Prof William Schabas

Prof William Schabas
NameProf William Schabas
Job titleProfessor of International Law
Research institute
Primary appointmentLaw and Social Sciences
Contact categoryResearcher



Professor William A. Schabas is professor of international law at Middlesex University in London. He joined the Middlesex University faculty in 2011 after a distinguished career as a practising lawyer (member of the Québec bar) and academic, have previously been professor of law at the Université du Québec à Montréal and the University of Galway.

Professor Schabas is also emeritus professor at Leiden University and the University of Galway, honorary chairman of the Irish Centre for Human Rights, and invited visiting scholar at the Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po). Prof. Schabas is a ‘door tenant’ at the chambers of 9 Bedford Row, in London.

He has appeared as counsel before several international and national courts and tribunals including the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of Canada. Professor Schabas was named an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2006. He was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2007. He has been awarded the Vespasian V. Pella Medal for International Criminal Justice of the Association internationale de droit pénal, the Gold Medal in the Social Sciences of the Royal Irish Academy, and he holds several honorary doctorates.

Professor Schabas served as one of the commissioners of the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission, from 2002 to 2004. In 2014, he was appointed by the president of the United Nations Human Rights Council as chairman of the International commission of inquiry to investigate all violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, in the context of the military operations conducted since 13 June 2014. From 2009 to 2011, he was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights.

Professor Schabas has prepared the quinquennial reports of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the status of capital punishment for 2010, 2015 and 2020.


In addition to teaching on the international law courses offered at Middlesex, Professor Schabas supervises many doctoral students. Since he joined the Middlesex University faculty, in 2011, he has supervised more than thirty doctoral students through to completion. Twelve of the theses have now been published by major international law publishing houses.

Education and qualifications

01 Nov 1992
Université de Montréal
01 Sept 1990
Université de Montréal
01 Jun 1983
Université de Montréal
01 Sept 1973
University of Toronto
01 Jun 1972
University of Toronto


Prizes and Awards

Research outputs

The right to life in armed conflict

Schabas, W. 2024. The right to life in armed conflict. Japanese Yearbook of International Law. 66 (2023), pp. 21-48.

Codifying the human right to science

Schabas, W. 2023. Codifying the human right to science. The International Journal of Human Rights.

The International Legal Order's Colour Line: Racism and racial discrimination in the making of international law

Schabas, W. 2023. The International Legal Order's Colour Line: Racism and racial discrimination in the making of international law. New York, USA Oxford University Press (OUP).

La Cour pénale internationale à vingt ans: Un bilan géopolitique

Schabas, W. 2023. La Cour pénale internationale à vingt ans: Un bilan géopolitique. in: Holeindre, J-V. (ed.) Annuaire français de relations internationales Paris, France Éditions Panthéon-Assas. pp. 911-925

Race, human rights and the Global South at the first session of the UN General Assembly

Schabas, W. 2022. Race, human rights and the Global South at the first session of the UN General Assembly. in: de Wet, E. and Scherr, K. M. (ed.) Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Volume 25 Leiden, The Netherlands Brill | Nijhoff. pp. 625-644

Genocide and Ukraine: Do words always mean what we choose them to mean?

Schabas, W. 2022. Genocide and Ukraine: Do words always mean what we choose them to mean? Journal of International Criminal Justice. 20 (4), pp. 843-857.

Les défis qui attendent le nouveau Procureur

Schabas, W. Les défis qui attendent le nouveau Procureur. in: Fernandez, J. and de Frouville, O. (ed.) Tensions et dynamiques de la justice pénale internationale: sixièmes journées de la justice pénale internationale Paris, France Editions Pedone. pp. 65-73

Relationships between international criminal law and other branches of international law

Schabas, W. 2022. Relationships between international criminal law and other branches of international law. The Hague Brill | Nijhoff.

Le droit de jouir des arts

Schabas, W. 2022. Le droit de jouir des arts. Revue québécoise de droit international. h.s. (Jan 22), pp. 337-348.

Nuremberg and the drafting of the Genocide Convention

Schabas, W. 2022. Nuremberg and the drafting of the Genocide Convention. Washington University Global Studies Law Review. 21 (1), pp. 71-91.

The customary international law of human rights

Schabas, W. 2021. The customary international law of human rights. Oxford, UK Oxford University Press (OUP).

Legal opinion on war crimes related to the United States occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom since 17 January 1893

Schabas, W. 2021. Legal opinion on war crimes related to the United States occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom since 17 January 1893. Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics. 3, pp. 334-360.

The twilight of capital punishment

Schabas, W. 2021. The twilight of capital punishment. in: Haverkap, R., Milchling, M., Kinzig, J., Obertwittler, D. and Wößner, G. (ed.) Unterwegs in Kriminologie und Strafrecht. Festschrift für Hans-Jörg Albrecht Berlin Duncker & Humblot. pp. 561-568

Der Prozess gegen den Kaiser

Schabas, W. 2021. Der Prozess gegen den Kaiser. Fritz Bauer Forum Buxus Stiftung.

El Juicio del Kaíser

Schabas, W. 2021. El Juicio del Kaíser. Madrid Berg Institute.

Article 13

Schabas, W. and Pecorella, G. 2021. Article 13. in: Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article-by-Article Commentary Beck/Hart/Nomos.

