Interpreting and Translation group
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'Ray & Liz' - feature film for cinema, broadcast, DVD and online formats
Billingham, R. 2018. 'Ray & Liz' - feature film for cinema, broadcast, DVD and online formats. London, UKDigital or visual media
Technological support for testing
Townsley, B., Braun, S. and Sandrelli, A. 2014. Technological support for testing. in: Assessing Legal Interpreter Quality Through Testing and Certification: The Qualitas Project Alicante Universidad de Alicante. pp. 109-139Book chapter
Interpreting test format
Townsley, B., Ortega, J. and Sandrelli, A. 2014. Interpreting test format. in: Assessing Legal Interpreter Quality Through Testing and Certification: The Qualitas Project Alicante Universidad de Alicante. pp. 40-67Book chapter
Principles of testing
Townsley, B., Van Deemter, R. and Maxwell-Hyslop, H. 2014. Principles of testing. in: Assessing Legal Interpreter Quality Through Testing and Certification: The Qualities Project Alicante Universidad de Alicante. pp. 27-39Book chapter
Understanding justice: an enquiry into interpreting in civil justice and mediation
Townsley, B. (ed.) 2016. Understanding justice: an enquiry into interpreting in civil justice and mediation. London Middlesex University.Book
Subtitling the Italian South
Longo, A. 2009. Subtitling the Italian South. in: Diaz Cintas, J. (ed.) New Trends in Audiovisual Translation Toronto Multilingual Matters..Book chapter
Cortese, D. 2014. Fatimids. in: Fitzpatrick, C. and Walker, A. (ed.) Muhammad in history, thought, and culture: an encyclopedia of the prophet of God ABC-Clio.Book chapter
Transmitting sunnī learning in Fāṭimid Egypt: the female voices
Cortese, D. 2012. Transmitting sunnī learning in Fāṭimid Egypt: the female voices. 26th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 26). Basel, Switzerland 12 - 16 Sep 2012Conference paper
The commodification of the muṣḥaf in the early centuries of Islam
Cortese, D. 2013. The commodification of the muṣḥaf in the early centuries of Islam. in: Kerr, R. and Milo, T. (ed.) Writings and writing: investigations in Islamic text and script in honour of Januarius Justus Witkam Cambridge, UK Archetype Press. pp. 41-65Book chapter
The pragmatics of emotions in interlinguistic healthcare settings
Farini, F. 2013. The pragmatics of emotions in interlinguistic healthcare settings. Research in Language. 11 (2), pp. 163-187.
Roma, viandanza dell’esilio. Rafael Alberti tradotto da Vittorio Bodini
Longo, A. 2014. Roma, viandanza dell’esilio. Rafael Alberti tradotto da Vittorio Bodini. in: Di Nunzio, N. and Ragni, F. (ed.) «GIÀ TROPPE VOLTE ESULI» LETTERATURA DI FRONTIERA E DI ESILIO Perugia, Italy Morlacchi - Università degli Studi di Perugia.Book chapter
Media theory and web-based groups as social systems
Farini, F. 2014. Media theory and web-based groups as social systems. in: Mapping Systemic Knowledge Saarbrucken LAP Lambert. pp. 53-77Book chapter
Interpreting as mediation for the bilingual dialogue between foreign citizens and institutions in Italian healthcare settings
Farini, F. 2012. Interpreting as mediation for the bilingual dialogue between foreign citizens and institutions in Italian healthcare settings. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care. 9 (3), pp. 179-189.Article
Sitt al-Mulk: juggling troops, traps and throne at the Fāṭimid Court
Cortese, D. 2012. Sitt al-Mulk: juggling troops, traps and throne at the Fāṭimid Court. Guerre et Paix dans le Proche-Orient Médiéval. Cairo, Egypt 15 - 18 Dec 2011Conference paper
Medieval sapiential knowledge and modern science in Islam: some considerations on a ‘missed link’ based on the thought of Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī
Cortese, D. 2000. Medieval sapiential knowledge and modern science in Islam: some considerations on a ‘missed link’ based on the thought of Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī. Religion versus Science in Islam: A Medieval and Modern Debate, Oriente Moderno. 19 (3), pp. 503-517.Article
Arabic Ismaili manuscripts: the Zahid Ali Collection in the Institute of Ismaili Studies
Cortese, D. 2003. Arabic Ismaili manuscripts: the Zahid Ali Collection in the Institute of Ismaili Studies. London, New York I.B.Tauris, Institute for Ismaili Studies.Book
A woman's work is never done: women and Da'wa in early Ismailism
Cortese, D. 2007. A woman's work is never done: women and Da'wa in early Ismailism. in: D'Hulster, K. and Vermeulen, U. (ed.) Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras: Proceedings of the 11th, 12th and 13th International Colloquium Organized at the Katholieke: 5 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta) Peeters.Book chapter
The Ismaili resurrection of Alamut: a bid for spiritual awakening or a statement of political authority?
Cortese, D. 1999. The Ismaili resurrection of Alamut: a bid for spiritual awakening or a statement of political authority? in: Porter, S., Hayes, M. and Tombs, D. (ed.) Resurrection (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement) Sheffield, UK Sheffield Academic Press.Book chapter
Ismaili and other Arabic manuscripts: a descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the library of the Institute of Ismaili Studies
Cortese, D. 2000. Ismaili and other Arabic manuscripts: a descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the library of the Institute of Ismaili Studies. London I.B.Tauris.Book
Women and the Fatimids in the world of Islam
Cortese, D. and Calderini, S. 2006. Women and the Fatimids in the world of Islam. Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press.Book
Voices of the silent majority: the transmission of Sunnī learning in Fāṭimī Egypt
Cortese, D. 2012. Voices of the silent majority: the transmission of Sunnī learning in Fāṭimī Egypt. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam. 39, pp. 345-366.Article
Lost and found: the Sarguẕasht-i Sayyid-nā. Facts and fiction of Ḥasan-i Ṣabbāḥ’s travel to Egypt vis-à-vis the political and intellectual life of 5th/11th century Fāṭimid Cairo
Cortese, D. 2012. Lost and found: the Sarguẕasht-i Sayyid-nā. Facts and fiction of Ḥasan-i Ṣabbāḥ’s travel to Egypt vis-à-vis the political and intellectual life of 5th/11th century Fāṭimid Cairo. Science in Context: The Dustūr al-Munjjimīn and its World. An Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Traditions of Science and Learning in the Ismaili Domain. Bonn, Germany 22 - 23 Jul 2011Conference paper
Interpreting in the UK community: some reflections on public service interpreting in the UK
Townsley, B. 2008. Interpreting in the UK community: some reflections on public service interpreting in the UK. Language and Intercultural Communication. 7 (2), pp. 163-171.

Building mutual trust 2
Townsley, B., Corsellis, A., Vanden Bosch, Y., Rombouts, D., Maxwell-Hyslop, H., Giambruno, C. and Braun, S. Building mutual trust 2.Design
The training of trainers for legal Interpreting and Translation
Townsley, B. 2011. The training of trainers for legal Interpreting and Translation. in: Building Mutual Trust: a framework project for implementing EU common standards in legal interpreting and translating London Middlesex University. pp. 308-318Book chapter
Building mutual trust: a framework project for implementing EU common standards in legal interpreting and translation
Townsley, B., Hertog, E., Giambruno, C., Corsellis, A., Ghiviriga, T., Vanden Bosch, Y., