Prof Lian Lundy

Prof Lian Lundy
NameProf Lian Lundy
Job titleProfessor of Environmental Science
Research institute
Primary appointmentNatural Sciences
Contact categoryAcademic staff



With 25 years’ experience in sustainable urban water management, my research focuses on the quality and treatment of urban stormwater runoff using a range of nature-based solutions, working collaboratively with practitioners and policy-makers to ensure research outputs are both useful and useable.


Environmental pollution control

Environmental principles and risks

Environmental policy 

Water, sanitation and hygiene 

Current PhD students

Omotayo Ayeni Method development for the determination of tyre wear particles in environmental samples using a triple quadrupole high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (with Dr Huw Jones and Dr Leonardo Pantoja Munoz) 

Sarah Lindfors The speciation of metals in rainfall runoff and snow melt events (with Professor Maria Viklander and Dr Helene Österlund, Lulea Technical University, Sweden)

Lina Otte Impact of stormwater on ground water quality (with Professor Maria Viklander and Dr Alexandra Muller, Lulea Technical University, Sweden)

Ana Barcot Novel use of bioresources for stormwater storage (with Dr Sofia Larsson, Professor Staffan Lundstrom and Professor Maria Viklander, Lulea Technical University, Sweden)

Education and qualifications



  • Secondment to Lulea University of Technology

Prizes and Awards

External activities

Research outputs

Sustainable wastewater reuse for agriculture

Christou, A., Beretsou, V., Iakovides, I., Karaolia, P., Michael, C., Benmarhnia, T., Chefetz, B., Donner, E., Gawlik, B., Lee, Y., Lim, T., Lundy, L., Maffettone, R., Rizzo, L., Topp, E. and Fatta-Kassinos, D. 2024. Sustainable wastewater reuse for agriculture. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment. 5 (7), p. 504–521.

Flow rate influence on sediment depth estimation in sewers using temperature sensors

Regueiro-Picallo, M., Schellart, A., Jensen, H., Langeveld, J., Viklander, M. and Lundy, L. 2024. Flow rate influence on sediment depth estimation in sewers using temperature sensors. Water Science & Technology.

Campus source to sink wastewater surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)

Folkes, M., Castro-Gutierrez, V., Lundy, L., Bajón-Fernández, Y., Soares, A., Jeffrey, P. and Hassard, F. 2024. Campus source to sink wastewater surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Current Research in Microbial Sciences. 6, p. 100240.

Wastewater monitoring for detection of public health markers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Near-source monitoring of schools in England over an academic year

Hassard, F., Vu, M., Rahimzadeh, S., Castro-Gutierrez, V., Stanton, I., Burczynska, B., Wildeboer, D., Baio, G., Brown, M., Garelick, H., Hofman, J., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Majeed, A., Priest, S., Denise, H., Khalifa, M., Bassano, I., Wade, M., Grimsley, J., Lundy, L., Singer, A. and Di Cesare, M. 2023. Wastewater monitoring for detection of public health markers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Near-source monitoring of schools in England over an academic year. PLoS ONE. 18 (5).

Multiclass target analysis of contaminants of emerging concern including transformation products, soil bioavailability assessment and retrospective screening as tools to evaluate risks associated with reclaimed water reuse

Beretsou, V., Nika, M., Manoli, K., Michael, C., Sui, Q., Lundy, L., Revitt, D., Thomaidis, N. and Fatta-Kassinos, D. 2022. Multiclass target analysis of contaminants of emerging concern including transformation products, soil bioavailability assessment and retrospective screening as tools to evaluate risks associated with reclaimed water reuse. Science of the Total Environment. 852.

Blue-green infrastructure for all seasons: the need for multicolored thinking

Sagrelius, P., Lundy, L., Blecken, G., Rizzo, A. and Viklander, M. 2022. Blue-green infrastructure for all seasons: the need for multicolored thinking. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. 8 (4).

Monitoring occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 in school populations: A wastewater-based approach

Castro-Gutierrez, V., Hassard, F., Vu, M., Leitao, R., Burczynska, B., Wildeboer, D., Stanton, I., Rahimzadeh, S., Baio, G., Garelick, H., Hofman, J., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Kwiatkowska, R., Majeed, A., Priest, S., Grimsley, J., Lundy, L., Singer, A. and Di Cesare, M. 2022. Monitoring occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 in school populations: A wastewater-based approach. PLoS ONE. 17 (6).

