The Barnet Council Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change and Biodiversity

Project report

Warren, G. and Siebers, J. 2023. The Barnet Council Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change and Biodiversity. Middlesex University London.
TypeProject report
TitleThe Barnet Council Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change and Biodiversity
AuthorsWarren, G. and Siebers, J.
ContributorsColzani, B. (Researcher), Green, L. (Researcher), Salifu, J. (Researcher) and Barnet Council (Sponsor)

This report, commissioned by Barnet Council and written by Middlesex University London, contains an evaluation of the Barnet Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change and Biodiversity, held between February and May 2023. The report deals with the quality of the deliberative processes that took place, the communication the Council arranged regarding it, and the embedding of the Assembly in the Council’s ongoing decision-making processes regarding climate change mitigation.

Sustainable Development Goals11 Sustainable cities and communities
Middlesex University ThemeSustainability
PublisherMiddlesex University London
Publication dates
Print06 Oct 2023
Publication process dates
Accepted15 Sep 2023
Deposited04 Dec 2023
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