Dr Ignatius Ekanem

Dr Ignatius Ekanem
NameDr Ignatius Ekanem
Job titleSenior Lecturer in Business and Management
Research institute
Primary appointmentMarketing, Enterprise & Tourism
Email addressI.Ekanem@mdx.ac.uk
Contact categoryAcademic staff


Senior Lecturer
Middlesex University
23 Oct 2000
10 Oct 2023

Education and qualifications


Prizes and Awards

Research outputs

Principles of innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability: an evidence-based approach

Ekanem, I. 2024. Principles of innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability: an evidence-based approach. London, UK Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Crowdfunding and entrepreneurship

Ekanem, I. and Ideh, S. 2023. Crowdfunding and entrepreneurship . London, UK Routledge.

The impact of COVID-19 crisis on SMEs and their risk management and survival strategies: evidence from Nigeria

Ekanem, I. and Lawrence, D. 2023. The impact of COVID-19 crisis on SMEs and their risk management and survival strategies: evidence from Nigeria. in: Lodh, S and Nandy, M. (ed.) Corporate Risk Management after the COVID-19 Crisis World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd. pp. 121-152

The effect of militancy on local and informal enterprises in developing countries: evidence from Niger Delta

Ekanem, I., Jackson, T. and Munasunyo, A. 2021. The effect of militancy on local and informal enterprises in developing countries: evidence from Niger Delta. Journal of African Business. 22 (4), pp. 532-549. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228916.2021.1900529

Risk factors affecting maternal health outcomes in Rivers State of Nigeria: towards the PRISMA model

Chinwah, V., Nyame-Asiamah, F. and Ekanem, I. 2020. Risk factors affecting maternal health outcomes in Rivers State of Nigeria: towards the PRISMA model. Social Science & Medicine. 265, pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113520

Marketing in the informal economy: an entrepreneurial perspective and research agenda

Madichie, N., Nkamnebe, A. and Ekanem, I. 2020. Marketing in the informal economy: an entrepreneurial perspective and research agenda. in: Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (ed.) Entrepreneurship marketing: principles and practice of SME marketing London Routledge. pp. 412-428

The influence of institutional environment on venture capital development in emerging economies: the example of Nigeria

Ekanem, I., Owen, R. and Cardoso, A. 2019. The influence of institutional environment on venture capital development in emerging economies: the example of Nigeria. Strategic Change. 28 (1), pp. 95-107. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsc.2249

Understanding internationalisation approaches and mechanisms of diaspora entrepreneurs in emerging economies as a learning process

Ekanem, I. 2019. Understanding internationalisation approaches and mechanisms of diaspora entrepreneurs in emerging economies as a learning process. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 25 (5), pp. 819-841. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-02-2018-0068

Factors influencing the use of e-commerce by small enterprises in Nigeria

Ekanem, I. and Abiade, G. 2018. Factors influencing the use of e-commerce by small enterprises in Nigeria. International Journal of ICT Research in Africa and the Middle East (IJICTRAME). 7 (1), pp. 37-43. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJICTRAME.2018010103

Diaspora entrepreneurship and international market entry strategies in the emerging economies: a learning process

Ekanem, I. 2017. Diaspora entrepreneurship and international market entry strategies in the emerging economies: a learning process. ISBE 2017: 40th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference. Belfast, Northern Ireland 08 - 09 Nov 2017 Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship.

The impact of international financial reporting standards adoption on earnings management: evidence from EU countries

Lodh, S. and Nandy, M. 2017. The impact of international financial reporting standards adoption on earnings management: evidence from EU countries. in: Ekanem, I. (ed.) Understanding Bankruptcy: Global Issues, Perspectives and Challenges Nova Science Publishers. pp. 173-194

Understanding bankruptcy: global issues, perspectives and challenges

Ekanem, I. (ed.) 2017. Understanding bankruptcy: global issues, perspectives and challenges. New York Nova Science Publishers.

Writing a business plan: a practical guide

Ekanem, I. 2017. Writing a business plan: a practical guide. London Routledge.