Evaluating the use of alternative normalization approaches on SARS-CoV-2 concentrations in wastewater: experiences from two catchments in northern Sweden

Isaksson, F., Lundy, L., Hedstrom, A., Szekely, A. and Mohamed, N. 2022. Evaluating the use of alternative normalization approaches on SARS-CoV-2 concentrations in wastewater: experiences from two catchments in northern Sweden. Environments. 9 (3).

Development and application of an innovative approach to predicting pollutant concentrations in highway runoff

Revitt, D., Ellis, J., Gilbert, N., Bryden, J. and Lundy, L. 2022. Development and application of an innovative approach to predicting pollutant concentrations in highway runoff. Science of the Total Environment. 825, pp. 1-10.

Making waves: collaboration in the time of SARS-CoV-2 - rapid development of an international co-operation and wastewater surveillance database to support public health decision-making

Lundy, L., Fatta-Kassinos, D., Slobodnik, J., Karaolia, P., Cirka, L., Kreuzinger, N., Castiglioni, S., Bijlsma, L., Dulio, V., Deviller, G., Lai, F., Alygizakis, N., Barneo, M., Baz-Lomba, J., Béen, F., Cíchová, M., Conde-Pérez, K., Covaci, A., Donner, E., Ficek, A., Hassard, F., Hedström, A., Hernandez, F., Janská, V., Jellison, K., Hofman, J., Hill, K., Hong, P., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Kolarević, S., Krahulec, J., Lambropoulou, D., de Llanos, R., Mackuľak, T., Martinez-García, L., Martínez, F., Medema, G., Micsinai, A., Myrmel, M., Nasser, M., Niederstätter, H., Nozal, L., Oberacher, H., Očenášková, V., Ogorzaly, L., Papadopoulos, D., Peinado, B., Pitkänen, T., Poza, M., Rumbo-Feal, S., Sánchez, M., Székely, A., Soltysova, A., Thomaidis, N., Vallejo, J., van Nuijs, A., Ware, V. and Viklander, M. 2021. Making waves: collaboration in the time of SARS-CoV-2 - rapid development of an international co-operation and wastewater surveillance database to support public health decision-making. Water Research. 199.

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the Danube river in Serbia associated with the discharge of untreated wastewaters

Kolarević, S., Micsinai, A., Szántó-Egész, R., Lukács, A., Kračun-Kolarević, M., Lundy, L., Kirschner, A., Farnleitner, A., Djukic, A., Čolić, J., Nenin, T., Sunjog, K. and Paunović, M. 2021. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the Danube river in Serbia associated with the discharge of untreated wastewaters. Science of the Total Environment. 783, pp. 1-7.

Evaluation of measured dissolved and bio-met predicted bioavailable Cu, Ni and Zn concentrations in runoff from three urban catchments

Lindfors, S., Österlund, H., Lundy, L. and Viklander, M. 2021. Evaluation of measured dissolved and bio-met predicted bioavailable Cu, Ni and Zn concentrations in runoff from three urban catchments. Journal of Environmental Management. 287.

An assessment of gully pot sediment scour behaviour under current and potential future rainfall conditions

Wei, H., Muthanna, T., Lundy, L. and Viklander, M. 2021. An assessment of gully pot sediment scour behaviour under current and potential future rainfall conditions. Journal of Environmental Management. 282.

Innovation in wastewater near-source tracking for rapid identification of COVID-19 in schools [Comment]

Hassard, F., Lundy, L., Singer, A., Grimsley, J. and Di Cesare, M. 2021. Innovation in wastewater near-source tracking for rapid identification of COVID-19 in schools [Comment]. The Lancet Microbe. 2 (1), pp. e4-e5.

Development of a qualitative approach to assessing risks associated with the use of treated wastewater in agricultural irrigation

Revitt, D., Lundy, L. and Fatta-Kassinos, D. 2021. Development of a qualitative approach to assessing risks associated with the use of treated wastewater in agricultural irrigation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 406, pp. 1-9.

