Women walking together: an exploration of space, place and female empowerment

Conference item

Farmer, C., Sarah, S. and Navare, J. 2021. Women walking together: an exploration of space, place and female empowerment. Women Walking: Histories, Movement and Mobilities - The Cultural Capital Exchange. Online 22 Mar 2022
TitleWomen walking together: an exploration of space, place and female empowerment
AuthorsFarmer, C., Sarah, S. and Navare, J.

This session explores ways in which the practice of and context for walking can facilitate the sharing of dialogues between women from different generations, backgrounds and professions. We will offer some movement explorations and thinking points to take with you on your next walk, as well as moments to explore movement during the presentation.
The rhythms of our walking and thinking are inextricably linked and impacted by many factors – emotional, societal, cultural, environmental, neurological, visceral, and structural. Walking has the power to dismantle ‘the brittle social structures in which individuals clothe themselves’ and allows us to sense our bodies and the space around us. As three women working across Creative Arts and Business disciplines, we look to unpack ways in which walking, sharing and a shifting of space and place can impact our experiences of knowing and being in the professional world.

Sustainable Development Goals3 Good health and well-being
Middlesex University ThemeHealth & Wellbeing
Research GroupInternational Business group
Dance group
ConferenceWomen Walking: Histories, Movement and Mobilities - The Cultural Capital Exchange
Publication process dates
Accepted20 Nov 2021
Deposited21 Nov 2022
Completed22 Mar 2022
Output statusPublished
Permalink -


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