Citizenship for some but not for others: spaces of citizenship in contemporary Europe

Inside Mona Hatoum

New narratives

Uncanny resemblances

The settlement of refugees in Britain

Squanderous and lavish profusion: George IV, his image and patronage of the arts

The biological impacts of urban runoff waters

Measurements and simulation of a pneumatic muscle actuator for a rehabilitation robot

CDS-ISIS information: the first ten years of the microcomputer version

The need for nursing and midwifery programmes of education to address the health care needs of minority ethnic groups

Stability of emulsions stabilised by two physiological surfactants; L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine and sodium taurocholate

The role of glycosylation in regulating glycoprotein hormone free alpha subunit and free beta subunit combination in the extra-embryonic coelomic fluid of early pregnancy

Measurement of urinary beta core fragment of human chorionic gonadotrophin in women with vulvovaginal malignancy and its prognostic significance

Comparison of the overall quality of life in 50 long-term survivors of autologous and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

The design of systems for learning and working in librarianship.

Menstrual cycle symptom reporting in three British ethnic groups

Genetic and environmental factors in premenstrual symptom reporting and its relationship to depression and a general neuroticism trait

Contribution of generalized negative affect to elevated menstrual cycle symptom reporting

Low NADPH oxidase activity in Epstein-Barr-virus-immortalized B-lymphocytes is due to a post-transcriptional block in expression of cytochrome b558

Gene transfer to primary chronic granulomatous disease monocytes

Functional reconstitution of the NADPH-oxidase by adeno-associated virus gene transfer

Generation of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) from an adenoviral vector and functional reconstitution of the NADPH-oxidase

Molecular analysis in three cases of X91: variant chronic granulomatous disease

Traditions and double moral standards: the Irish suffragists' critique of nationalism

The role of Macmillan nurse tutors: an interview study with post-holders.

Tactics, ethics, or temporality? Heidegger's politics reviewed.

The politics of time: modernity and avant-garde.

Causes and impacts of serious foulwater contamination: Pymme's brook, North London.

Gully erosion associated with the expansion of unterraced almond cultivation in the coastal Sierra de Lujar, S. Spain.

Insulin-related growth factor binding protein-1 levels in ovum donation pregnancies.

Elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 in fetal distress.

Lack of evidence for a circadian rhythm of IGFBP-1 in the mother and fetus during labour.

A general international market index.

Superovulation, IGFBP-1 and birth weight.

L'évaluation du risque dans les prêts internationaux: le cas du Mexique en 1994.

Just a token commitment? Women's involvement in a local babysitting circle.

UKMARC AMC: Draft Rev 4.0: UK MARC format for archives and manuscripts control (UK MARC AMC)

Africa the dark continent: fact or fiction?

The Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994.

A lazy non-deterministic functional language.

Research for practice and education.

The generation of animated sequences from state transition systems.

A contextual analysis of flood hazard management in peninsular Malaysia.

The status of financial reporting, accounting education and profession in a developing country: the case of Jordan.

CDS/ISIS: UNESCO's information retrieval package for microcomputers and the VAX minicomputer.

CDS-ISIS for archives.

Attitudes to the police and policing in contemporary Cyprus with particular reference to the dark figure of crime

Word recognition in Turkish: implications for models of reading.

Divisions in the movement: the national unemployed workers’ movement and its rivals in comparative perspective

Virtual memory support for distributed computing environments using a shared data object model

Literacy and Literature: priorities in English studies towards 2000.

Introduction to 'Language through Literature' approaches to teaching Literature in English in L2 contexts.

Western European penal systems: a critical anatomy

Drugs in Central Lambeth: an exploratory study

The Independent Group: modernism and mass culture in Britain, 1945-1959

Drugs as a password and the law as a drug: discussing the legalisation of illicit substances

Holidays and the UK Afro-Caribbean community

An investigation into the collection, measurement and use of quality costs within a high volume production environment

The dynamic behaviour of road traffic flow: stability or chaos?

Direct optical control of a microwave phase shifter using GaAs fieldeffect transistors

State, power, administration: Marxist and Foucauldian perspectives on state development in Britain, 1832-1918

The family and the church in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

Problems in the definition and measurement of development and underdevelopment

Influences of selected socio-economic and demographic variables on fertility in Bangladesh

New feminist art criticism: critical strategies

Ecotoxicology of oil derived pollutants in urban receiving waters

Vietnamese refugees since 1982

The origins and development of social service positions in Mauritius

Power, discourse and privilege: power relations in the field of child protection

The lesbian dandy: the role of dress and appearance in the construction of lesbian identities, Britain 1918-39

Defining and using road network data in an accident database

Nursing, humanism and transcultural theory: the 'bracketing-out' of reality

Women's access to employment and the formation of women-headed households in rural and urban Honduras

Female-headed households in Honduras: perspectives on rural-urban differences

Prediction of clinical outcome of THR from migration measurements on standard radiographs. A study of cemented Charnley and Stanmore femoral stems

Closeness of fit of uncemented stems improves the strain distribution in the femur

The rationale for CAD-CAM uncemented custom hips: an interim assessment

Painting. 'Albion Street'. picturesque Chester. exhibition. Chester Museum

Book illustration. 'Albion Street' in Picturesque Brighton: The City in Art, Chester Museums

Rocking the house: sound system cultures and the politics of space

Characterisation of a depletion-flocculated polydisperse emulsion II. Steady-state rheological investigations

"Crossover" and the politics of "race"

HIV prevention and sexual health promotion training. An evaluation of volunteers' skills training for black and ethnic minority groups

'A very nice dog' and 'Mask' [in the 18th & 19th International independante exhibition of prints in Kanagawa,'95 & '97 Japan]

[Print in Cuprum VI Small metal plate graphics Lubina Poland 1995]

'The Phantom' and 'The Lament' mono reliefs [in NEW Work -Bankside Gallery 1995 London]

Lets protect the sands 2 [in Deliblatska Prescara '95 - salon of ecology Cartoon-SR Jugoslavija 1995]

Kulturbund (linocut/electrostatic transfer/mono print) [in FBA National Print Exhibition 1995, Mall Galleries, London]

Murder by other means - Art Now - London - work by various satirists artists and cartoonist - such as Steve Bell - sculptures and reliefs by Stephen Mumberson

The dying of the light? A radical look at trade union education

Trade unions in Britain today

Long match patterns in random sequences

The dying of the light? A radical look at trade union education

Development of a spectrophotometric method for the measurement of thiols at trace levels

Achieving quality improvement through understanding and evaluating information systems development methodologies

Derivatisation methods for trace-level quantification of B-lactam antibiotics using HPLC

Drug user networks, coping strategies and HIV prevention in the community