Article 12

Schabas, W. and Pecorella, G. 2021. Article 12. in: Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article-by-Article Commentary Beck/Hart/Nomos.

Of amnesty, pendulums, and peremptory norms

Schabas, W. 2021. Of amnesty, pendulums, and peremptory norms. FIU Law Review. 15 (1), pp. 83-85.

International Law and the abolition of the death penalty

Schabas, W. 2020. International Law and the abolition of the death penalty. in: Steiker, C. and Steiker, J. (ed.) Comparative capital punishment Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar. pp. 217-231

Le droit coutumier, les normes impératives (jus cogens) et la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme’

Schabas, W. 2020. Le droit coutumier, les normes impératives (jus cogens) et la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme’. Révue québécoise de droit international. h.s. (Dec 20), pp. 681-704.

The dynamics of the Rome Conference

Schabas, W. 2020. The dynamics of the Rome Conference. in: deGuzman, M. and Oosterveld, V. (ed.) The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Court Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar. pp. 3-19

Richard Holbrooke: The not so quiet American [Book Review]

Schabas, W. 2021. Richard Holbrooke: The not so quiet American [Book Review]. Diplomatic History. 45 (1), pp. 213-215.

An introduction to the International Criminal Court, sixth edition

Schabas, W. 2020. An introduction to the International Criminal Court, sixth edition. Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press.

Main challenges and the future of International Criminal Law

Schabas, W. 2020. Main challenges and the future of International Criminal Law. in: Weill, S., Seelinger, K. and Carlson, K. (ed.) The President on Trial - Prosecuting Hissène Habré Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 416-430

Article 4 – Interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants

Schabas, W., Van Drooghenbroeck, S. and Rizcallah, C. 2019. Article 4 – Interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants. in: Picod, F., Rizcallah, C. and Van Droghenbroeck, S. (ed.) Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne, Commentaire article par article Brussels, Belgium Larcier. pp. 111-128

U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Nowak's CCPR commentary

Schabas, W. 2019. U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Nowak's CCPR commentary. Kehl, Germany N. P. Engel Verlag.

John Peters Humphrey (1905–1995): The man behind the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Schabas, W. 2019. John Peters Humphrey (1905–1995): The man behind the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. in: McCall-Smith, K., Wouters, J. and Gómez Isa, F. (ed.) The Faces of Human Rights Oxford Hart. pp. 115-123

The right to truth: when does it begin?

Schabas, W. 2019. The right to truth: when does it begin? in: Lafontaine,, F. and Larocque, F. (ed.) Doing Peace the Rights Way: Essays in International Law and Relations in Honour of Louise Arbour Cambridge Intersentia. pp. 37-52

The trial of the Kaiser

Schabas, W. 2018. The trial of the Kaiser. Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP).

Prevention of crimes against humanity

Schabas, W. 2018. Prevention of crimes against humanity. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 16 (4), pp. 705-728.

Time, justice, and human rights: statutory limitation on the right to truth?

Schabas, W. 2018. Time, justice, and human rights: statutory limitation on the right to truth? in: Adler, N. (ed.) Understanding the Age of Transitional Justice: Crimes, Courts, Commissions, and Chronicling, New Brunswick, New Jersey Rutgers University Press. pp. 37-55

Fragmentation or stabilisation? Recent case law on the crime of genocide in light of the 2007 judgement of the International Court of Justice

Schabas, W. 2018. Fragmentation or stabilisation? Recent case law on the crime of genocide in light of the 2007 judgement of the International Court of Justice. in: Eboe-Osuji, C. and Emeseh, E. (ed.) Nigerian yearbook of international law 2017 The Hague Springer.

Nuremberg and aggressive war

Schabas, W. 2018. Nuremberg and aggressive war. in: Sadat, L. (ed.) Seeking accountability for the unlawful use of force Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 58-79

Book review: Justice, Mercy, and Caprice: Clemency and the Death Penalty in Ireland

Schabas, W. 2018. Book review: Justice, Mercy, and Caprice: Clemency and the Death Penalty in Ireland. The Irish Jurist. 58, pp. 161-162.

Principle 20. Jurisdiction of international and internationalized criminal tribunals

Schabas, W. 2018. Principle 20. Jurisdiction of international and internationalized criminal tribunals. in: Haldemann, F. and Unger, T. (ed.) The United Nations Principles to Combat Impunity: A Commentary Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 219-225

The Balkan investigation

Schabas, W. 2018. The Balkan investigation. in: Crane, D., Sadat, L. and Scharf, M. (ed.) The Founders: Four Pioneering Individuals who Launched the First Modern-Era International Criminal Tribunals New York Cambridge University Press. pp. 44-52

Strict construction and the Rome statute

Schabas, W. 2018. Strict construction and the Rome statute. in: Dewulf, S. (ed.) la [CVDW], Liber Amicorum Chris Van den Wyngaert, Antwerp-Apeldoorn Maklu. pp. 423-438

International prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes perpetrated during the First World War

Schabas, W. 2018. International prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes perpetrated during the First World War. in: Böse, M., Bohlander, M., Klip, A. and Lagodny, O. (ed.) Justice Without Borders: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schombourg Leiden Brill | Nijhoff. pp. 395-410

Article 4 - L'interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains et dégradants

