Learning & Innovation
Title | Learning & Innovation |
Alternative | EXC - Learn & Innov |
Department | Executive |
Latest research outputs
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Autoethnography, storytelling and Lego® Serious Play®: embracing the subjectivity of practice to engage students within academic librarianship
Wheeler, A. 2024. Autoethnography, storytelling and Lego® Serious Play®: embracing the subjectivity of practice to engage students within academic librarianship. Legal Information Management. 24 (2), pp. 92-97. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1472669624000239Article
Oracy for global learning
Loukopoulou, K. 2024. Oracy for global learning. Middlesex University Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2024: Transnational Education. Dubai, UAE 11 - 11 Sep 2024Conference item
L&T Chat Show S3E4: Alan Wheeler on evaluating learning gain through Lego Serious Play
Wheeler, A. 2023. L&T Chat Show S3E4: Alan Wheeler on evaluating learning gain through Lego Serious Play. SpotifyDigital or visual media
Mapping UX: the Cultural Web and cultural change
Clover, D. 2023. Mapping UX: the Cultural Web and cultural change. in: Priestner, A. (ed.) User Experience in Libraries: Yearbook 2023 Lincolnshire User Experience in Libraries. pp. 207-212Book chapter
Projecting creative processes: art films and art education in post-war Britain
Loukopoulou, K. 2023. Projecting creative processes: art films and art education in post-war Britain. TMG Journal for Media History. 26 (1), pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.18146/tmg.837Article
Authentic by design: developing students for the talent economy
Barter, P., Megeney, A., Graham, J., Parmar, D. and Mourouti, O. 2023. Authentic by design: developing students for the talent economy. AdvanceHE Assessment and Feedback Symposium 2023. Reading, UK 07 - 07 Nov 2023Conference item
Cataloguing the ‘oriental’ in MoDA’s Silver Studio Collection
Kerr, K. 2023. Cataloguing the ‘oriental’ in MoDA’s Silver Studio Collection. Middlesex University. https://doi.org/10.22023/mdx.24081330Project report
LILAC 2023: An audio-visual report
Wheeler, A. and Dolman, L. 2023. LILAC 2023: An audio-visual report. Journal of Information Literacy. 17 (1), pp. 265-278. https://doi.org/10.11645/17.1.42Article
Lego® Serious Play® and higher education: encouraging creative learning in the academic library
Wheeler, A. 2023. Lego® Serious Play® and higher education: encouraging creative learning in the academic library. Insights. 36 (1), p. 8. https://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.611Article
“Handwork rendered expeditious”: the Rottmann-Silver stencil venture of the 1890s
Hendon, Z. 2023. “Handwork rendered expeditious”: the Rottmann-Silver stencil venture of the 1890s. Christopher Dresser Society Journal. 2.Article
Using Lego® Serious Play® in higher education with law students: encouraging playfulness and creativity within library workshops
Wheeler, A. 2020. Using Lego® Serious Play® in higher education with law students: encouraging playfulness and creativity within library workshops. Legal Information Management. 20 (4), pp. 222-226. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1472669620000523Article
L&T Chat Show episode 8 - Alan Wheeler and Lego
Saunder, R. and Wheeler, A. 2022. L&T Chat Show episode 8 - Alan Wheeler and Lego. SpotifyDigital or visual media
Third space reloaded: reflections from the academic development front
Loukopoulou, K. 2022. Third space reloaded: reflections from the academic development front. Third Space Perspectives Blog.Blog
Arena’s memorial portrait of Henry Moore
Loukopoulou, K. 2022. Arena’s memorial portrait of Henry Moore. Learning on Screen.Magazine
Exploring learning gain with LEGO ® SERIOUS PLAY ® and visual ethnography