The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let’s cooperate! [Commentary]

Dulio, V., Koschorreck, J., van Bavel, B., van den Brink, P., Hollender, J., Munthe, J., Schlabach, M., Aalizadeh, R., Agerstrand, M., Ahrens, L., Allan, I., Alygizakis, N., Barcelo’, D., Bohlin-Nizzetto, P., Boutroup, S., Brack, W., Bressy, A., Christensen, J., Cirka, L., Covaci, A., Derksen, A., Deviller, G., Dingemans, M., Engwall, M., Fatta-Kassinos, D., Gago-Ferrero, P., Hernández, F., Herzke, D., Hilscherová, K., Hollert, H., Junghans, M., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Keiter, S., Kools, S., Kruve, A., Lambropoulou, D., Lamoree, M., Leonards, P., Lopez, B., López de Alda, M., Lundy, L., Makovinská, J., Marigómez, I., Martin, J., McHugh, B., Miège, C., O’Toole, S., Perkola, N., Polesello, S., Posthuma, L., Rodriguez-Mozaz, S., Roessink, I., Rostkowski, P., Ruedel, H., Samanipour, S., Schulze, T., Schymanski, E., Sengl, M., Tarábek, P., Ten Hulscher, D., Thomaidis, N., Togola, A., Valsecchi, S., van Leeuwen, S., von der Ohe, P., Vorkamp, K., Vrana, B. and Slobodnik, J. 2020. The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let’s cooperate! [Commentary]. Environmental Sciences Europe. 32 (1), pp. 1-11.

Metal size distribution in rainfall and snowmelt-induced runoff from three urban catchments

Lindfors, S., Österlund, H., Lundy, L. and Viklander, M. 2020. Metal size distribution in rainfall and snowmelt-induced runoff from three urban catchments. Science of the Total Environment. 743, p. 140813.

Recommendations to derive quality standards for chemical pollutants in reclaimed water intended for reuse in agricultural irrigation

Deviller, G., Lundy, L. and Fatta-Kassinos, D. 2020. Recommendations to derive quality standards for chemical pollutants in reclaimed water intended for reuse in agricultural irrigation. Chemosphere. 240, pp. 1-8.

An impact assessment for urban stormwater use

Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Ellis, J. 2018. An impact assessment for urban stormwater use. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25 (20), pp. 19259-19270.

A new approach to SuDS adoption in the UK

Smith, B., Lundy, L. and Revitt, D. 2017. A new approach to SuDS adoption in the UK. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage. Prague, Czech Republic 10 - 15 Sep 2017 pp. 2537-2539

An impact assessment for urban stormwater use

Lundy, L., Ellis, J. and Revitt, D. 2017. An impact assessment for urban stormwater use. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage. Prague, Czech Republic 10 - 15 Sep 2017 pp. 800-808

The fate of bezafibrate, carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin and clarithromycin in the wastewater treatment process

Revitt, D., Tuckwell, R., Garelick, H., Jones, H. and Lundy, L. 2017. The fate of bezafibrate, carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin and clarithromycin in the wastewater treatment process. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage. Prague, Czech Republic 10 - 15 Sep 2017 pp. 493-500

Metal water-sediment interactions and impacts on an urban ecosystem

Lundy, L., Alves, L., Revitt, D. and Wildeboer, D. 2017. Metal water-sediment interactions and impacts on an urban ecosystem. 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage. Prague, Czech Republic 10 - 15 Sep 2017 pp. 148-156

Metal water-sediment interactions and impacts on an urban ecosystem

Lundy, L., Alves, L., Revitt, D. and Wildeboer, D. 2017. Metal water-sediment interactions and impacts on an urban ecosystem. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14 (7), pp. 1-12.

Exploring the efficacy of adaptive safety for social sustainability in construction supply chain management

O'Loughlin, M., Watt, J. and Lundy, L. 2017. Exploring the efficacy of adaptive safety for social sustainability in construction supply chain management. REA2017 Resilience Engineering Association Symposium 2017. Liege, Belgium 26 - 29 Jun 2017

A mixed methods approach to urban ecosystem services: Experienced environmental quality and its role in ecosystem assessment within an inner-city estate

Juntti, M. and Lundy, L. 2017. A mixed methods approach to urban ecosystem services: Experienced environmental quality and its role in ecosystem assessment within an inner-city estate. Landscape and Urban Planning. 161, pp. 10-21.