Schabas, W. 2017. Article 4 - L'interdiction de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains et dégradants. in: Picod, F. and van Drooghenbroeck, S. (ed.) La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne Larcier. pp. 105-115

The use of force in the Nicaraguan Cases

Schabas, W. 2018. The use of force in the Nicaraguan Cases. in: Sobenes Obregon, E. and Samson, B. (ed.) Nicaragua Before the International Court of Justice Springer. pp. 305-326

Defining enforced disappearance as a crime against humanity

Schabas, W. 2017. Defining enforced disappearance as a crime against humanity. in: Bidault, M., Boumghar, M. and de Frouville, O. (ed.) Mélanges en l’honneur du professeur Emmanuel Decaux, Réciprocité et universalité, Sources et régimes du droit international des droits de l’homme Editions Pedone. pp. 449-466


Schabas, W. 2017. Bilan. in: Beauvalet, O. (ed.) Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la justice pénale internationale Boulogne-Billancourt Berger-Levreault. pp. 127-131

Double standards and the quest for justice

Schabas, W. 2017. Double standards and the quest for justice. in: Totten, S. (ed.) Last Lectures on the Prevention and Intervention of Genocide London Routledge. pp. 282-289

Al Mahdi has been convicted of a crime he did not commit

Schabas, W. 2017. Al Mahdi has been convicted of a crime he did not commit. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law. 49 (1), pp. 75-102.

Interacting with academic institutions

Schabas, W. 2017. Interacting with academic institutions. in: Bergsmo, M., Rackwitz, K. and Song, T. (ed.) Historical Origins of International Criminal Law Brussels Torkel Opsahl Academic Publishers.


Schabas, W. 2017. Foreword. in: Drug Control and Human Rights in International Law Cambridge University Press. pp. ix-xii


Schabas, W. 2017. Foreword. in: Lawther, C., Moffet, L. and Jacobs, D. (ed.) Research Handbook on Transitional Justice Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. xiv–xvi

The Human Right to peace

Schabas, W. 2017. The Human Right to peace. Harvard International Law Journal. 58, pp. 28-32.

Research handbook on international courts and tribunals

Schabas, W. and Murphy, S. (ed.) 2017. Research handbook on international courts and tribunals. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Schabas, W. 2017. Introduction. in: Schabas, W. and Murphy, S. (ed.) Research Handbook on International Courts and Tribunals Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 1-36

Nikolaos Politis and the earliest negotiation to establish an International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2017. Nikolaos Politis and the earliest negotiation to establish an International Criminal Court. in: Jacqué, J., Benoît-Rohmer, F., Grigoriou, P. and Marouda, M. (ed.) Liber Amicorum Stelios Perrakis Athens Sideris. pp. 167-178

An introduction to the International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2017. An introduction to the International Criminal Court. Cambridge University Press.

La Comisión de Crímenes de Guerra de las Naciones Unidas : Propuesta de una corte penal internacional

Schabas, W. 2017. La Comisión de Crímenes de Guerra de las Naciones Unidas : Propuesta de una corte penal internacional. in: Justicia Transicional: Historia y Actualidad Pamplona Aranzadi. pp. 89-106

General Principles, Nullum Crimen and Accountability for International Crimes

Schabas, W. 2016. General Principles, Nullum Crimen and Accountability for International Crimes. in: International Law and the Protection of Humanity, Essays in Honour of Flavia Lattanzi Leiden and Boston Brill | Nijhoff. pp. 496-505

Human rights treaties and capital punishment

Schabas, W. 2016. Human rights treaties and capital punishment. in: L'abolition universelle de la peine de mort Paris Editions A. Pedone. pp. 135-141


Schabas, W. 2016. Foreword. in: Habeas Corpus in International Law Cambridge University Press. pp. ix-xii

Aggression and international human rights law

Schabas, W. 2016. Aggression and international human rights law. in: Kreß, C. and Barriga, S. (ed.) The Crime of Aggression: A Commentary Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 351-371

The International Criminal Court: a commentary on the Rome Statute, second edition

Schabas, W. 2016. The International Criminal Court: a commentary on the Rome Statute, second edition. Oxford University Press (OUP).

The international criminal court: a commentary on the Rome statute

Schabas, W. 2016. The international criminal court: a commentary on the Rome statute. Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP).

Entrevue avec William A. Schabas, quelques réflexions sur les commissions d’enquête

Schabas, W. 2016. Entrevue avec William A. Schabas, quelques réflexions sur les commissions d’enquête. in: Grignon, J. (ed.) Hommage à Jean Pictet Editions Yvon Blais. pp. 485-492

Review of Amal Alamuddin, Nidal Nabil Jurdi and David Tolbert, The Special Tribunal for Lebanon, law and practice

Schabas, W. 2016. Review of Amal Alamuddin, Nidal Nabil Jurdi and David Tolbert, The Special Tribunal for Lebanon, law and practice. in: Arnauld, A. and Odendahl, K. (ed.) German Yearbook of International Law Berlin Duncker & Humblot.

La banalidad de la justicia internacional

Schabas, W. 2016. La banalidad de la justicia internacional. Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional.

