Dr Hyung Yu Park

Dr Hyung Yu Park
NameDr Hyung Yu Park
Job titleAssociate Professor in Tourism
Research institute
Primary appointmentMarketing, Enterprise & Tourism
Email addressH.Park@mdx.ac.uk
Contact categoryAcademic staff



I have contributed to establishing heritage tourism as a significant interdisciplinary research area, leading the construction of new knowledge through publishing in top journals and writing a textbook- Heritage Tourism by Routledge (2014), which has been adopted worldwide as a core text for heritage and tourism programmes. My research interest includes heritage tourism, identity and social memory, sustainable heritage tourism, heritage and peacebuilding, heritage and wellbeing, the role of heritage and arts in climate change discussions, urban heritage and critical tourism pedagogy. I focus on the potential of heritage tourism as a driver for reconciliation and resilience through individual meaning-making by the creation of narratives and experiences. My research is published; Annals of Tourism Research- 3 sole-authored papers, Tourism Management, Current Issues in Tourism and Academy of Management Learning & Education.


TOU1014 Tourism, Communities and Social Justice

TOU3923 Heritage, Tourism and Digital Media

TOU4230 International Tourism in the 21st Century

MKT4066 Dissertation

Education and qualifications



  • The Pedagogic Challenges of Using Film to Enhance Students Learning in Undergraduate Tourism Programmes (CI)
  • Use of digital stories: Enhancing student experiences
  • Everyday Heritage and existential authenticity
  • Memory making in old cement factory in Munkyung, South Korea
  • Urban heritage and neighbourhood identity: A case of Ikseondong

Prizes and Awards


  • Sustainable festival, tourism and World Heritage sites
  • Overtourism in World Heritage cities in Asia-Pacific
  • Heritage and Sustainable Tourism
  • Turkistan Declaration on Sacred Heritage and Sustainable Tourism
  • the Central Asian Declaration of the Principles of Archaeological Heritage Management
  • New-Normal Life of World Heritage Cities in the Asia-Pacific Region

External activities

External examiner
External examiner
21 Aug 2023
31 Mar 2025

External examiner
External examiner
Goldsmiths, University of London
18 Apr 2022
01 Apr 2026

External examiner
External examiner
07 May 2012
31 Dec 2015

Research outputs

Negotiated encoding and decoding of sensitive heritage

Park, H. and Su, R. 2024. Negotiated encoding and decoding of sensitive heritage. in: Lixinski, L. and Zhu, Y. (ed.) Heritage, Conflict, and Peace-Building London, UK Routledge. pp. 83-100

Heritage for tourism or tourism for heritage?

Park, H. 2019. Heritage for tourism or tourism for heritage? OWHC-AP Experts’ Workshop, 15th World Congress of the OWHC. Krakow, Poland 02 - 05 Jun 2019

Use of digital stories as a tool for experiential learning

Park, H. 2014. Use of digital stories as a tool for experiential learning. 2014 International Conference on Experiential Learning in Hospitality and Tourism. Macau 20 - 23 May 2014

Touring reflexive heritage: sustaining the tradition of the Hung Kings in contemporary Vietnam

Park, H. 2011. Touring reflexive heritage: sustaining the tradition of the Hung Kings in contemporary Vietnam. Ancestor Worship in Contemporary Society, with case studies of Worship of the Hung Kings in Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam 11 - 13 Apr 2011

Future for traditional festivals: glocalised cultural practices in global tourism development

Park, H. 2010. Future for traditional festivals: glocalised cultural practices in global tourism development. Safeguarding and Promoting Traditional Festivals in Contemporary Vietnam: The Case of Giong Festival. Hanoi, Vietnam 20 - 23 Apr 2010

Sustainable heritage tourism: quality not quantity

Park, H. 2024. Sustainable heritage tourism: quality not quantity. Praksis.

