Unfinished agendas: acting upon minority voices of the past decade

Paint stripping

The menace of the spoken word

Local power and economic policy: Local authority economic initiatives in Portugal

Application of constrained optimisation techniques inelectrical impedance tomography

Belov'd by ev'ry muse: Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cork (1694-1753); essays to celebrate the tercentenary of the birth of Lord Burlington

The picturesque in late Georgian England

Blue guide to Berlin and Eastern Germany

Soering's legacy: the Human Rights Committee and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council take a walk down death row

The effects of labor on maternal and fetal levels of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1

Throwing out the baby: Populism and active audience theory

Auditory event-related potentials, dichotic-listening performance and handedness as indexes of lateralization in dyslexic and normal readers

The CDS/ISIS handbook

Production of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and PLAP-like material by epithelial germ cell and non-germ cell tumours in vitro

Diurnal variation of urinary "hCG beta subunit core fragment" production evaluated in patients with gynecological neoplasms

Characterisation of the differential expression of marker antigens by normal and malignant endometrial epithelium

Serum placental-type alkaline phosphatase activity in women with squamous and glandular malignancies of the reproductive tract

A semiotics of the dramatic text

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something taboo

The B cell-immortalizing functions of Epstein-Barr virus

The opposite and antagonistic effects of the closely related POU family transcription factors Brn-3a and Brn-3b on the activity of a target promoter are dependent on differences in the POU domain

The use of DNA viruses as vectors for gene therapy

Women without votes: the political strategies of the Irish suffrage movement

Poultry birds of Bangladesh: an econometric analysis

The politics of time.

Walter Benjamin's philosophy: destruction and experience.

Spatial and temporal variation of sediment processes in the alpine semi-arid basin of Alkali Creek, Colorado, USA.

Isolated housewives and complex maternal worlds: the significance of social contacts between women with young children in industrial societies.

Traditional Communication Formats v SGML, Metadata, Dublin Core: Traditional Communication Formats: MARC is far from dead

Measurement of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as a screening test for Down’s Syndrome

An investigation into the work of managers in Great Britain: with particular reference to the management of human resources; and the skills and knowledge used

Developments in research at the North London College of Health Studies.

Pattern recognition of noisy sequences of behavioural events using functional combinators.

The prevalence and social distribution of domestic violence: an analysis of theory and method.

Race - femininity - representation: women, culture and the orientalized other in the work of Henriette Browne and George Eliot, 1855-1880.

A regional power: United States' policy in the Indian Ocean and the definition of national security 1970-1980.

Physical mapping of the rat MHC class II genes shows a high level of inter-species conservation.

Caesarian birth: conflict in maternity services.

Non-photorealistic rendering: a critical examination and proposed system.

Formats for bibliographic exchange

Royal Geographical Society: unlocking the archives

Palliative care nursing education: a review of research findings.

Novel silver–based ternary alloy.

Teleporting in an X Window System Environment

Corruption in Italy: an attempt to identify the victims

An introduction to computer-aided engineering

The political economy of training: should Britain try to emulate Germany?

Training for Europe – should Britain follow the German model?

Developing a Strategy for Increasing the Efficiency of the Marketing of Selected Agricultural Produce in the United Arab Emirates.

Using literature at lower levels

The import demand for sub-categories of intermediate goods: some estimates

Urban and rural fertility in Bangladesh: a causal approach

Evidence from interviews on relations of power and solidarity between researcher and researched

Optimisation of framed child restraints

Women who gamble: challenging the odds

Artificial intelligence as writing: knowledge-based hypertext systems as a medium for communication

Trade policies and export promotion in the Zimbabwe clothing sector

Public attitudes to air pollution from road vehicles

Impoverished imagination: a possible mechanism for television-induced aggression

The integrated image: an investigation into the merging of video and computer graphics techniques incorporating the production of a video as a practical element in the investigation

Relative motion of hip stems under load. An in vitro study of symmetrical, asymmetrical, and custom asymmetrical designs

A fistful of fingers

Biased care?

Caring for people with sexually transmitted diseases including HIV

Bronzes [in two person show at The Cut galley, Waterloo, London, 1994]

The Mud Lark's Dog (relief and palster) [in FBA National Print Exhibition 1994, Mall Galleries, London]

[Work contributed to, Red Ribbon Art Show '94]

'Chameleon' (wood engraving) [in the british international miniature print exhibition 1994-1995]

[Work in, - 'one Relief: contemporary printmaking', Hardware Gallery, London]

[Prints - Eirlys Tynan Art Now]

Asymptotic expansions for the maximum of random number of random variables

Poisson approximation for the number of long match patterns in random sequences

Evolutionary trends within the genus Acacia based on the accumulation of non-protein amino acids in seeds

Improving the program quality by using there-engineering factor metric p

An experimental examination of program maintainability as a function of structuredness