Article 109. Enforcement of fines and forfeiture measures

Schabas, W. 2016. Article 109. Enforcement of fines and forfeiture measures. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 2205-2209

Article 108. Limitation on the prosecution or punishment of other offences

Schabas, W. 2016. Article 108. Limitation on the prosecution or punishment of other offences. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 2199-2204

Article 76. Sentencing

Schabas, W. and Ambos, K. 2016. Article 76. Sentencing. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 1871-1876

Article 67. Rights of the accused

Schabas, W. and McDermott, Y. 2016. Article 67. Rights of the accused. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 1650-1680

Article 66. Presumption of innocence

Schabas, W. and McDermott, Y. 2016. Article 66. Presumption of innocence. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 1635-1649

Article 63. Trial in the presence of the accused

Schabas, W. and Caruana, V. 2016. Article 63. Trial in the presence of the accused. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 1563-1587

Article 61. Confirmation of the charges before trial

Schabas, W., El Zeidy, M. and Chaitidou, E. 2016. Article 61. Confirmation of the charges before trial. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 1484-1549

Article 29. Non-applicability of statute of limitations

Schabas, W. 2016. Article 29. Non-applicability of statute of limitations. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 1107-1110

Article 23. Nulla poena sine lege

Schabas, W. and Ambos, K. 2016. Article 23. Nulla poena sine lege. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 967-970

Article 17. Issues of admissibility

Schabas, W. and El Zeidy, M. 2016. Article 17. Issues of admissibility. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 781-831

Article 13. Exercise of jurisdiction

Schabas, W. and Pecorella, G. 2016. Article 13. Exercise of jurisdiction. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 690-702

Article 12. Preconditions to the exercise of jurisdiction

Schabas, W. and Pecorella, G. 2016. Article 12. Preconditions to the exercise of jurisdiction. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 672-689

Article 6. Genocide

Schabas, W. 2016. Article 6. Genocide. in: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (ed.) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Munich, Oxford, Baden Baden C.H. Beck, - Hart - Nomos. pp. 127-143

State obligations in implementing arrest warrants

Schabas, W. 2016. State obligations in implementing arrest warrants. in: Steinberg, R. (ed.) Contemporary Issues Facing the International Criminal Court Leiden and Boston Brill | Nijhoff. pp. 112-123

Atrocity crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes)

Schabas, W. 2016. Atrocity crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes). in: Schabas, W. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to International Criminal Law Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 199-213

The Cambridge companion to international criminal law

Schabas, W. (ed.) 2016. The Cambridge companion to international criminal law. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.

The Katyn Forest Massacre and the Nuremberg Trial

Schabas, W. 2015. The Katyn Forest Massacre and the Nuremberg Trial. in: Historical Origins of International Criminal Law Brussels Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher.


Schabas, W. 2015. Genocidio. in: Sylvia Helena Steiner and Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brandt, eds., O Tribunal Penal Internacional – Comentários ao Estatuto de Roma Belo Horizonte Del Rey. pp. 137-150

The European convention on human rights: a commentary

Schabas, W. 2015. The European convention on human rights: a commentary. Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP).

Selecting situations and cases

Schabas, W. 2015. Selecting situations and cases. in: Stahn, C. (ed.) The Law and Practice of the International Criminal Court Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 365-381

Selecting cases at the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda

Schabas, W. 2015. Selecting cases at the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda. in: Jalloh, C. and Marong, A. (ed.) Promoting Accountability Under International Law for Gross Human Rights Violations in Africa Leiden and Boston Brill | Nijhoff. pp. 58-70

Looking back: how the founders considered science and progress in their relation to human rights / Un regard rétrospectif: comment les fondateurs envisageaient science et progrès dans leur relation aux droits de l’homme

Schabas, W. 2015. Looking back: how the founders considered science and progress in their relation to human rights / Un regard rétrospectif: comment les fondateurs envisageaient science et progrès dans leur relation aux droits de l’homme. Journal européen des droits de l'homme / European Journal of Human Rights. 2015 (4), pp. 504-518.

The special adviser on the prevention of genocide and his inscrutable mandate

Schabas, W. 2015. The special adviser on the prevention of genocide and his inscrutable mandate. in: Majinge, C. (ed.) Rule of Law through Human Rights and International Criminal Justice Newcastle on Tyne Cambridge Scholars. pp. 65-81

Victors’ justice or pursuit of justice

Schabas, W. 2015. Victors’ justice or pursuit of justice. Tokyo Iwanami Shoten.

Les 'nouveaux crimes' de la turquie

Schabas, W. 2015. Les 'nouveaux crimes' de la turquie. Politique internationale.

Remarks by William Schabas

Schabas, W. 2015. Remarks by William Schabas. Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting. 109, pp. 20-22.

Roger Clark: a personal tribute

Schabas, W. 2015. Roger Clark: a personal tribute. in: Linton, S., Simpson, G. and Schabas, W. (ed.) For the Sake of Present and Future Generations: Essays on International Law, Crime and Justice in Honour of Roger S. Clark Leiden, The Netherlands Brill | Nijhoff. pp. 12-20

The right to life

Schabas, W. 2014. The right to life. in: Clapham, A. and Gaeta, P. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Armed Conflict Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 365-386

International courts and tribunals

Schabas, W. (ed.) 2014. International courts and tribunals. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Judicial ethics at the international criminal tribunals

Schabas, W. 2014. Judicial ethics at the international criminal tribunals. in: Popovski, V. (ed.) International Rule of Law and Professional Ethics Farnham Ashgate. pp. 189-206

International criminal law and tribunals and human rights

Schabas, W. 2013. International criminal law and tribunals and human rights. in: Sheeran, S. and Rodley, S. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of International Human Rights Law London and New York Routledge. pp. 215-230

The International Criminal Court: struggling to find its way

Schabas, W. 2012. The International Criminal Court: struggling to find its way. in: Cassese, A. (ed.) Realizing Utopia: the future of International Law Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 250-260

International criminal courts

Schabas, W. 2013. International criminal courts. in: Romano, C., Alter, K. and Shany, Y. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of International Adjudication Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 205-224

No peace without justice? The role of International Criminal Law

Schabas, W. 2013. No peace without justice? The role of International Criminal Law. Hamburg Hamburger Institute.

