Modern), Modernity (Conservative): notes on the persistence of a temporal motif.

A critical sense: interviews with intellectuals.

The role of sideslopes gullies in the production and delivery of sediment to contemporary terraces, Rambla del Hornillo, Southern Spain

Raised circulating levels of interleukin-6 in women with an intrauterine contraceptive device.

Circulating levels of IGF-I and IGF-binding protein-1 throughout pregnancy: relation to birthweight and maternal weight.

Risk management and consumer safety.

Taking the other out of mother: the transition to secondtime motherhood

Towards a coherent industrial safety and environmental risk management philosophy in the United Kingdom.

Les contrats à terme sur matières premières: ce que les investisseurs devraient savoir.

An investigation into how health care assistants perceive their role as 'support workers' to the qualified staff.

Water nucleation on aerosol particles containing both soluble and insoluble substances.

Multicomponent nucleation on aerosol particles containing both soluble and insoluble substances.

Psychophysiology of exercise and meditation.

Informe sobre la Tercera Conferencia Internacional "Crimea 96".

Formal basis for the refinement of rule based transition systems.

Assessment, communication and consent.

Male reproductive system cancers.

Interfacial instability and spray heat transfer problems of two phase flow.

The computer as an irrational cabinet

The development of the Royal Small Arms Factory (Enfield Lock) and its influence upon mass production technology and product design c1820-c1880.

Ananse's wealth: response and responsibility in modern African theatre

What is the cognitive system's preferred route for deriving phonology from print?

Word frequency effects in experienced and previously experienced adult readers of Persian.

On the interpretation of allusions and other innuendo meanings in libel actions: the value of semantic and pragmatic evidence.

Designing groupwork activities: a case study

Organized and corporate crime in Europe: offers that can't be refused

The labour market in East Germany revisited

An intelligent pedestrian device: social, psychological and other issues of feasibility

Using figurative language to expand students' vocabulary

Literature and language teaching: exploring literary texts with the language learner

Proton and lithium insertion into heat-treated synthetic manganese dioxides

The Georgian villa

Factors influencing the probability of birth in urban and rural Bangladesh

Vehicle emissions and roadside air quality

IGFBP-1 in the placenta, membranes and fetal circulation: levels at term and preterm delivery

Student peer support and peer tutoring: what we mean by these terms and why schemes are worth running

The resettlement experiences of refugees in the UK: main findings from an interview study

Activating local networks: a comparison of two community development approaches to drug prevention

A steady state tip control strategy for long reach robots

The changing division of policing labour: with particular emphasis on the policing of shopping centres

Patronage priest and parish in the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon 1109-1547

The imperfect woman: femininity and British cinema, 1945-1958

JBR: a reassessment of concept familiarity and a category-specific disorder for living things

Accuracy of using radiographs for custom hip stem design

Social facilitation and individual performance - an investigation of dart players

"Empowerment" and self-help in the care experiences of people with HIV

Revisiting World AIDS Day. How did World AIDS Day come about in the first place and how is it still relevant today?

Series of weekly news and monthly marketing employee programmes

The agendas of "empowerment" in HIV & AIDS care

4 Press 4 London Print Workshop London 1996 selected show of printworks by S.Mumberson, M.Meadows, M.Hilton and T.Lehtonen

[Works in, the first Cut Gallery group exhibition]

The Angels of Georges Braque - Contemporary British Graphic Fine Artists - The Bracknell Gallery 1996, New Academy/ Curwen Galleries, London 1997 and The Royal Museum and Art Gallery, Canterbury 1998

From the great tradition to NVQs

Independent working class education and trade union education and training

On extreme values in stationary sequences

On the distribution of the ratio of sums of random variables

Statistical estimation of the maximal eigenvalue of a matrix

Independent working class education and trade union education and training

From the great tradition to NVQs: universities and trade union education at fin de siecle

Face-to-face language learning at a distance? a study of a video conference try-out

An ethnography of risk management amongst illicit drug injectors and its implications for the development of community-based interventions