Prof Olga van den Akker

NameProf Olga van den Akker
Job titleProfessor-Health Psychology
Research institute
Primary appointmentPsychology
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)

Research outputs

Exploring health-related quality of life, exercise and alcohol use in adolescents with sickle cell disease and healthy siblings

Constantinou, C., Payne, N., van den Akker, O. and Inusa, B. 2024. Exploring health-related quality of life, exercise and alcohol use in adolescents with sickle cell disease and healthy siblings. Psychology & Health.

Mental health and coping with fertility treatment cessation during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK

Payne, N. and van den Akker, O. 2022. Mental health and coping with fertility treatment cessation during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology.

A qualitative exploration of health-related quality of life and health behaviours in children with sickle cell disease and healthy siblings

Constantinou, C., Payne, N., van den Akker, O. and Inusa, B. 2021. A qualitative exploration of health-related quality of life and health behaviours in children with sickle cell disease and healthy siblings. Psychology & Health.

Exploring factors having an impact on attitudes and motivations towards volunteering in the undergraduate nursing student population − A comparative study of the UK and Ghana

Dyson, S., Korsah, K., Liu, L., O'Driscoll, M. and van den Akker, O. 2021. Exploring factors having an impact on attitudes and motivations towards volunteering in the undergraduate nursing student population − A comparative study of the UK and Ghana. Nurse Education in Practice. 53, pp. 1-10.

Transition to parenthood after successful non-donor in vitro fertilisation: The effects of infertility and in vitro fertilisation on previously infertile couples' experiences of early parenthood

Allan, H., Mounce, G., Culley, L., van den Akker, O. and Hudson, R. 2021. Transition to parenthood after successful non-donor in vitro fertilisation: The effects of infertility and in vitro fertilisation on previously infertile couples' experiences of early parenthood. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. 25 (4), pp. 434-453.

Experiences of involuntary childlessness and treatment in the UK: what has changed in 20 years?

Payne, N., Seenan, S. and van den Akker, O. 2021. Experiences of involuntary childlessness and treatment in the UK: what has changed in 20 years? Human Fertility. 24 (5), pp. 333-340.

Psychological and ethical issues in third party assisted conception and surrogate motherhood

van den Akker, O. 2019. Psychological and ethical issues in third party assisted conception and surrogate motherhood. in: Taubman –Ben-Ari, O. (ed.) Pathways and Barriers to Parenthood: Existential Concerns Regarding Fertility, Pregnancy, and Early Parenthood Cham, Switzerland Springer Nature. pp. 113-125

Assisted conception: fertility preservation, surrogate motherhood, gamete / embryo donation, and in vitro fertilization

van den Akker, O. 2019. Assisted conception: fertility preservation, surrogate motherhood, gamete / embryo donation, and in vitro fertilization. in: Ussher, J., Chrisler, J. and Perz, J. (ed.) Routledge International Handbook of Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health London and New York Routledge. pp. 237-250

An integrative literature review of psychosocial factors in the transition to parenthood following non-donor-assisted reproduction compared with spontaneously conceiving couples

Allan, H., van den Akker, O., Culley, L., Mounce, G., Odelius, A. and Symon, A. 2021. An integrative literature review of psychosocial factors in the transition to parenthood following non-donor-assisted reproduction compared with spontaneously conceiving couples. Human Fertility. 24 (4), pp. 249-266.

Predicting attitudes towards seeking medical care among Nigerian immigrants in the UK

Onyigbuo, C., Alexis-Garsee, C. and van den Akker, O. 2018. Predicting attitudes towards seeking medical care among Nigerian immigrants in the UK. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 21 (8), pp. 810-824.

Does working memory training improve dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes mellitus? Results of a double blind randomised controlled trial

Whitelock, V., Nouwen, A., Houben, K., van den Akker, O., Rosenthal, M. and Higgs, S. 2018. Does working memory training improve dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes mellitus? Results of a double blind randomised controlled trial. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 143, pp. 204-214.

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of discontinued use of the e-cigarette

Alexis-Garsee, C., Meehan, S. and van den Akker, O. 2019. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of discontinued use of the e-cigarette. Journal of Smoking Cessation. 14 (2), pp. 104-111.