The contribution of the Eichmann Trial to International Law

Schabas, W. 2013. The contribution of the Eichmann Trial to International Law. Leiden Journal of International Law. 26 (3), pp. 667-699.

Travaux préparatoires of human rights instruments

Schabas, W. 2013. Travaux préparatoires of human rights instruments. in: Alen, A., Joosten, V., Leysen, R. and Verrijdt, W. (ed.) Liberae Cogitationes, Liber Amicorum Marc Bossuyt Cambridge/Antwerp/Portland Intersentia. pp. 579-589

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Travaux Préparatoires

Schabas, W. (ed.) 2013. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Travaux Préparatoires. Cambridge University Press.

Do the “underlying values” of the European Convention on Human Rights begin in 1950?

Schabas, W. 2013. Do the “underlying values” of the European Convention on Human Rights begin in 1950? Polish Yearbook of International Law. 33, pp. 247-258.

Building the narrative: the UN Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone

Schabas, W. 2013. Building the narrative: the UN Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. in: Delage, C. and Goodrich, P. (ed.) The Scene of the Mass Crime: History, Film and International Tribunals Abingdon Routledge. pp. 23-40

The banality of international justice

Schabas, W. 2013. The banality of international justice. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 11 (3), pp. 545-551.

International criminal law

Schabas, W. (ed.) 2012. International criminal law. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Unimaginable atrocities: justice, politics, and rights at the war crimes tribunals

Schabas, W. 2012. Unimaginable atrocities: justice, politics, and rights at the war crimes tribunals. Oxford, UK Oxford University Press (OUP).

Introductory remarks by William Schabas

Schabas, W. 2012. Introductory remarks by William Schabas. Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting. 106, pp. 305-307.

The first ten years of the International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2012. The first ten years of the International Criminal Court. Meждyнapoднoe Пravocyдиe [= International Justice]. 2 (3), pp. 5-16.

The International Criminal Court at ten

Schabas, W. 2011. The International Criminal Court at ten. Criminal Law Forum. 22 (4), pp. 493-509.

International War Crimes Tribunals and the United States

Schabas, W. 2011. International War Crimes Tribunals and the United States. Diplomatic History. 35 (5), pp. 769-786.

The Human Right to Peace

Schabas, W. 2011. The Human Right to Peace. in: Eide, A., Ziemele, I. and Möller, J.T. (ed.) Making Peoples Heard: Essays on Human Rights in Honour of Gudmundur Alfredsson Brill | Nijhoff. pp. 43-57

The Genocide Convention at Fifty

Schabas, W. 1999. The Genocide Convention at Fifty. United States Institute of Peace.

Bringing Rwandan Génocidaires to book.

Schabas, W. 1999. Bringing Rwandan Génocidaires to book. Yale Center for International and Area Studies.

Crimes against humanity in Western Burma: the situation of the Rohingyas.

Schabas, W., Prudhomme, N. and Powderly, J. 2010. Crimes against humanity in Western Burma: the situation of the Rohingyas. Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: is a ‘tribunal of an international character’ equivalent to an ‘international criminal court’?

Schabas, W. 2008. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: is a ‘tribunal of an international character’ equivalent to an ‘international criminal court’? Leiden Journal of International Law. 21 (2), pp. 513-528.

An introduction to the International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2011. An introduction to the International Criminal Court. Cambridge University Press.

Criminology, accountability and international justice

Schabas, W. 2011. Criminology, accountability and international justice. in: Bosworth, M. and Hoyle, C. (ed.) What is Criminology? Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 346-357

La peine de mort et la Convention européene des droits de l’homme

Schabas, W. 2011. La peine de mort et la Convention européene des droits de l’homme. in: Levinet, M. (ed.) Le droit au respect de la vie au sens de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme Brussels Bruylant. pp. 243-252

Crimes against humanity as a paradigm for international atrocity crimes

Schabas, W. 2011. Crimes against humanity as a paradigm for international atrocity crimes. Middle East Critique. 20 (3), pp. 253-269.

Synergy or fragmentation? International Criminal Law and the European Convention on Human Rights

Schabas, W. 2011. Synergy or fragmentation? International Criminal Law and the European Convention on Human Rights. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 9 (3), pp. 609-632.

Gaza, Goldstone and Lawfare

Schabas, W. 2011. Gaza, Goldstone and Lawfare. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law. 43 (1/2), pp. 307-312.