Wheeler, A. 2022. Exploring learning gain with LEGO ® SERIOUS PLAY ® and visual ethnography. in: Nerantzi, C. and James, A. (ed.) LEGO® for university learning: Online, offline and elsewhere Zenodo. pp. 64-68Book chapter
Displaying co-creation: an enquiry into participatory practice at the University museum
Baeza Ruiz, A. and Hendon, Z. 2022. Displaying co-creation: an enquiry into participatory practice at the University museum. in: Rausch, C., Benschop, R., Sitzia, E. and van Saaze, V. (ed.) Participatory Practices in Art and Cultural Heritage: Learning Through and from Collaboration Cham Springer.Book chapter
Humans of interiors – diversity by design
Murialdo, F., Thomas, P., Elvin, R. and McKenzie, K. 2022. Humans of interiors – diversity by design. Adil, Z. (ed.) A Focus on Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning and Research in the Modern Academy. Virtual 20 - 22 Apr 2022 Architecture Media Politics Society. pp. 173-184Conference paper
Intentionality for inclusivity - the journey at Middlesex University
Roberts, H., Punev, I., Allardyce, D., Kyprianou, A., Appiah, S., Megeney, A., Calin, A., Gallacher, D. and Mill, R. 2022. Intentionality for inclusivity - the journey at Middlesex University. McGraw Hill.Project report
A Walk through Housing History
Stewart, J. and Hendon, Z. 2022. A Walk through Housing History. Creative History in Classroom: Workshop 3, Places of Creativity. Online 10 - 10 Nov 2022Conference item
iSpring Online Quizzes: the good, the bad and the ugly
Rizvi, M., Pearson, L. and Parry, S. 2022. iSpring Online Quizzes: the good, the bad and the ugly. SCONUL’s Delivering Blended Learning Community of Interest Group Lightning Talk Event. online 03 Feb 2022Conference item
Reclaiming heritage narratives: reweaving the story of a royal wedding dress
Hendon, Z. 2021. Reclaiming heritage narratives: reweaving the story of a royal wedding dress. in: Lees-Maffei, G. and Houze, R. (ed.) Design and Heritage: The Construction of Identity and Belonging Routledge. pp. 171-184Book chapter

Collecting knowledge: figshare in the museum
Woodward, S. 2018. Collecting knowledge: figshare in the museum. Figshare Fest London. London, UK 15 Nov 2018 https://doi.org/10.22023/mdx.7338797.v1Conference item
A closer look at projects [Case study], pp. 1-4.
Stevens, L., Woodward, S. and Hardeman, M. 2018. A closer look at projects [Case study], pp. 1-4. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5901151.v2Other
Design and agency [Book Review]
Hendon, Z. 2022. Design and agency [Book Review]. Journal of Design History. 35 (1), pp. 96-97. https://doi.org/10.1093/jdh/epab026Article
‘Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk’, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK, 29 February–18 March and 27 August–25 October 2020
Hendon, Z. 2020. ‘Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk’, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK, 29 February–18 March and 27 August–25 October 2020. Textile History. 50 (2), pp. 242-247. https://doi.org/10.1080/00404969.2020.1835242Article
Exploring dynamics of gambling among the young people of Hong Kong
Leung, Y. 2021. Exploring dynamics of gambling among the young people of Hong Kong. DProf thesis Middlesex University Faculty of Professional and Social SciencesDProf thesis
Looking back and looking forward: the Silver Studio Collection as heritage asset and educational resource, 1968-2018
Hendon, Z. 2021. Looking back and looking forward: the Silver Studio Collection as heritage asset and educational resource, 1968-2018. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative IndustriesPhD thesis
That feels like home: connecting sites of lockdown to design collections
Hendon, Z. 2020. That feels like home: connecting sites of lockdown to design collections. Museum and Society. 18 (3), pp. 330-333. https://doi.org/10.29311/mas.v18i3.3551Article
CERIF: the common European research information format model