Adaptation of the measurement of acculturation strategies for people of African decent (MASPAD) in measuring acculturation in British Nigerians

Onyigbuo, C., Alexis-Garsee, C. and van den Akker, O. 2018. Adaptation of the measurement of acculturation strategies for people of African decent (MASPAD) in measuring acculturation in British Nigerians. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 21 (9-10), pp. 973-985.

Experiences and psychological distress of fertility treatment and employment

Payne, N., Seenan, S. and van den Akker, O. 2019. Experiences and psychological distress of fertility treatment and employment. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 40 (2), pp. 156-165.

Depression and state anxiety scores during assisted reproductive treatment are associated with outcome: a meta-analysis

Purewal, S., Chapman, S. and van den Akker, O. 2018. Depression and state anxiety scores during assisted reproductive treatment are associated with outcome: a meta-analysis. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 36 (6), pp. 646-657.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies

Purewal, S., Chapman, S. and van den Akker, O. 2017. A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies. BMC Research Notes. 10.

A systematic review and meta‑analysis of psychological predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies

Purewal, S., Chapman, S. and van den Akker, O. 2017. A systematic review and meta‑analysis of psychological predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies. BMC Research Notes. 10.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of lifestyle and body mass index predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies

Purewal, S., Chapman, S. and van den Akker, O. 2019. A systematic review and meta-analysis of lifestyle and body mass index predictors of successful assisted reproductive technologies. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 40 (1), pp. 2-18.

Secrets and disclosure in donor conception

Frith, L., Blyth, E., Crawshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2018. Secrets and disclosure in donor conception. Sociology of Health & Illness. 40 (1), pp. 188-203.

The extent, variability and attitudes towards volunteering among nursing students: What are the implications for pedagogy in nurse education?

O'Driscoll, M., Dyson, S., van den Akker, O. and Mehta, N. 2017. The extent, variability and attitudes towards volunteering among nursing students: What are the implications for pedagogy in nurse education? National Council of Voluntary Organisations Conference 2017. Nottingham, UK 07 - 08 Sep 2017

Surrogate motherhood families

van den Akker, O. 2017. Surrogate motherhood families. London UK Palgrave Macmillan.

Catch 22? Disclosing assisted conception treatment at work

van den Akker, O., Payne, N. and Lewis, S. 2017. Catch 22? Disclosing assisted conception treatment at work. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 10 (5), pp. 364-375.

Searching for ‘relations’ using a DNA linking register by adults conceived following sperm donation

Frith, L., Blyth, E., Crawshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2018. Searching for ‘relations’ using a DNA linking register by adults conceived following sperm donation. BioSocieties. 13 (1), pp. 170-189.

The role of working memory sub-components in food choice and dieting success

Whitelock, V., Nouwen, A., van den Akker, O. and Higgs, S. 2018. The role of working memory sub-components in food choice and dieting success. Appetite. 124, pp. 24-32.

The extent, variability and attitudes towards volunteering among nursing students: Implications for pedagogy in nurse education

O'Driscoll, M., Dyson, S., Liu, L., van den Akker, O. and Mehta, N. 2017. The extent, variability and attitudes towards volunteering among nursing students: Implications for pedagogy in nurse education. 11th Annual International Conference on Sociology. Athens, Greece 01 - 04 May 2017

Difficulties quitting for smokers with and without a respiratory disease and use of a tailored intervention for smoking cessation – a qualitative study

Alexis-Garsee, C., Gilbert, H., Burton, M. and van den Akker, O. 2018. Difficulties quitting for smokers with and without a respiratory disease and use of a tailored intervention for smoking cessation – a qualitative study. Journal of Smoking Cessation. 13 (2), pp. 63-71.

Gamete donors’ reasons for, and expectations and experiences of, registration with a voluntary donor linking register

Blyth, E., Crawshaw, M., Frith, L. and van den Akker, O. 2017. Gamete donors’ reasons for, and expectations and experiences of, registration with a voluntary donor linking register. Human Fertility. 20 (4), pp. 268-278.

The extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering among undergraduate nursing students: implications for pedagogy in nurse education

Dyson, S., Liu, L., van den Akker, O. and O'Driscoll, M. 2017. The extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering among undergraduate nursing students: implications for pedagogy in nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice. 23, pp. 15-22.