Assessing the impact of Swales on receiving water quality

Revitt, D., Ellis, J. and Lundy, L. 2017. Assessing the impact of Swales on receiving water quality. Urban Water Journal. 14 (8), pp. 839-845.

Risk management as a basis for integrated water cycle management in Kazakhstan

Meyer, B., Lundy, L., Watt, J., Abdullaev, I. and Capilla Roma, J. 2016. Risk management as a basis for integrated water cycle management in Kazakhstan. Journal of Environmental Geography. 9 (3-4), pp. 33-42.

Implementing sustainable drainage systems for urban surface water management within the regulatory framework in England and Wales

Ellis, J. and Lundy, L. 2016. Implementing sustainable drainage systems for urban surface water management within the regulatory framework in England and Wales. Journal of Environmental Management. 183 (Part 3), pp. 630-636.

A methodology to assess the potential impact of swales on groundwater quality

Revitt, D., Ellis, J. and Lundy, L. 2015. A methodology to assess the potential impact of swales on groundwater quality. SUDSnet International Conference 2015. Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom 03 - 04 Sep 2015

The implications of movement of water through an urban catchment on the delivery of a range of ecosystem services

Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Ellis, J. 2015. The implications of movement of water through an urban catchment on the delivery of a range of ecosystem services. SUDSnet International Conference 2015. Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom 03 - 04 Sep 2015

Identifying robust response options to manage environmental change using an Ecosystem Approach: A stress-testing case study for the UK

Brown, I., Berry, P., Everard, M., Firbank, L., Harrison, P., Lundy, L., Quine, C., Rowan, J., Wade, R. and Watts, K. 2015. Identifying robust response options to manage environmental change using an Ecosystem Approach: A stress-testing case study for the UK. Environmental Science & Policy. 52, pp. 74-88.

COST Action ES1403: new and emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater REUSe (NEREUS)

Fatta-Kassinos, D., Manaia, C., Berendonk, T., Cytryn, E., Bayona, J., Chefetz, B., Slobodnik, J., Kreuzinger, N., Rizzo, L., Malato, S., Lundy, L. and Ledin, A. 2015. COST Action ES1403: new and emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater REUSe (NEREUS). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22 (9), pp. 7183-7186.

Evaluation of alternative pollutant emission control strategies to urban water systems using substance flow analysis

Lundy, L., Revitt, D., Eriksson, E. and Viavattene, C. 2011. Evaluation of alternative pollutant emission control strategies to urban water systems using substance flow analysis. 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Porto Alegre, Brazil 11 - 16 Sep 2011

Sludge management paradigms: impact of priority substances and priority hazardous substances

Eriksson, E., Lundy, L., Donner, E., Seriki, K. and Revitt, D. 2011. Sludge management paradigms: impact of priority substances and priority hazardous substances. 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Porto Alegre, Brazil 11 - 16 Sep 2011

Teaching and learning about child rights: a study of implementation in 26 countries

Jerome, L., Emerson, L., Lundy, L. and Orr, K. 2015. Teaching and learning about child rights: a study of implementation in 26 countries. UNICEF PFP & Queen's University Belfast.

An impact assessment approach for car park runoff

Revitt, D., Lundy, L. and Ellis, J. 2014. An impact assessment approach for car park runoff. 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 07 - 12 Sep 2014

Integrated water cycle management in Kazakhstan

Meyer, B. and Lundy, L. (ed.) 2014. Integrated water cycle management in Kazakhstan. Almaty, Kazakhstan Al Farabi Kazakh National University Publishing House.

The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of urban runoff

Lundy, L. 1999. The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of urban runoff. PhD thesis Middlesex University Urban Pollution Research Centre

The sources, impact and management of car park runoff pollution: a review

Revitt, D., Lundy, L., Coulon, F. and Fairley, M. 2014. The sources, impact and management of car park runoff pollution: a review. Journal of Environmental Management. 146, pp. 552-567.