Joerg, B. 2010. CERIF: the common European research information format model. Data Science Journal. 9 (2010), pp. CRIS24-CRIS31. https://doi.org/10.2481/dsj.CRIS4Article
Modeling the semantics of contextual and content-specific research metadata using ontology languages: issues on combining CERIF and OWL
Joerg, B., Lappalainen, J. and Kastrantas, K. 2012. Modeling the semantics of contextual and content-specific research metadata using ontology languages: issues on combining CERIF and OWL. Hesham, A., Yong, S., Khazanchi, D., Lees, M., van Albada, G., Dongarra, J. and Sloot, P. (ed.) ICCS 2012. Omaha, Nebraska 04 - 06 Jun 2012 Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2012.04.171Conference paper
Promoting international interoperability of research information systems: VIVO and CERIF
Lezcano, L., Joerg, B., Lowe, B. and Corson-Rikert, J. 2013. Promoting international interoperability of research information systems: VIVO and CERIF. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 19 (12), pp. 1854-1867. https://doi.org/10.3217/jucs-019-12-1854Article
The application of the CERIF data format to Snowball metrics
Clements, A., Joerg, B., Lingjærde, G., Chudlarský, T. and Colledge, L. 2014. The application of the CERIF data format to Snowball metrics. Jeffery, K., Clements, A., de Castro, P. and Luzi, D. (ed.) CRIS 2014. Rome, Italy 13 - 15 May 2014 Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.06.047Conference paper
Combining VIVO and Google Scholar data as sources for CERIF linked data: a case in the agricultural domain
Nogales, A., Sicilia, M. and Joerg, B. 2014. Combining VIVO and Google Scholar data as sources for CERIF linked data: a case in the agricultural domain. Jeffrey, K., Clements, A., de Castro, P. and Luzi, D. (ed.) CRIS 2014. Rome, Italy 13 - 15 May 2014 Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.06.042Conference paper
Realising a Flemish government innovation information portal with business semantics management
Spyns, P., van Grootel, G., Joerg, B. and Christiaens, S. 2010. Realising a Flemish government innovation information portal with business semantics management. Stempfhuber, M. and Thidemann, N. (ed.) CRIS 2010. Aalborg, Denmark Aalborg University Press.Conference paper
Towards the nature of citations
Joerg, B. 2008. Towards the nature of citations. Eschenbach, C. and Michael, G. (ed.) FOIS 2008. Saarbrücken, Germany 31 Oct - 03 Nov 2008 German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). pp. 31-36Conference poster
OpenAIRE guidelines for CRIS managers 1.0
Houssos, N., Joerg, B. and Dvořák, J. 2015. OpenAIRE guidelines for CRIS managers 1.0. OpenAIRE. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.17065Other
Question answering from structured knowledge sources
Frank, A., Krieger, H., Xu, F., Uszkoreit, H., Crysmann, B., Joerg, B. and Schäfer, U. 2007. Question answering from structured knowledge sources. Journal of Applied Logic. 5 (1), pp. 20-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jal.2005.12.006Article
The data model of the OpenAIRE scientific communication e-infrastructure
Manghi, P., Houssos, N., Mikulicic, M. and Joerg, B. 2012. The data model of the OpenAIRE scientific communication e-infrastructure. Dodero, J., Palomo-Duarte, M. and Karampiperis, P. (ed.) MTSR 2012. Cádiz, Spain 28 - 30 Nov 2012 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35233-1_18Conference paper
Streamlining the CERIF XML data exchange format: towards CERIF 2.0.
Joerg, B., Dvořák, J. and Vestdam, T. 2012. Streamlining the CERIF XML data exchange format: towards CERIF 2.0. CRIS 2012. Prague, Czech Republic 06 - 09 Jun 2012 euroCRIS. pp. 221-230Conference paper
Use of digital badges in Higher Education
Donkor, S. and Rizvi, M. 2020. Use of digital badges in Higher Education. AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference 2020. Online 07 Jul 2020Conference item
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