Nigerian clergy and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of health-seeking behaviours among Nigerian immigrants in the UK

Onyigbuo, C., Alexis-Garsee, C. and van den Akker, O. 2016. Nigerian clergy and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of health-seeking behaviours among Nigerian immigrants in the UK. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 19 (10), pp. 1043-1055.

Voluntary DNA-based information exchange and contact services following donor conception: an analysis of service users’ needs

Crawshaw, M., Frith, L., van den Akker, O. and Blyth, E. 2016. Voluntary DNA-based information exchange and contact services following donor conception: an analysis of service users’ needs. New Genetics and Society. 35 (4), pp. 372 -392.

Maternal psychosocial consequences of twins and multiple births following assisted and natural conception: a meta-analysis

van den Akker, O., Postavaru, G. and Purewal, S. 2016. Maternal psychosocial consequences of twins and multiple births following assisted and natural conception: a meta-analysis. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 33 (1), pp. 1-14.

An exploration of health seeking behaviours among Nigerian Christians in the UK: towards enhanced health services utilisation

Onyigbuo, C., Alexis-Garsee, C. and van den Akker, O. 2016. An exploration of health seeking behaviours among Nigerian Christians in the UK: towards enhanced health services utilisation. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 19 (3), pp. 255-267.

‘Together … for only a moment’ British newspaper constructions of altruistic non-commercial surrogate motherhood

van den Akker, O., Camara, I. and Hunt, B. 2016. ‘Together … for only a moment’ British newspaper constructions of altruistic non-commercial surrogate motherhood. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology.

‘This neo- natal ménage à trois’: British media framing of transnational surrogacy

van den Akker, O., Fronek, P., Blyth, E. and Frith, L. 2016. ‘This neo- natal ménage à trois’: British media framing of transnational surrogacy. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 34 (1), pp. 15-27.

Reproductive health matters

van den Akker, O. 2016. Reproductive health matters. The Psychologist. 29 (1), pp. 30-33.

A cross cultural study of the health-seeking behaviours of Nigerians from the perspective of Nigerian care providers: challenges for collaboration

Onyigbuo, C., van den Akker, O. and Alexis-Garsee, C. 2015. A cross cultural study of the health-seeking behaviours of Nigerians from the perspective of Nigerian care providers: challenges for collaboration. Humanities and Social Sciences Review. 4 (3), pp. 537-554.

Does neurocognitive training have the potential to improve dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes? Study protocol of a double blind randomised controlled trial

Whitelock, V., Nouwen, A., Houben, K., van den Akker, O. and Higgs, S. 2015. Does neurocognitive training have the potential to improve dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes? Study protocol of a double blind randomised controlled trial. BMC Nutrition. 1, pp. 1-8.

Women with gestational diabetes and co-morbid depression: an exploratory study

Jarrett, P. and van den Akker, O. 2015. Women with gestational diabetes and co-morbid depression: an exploratory study. The 4th Global Conference for Qualitative Research. Yucaton, Mexico

Experiences of combining work and infertility treatment

Payne, N., van den Akker, O., Lewis, S. and Constantinou, C. 2015. Experiences of combining work and infertility treatment. BICA Journal/Journal of Fertility Counselling. 22 (1), pp. 13-16.

A systematic review of changes in women’s physical activity before and during pregnancy and the postnatal period

Abbasi, M. and van den Akker, O. 2015. A systematic review of changes in women’s physical activity before and during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 33 (4), pp. 325-358.

Emotional and psychosocial risk associated with fertility treatment

van den Akker, O. and Springer-Verlag 2015. Emotional and psychosocial risk associated with fertility treatment. in: Mathur, R. (ed.) Reducing Risk in Fertility Treatment London Springer Verlag. pp. 79-96

Posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic stress disorder after termination of pregnancy and reproductive loss: a systematic review

Daugirdaitė, V., van den Akker, O. and Purewal, S. 2015. Posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic stress disorder after termination of pregnancy and reproductive loss: a systematic review. Journal of Pregnancy. 2015, pp. 1-14.

The effectiveness of persuasive health communication techniques

van den Akker, O. and Purewal, S. 2014. The effectiveness of persuasive health communication techniques. Advances in Life Sciences and Health. 1 (2), pp. 47-57.

