Employment Relations group

TitleEmployment Relations group

Latest research outputs

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Globalisation and corporate turbulence: trade union response in UK manufacturing.
Upchurch, M., Danford, A. and Richardson, M. 2004. Globalisation and corporate turbulence: trade union response in UK manufacturing. in: Garibaldi, F. and Telljohann, V. (ed.) Globalisation, company strategies, and quality of working life in Europe. Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang. pp. 307-338

Book chapter

The political economy of management knowledge transfer: some insights from experience in Serbia and Montenegro.
Upchurch, M., Cicimil, S. and Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. 2004. The political economy of management knowledge transfer: some insights from experience in Serbia and Montenegro. South-east Europe review for labour and social affairs: SEER: quarterly of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation. 7 (2), pp. 101-120.


International financial institutions and post communist labour reform: a case of utopian liberalism?
Upchurch, M. and Weltman, D. 2008. International financial institutions and post communist labour reform: a case of utopian liberalism? Debatte. 16 (3), pp. 309-330.


Trade union responses to industrial restructuring: sectoral case studies from the SW England.
Upchurch, M. and Danford, A. 2001. Trade union responses to industrial restructuring: sectoral case studies from the SW England. in: Foden, D., Hoffman, J. and Scott, R. (ed.) Globalisation and the social contract. Brussels European Trade Union Institute.

Book chapter

Industrial restructuring, globalisation and the trade union response: a study of MSF in the south west of England
Upchurch, M. and Danford, A. 2001. Industrial restructuring, globalisation and the trade union response: a study of MSF in the south west of England. New technology, work, and employment. 16 (2), pp. 100-117. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-005X.00080


The organisation of work
Upchurch, M. 2008. The organisation of work. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management : a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 395-414

Book chapter

Serbian industrial relations since Milosevic.
Upchurch, M. 2008. Serbian industrial relations since Milosevic. in: Thakar, B. and Bhatnagar, M. (ed.) Employment relations: changing scenario. Hyderabad, India ICFAI University Press. pp. 101-123

Book chapter

Partnership: New Labour’s Third Way?
Upchurch, M. 2008. Partnership: New Labour’s Third Way? in: Daniels, G. and McIlroy, J. (ed.) Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World: British Trade Unions under New Labour London Routledge. pp. 230-253

Book chapter

Strategic dilemmas for trade unions in transformation: the experience of Serbia.
Upchurch, M. and Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. 2006. Strategic dilemmas for trade unions in transformation: the experience of Serbia. South-east Europe review for labour and social affairs: SEER: quarterly of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation. 4, pp. 43-64.


State, labour and market in post-revolution Serbia
Upchurch, M. 2006. State, labour and market in post-revolution Serbia. Capital and Class. 89, pp. 1-89.


The crisis of labour relations in Germany
Upchurch, M. 2000. The crisis of labour relations in Germany. Capital and Class.


Best value and workplace partnership in local government
Upchurch, M., Richardson, M., Tailby, S., Danford, A. and Stewart, P. 2005. Best value and workplace partnership in local government. Personnel Review. 34 (6), pp. 713-728.


'New unionism', organising and partnership: a comparative analysis of union renewal strategies in the public sector
Upchurch, M., Danford, A. and Richardson, M. 2002. 'New unionism', organising and partnership: a comparative analysis of union renewal strategies in the public sector. Capital and Class. 79, pp. 1-27.


Trade union strategy and renewal: the restructuring of work and work relations in the UK aerospace industry
Upchurch, M., Danford, A. and Richardson, M. 2002. Trade union strategy and renewal: the restructuring of work and work relations in the UK aerospace industry. Work, Employment and Society. 16 (2), pp. 305-327. https://doi.org/10.1177/095001702400426857


Restructuration organizativa y la fragmentación del collectivismo en la industria aeroespacial en el Reino Unido: las perspectivas de una renovación sindical
Upchurch, M., Danford, A. and Richardson, M. 2001. Restructuration organizativa y la fragmentación del collectivismo en la industria aeroespacial en el Reino Unido: las perspectivas de una renovación sindical. Cuadernos de relaciones laborales. 19.


Capital mobility, job loss, and union strategy: the case of the UK aerospace industry
Upchurch, M., Danford, A., Richardson, M., Tailby, S. and Stewart, P. 2007. Capital mobility, job loss, and union strategy: the case of the UK aerospace industry. Labor studies journal. 32 (3), pp. 298-318.