Judicial activism and the crime of genocide

Schabas, W. 2010. Judicial activism and the crime of genocide. in: Darcy, S. and Powderly, J. (ed.) Judicial Creativity at the International Criminal Tribunals Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 63-79

Il rapido progresso verso l’abolizione della pena di morte in Africa

Schabas, W. 2010. Il rapido progresso verso l’abolizione della pena di morte in Africa. in: Costa, P. (ed.) Il diritto di uccidere, L’enigma della pena di morte Milan Feltrinelli. pp. 247-262

The Genocide Convention: The Travaux Préparatoires. By Hirad Abtahi and Philippa Webb. Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008.Vol. 1: Pp. xxxviii, 1252. Vol. 2: Pp. xv, 965 (1253–2217). Index. $585, €411 (set) [Book review]

Schabas, W. 2010. The Genocide Convention: The Travaux Préparatoires. By Hirad Abtahi and Philippa Webb. Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008.Vol. 1: Pp. xxxviii, 1252. Vol. 2: Pp. xv, 965 (1253–2217). Index. $585, €411 (set) [Book review]. American Journal of International Law. 104 (2), pp. 318-324.

The international criminal court: a commentary on the Rome statute

Schabas, W. 2010. The international criminal court: a commentary on the Rome statute. Oxford University Press (OUP).

The International Criminal Court and non-party States

Schabas, W. 2010. The International Criminal Court and non-party States. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice. 28 (1), pp. 1-22.

'Victor’s justice': selecting 'situations’ at the International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2010. 'Victor’s justice': selecting 'situations’ at the International Criminal Court. John Marshall Law Review. 32, pp. 535-552.

Commentary on Paul Boghossian, 'the concept of genocide'

Schabas, W. 2010. Commentary on Paul Boghossian, 'the concept of genocide'. Journal of Genocide Research. 12 (1-2), pp. 91-99.

Retroactive application of the Genocide Convention

Schabas, W. 2010. Retroactive application of the Genocide Convention. University of St. Thomas Journal of Law & Public Policy. 4 (2), pp. 36-59.

Prosecuting Dr Strangelove, Goldfinger, and the Joker at the International Criminal Court: closing the loopholes

Schabas, W. 2010. Prosecuting Dr Strangelove, Goldfinger, and the Joker at the International Criminal Court: closing the loopholes. Leiden Journal of International Law. 23 (4), pp. 847-853.

Capital punishment and implementation of the safeguardsguaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing thedeath penalty. Report of the Secretary-General.

Schabas, W. 2009. Capital punishment and implementation of the safeguardsguaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing thedeath penalty. Report of the Secretary-General. United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Genocide in international law: the crime of crimes

Schabas, W. 2009. Genocide in international law: the crime of crimes. Cambridge University Press.

What is genocide? What are the gaps in the convention?How to prevent genocide?

Schabas, W. 2009. What is genocide? What are the gaps in the convention?How to prevent genocide? Politorbis. 47 (2), pp. 33-46.

International Crimes

Schabas, W. 2008. International Crimes. in: Armstrong, D. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of International Law London Routledge. pp. 268-280

Prosecutorial discretion v. judicial activism at the International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2008. Prosecutorial discretion v. judicial activism at the International Criminal Court. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 6 (4), pp. 731-761.

War crimes and human rights: essays on the death penalty, justice and accountability.

Schabas, W. 2008. War crimes and human rights: essays on the death penalty, justice and accountability. London Cameron May Publishing.

Should active recruitment of health workers from sub-Saharan Africa be viewed as a crime?

Mills, E., Schabas, W., Volmink, J., Walker, R., Ford, N., Katabira, E., Anema, A., Joffres, M., Cahn, P. and Montaner, J. 2008. Should active recruitment of health workers from sub-Saharan Africa be viewed as a crime? The Lancet. 371 (9613), pp. 685-688.

Deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort

Schabas, W. 2008. Deuxième Protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort. in: Decaux, E. (ed.) Le Pacte international relative aux droits civils et politiques, Commentaire article par article Paris Economica. pp. 869-882

Article 6

Schabas, W. 2008. Article 6. in: Decaux, E. (ed.) Le Pacte international relative aux droits civils et politiques, Commentaire article par article Paris Economica. pp. 179-199

Brave new world: the role of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

Schabas, W. 2008. Brave new world: the role of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Friedens-Warte: Blaetter fuer internationale Verstaendigung und zwischenstaatliche Organisation. 83 (4), pp. 11-31.

The International Criminal Court and complementarity: five years on

Schabas, W., Stahn, C. and El Zeidy, M. 2008. The International Criminal Court and complementarity: five years on. Criminal Law Forum. 19 (1), pp. 1-3.

Complementarity in practice: some uncomplimentary thoughts

Schabas, W. 2008. Complementarity in practice: some uncomplimentary thoughts. Criminal Law Forum. 19 (1), pp. 5-33.

Origins of the Genocide Convention: from Nuremberg to Paris

Schabas, W. 2008. Origins of the Genocide Convention: from Nuremberg to Paris. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law. 40 (1/2), pp. 35-55.

International Criminal Tribunals: a review of 2007.

Schabas, W. 2008. International Criminal Tribunals: a review of 2007. Northwestern Journal of International Human Rights. 6 (3), pp. 382-414.

State policy as an element of international crimes

Schabas, W. 2008. State policy as an element of international crimes. Journal of criminal law and criminology. 98 (3), pp. 953-982.

An introduction to the International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2007. An introduction to the International Criminal Court. Cambridge University Press.

Genocide and the International Court of Justice: finally, a duty to prevent the crime of crimes.