The emergence of social media and its impact on SME performance

Ekanem, I. and Erukusin, K. 2017. The emergence of social media and its impact on SME performance. in: Christiansen, B. and Yüksel, Ü. (ed.) Technological Integration as a Catalyst for Industrial Development and Economic Growth IGI Global. pp. 132-150

Succession challenges facing family businesses in Saudi Arabia

Ekanem, I. and Alrossais, L. 2017. Succession challenges facing family businesses in Saudi Arabia. in: Zgheib, P. (ed.) Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation in the Middle East IGI Global. pp. 122-146

Transnational entrepreneurs and their global market entry modes

Ekanem, I. 2017. Transnational entrepreneurs and their global market entry modes. in: Ojo, S. (ed.) Diasporas and Transnational Entrepreneurship in Global Contexts IGI Global.

Access to credit as a tool for overcoming SME failures: a case of Sub Saharan Africa

Hambayi, T. and Vedanthachari, L. 2017. Access to credit as a tool for overcoming SME failures: a case of Sub Saharan Africa. in: Ekanem, I. (ed.) Understanding Bankruptcy: Global Issues Perspectives and Challenges Nova Science Publishers. pp. 195-220

New perspectives on the internationalisation of micro businesses

De Moraes, A., Ekanem, I. and Osabutey, E. 2017. New perspectives on the internationalisation of micro businesses. in: Ojo, S. (ed.) Diasporas and Transnational Entrepreneurship in Global Contexts IGI Global.

The impact of militancy on SMEs in developing countries: a case of the Niger Delta of Nigeria

Ekanem, I. and Munasunyo, A. 2016. The impact of militancy on SMEs in developing countries: a case of the Niger Delta of Nigeria. ISBE 2016: 39th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference. Paris, France 27 - 28 Oct 2016

The role of e-commerce in the competitiveness of SMEs in developing economies: evidence from Nigeria

Ekanem, I. and Abiade, G. 2016. The role of e-commerce in the competitiveness of SMEs in developing economies: evidence from Nigeria. AIB-SSA Conference: The 2016 Conference Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Conference. Lagos Business School, Lagos, Nigeria 17 - 19 Aug 2016 Academy of International Business Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter. pp. 67

Beyond the global financial crisis: challenges facing venture capitalists operating in an emerging economy such as Nigeria

Ekanem, I., Cardoso, A. and Owen, R. 2015. Beyond the global financial crisis: challenges facing venture capitalists operating in an emerging economy such as Nigeria. ISBE 2015: 38th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference. Glasgow, Scotland 11 - 12 Nov 2015

Entrepreneurial learning: gender differences

Ekanem, I. 2015. Entrepreneurial learning: gender differences. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 21 (4), pp. 557-577. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-08-2014-0146

The emergence of social media and its impact on SME performance

Ekanem, I. and Erukusin, K. 2014. The emergence of social media and its impact on SME performance. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference. Manchester, United Kingdom 05 - 06 Nov 2014

African entrepreneurs, financial literacy, debt and bankruptcy

Ekanem, I. 2014. African entrepreneurs, financial literacy, debt and bankruptcy. in: Nwankwo, S. and Ibeh, K. (ed.) The Routledge companion to business in Africa London Routledge. pp. 218-233

Entrepreneurial learning: gender differences

Ekanem, I. 2013. Entrepreneurial learning: gender differences. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference. Cardiff, United Kingdom 12 - 13 Nov 2013

Influences on the behaviour of black and minority ethnic (BME) communities towards debt and bankruptcy

Ekanem, I. 2013. Influences on the behaviour of black and minority ethnic (BME) communities towards debt and bankruptcy. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 37 (2), pp. 199-205. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1470-6431.2012.01104.x

The investment decision-making process in small manufacturing enterprises: with particular reference to printing and clothing industries.

Ekanem, I. 2002. The investment decision-making process in small manufacturing enterprises: with particular reference to printing and clothing industries. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

Early assessment of the impact of BIS equity fund initiatives

North, D., Owen, R., Ekanem, I., Lewis, A. and CEEDR 2010. Early assessment of the impact of BIS equity fund initiatives. London Middlesex University.

Is there a debt finance gap relating to Scottish SMEs? A demand-side perspective

North, D., Owen, R. and Ekanem, I. 2010. Is there a debt finance gap relating to Scottish SMEs? A demand-side perspective. Venture Capital. 12 (3), pp. 173-192. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691061003658670

Liquidity management in small firms: a learning perspective.

