Local alchemy in the East Midlands

Book chapter

Vickers, I. 2007. Local alchemy in the East Midlands. in: North, D., Syrett, S. and Etherington, D. (ed.) Political devolution, regional governance and tackling deprivation York, UK Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Chapter titleLocal alchemy in the East Midlands
AuthorsVickers, I.

Local Alchemy is an innovative initiative, developed jointly by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) and the East Midlands Development Agency (emda). It provides a practical framework for analysing and encouraging the recirculation of local spending within local economies, and for promoting enterprise and community-led regeneration that is also socially and environmentally sustainable. It is particularly concerned to reduce dependence on mainstream ‘top-down’ approaches to
regeneration and to challenge institutions and agencies to think differently about communities experiencing economic disadvantage.

Book titlePolitical devolution, regional governance and tackling deprivation
EditorsNorth, D., Syrett, S. and Etherington, D.
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation
Place of publicationYork, UK
Publication dates
Print27 Oct 2007
Publication process dates
Deposited09 Feb 2010
Output statusPublished
Web address (URL)http://www.jrf.org.uk/publications/political-devolution-regional-governance-and-tackling-deprivation
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