Negotiating cultural trauma in tourism

Su, R. and Park, H. 2023. Negotiating cultural trauma in tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. 26 (10), pp. 1652-1668. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2022.2062308

National character and tourism

Park, H. 2022. National character and tourism. in: Jafari, J. and Xiao, H. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Tourism Cham Springer. pp. 1-2

Critical approaches to tourism, heritage and culture

Park, H. 2022. Critical approaches to tourism, heritage and culture. Tourism Planning and Development. 19 (1), pp. 37-49. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568316.2021.2021473

Let’s get emotional: the use of films in teaching tourism

Park, H. 2019. Let’s get emotional: the use of films in teaching tourism. Harzing.com Blog.

Films and critical pedagogy in management education: A tourism studies context

Ayikoru, M. and Park, H. 2019. Films and critical pedagogy in management education: A tourism studies context. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 18 (3), pp. 414-432. https://doi.org/10.5465/amle.2015.0134

Tourism as reflexive reconstructions of colonial past

Park, H. 2016. Tourism as reflexive reconstructions of colonial past. Annals of Tourism Research. 58, pp. 114-127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2016.03.001

A 'reality of return': the case of the Sarawakian-Chinese visiting China

Tie, C., Holden, A. and Park, H. 2015. A 'reality of return': the case of the Sarawakian-Chinese visiting China. Tourism Management. 47, pp. 206-212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2014.09.021

Heritage tourism

Park, H. 2014. Heritage tourism. Routledge.

An ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace: heritage tourism and symbolic representations of national identity

Park, H. 2010. An ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace: heritage tourism and symbolic representations of national identity. Seoul Jimoondang.

Shared national memory as intangible heritage: re-imagining two Koreas as one nation

Park, H. 2011. Shared national memory as intangible heritage: re-imagining two Koreas as one nation. Annals of Tourism Research. 38 (2), pp. 520-539. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2010.11.013

Heritage tourism: emotional journeys into nationhood

Park, H. 2010. Heritage tourism: emotional journeys into nationhood. Annals of Tourism Research. 37 (1), pp. 116-135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2009.08.001

Re-imagining two Koreas as one nation: heritage tourism experiences of Changdeok Palace, South Korea.

Park, H. 2009. Re-imagining two Koreas as one nation: heritage tourism experiences of Changdeok Palace, South Korea. Sharing Cultures 2009. Pico Island, Azores, Portugal 29 May - 01 Jun 2009 pp. 329-340

Heritage, tourism and national identity: an ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace, Korea.

Park, H. 2009. Heritage, tourism and national identity: an ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace, Korea. Korea Journal. 49 (4), pp. 163-186.

A critical analysis of the symbolic significance of heritage tourism.

Park, H. and Stephenson, M. 2007. A critical analysis of the symbolic significance of heritage tourism. International Journal of Excellence in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering. 1 (2), pp. 39-67.

Research Impact

Sustainable festival, tourism and World Heritage sites

Developing strategies for managing sustainable festivals for World Heritage Sites and enhancing community engagement for Hwasun World Heritage Dolmen sites, South Korea

Overtourism in World Heritage cities in Asia-Pacific

As a policy advisor, I contributed to the development of cultural heritage tourism strategies across key cities in Asia. I advised on the creation of heritage trails in Denpasar, Bali, as a shift from the destructive force of mass tourism development. I also consulted on managing overtourism challenges in Seoul and Bangkok, focusing on sustainable tourism practices to protect local communities and environments. Additionally, I supported the strategic development of heritage tourism for Gongju, South Korea, where my recommendations helped highlight the city’s historical assets while promoting sustainable heritage tourism.

Heritage and Sustainable Tourism

the development of a template of sustainable tourism strategies and vision for World Heritage cities in Asia- Pacific region.

Turkistan Declaration on Sacred Heritage and Sustainable Tourism

Declaration on protecting religious heritage and sustainable tourism in Turkistan, Kazakhstan.

the Central Asian Declaration of the Principles of Archaeological Heritage Management

The development of the Central Asian Declaration of the Principles of Archaeological Heritage Management, first of its kind strategic document developed in Central Asia led by International Institute of Central Asian Studies in 2021

New-Normal Life of World Heritage Cities in the Asia-Pacific Region

to develop and provide specific strategies to support the sustainable management of World Heritage sites and cities in the Asia-Pacific region during the pandemic

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