Heavy metal concentrations and toxicity in water and sediment from stormwater ponds and sedimentation tanks

Karlsson, K., Viklander, M., Lundy, L. and Revitt, D. 2010. Heavy metal concentrations and toxicity in water and sediment from stormwater ponds and sedimentation tanks. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 178 (1-3), pp. 612-618.

The urban water cycle approach in small development areas

Ellis, J., Revitt, D. and Lundy, L. 2013. The urban water cycle approach in small development areas. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer. 166 (2), pp. 77-85.

Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems

Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Revitt, D., Lundy, L., Holten Lützhøft, H., Ledin, A. and Urban Pollution Research Centre, Middlesex University, The Burroughs, London, NW4 4BT, United Kingdom. 2010. Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems. Science of the Total Environment. 408 (12), pp. 2444-2451.

Comparison of pollutant emission control strategies for cadmium and mercury in urban water systems using substance flow analysis

Revitt, D., Lundy, L., Eriksson, E. and Viavattene, C. 2013. Comparison of pollutant emission control strategies for cadmium and mercury in urban water systems using substance flow analysis. Journal of Environmental Management. 116, pp. 172-180.

Behaviour of selected emerging pollutants in stormwater best management practices (BMPs)

Ellis, J., Revitt, D. and Lundy, L. 2013. Behaviour of selected emerging pollutants in stormwater best management practices (BMPs). 8th International Conference on Sustainable Technologies and Strategies in Urban Water Management (NovaTech). Lyon, France 23 - 27 Jun 2013

The treatability of emerging pollutants in urban stormwater best management practice (BMP) drainage systems

Ellis, J., Revitt, D. and Lundy, L. 2013. The treatability of emerging pollutants in urban stormwater best management practice (BMP) drainage systems. Gas und Wasserfach Wasser Abwasser. 154 (S1), pp. 57-65.

Risk prioritisation of stormwater pollutant sources

Lundy, L., Ellis, J. and Revitt, D. 2012. Risk prioritisation of stormwater pollutant sources. Water Research. 46, pp. 6589-6600.

An impact assessment methodology for urban surface runoff quality following best practice treatment

Ellis, J., Revitt, D. and Lundy, L. 2012. An impact assessment methodology for urban surface runoff quality following best practice treatment. Science of the Total Environment. 416, pp. 172-179.

Emission control strategies for short-chain chloroparaffins in two semi-hypothetical case cities

Eriksson, E., Revitt, D., Holten Lützhøft, H., Viavattene, C., Lundy, L. and Steen Mikkelsen, P. Rauch, S. and Morrison, G. (ed.) 2012. Emission control strategies for short-chain chloroparaffins in two semi-hypothetical case cities. Springer.

Water management in cities of the future using emission control strategies for priority hazardous substances

Eriksson, E., Revitt, D., Ledin, A., Lundy, L., Holten Lützhøft, H., Wickman, T. and Mikkelsen, P. 2011. Water management in cities of the future using emission control strategies for priority hazardous substances. Water Science & Technology. 64 (10), pp. 2109-2118.

Integrating sciences to sustain urban ecosystem services

Lundy, L. and Wade, R. 2011. Integrating sciences to sustain urban ecosystem services. Progress in Physical Geography. 35 (5), pp. 653-669.

Factors influencing the infiltration of pharmaceuticals through soils

Balogh, T., Revitt, D., Jones, H. and Lundy, L. 2011. Factors influencing the infiltration of pharmaceuticals through soils. 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Porto Alegre, Brazil 11 - 16 Sep 2011

Constructed wetlands for flood prevention and water reuse

Shutes, B., Revitt, D. and Lundy, L. 2010. Constructed wetlands for flood prevention and water reuse. 12th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control. Venice 04 - 08 Oct 2010

Water management in cities of the future using emission control strategies for priority hazardous substances

Eriksson, E., Revitt, D., Ledin, A., Lundy, L., Holten Lützhøft, H., Wickman, T. and Mikkelsen, P. 2011. Water management in cities of the future using emission control strategies for priority hazardous substances. Water Science & Technology. 64 (10), pp. 2109-2118.

