Employment Relations group

TitleEmployment Relations group

Latest research outputs

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British trade unions and the academics: the case of Unionlearn
McIlroy, J. and Croucher, R. 2013. British trade unions and the academics: the case of Unionlearn. Capital and Class. 37 (2), pp. 263-284. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309816813487134


The turn to transnational labor history and the study of global trade unionism
McIlroy, J. and Croucher, R. 2013. The turn to transnational labor history and the study of global trade unionism. Labor History. 54 (5), pp. 491-511. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2013.849923


Beyond national history
Croucher, R. and McIlroy, J. 2013. Beyond national history. Labor History. 54 (5), pp. 485-491. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2013.849922


Towards radical political unionism?
Upchurch, M., Mathers, A. and Taylor, G. 2014. Towards radical political unionism? in: Connolly, H., Kretsos, L. and Phelan, C. (ed.) Radical unions in Europe and the future of collective interest representation Oxford Peter Lang.

Book chapter

Does political congruence help us understand trade union renewal?
Upchurch, M., Croucher, R. and Flynn, M. 2014. Does political congruence help us understand trade union renewal? in: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. (ed.) Comparative Political Economy of Work Basingstoke Palgrave. pp. 272-289

Book chapter

Workers and revolution in Serbia: from Tito to Milošević and beyond.
Upchurch, M. and Marinković, D. 2013. Workers and revolution in Serbia: from Tito to Milošević and beyond. Manchester Manchester University Press.


Researching comparative institutional contexts
Brookes, M., Wood, G., Brewster, C. and Croucher, R. 2014. Researching comparative institutional contexts. in: Wood, G., Brewster, C. and Brookes, M. (ed.) Human resource management and the institutional perspective Routledge. pp. 15-24

Book chapter

Is there convergence towards individual voice in Europe?
Croucher, R., Brookes, M., Wood, G. and Brewster, C. 2014. Is there convergence towards individual voice in Europe? in: Wood, G., Brewster, C. and Brookes, M. (ed.) Human resource management and the institutional perspective Routledge. pp. 59-77

Book chapter

The internet, social media and the workplace
Upchurch, M. 2014. The internet, social media and the workplace. International Socialism.


Workers' self-management, recovered companies and the sociology of work
Ozarow, D. and Croucher, R. 2014. Workers' self-management, recovered companies and the sociology of work. Sociology. 48 (5), pp. 989-1006. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038514539064


"Legal at the time"?: Companies, governments and reparations for Mauritian slavery
Croucher, R. and Michel, D. 2014. "Legal at the time"?: Companies, governments and reparations for Mauritian slavery. Journal of African Law. 58 (1), pp. 89-108. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0021855313000193


When all they thought was solid melted into air: Resisting pauperization in Argentina during the 2002 crisis
Ozarow, D. 2014. When all they thought was solid melted into air: Resisting pauperization in Argentina during the 2002 crisis. Latin American Research Review. 49 (1), pp. 178-202. https://doi.org/10.1353/lar.2014.0004


Spectrum, trajectory and the role of the state in workers' self-management
Upchurch, M., Daguerre, A. and Ozarow, D. 2014. Spectrum, trajectory and the role of the state in workers' self-management. Labor History. 55 (1), pp. 47-66. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2013.843840


Saucepans, suits and getting to know the neighbours: resisting pauperisation in Argentina - the 2001-02 economic crisis and its legacies
Ozarow, D. 2013. Saucepans, suits and getting to know the neighbours: resisting pauperisation in Argentina - the 2001-02 economic crisis and its legacies. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School: Department of Leadership, Work and Organisations

PhD thesis

Can better working conditions improve the performance of SMEs? An international literature review
Croucher, R., Stumbitz, B., Quinlan, M. and Vickers, I. 2013. Can better working conditions improve the performance of SMEs? An international literature review. Geneva, Switzerland International Labour Organization.


New corporate elites and the erosion of the Keynesian social compact
Daguerre, A. 2014. New corporate elites and the erosion of the Keynesian social compact. Work, Employment and Society. 28 (2), pp. 323-334. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017013496303


US social policy in the 21st Century: the difficulties of comprehensive social reform
Daguerre, A. 2011. US social policy in the 21st Century: the difficulties of comprehensive social reform. Social Policy and Administration. 45 (4), pp. 389-407. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9515.2011.00781.x


Regulating precarious work? The hidden role of the global union federations
Cotton, E. 2013. Regulating precarious work? The hidden role of the global union federations. in: Fashoyin, T., Tiraboschi, M., Sargeant, M. and Ori, M. (ed.) Vulnerable workers and precarious working UK Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 71-91

Book chapter

A GUF’s relationship with a multinational company
Croucher, R. and Cotton, E. 2013. A GUF’s relationship with a multinational company. in: Gooderham, P., Grøgaard, B. and Nordhaug, O. (ed.) International management: theory and practice Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 341-360

Book chapter

Resilience in a recession
Cotton, E. 2012. Resilience in a recession. British Politics and Policy blog.