'Partnership, mutuality and the high performance workplace: a case study of union strategy and worker experience in the aircraft industry
Upchurch, M., Danford, A., Richardson, M., Tailby, S. and Stewart, P. 2004. 'Partnership, mutuality and the high performance workplace: a case study of union strategy and worker experience in the aircraft industry. in: Healy, G. (ed.) The future of worker representation Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 167-186

Book chapter

High performance work systems, labour control and the production worker
Upchurch, M., Danford, A., Richardson, M., Tailby, S. and Stewart, P. 2005. High performance work systems, labour control and the production worker. in: Stewart, P. (ed.) Employment, trade union renewal and the future of work: the experience of work and organisational change Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 187-211

Book chapter

High performance work systems and workplace partnership: a case study of aerospace workers
Upchurch, M., Danford, A., Richardson, M., Tailby, S. and Stewart, P. 2004. High performance work systems and workplace partnership: a case study of aerospace workers. New technology, work, and employment. 19 (1), pp. 14-29.


Employee experience of workplace partnership: pain or gain?
Upchurch, M., Danford, A., Richardson, M., Tailby, S. and Stewart, P. 2004. Employee experience of workplace partnership: pain or gain? in: Stuart, M. and Lucio, M. (ed.) Partnership and modernisation in employment relations London Routledge. pp. 210-225

Book chapter

Partnership, high performance work systems and quality of working life
Upchurch, M., Danford, A., Richardson, M., Stewart, P. and Tailby, S. 2008. Partnership, high performance work systems and quality of working life. New technology, work, and employment. 23 (3), pp. 151-166.


New unions, new workplaces: a study of union resilience in the restructured workplace
Upchurch, M., Danford, A. and Richardson, M. 2003. New unions, new workplaces: a study of union resilience in the restructured workplace. London Routledge.


Crisi del sindicato o suo rinnovamento: le riposts dei sindicati all'individualizzazione delle relzioni sul posto di lavoro.
Upchurch, M., Danford, A. and Richardson, M. 2002. Crisi del sindicato o suo rinnovamento: le riposts dei sindicati all'individualizzazione delle relzioni sul posto di lavoro. in: Bonazzi, G., La Rosa, M. and Pulignano, V. (ed.) Sociologia del lavoro e studi organizzativi. Lo stato del dibattito in Italia ed in Gran Bretagna. FrancoAngeli. pp. 165-190

Book chapter

International HRM
Muller-Camen, M. and Brewster, C. 2008. International HRM. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 415-430

Book chapter

CSR and sustainable HRM
Hartog, M., Morton, C. and Muller-Camen, M. 2008. CSR and sustainable HRM. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 467-488

Book chapter

People-related measures and high-performance HRM
Mayo, A. 2008. People-related measures and high-performance HRM. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 291-314

Book chapter

HR planning
Mayo, A. 2008. HR planning. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 113-137

Book chapter

People and human resources strategy
Mayo, A. 2008. People and human resources strategy. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 25-49

Book chapter

Flexible working arrangements: from work-life to gender equity policies.
Lewis, S. and Roper, I. 2008. Flexible working arrangements: from work-life to gender equity policies. in: Cartwright, S. and Cooper, C. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of personnel psychology Oxford Oxford U. P..

Book chapter

Instead of international HRM: a cross-cultural perspective
Jackson, T. and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2008. Instead of international HRM: a cross-cultural perspective. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Book chapter

Performance management and appraisal.
Fuchs, S. and Chase, P. 2008. Performance management and appraisal. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management : a case study approach. London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 221-241

Book chapter

Equality and diversity
Wilson, D., Flynn, M. and Frame, P. 2008. Equality and diversity. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 91-110

Book chapter

The context of HRM
Higgins, P. and Frame, P. 2008. The context of HRM. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 7-24

Book chapter

Creating corporate capability: a new agenda
Critten, P. and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2008. Creating corporate capability: a new agenda. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Book chapter

Employee communication
Croucher, R. and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2008. Employee communication. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management : a case study approach London Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 355-376

Book chapter

Transnationale Gewerkschaftskooperationen-Erfahrung und Forschungsfragen.
Croucher, R., Kruse, W., Martens, H., Singe, I. and Tech, D. 2004. Transnationale Gewerkschaftskooperationen-Erfahrung und Forschungsfragen. Dortmund Beiträge aus der Forschung, SFS Dortmund.


Flexible working time and interest representation in German and British banking.
Croucher, R. and Singe, I. 2002. Flexible working time and interest representation in German and British banking. in: Zeytinoglu, I. (ed.) Flexible work arrangements: conceptualizations and international experiences. Kluwer Law International. pp. 147-160

Book chapter

Unions and the informal sector: the case of Ghana.
Croucher, R. 2007. Unions and the informal sector: the case of Ghana. in: Wood, G. and Brewster, C. (ed.) Industrial Relations in Africa Palgrave. pp. 209-215

Book chapter

Industrial relations in Francophone Africa: the case of Niger.
Croucher, R. 2007. Industrial relations in Francophone Africa: the case of Niger. in: Wood, G. and Brewster, C. (ed.) Industrial Relations in Africa Palgrave. pp. 198-204

Book chapter

Human resource management: a case study approach.
Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. 2008. Human resource management: a case study approach. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.


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