Emission control strategies for short-chain chloroparaffins in two semi-hypothetical case cities

Eriksson, E., Revitt, D., Holten Lützhøft, H., Viavattene, C., Lundy, L. and Mikkelsen, P. 2010. Emission control strategies for short-chain chloroparaffins in two semi-hypothetical case cities. 10th Urban Environment Symposium; Urban Futures for a Sustainable World. Gothenburg, Sweden 09 - 11 Jun 2010

Heavy metal concentrations and toxicity in water and sediment from stormwater ponds and sedimentation tanks

Karlsson, K., Viklander, M., Lundy, L. and Revitt, D. 2010. Heavy metal concentrations and toxicity in water and sediment from stormwater ponds and sedimentation tanks. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 178 (1-3), pp. 612-618.

Towards a paradigm SWITCH: Integrating urban water management in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Nascimento, N., Heller, L., Ellis, J., Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Champs, J. 2007. Towards a paradigm SWITCH: Integrating urban water management in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Novatech 2007, 6th International Conference on 'Sustainable techniques and strategies for urban water management'. Lyon, France 25 - 28 Jun 2007 pp. 373-380

The use of multi-criteria analysis in decision support systems for the evaluation of urban surface drainage options.

Lundy, L., Ellis, J. and Revitt, D. 2004. The use of multi-criteria analysis in decision support systems for the evaluation of urban surface drainage options. ACTUI2004. Seminar on 'Decision support in the water industry under conditions of uncertainty’. University of Exeter, UK 24 - 25 Mar 2004

Source control options for reducing emission of priority pollutants from urban areas.

Mikkelsen, P., Lützhøft, H., Eriksson, E., Ledin, A., Donner, E., Lundy, L., Revitt, D., Lecloux, A., Wickman, T., Atanasova, N., Kompare, B. and Banovec, P. 2008. Source control options for reducing emission of priority pollutants from urban areas. 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Edinburgh, Scotland

Sustainable stormwater management in the city of the future

Shutes, B., Revitt, D., Ellis, J. and Lundy, L. 2010. Sustainable stormwater management in the city of the future. International forum on construction of water system and waterfront living environment in urban areas.. Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems

Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Revitt, D., Lundy, L., Holten Lützhøft, H. and Ledin, A. 2010. Presence and fate of priority substances in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems. Science of the Total Environment. 408 (12), pp. 2444-2451.

A risk assessment approach for prioritising stormwater control strategies.

Ellis, J., Revitt, D. and Lundy, L. 2010. A risk assessment approach for prioritising stormwater control strategies. 1st European IAHR Congress. Edinburgh 04 - 06 May 2010

Identifying and classifying the sources and uses of xenobiotics in urban environments

Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Holten Lützhøft, H., Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Ledin, A. 2010. Identifying and classifying the sources and uses of xenobiotics in urban environments. in: Fatta-Kassinos, D., Bester, K. and Kümmerer, K. (ed.) Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle: mass flows, environmental processes, mitigation and treatment strategies. London Springer Science + Business Media B.V.

Behaviour of water framework directive priority substances in stormwater and greywater treatment systems.

Donner, E., Revitt, D., Eriksson, E. and Lundy, L. 2009. Behaviour of water framework directive priority substances in stormwater and greywater treatment systems. Water Environment Federation Annual Conference (WEFTEC 2009) (Proceedings of). Orlando, Florida, USA 12 - 14 Oct 2009

Partitioning of European water framework directive priority substances in greywater treatment systems and implications for sludge management.

Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Lundy, L. and Revitt, D. 2009. Partitioning of European water framework directive priority substances in greywater treatment systems and implications for sludge management. SETAC Europe, 19th Annual Meeting (Proceedings of). Gothenburg, Sweden 31 May - 04 Jun 2009

The xenobiotic impact of sedimentary metals in an urban river

Adeyemi, A., Lundy, L., Revitt, D., Jones, H. and Faulkner, H. 2009. The xenobiotic impact of sedimentary metals in an urban river. International Conference on Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle (Proceedings of). Paphos, Cyprus 11 - 13 Mar 2009

Implications of greywater treatment and recycling for municipal wastewater flows and pollutant loads.

Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Lundy, L. and Revitt, D. 2009. Implications of greywater treatment and recycling for municipal wastewater flows and pollutant loads. International Conference on Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle (Proceedings of). Paphos, Cyprus 11 - 13 Mar 2009

Presence and fate of priority substance dynamics in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems.