Schabas, W. 2007. Genocide and the International Court of Justice: finally, a duty to prevent the crime of crimes. Genocide Studies and Prevention. 2 (2), pp. 101-122.

Atrocities and international accountability.

Hughes, E., Thakur, R. and Schabas, W. 2007. Atrocities and international accountability. UN Publications.

Regions, regionalism and international criminal law.

Schabas, W. 2007. Regions, regionalism and international criminal law. The New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 4, pp. 3-23.

International human rights and Canadian law: legal commitment, implementation and the charter.

Schabas, W. and Beaulac, S. 2007. International human rights and Canadian law: legal commitment, implementation and the charter. Carswell.

Lex specialis? Belt and suspenders? The parallel operation of human rights law and the law of armed conflict, and the conundrum of jus ad bellum

Schabas, W. 2007. Lex specialis? Belt and suspenders? The parallel operation of human rights law and the law of armed conflict, and the conundrum of jus ad bellum. Israel Law Review. 40 (2), pp. 592-613.

The “odious scourge”: evolving interpretations of the crime of genocide.

Schabas, W. 2006. The “odious scourge”: evolving interpretations of the crime of genocide. Genocide Studies and Prevention. 1 (2), pp. 93-106.

The UN international criminal tribunals: the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone

Schabas, W. 2006. The UN international criminal tribunals: the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. Cambridge University Press.

Preventing genocide and mass killing: the challenge for the United Nations.

Schabas, W. 2006. Preventing genocide and mass killing: the challenge for the United Nations. Minority Rights Group International.

Fair trials and national security evidence.

Schabas, W. 2006. Fair trials and national security evidence. International Commentary on Evidence. 4 (1).

International justice for international crimes: an idea whose time has come

Schabas, W. 2006. International justice for international crimes: an idea whose time has come. European Review. 14 (4), pp. 421-439.

Genocide trials and gacaca courts

Schabas, W. 2005. Genocide trials and gacaca courts. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 3 (4), pp. 879-895.


Schabas, W. 2005. Canada. in: Brandon, B. and du Plessis, M. (ed.) The Prosecution of International Crimes: A Practical Guide to Prosecuting ICC Crimes in Commonwealth States Authors Commonwealth Secretariat Commonwealth Secretariat. pp. 153-171

Truth Commissions and Courts: the tension between criminal justice and the search for truth

Schabas, W. and Darcy, S. (ed.) 2004. Truth Commissions and Courts: the tension between criminal justice and the search for truth. Springer.

Cultural genocide and the protection of the right of existence of Aboriginal and indigenous groups

Schabas, W. 2005. Cultural genocide and the protection of the right of existence of Aboriginal and indigenous groups. in: Castellino, J. and Walsh, N. (ed.) International law and indigenous peoples Leiden Martinus Nijhoff.

Encyclopedia of genocide and crimes against humanity

Shelton, D., Adelman, H., Chalk, F., Kiss, A. and Schabas, W. 2005. Encyclopedia of genocide and crimes against humanity. Macmillan Reference USA.

Darfur and the ‘odious scourge’: the Commission of Inquiry's findings on genocide

Schabas, W. 2005. Darfur and the ‘odious scourge’: the Commission of Inquiry's findings on genocide. Leiden Journal of International Law. 18 (4), pp. 871-885.

An introduction to the International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2004. An introduction to the International Criminal Court. Cambridge University Press.

International law and the death penalty: reflecting or promoting change?

Schabas, W. 2004. International law and the death penalty: reflecting or promoting change? in: Hodgkinson, P. and Schabas, W. (ed.) Capital Punishment: Strategies for Abolition Cambridge University Press. pp. 36-62

Public opinion and the death penalty

Schabas, W. 2004. Public opinion and the death penalty. in: Hodgkinson, P. and Schabas, W. (ed.) Capital Punishment: Strategies for Abolition Cambridge University Press. pp. 309-331

Capital punishment: strategies for abolition

Hodgkinson, P. and Schabas, W. (ed.) 2004. Capital punishment: strategies for abolition. Cambridge University Press.

The unfinished work of defining aggression: how many times must the cannonballs fly, before they are forever banned?

Schabas, W. 2004. The unfinished work of defining aggression: how many times must the cannonballs fly, before they are forever banned? in: McGoldrick, D., Rowe, P. and Donnelly, E. (ed.) The permanent international criminal court: legal and policy issues Oxford Hart.

The special court for Sierra Leone: testing the waters: conjoined twins of transitional justice? The Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court

Schabas, W. 2004. The special court for Sierra Leone: testing the waters: conjoined twins of transitional justice? The Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 2 (4), pp. 1082-1099.

A synergistic relationship: the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court for Sierra Leone

Schabas, W. 2004. A synergistic relationship: the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Criminal Law Forum. 15 (1/2), pp. 3-54.

Amnesty, the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court for Sierra Leone

Schabas, W. 2004. Amnesty, the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court for Sierra Leone. U.C. Davis Journal of International Law & Policy. 11, pp. 145-169.

United States hostility to the International Criminal Court: it's all about the Security Council

Schabas, W. 2004. United States hostility to the International Criminal Court: it's all about the Security Council. European Journal of International Law. 15 (4), pp. 701-720.