Trade union responses to ageing workforces in the UK and Germany
Flynn, M., Upchurch, M., Muller-Camen, M. and Schroeder, H. 2013. Trade union responses to ageing workforces in the UK and Germany. Human Relations. 66 (1), pp. 45-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726712464801


Intervention programmes in mathematics and literacy: teaching assistants’ perceptions of their training and support
Houssart, J. and Croucher, R. 2013. Intervention programmes in mathematics and literacy: teaching assistants’ perceptions of their training and support. School Leadership & Management. 33 (5), pp. 427-439. https://doi.org/10.1080/13632434.2013.800475


The impact of the national minimum wage on labour productivity in Britain
Croucher, R. and Rizov, M. 2012. The impact of the national minimum wage on labour productivity in Britain. E Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies. 1 (3-4), pp. 263-289.


Union influence in post-socialist Europe
Croucher, R. and Rizov, M. 2012. Union influence in post-socialist Europe. London Cornell University. https://doi.org/10.1177/001979391206500307

Discussion paper

Between welfare and bargaining: union heterogeneity in Europe’s Far East
Croucher, R. and Morrison, C. 2012. Between welfare and bargaining: union heterogeneity in Europe’s Far East. in: Wood, G. and Demirbag, M. (ed.) Handbook of Institutional Approaches to International Business Edward Elgar. pp. 438-459

Book chapter

Legacies, conflict and path dependence in the former Soviet Union
Morrison, C., Croucher, R. and Cretu, O. 2012. Legacies, conflict and path dependence in the former Soviet Union. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 50 (2), pp. 329-351. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8543.2010.00840.x


Management, worker responses and an enterprise trade union in transition
Croucher, R. and Morrison, C. 2012. Management, worker responses and an enterprise trade union in transition. Industrial relations. 51 (s1), pp. 583-604. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-232X.2012.00691.x


Pitching for each others' team: the North American Free Trade Agreement and labor transnationalism
Ozarow, D. 2013. Pitching for each others' team: the North American Free Trade Agreement and labor transnationalism. Labor History. 54 (5), pp. 512-526. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2013.849924


Political congruence and trade union renewal
Upchurch, M., Croucher, R. and Flynn, M. 2012. Political congruence and trade union renewal. Work, Employment and Society. 26 (5), pp. 857-868. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017012451643


Railing against neoliberalism: radical political unionism in SUD-Rail and RMT
Gordon, A. and Upchurch, M. 2012. Railing against neoliberalism: radical political unionism in SUD-Rail and RMT. European Journal of Industrial Relations. 18 (3), pp. 259-265. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959680112452806


A Rawlsian basis for core labour rights
Croucher, R., Kelly, M. and Miles, L. 2012. A Rawlsian basis for core labour rights. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal. 33 (2), pp. 297-320.


Explaining persistence of dysfunctionality in post-communist transformation
Upchurch, M. 2012. Explaining persistence of dysfunctionality in post-communist transformation. in: Wood, G. and Demirbag, M. (ed.) Handbook of institutional approaches to international business Edward Elgar. pp. 460-482

Book chapter

Persistent economic divergence and institutional dysfunction in post-communist economies: an alternative synthesis
Upchurch, M. 2012. Persistent economic divergence and institutional dysfunction in post-communist economies: an alternative synthesis. Competition and Change. 16 (2), pp. 112-129. https://doi.org/10.1179/1024529412Z.0000000008


Review of: Zombie capitalism : global crisis and the relevance of Marx / Chris Harman, 2009
Upchurch, M. 2012. Review of: Zombie capitalism : global crisis and the relevance of Marx / Chris Harman, 2009. Work, Employment and Society. 26 (1), pp. 182-184. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017011426317


Cotton, E. 2010. CSR and HRM. in: Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U. (ed.) Critical issues in human resource management London, UK CIPD.

Book chapter

Global unions, global business: global union federations and international business. 2nd edition
Croucher, R. and Cotton, E. 2011. Global unions, global business: global union federations and international business. 2nd edition. London, UK Libri Publishing.


Mauritius 1938: the origins of a milestone in colonial trade union legislation
Croucher, R. and McIlroy, J. 2013. Mauritius 1938: the origins of a milestone in colonial trade union legislation. Labor History. 54 (3), pp. 223-239. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2013.804268


Gramsci, counter-hegemony and labour union–civil society organisation coalitions in Malaysia
Miles, L. and Croucher, R. 2013. Gramsci, counter-hegemony and labour union–civil society organisation coalitions in Malaysia. Journal of contemporary Asia. 43 (3), pp. 413-427. https://doi.org/10.1080/00472336.2013.775754


Political congruence: a conceptual framework and historical case study
Croucher, R. and Upchurch, M. 2012. Political congruence: a conceptual framework and historical case study. Labor History. 53 (2), pp. 205-223. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2012.679396


Employees' entrepreneurial contributions to firms in Russia, 1995–2004
Croucher, R. and Rizov, M. 2011. Employees' entrepreneurial contributions to firms in Russia, 1995–2004. Human Resource Management Journal. 21 (4), pp. 415-431. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-8583.2011.00184.x


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