Donner, E., Eriksson, E., Revitt, D., Lundy, L., Holten Lützhøft, H. and Ledin, A. 2008. Presence and fate of priority substance dynamics in domestic greywater treatment and reuse systems. 11th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage. Edinburgh, Scotland 31 Aug - 05 Sep 2008

Assessment of the removal potentials of selected EU Water Framework Directive priority pollutants within stormwater Best Management Practices.

Lundy, L., Revitt, D., Donner, E., Holten Lützhøft, H. and Eriksson, E. 2008. Assessment of the removal potentials of selected EU Water Framework Directive priority pollutants within stormwater Best Management Practices. 11th International Conference on Storm Drainage (Proceedings of). Edinburgh, Scotland 31 Aug - 05 Sep 2008

A GIS based Decision Support System tool dedicated to the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.

Viavattene, C., Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Ellis, J. 2008. A GIS based Decision Support System tool dedicated to the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. 11th International Conference on Storm Drainage (Proceedings of). Edinburgh, UK 31 Aug - 05 Sep 2008

The collection and comparison of stakeholders' opinions on urban stormwater control measures: consulting experience within the UK

Shutes, B., Oldham, J. and Lundy, L. 2006. The collection and comparison of stakeholders' opinions on urban stormwater control measures: consulting experience within the UK. 17th Scientific sessions of the environment: the city, the citizen & the environment. Hotel du Department, Créteil 23 - 24 May 2006

Effects of temperature on metal tolerance and the accumulation of Zn and Pb by metal-tolerant fungi isolated from urban runoff treatment wetlands

Purchase, D., Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Shutes, B. 2009. Effects of temperature on metal tolerance and the accumulation of Zn and Pb by metal-tolerant fungi isolated from urban runoff treatment wetlands. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 106 (4), pp. 1163-1174.

Development of a database to support the assessment of potential source control and treatment options for priority pollutants.

Viavattene, C., Revitt, D., Lundy, L., Donner, E., Cerk, M., Eriksson, E. and Seriki, K. 2009. Development of a database to support the assessment of potential source control and treatment options for priority pollutants. SETAC Europe, 19th Annual Meeting (Proceedings of). Gothenburg, Sweden 31 May - 04 Jun 2009

The fate and behaviour of priority pollutants in end-of-pipe wastewater treatment plants.

Revitt, D., Gasperi, J., Lundy, L. and Donner, E. 2009. The fate and behaviour of priority pollutants in end-of-pipe wastewater treatment plants. International Conference on Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle (Proceedings of). Paphos, Cyprus 11 - 13 Mar 2009

A systematic approach for the comparative assessment of stormwater pollutant removal potentials

Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Ellis, J. 2008. A systematic approach for the comparative assessment of stormwater pollutant removal potentials. Journal of Environmental Management. 88 (3), pp. 467-478.

Sources and mass flows of xenobiotics in urban water cycles: an overview on current knowledge and data gaps.

Bester, K., Lundy, L., Wahlberg, C. and McArdell, C. 2008. Sources and mass flows of xenobiotics in urban water cycles: an overview on current knowledge and data gaps. Water Air and Soil Pollution:Focus. 8 (5-6), pp. 407-423.

Urban rivers as pollutant sinks and sources: a public health concern for recreational river users?

Lundy, L., Faulkner, H., Tapsell, S. and Downward, S. 2008. Urban rivers as pollutant sinks and sources: a public health concern for recreational river users? Water Air and Soil Pollution:Focus. 8 (5-6), pp. 543-553.

Application of a battery of biotests for toxicity characterization of stormwater.

Baun, A., Seidl, M., Lundy, L., Aldheimer, G., Eriksson, E., Revitt, D. and Mouchel, J. 2008. Application of a battery of biotests for toxicity characterization of stormwater. in: Thevenot, D. (ed.) DayWater: an Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management. London IWA Publishing. pp. 215-221

The DayWater multi-criteria comparator.

Ellis, J., Revitt, D. and Lundy, L. 2008. The DayWater multi-criteria comparator. in: Thevenot, D. (ed.) DayWater: an Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management. London IWA Publishing. pp. 87-96

The best management practice catalogue developed within the DayWater project.

