Imitative or Iconoclastic? How young children use ready-made images in digital art


Sakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M. 2015. Imitative or Iconoclastic? How young children use ready-made images in digital art. The International Journal of Art and Design Education.
TitleImitative or Iconoclastic? How young children use ready-made images in digital art
AuthorsSakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M.

Digital art-making tends to foreground the inclusion of ready-made images in children’s art. While some lament children’s use of such images, suggesting that they constrain creativity and expression (McLennan, 2007; Szyba, 1999), others have argued that ready-made digital materials offer children the opportunity to create innovative and potentially iconoclastic artefacts through processes of ‘remix’ (Lankshear & Knobel, 2006) and ‘mash-up’ (Lamb, 2007). In order to further this debate, observations are needed to explore the different ways that children use ready-made images in their digital art and the various purposes that these images can serve. Adopting a social semiotic perspective, this paper offers an in-depth examination of five episodes of 4-5 year olds’ digital art-making that collectively demonstrate the diversity of approaches that young children take towards the inclusion of ready-made images in their digital art-making. The paper discusses these findings in relation to suggestions for what adults can do to support children to adopt a playful and critically aware approach to the use of ready-made images in digital art-making.

Research GroupCentre for Education Research and Scholarship (CERS)
JournalThe International Journal of Art and Design Education
Publication process dates
Deposited29 Apr 2016
Accepted02 Nov 2015
Accepted author manuscript
Copyright Statement

Attached full text: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Sakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M. (2016), Imitative or Iconoclastic? How Young Children use Ready-Made Images in Digital Art. International Journal of Art & Design Education. doi: 10.1111/jade.12104, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving (

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