Expectations and experiences of gamete donors and donor-conceived adults searching for genetics relatives using DNA linking through a voluntary register

van den Akker, O., Crawshaw, M., Blyth, E. and Frith, L. 2015. Expectations and experiences of gamete donors and donor-conceived adults searching for genetics relatives using DNA linking through a voluntary register. Human Reproduction. 30 (1), pp. 111-121.

Sense of entitlement to workplace support for infertility treatment

Payne, N., Lewis, S., Constantinou, C. and van den Akker, O. 2014. Sense of entitlement to workplace support for infertility treatment. Work and Family Researchers Network Conference (WFRN): Changing Work and Family Relationships in a Global Economy. New York, USA 19 - 21 Jun 2014

Work-life balance and medically assisted reproduction (MAR): MAR uses experiences of workplace support

Payne, N., van den Akker, O., Constantinou, C. and Lewis, S. 2014. Work-life balance and medically assisted reproduction (MAR): MAR uses experiences of workplace support. 11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. London, United Kingdom 14 - 16 Apr 2014

What are the best interests of the child in international surrogacy?

Blyth, E., Crawshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2014. What are the best interests of the child in international surrogacy? BioNews.

Persian couples’ experiences of depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life in the pre- and perinatal period

Abbasi, M., van den Akker, O. and Bewley, C. 2014. Persian couples’ experiences of depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life in the pre- and perinatal period. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 35 (1), pp. 16-21.

For your eyes only: bio-behavioural and psycho-social research priorities

van den Akker, O. 2013. For your eyes only: bio-behavioural and psycho-social research priorities. Human Fertility. 16 (1), pp. 89-93.

The ethics and aesthetics of paid surrogacy

Crawshaw, M., Blyth, E. and van den Akker, O. 2013. The ethics and aesthetics of paid surrogacy. Obs Gynae & Midwifery News.

Completing the surrogate motherhood process: parental order reporters’ attitudes towards surrogacy arrangements, role ambiguity and role conflict

Purewal, S., Crawshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2012. Completing the surrogate motherhood process: parental order reporters’ attitudes towards surrogacy arrangements, role ambiguity and role conflict. Human Fertility. 15 (2), pp. 94-99.

Working at the margins : the views and experiences of court social workers on parental orders work in surrogacy arrangements

van den Akker, O., Crawshaw, M. and Purewal, S. 2012. Working at the margins : the views and experiences of court social workers on parental orders work in surrogacy arrangements. The British Journal of Social Work.

Sexual dysfunction [Chapter 8]; Premature labour and delivery [Chapter 11]; Postnatal blues [Chapter 16]

van den Akker, O. 2012. Sexual dysfunction [Chapter 8]; Premature labour and delivery [Chapter 11]; Postnatal blues [Chapter 16]. in: Martin, C. (ed.) Perinatal mental health: a clinical guide M&K Publishing.

Reproductive health psychology

van den Akker, O. 2012. Reproductive health psychology. WileyBlackwell.

The changing profile of surrogacy in the UK – implications for national and international policy and practice

Crawshaw, M., Blyth, E. and van den Akker, O. 2012. The changing profile of surrogacy in the UK – implications for national and international policy and practice. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 34 (3), pp. 267-277.

Evidence and models of best practice should guide recruitment of gamete donors

Blyth, E., Hunt, J. and van den Akker, O. 2011. Evidence and models of best practice should guide recruitment of gamete donors. BioNews.

Parental order reporters' attitudes towards their role, surrogacy arrangements and UK legislation

Crawshaw, M., Purewal, S., Khan, F. and van den Akker, O. 2010. Parental order reporters' attitudes towards their role, surrogacy arrangements and UK legislation. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 28 (3).

The psychological and social consequences of miscarriage

van den Akker, O. 2011. The psychological and social consequences of miscarriage. Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 6 (3), pp. 295-304.

Elective single-embryo transfer: persuasive communication strategies can affect choice in a young British population

van den Akker, O. and Purewal, S. 2011. Elective single-embryo transfer: persuasive communication strategies can affect choice in a young British population. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 23 (7), pp. 838-850.

The menstrual cycle: psychological, behavioral, physiological, and nutritional factors

van den Akker, O. 2011. The menstrual cycle: psychological, behavioral, physiological, and nutritional factors. in: Preedy, V., Watson, R. and Martin, C. (ed.) Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition Springer. pp. 879-888

Personal and environmental factors encouraging or preventing healthy lifestyle behaviours among Persian couples: a phenomenological investigation.