Revitt, D., Lundy, L. and Ellis, J. 2008. The best management practice catalogue developed within the DayWater project. in: Thevenot, D. (ed.) DayWater: an Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management. London IWA Publishing. pp. 79-86

Assessment criteria for sustainable urban drainage systems.

Revitt, D., Lundy, L. and Ellis, J. 2008. Assessment criteria for sustainable urban drainage systems. in: Thevenot, D. (ed.) DayWater: an Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Management. London IWA Publishing. pp. 65-78

A pollutant removal prediction tool for stormwater derived diffuse pollution.

Revitt, D., Lundy, L. and Ellis, J. 2008. A pollutant removal prediction tool for stormwater derived diffuse pollution. Water Science & Technology. 57 (8), pp. 1257-1264.

The role of constructed wetlands in cities of the future. A strategy for creating ‘utopia’

Shutes, B., Revitt, D., Ellis, J. and Lundy, L. 2008. The role of constructed wetlands in cities of the future. A strategy for creating ‘utopia’. 11th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control. Indore, India 01 - 07 Nov 2008

An investigation of urban water and sediment ecotoxicity in relation to metal concentrations

Lundy, L., Mensah, R., Revitt, D. and Jones, H. 2007. An investigation of urban water and sediment ecotoxicity in relation to metal concentrations. Morrison, G. and Rauch, S. (ed.) 8th Highway and Urban Environment Symposium (8HUES). Nicosia, Cyprus 12 - 14 Jun 2006 Springer. pp. 359-370

Selected stormwater priority pollutants - a European perspective

Eriksson, E., Baun, A., Lundy, L., Ledin, A., Ahlman, S., Revitt, D., Noutsopoulos, C. and Mikkelsen, P. 2007. Selected stormwater priority pollutants - a European perspective. Science of the Total Environment. 383 (1-3), pp. 41-51.

A systematic approach for the comparative assessment of stormwater pollutant removal potential

Lundy, L., Ellis, J. and Revitt, D. 2007. A systematic approach for the comparative assessment of stormwater pollutant removal potential. Journal of Environmental Management.

Assessment of stormwater ecotoxicity using a battery of biotests.

Lundy, L., Baun, A., Seidl, M., Eriksson, E., Revitt, D. and Mouchel, J. 2007. Assessment of stormwater ecotoxicity using a battery of biotests. in: Morrison, G. and Rauch, S. (ed.) Highway and urban environment: proceedings of the 8th highway and urban environment symposium. Springer.

Water and health. [Chapter 6 of 'Sustainable water: chemical science priorities summary report']

Green, C., Donner, E., Faulkner, H., Garelick, H., Jones, H., Revitt, D. and Lundy, L. 2007. Water and health. [Chapter 6 of 'Sustainable water: chemical science priorities summary report']. Royal Society of Chemistry.

The DayWater decision support approach to the selection of sustainable drainage systems.

Ellis, J., Deutsch, J., Legret, M., Martin, C., Revitt, D., Lundy, L., Seiker, H. and Zimmerman, U. 2006. The DayWater decision support approach to the selection of sustainable drainage systems. Water Practice & Technology. 1 (1).

Constructed wetlands in UK urban surface drainage systems.

Lundy, L., Ellis, J., Revitt, D. and Shutes, R. 2005. Constructed wetlands in UK urban surface drainage systems. Water Science & Technology. 51 (9), pp. 31-37.

Sustainable urban development and drainage.

Ellis, J., Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Oldham, J. 2004. Sustainable urban development and drainage. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer. 157 (4), pp. 245-250.

Multicriteria decision approaches to support sustainable drainage options for the treatment of highway and urban runoff

Ellis, J., Deutsch, J., Mouchel, J., Lundy, L. and Revitt, D. 2004. Multicriteria decision approaches to support sustainable drainage options for the treatment of highway and urban runoff. Science of the Total Environment. 334-35, pp. 251-260.

An experimental constructed wetland system for the treatment of highway runoff in the UK

Shutes, B., Revitt, D., Lundy, L., Forshaw, M. and Winter, B. 2001. An experimental constructed wetland system for the treatment of highway runoff in the UK. Water Science & Technology. 44 (11), pp. 571-578.
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