The relationship between Truth Commissions and International Courts: the case of Sierra Leone

Schabas, W. 2003. The relationship between Truth Commissions and International Courts: the case of Sierra Leone. Human Rights Quarterly. 25 (4), pp. 1035-1066.

National Courts finally begin to prosecute genocide, the ‘crime of crimes’

Schabas, W. 2003. National Courts finally begin to prosecute genocide, the ‘crime of crimes’. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 1 (1), pp. 39-63.

Punishment of non-state actors in non-international armed conflict

Schabas, W. 2003. Punishment of non-state actors in non-international armed conflict. Fordham International Law Journal. 26 (4), pp. 907-933.

International criminal law developments in the case law of the ICTY.

Boas, G. and Schabas, W. 2003. International criminal law developments in the case law of the ICTY. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

The barbaric punishment: abolishing the death penalty

Franck, H. and Schabas, W. 2003. The barbaric punishment: abolishing the death penalty. Leiden Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

The abolition of the death penalty in International Law. 3rd edition

Schabas, W. 2002. The abolition of the death penalty in International Law. 3rd edition. Cambridge University Press.

Slobodan Milosevic on trial: a companion

Scharf, M. and Schabas, W. 2002. Slobodan Milosevic on trial: a companion. Continuum.

Developments in the law of genocide

Schabas, W. 2002. Developments in the law of genocide. Yearbook of international humanitarian law. 5, pp. 131-165.

The ICJ ruling against the United States: is it really about the death penalty?

Schabas, W. 2002. The ICJ ruling against the United States: is it really about the death penalty? Yale Journal of International Law. 27, pp. 445-452.

An introduction to the International Criminal Court

Schabas, W. 2001. An introduction to the International Criminal Court. Cambridge University Press.

The Jelisić Case and the Mens Rea of the crime of genocide

Schabas, W. 2001. The Jelisić Case and the Mens Rea of the crime of genocide. Leiden Journal of International Law. 14 (1), pp. 125-139.

Was genocide committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina? first judgments of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Schabas, W. 2001. Was genocide committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina? first judgments of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Fordham International Law Journal. 25 (1), pp. 23-53.

Genocide in international law: The crimes of crimes

Schabas, W. 2000. Genocide in international law: The crimes of crimes. Cambridge University Press.

Twenty-five years of public international law at the Supreme Court of Canada.

Schabas, W. 2000. Twenty-five years of public international law at the Supreme Court of Canada. The Canadian Bar Review. 79 (2), pp. 174-195.

Life, death and the crime of crimes supreme penalties and the ICC statute

Schabas, W. 2000. Life, death and the crime of crimes supreme penalties and the ICC statute. Punishment and Society: The International Journal of Penology. 2 (3), pp. 263-285.

Canadian implementing legislation for the Rome statute

Schabas, W. 2000. Canadian implementing legislation for the Rome statute. Yearbook of international humanitarian law. 3, pp. 337-346.

Islam and the death penalty

Schabas, W. 2000. Islam and the death penalty. William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal. 9 (1), pp. 223-236.

Perverse effects of the nulla poena principle: national practice and the ad hoc tribunals

Schabas, W. 2000. Perverse effects of the nulla poena principle: national practice and the ad hoc tribunals. European Journal of International Law. 11 (3), pp. 521-539.

The International Criminal Court: an historic step to combat impunity

Schabas, W. 1998. The International Criminal Court: an historic step to combat impunity. Refuge. 17 (3), pp. 21-28.

Canadian ratification of the American Convention on Human Rights.

Schabas, W. 1998. Canadian ratification of the American Convention on Human Rights. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights. 16 (3), pp. 315-342.

General principles of criminal law in the International Criminal Court Statute (Part III)

Schabas, W. 1998. General principles of criminal law in the International Criminal Court Statute (Part III). European journal of crime, criminal law and criminal justice. 6 (4), pp. 400-428.

Canada and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Schabas, W. 1998. Canada and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. McGill Law Journal. 43 (2), pp. 403-441.

Reservations to the convention on the rights of the child

Schabas, W. 1996. Reservations to the convention on the rights of the child. Human Rights Quarterly. 18 (2), pp. 472-491.

International legal aspects

Schabas, W. 1996. International legal aspects. in: Hodgkinson, P. and Rutherford, A. (ed.) Capital punnishment: global issues and prospects Winchester Waterside.

Justice, democracy, and impunity in post-genocide Rwanda: searching for solutions to impossible problems

Schabas, W. 1996. Justice, democracy, and impunity in post-genocide Rwanda: searching for solutions to impossible problems. Criminal Law Forum. 7 (3), pp. 523-560.

The death penalty as cruel treatment and torture: capital punishment challenged in the world's courts

Schabas, W. 1996. The death penalty as cruel treatment and torture: capital punishment challenged in the world's courts. Boston Northeastern University Press.

Soering's legacy: the Human Rights Committee and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council take a walk down death row

Schabas, W. 1994. Soering's legacy: the Human Rights Committee and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council take a walk down death row. International & Comparative Law Quarterly. 43 (4), pp. 913-923.

The abolition of the death penalty in international law

Schabas, W. 1993. The abolition of the death penalty in international law. Cambridge University Press.

International norms on execution of the insane and the mentally retarded

Schabas, W. 1993. International norms on execution of the insane and the mentally retarded. Criminal Law Forum. 4 (1), pp. 95-117.
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