Abbasi, M., Bewley, C. and van den Akker, O. 2011. Personal and environmental factors encouraging or preventing healthy lifestyle behaviours among Persian couples: a phenomenological investigation. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 29 (2), pp. 136-147.

Attitudes and intention to donate oocytes for research

Purewal, S. and van den Akker, O. 2010. Attitudes and intention to donate oocytes for research. Fertility and Sterility. 93 (4), pp. 1080-1087.

Nature and nurture: what do theory and research tell us?

van den Akker, O. 2010. Nature and nurture: what do theory and research tell us? in: Crawshaw, M. and Balen, R. (ed.) Adopting after Infertility: Messages from Practice, Research and Personal Experience Jessica Kingsley Publishers. pp. 164-179

Surrogate mothers

van den Akker, O. 2010. Surrogate mothers. in: Tyano, S., Keren, M., Herrman, H. and Cox, J. (ed.) Parenthood and Mental Health: a Bridge Between Infant and Adult Psychiatry WileyBlackwell. pp. 39-49

Surrogate motherhood: a critical perspective

van den Akker, O. 2010. Surrogate motherhood: a critical perspective. Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 5 (1), pp. 5-7.

I feel like they were mine and I should be looking after them: an exploration of non-patient women's attitudes towards oocyte donation

Purewal, S. and van den Akker, O. 2009. I feel like they were mine and I should be looking after them: an exploration of non-patient women's attitudes towards oocyte donation. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 30 (4), pp. 215-222.

Disclosing donor information: a new code of silence?

Blyth, E., Crawshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2009. Disclosing donor information: a new code of silence? BioNews.

A study of the effect of message framing on oocyte donation

Purewal, S. and van den Akker, O. 2009. A study of the effect of message framing on oocyte donation. Human Reproduction. 24 (12), pp. 3136-3143.

Attitudes and intentions towards volunteer oocyte donation

Purewal, S. and van den Akker, O. 2009. Attitudes and intentions towards volunteer oocyte donation. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 19, pp. 19-26.

Systematic review of oocyte donation: investigating attitudes, motivations and experiences

Purewal, S. and van den Akker, O. 2009. Systematic review of oocyte donation: investigating attitudes, motivations and experiences. Human Reproduction Update. 15 (5), pp. 499-515.

Beliefs and attitudes during pregnancy and post natally [Editorial]

Redshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2008. Beliefs and attitudes during pregnancy and post natally [Editorial]. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 26 (3), pp. 155-156.

Understanding factors which can influence the experience of pregnancy and childbirth

Redshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2008. Understanding factors which can influence the experience of pregnancy and childbirth. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 26 (2), pp. 71-73.

The contextual challenges of successfully becoming a parent - from inception to completion

van den Akker, O. and Redshaw, M. 2008. The contextual challenges of successfully becoming a parent - from inception to completion. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 26 (1), pp. 1-3.

British women's attitudes to surrogacy

Poote, A. and van den Akker, O. 2008. British women's attitudes to surrogacy. Human Reproduction. 24 (1), pp. 139-145.

Alcohol and fertility

van den Akker, O. 2008. Alcohol and fertility. in: Martin, C. (ed.) Identification and Treatment of Alcohol Dependency M&K Publishers. pp. 349-363

Factors influencing attitudes towards potential oocyte donation for research

Purewal, S. and van den Akker, O. 2008. Factors influencing attitudes towards potential oocyte donation for research. Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society.. The Royal Dublin Society, Ireland.

eHealth as a challenge to ‘expert’ power: a focus group study of internet use for health information and management

Donnelly, L., Shaw, R. and van den Akker, O. 2008. eHealth as a challenge to ‘expert’ power: a focus group study of internet use for health information and management. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 101 (10), pp. 501-506.

Maternal mental health and wellbeing

Redshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2007. Maternal mental health and wellbeing. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 25 (4), pp. 253-254.

Pregnancy and postnatal states and support: the effects of the partner [Editorial]

Redshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2007. Pregnancy and postnatal states and support: the effects of the partner [Editorial]. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 25 (3), pp. 171-172.