Ekanem, I. 2010. Liquidity management in small firms: a learning perspective. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 17 (1), pp. 123-138. https://doi.org/10.1108/14626001011019161

Is there a finance gap for SMEs? Some evidence from recent studies in Scotland and London

Ekanem, I., North, D. and Deakins, D. 2009. Is there a finance gap for SMEs? Some evidence from recent studies in Scotland and London. ICSB World Conference. South Korea

Liquidity management in small firms: a learning perspective

Ekanem, I. 2008. Liquidity management in small firms: a learning perspective. International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 22 - 25 Jun 2008

The investment decision-making process in small manufacturing firms: a learning approach.

Ekanem, I. and Smallbone, D. 2008. The investment decision-making process in small manufacturing firms: a learning approach. in: Harrison, R. and Leitch, C. (ed.) Entrepreneurial learning: conceptual frameworks and applications. London Routledge.

Learning in small manufacturing firms: the case of investment decision-making behaviour

Ekanem, I. and Smallbone, D. 2007. Learning in small manufacturing firms: the case of investment decision-making behaviour. International Small Business Journal. 25 (2), pp. 107-127. https://doi.org/10.1177/0266242607074515

A fresh start and the learning experience of ethnic minority enterpreneurs

Ekanem, I. and Wyer, P. 2007. A fresh start and the learning experience of ethnic minority enterpreneurs. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 31 (2), pp. 144-151. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1470-6431.2006.00580.x

Types and impacts of BME businesses

Lyon, F., Owen, R., McPherson, M., Ekanem, I., Ellis, C., Bertotti, M., Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Oyelere, M. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2007. Types and impacts of BME businesses. South East England Development Agency.

'Insider accounts': a qualitative research method for small firms

Ekanem, I. 2007. 'Insider accounts': a qualitative research method for small firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 14 (1), pp. 105-117. https://doi.org/10.1108/14626000710727926

A fresh start and the learning experience of black and ethnic minority entrepreneurs

Ekanem, I. 2006. A fresh start and the learning experience of black and ethnic minority entrepreneurs. the 51st World Conference of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB). Melbourne, Australia 18 - 21 Jun 2006

Evaluation of the deprived urban post office fund.

North, D., Vickers, I., Owen, R., Ekanem, I. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2005. Evaluation of the deprived urban post office fund. London Office of the Deputy Prime Minister..

'Bootstrapping': the investment decision-making process in small firms

Ekanem, I. 2005. 'Bootstrapping': the investment decision-making process in small firms. The British Accounting Review. 37 (3), pp. 299-318. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bar.2005.04.004

The investment decision-making process in small manufacturing enterprises: the case of the printing and clothing industries in UK

Ekanem, I. 2005. The investment decision-making process in small manufacturing enterprises: the case of the printing and clothing industries in UK. the 50th ICSB World Conference - Golden Opportunities for Entrepreneurship. Washington DC

Diversifications in ethnic minority businss: the case of Asians in London's creative industries.

Smallbone, D., Ekanem, I. and Bertotti, M. 2005. Diversifications in ethnic minority businss: the case of Asians in London's creative industries. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 12 (1), pp. 41-56. https://doi.org/10.1108/14626000510579635

The investment decision-making in small manufacturing firms: a learning approach

Ekanem, I. and Smallbone, D. 2004. The investment decision-making in small manufacturing firms: a learning approach. the 27th ISBA National Entrepreneurship & SME Development Conference. Newcastle- Gateshead

Cultural influences on health and safety attitudes and behaviour in small firms.

Vickers, I., Owen, R., Smallbone, D., James, P., Ekanem, I., Bertotti, M. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2003. Cultural influences on health and safety attitudes and behaviour in small firms. London Health & Safety Executive Research Report, HSE Books.

Mapping the social economy in the rural East Midlands.

Lyon, F., Smallbone, D., Evans, M., Ekanem, I., Smith, K. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2002. Mapping the social economy in the rural East Midlands. Countryside Agency.

Ethnic minority enterprise: policy in practice.

Ram, M., Smallbone, D., Owen, R., Ekanem, I. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2001. Ethnic minority enterprise: policy in practice. Small Business Service..
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