Psychological trait and state characteristics, social support and attitudes to the surrogate pregnancy and baby

van den Akker, O. 2007. Psychological trait and state characteristics, social support and attitudes to the surrogate pregnancy and baby. Human Reproduction. 22 (8), pp. 2287-2295.

How do we view alternative families?

van den Akker, O. 2007. How do we view alternative families? BioNews.

Psychosocial aspects of surrogate motherhood

van den Akker, O. 2007. Psychosocial aspects of surrogate motherhood. Human Reproduction Update. 13 (1), pp. 53-62.

The socio-cultural and biological meaning of parenthood

Purewal, S. and van den Akker, O. 2007. The socio-cultural and biological meaning of parenthood. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 28 (2), pp. 79-86.

British women's attitudes towards oocyte donation: ethnic differences and altruism

Purewal, S. and van den Akker, O. 2006. British women's attitudes towards oocyte donation: ethnic differences and altruism. Patient Education and Counseling. 64 (1), pp. 43-49.

The nature of relationships: maltreatment, mothering and migration [Editorial]

Redshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2006. The nature of relationships: maltreatment, mothering and migration [Editorial]. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 24 (3), pp. 183-185.

A review of psychosocial and family functioning following assisted reproductive treatment

Segev, J. and van den Akker, O. 2006. A review of psychosocial and family functioning following assisted reproductive treatment. Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing. 9 (Supple), pp. e162-e170.

A review of family donor constructs: current research and future directions

van den Akker, O. 2006. A review of family donor constructs: current research and future directions. Human Reproduction Update. 12 (2), pp. 91-101.

A longitudinal pre-pregnancy to post-delivery comparison of genetic and gestational surrogate and intended mothers: confidence and genealogy

van den Akker, O. 2005. A longitudinal pre-pregnancy to post-delivery comparison of genetic and gestational surrogate and intended mothers: confidence and genealogy. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 26 (4), pp. 277-284.

Coping, quality of life and psychological symptoms in three groups of sub-fertile women

van den Akker, O. 2005. Coping, quality of life and psychological symptoms in three groups of sub-fertile women. Patient Education and Counseling. 57 (2), pp. 183-189.

Genetic and gestational surrogate mothers' experience of surrogacy

van den Akker, O. 2003. Genetic and gestational surrogate mothers' experience of surrogacy. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 21 (2), pp. 145-161.

The complete guide to infertility: diagnosis, treatment, options

van den Akker, O. 2002. The complete guide to infertility: diagnosis, treatment, options. Free Association Books.

The acceptable face of parenthood: the relative status of biological and cultural interpretations of offspring in infertility treatment

van den Akker, O. 2001. The acceptable face of parenthood: the relative status of biological and cultural interpretations of offspring in infertility treatment. Psychology, Evolution & Gender. 3 (2), pp. 137-153.

Leisure activities and adolescent sexual behaviour

van den Akker, O. and Lees, S. 2001. Leisure activities and adolescent sexual behaviour. Sex Education. 1 (2), pp. 137-147.

Adoption in the age of reproductive technology

van den Akker, O. 2001. Adoption in the age of reproductive technology. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 19 (2), pp. 147-159.

The importance of a genetic link in mothers commissioning a surrogate baby in the UK

van den Akker, O. 2000. The importance of a genetic link in mothers commissioning a surrogate baby in the UK. Human Reproduction. 15 (8), pp. 1849-1855.

Patient perceptions of crisis pain management in sickle cell disease: a cross-cultural study

Smith-Wynter, L. and van den Akker, O. 2000. Patient perceptions of crisis pain management in sickle cell disease: a cross-cultural study. Nursing Times Research. 5 (3), pp. 204-213.

Adolescent sexual behaviour and knowledge

van den Akker, O., Andre, J., Lees, S. and Murphy, T. 1999. Adolescent sexual behaviour and knowledge. British Journal of Midwifery. 7 (12), pp. 765-769.

The feasibility of nursing patients with sickle cell crisis at home

Smith-Wynter, L. and van den Akker, O. 1999. The feasibility of nursing patients with sickle cell crisis at home. British Journal of Community Nursing. 4 (10), pp. 531-537.

Organizational selection and assessment of women entering a surrogacy agreement in the UK

van den Akker, O. 1999. Organizational selection and assessment of women entering a surrogacy agreement in the UK. Human Reproduction. 14 (1), pp. 262-266.

Surrogate motherhood: demystifying the controversies

van den Akker, O. 1998. Surrogate motherhood: demystifying the controversies. British Journal of Midwifery. 6 (12), pp. 768-770.

Functions and responsibilities of organizations dealing with surrogate motherhood in the UK

van den Akker, O. 1998. Functions and responsibilities of organizations dealing with surrogate motherhood in the UK. Human Fertility. 1 (1), pp. 10-13.

Developing a Year 9 safe-sun programme: adolescents form a particularly high-risk group, in need of specific skin-protective information and advice

Colley, K. and van den Akker, O. 1998. Developing a Year 9 safe-sun programme: adolescents form a particularly high-risk group, in need of specific skin-protective information and advice. Education and Health. 16 (3), pp. 42-47.

Symptom distress, coping style and biological variables as predictors of survival after bone marrow transplantation

Molassiotis, A., van den Akker, O., Milligan, D. and Goldman, J. 1997. Symptom distress, coping style and biological variables as predictors of survival after bone marrow transplantation. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 42 (3), pp. 275-285.

Perceived social support, family environment and psychosocial recovery in bone marrow transplant long-term survivors

Molassiotis, A., van den Akker, O. and Boughton, B. 1997. Perceived social support, family environment and psychosocial recovery in bone marrow transplant long-term survivors. Social Science & Medicine. 44 (3), pp. 317-325.

Dysmenorrhoea, mental attitude and GP consultation

Hewison, A. and van den Akker, O. 1996. Dysmenorrhoea, mental attitude and GP consultation. British Journal of Nursing. 5 (8), pp. 480-484.

Psychological adaptation and symptom distress in bone marrow transplant recipients

Molassiotis, A., van den Akker, O., Milligan, D., Goldman, J. and Boughton, B. 1996. Psychological adaptation and symptom distress in bone marrow transplant recipients. Psycho-Oncology. 5 (1), pp. 9-22.<9::AID-PON198>3.0.CO;2-4

The quality of life of renal dialysis patients: trying to find the missing measurement

Killingworth, A. and van den Akker, O. 1996. The quality of life of renal dialysis patients: trying to find the missing measurement. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 33 (1), pp. 107-120.

Service provision for sickle-cell disease: school-based education

Eboh, W. and van den Akker, O. 1996. Service provision for sickle-cell disease: school-based education. British Journal of Nursing. 5 (1), pp. 30-33.

Comparison of the overall quality of life in 50 long-term survivors of autologous and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

Molassiotis, A., Boughton, B., Burgoyne, T. and van den Akker, O. 1995. Comparison of the overall quality of life in 50 long-term survivors of autologous and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 22 (3), pp. 509-516.

Contribution of generalized negative affect to elevated menstrual cycle symptom reporting

van den Akker, O., Sharifian, N., Packer, A. and Eves, F. 1995. Contribution of generalized negative affect to elevated menstrual cycle symptom reporting. Health Care for Women International. 16 (3), pp. 263-272.

Genetic and environmental factors in premenstrual symptom reporting and its relationship to depression and a general neuroticism trait

van den Akker, O., Eves, F., Stein, G. and Murray, R. 1995. Genetic and environmental factors in premenstrual symptom reporting and its relationship to depression and a general neuroticism trait. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 39 (4), pp. 477-487.

Menstrual cycle symptom reporting in three British ethnic groups

van den Akker, O., Eves, F., Service, S. and Lennon, B. 1995. Menstrual cycle symptom reporting in three British ethnic groups. Social Science & Medicine. 40 (10), pp. 1417-1423.

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something taboo

van den Akker, O. 1994. Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something taboo. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 12 (3), pp. 179-188.

The retrospective diagnosis of postnatal depression by questionnaire

Stein, G. and van den Akker, O. 1992. The retrospective diagnosis of postnatal depression by questionnaire. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 36 (1), pp. 67-75.

Psychophysiological responses in women reporting severe premenstrual symptoms

van den Akker, O. and Steptoe, A. 1989. Psychophysiological responses in women reporting severe premenstrual symptoms. Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine. 51 (3), pp. 319-328.

The pattern and prevalence of symptoms during the menstrual cycle

van den Akker, O. and Steptoe, A. 1985. The pattern and prevalence of symptoms during the menstrual cycle. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 147 (2), pp. 164-169.
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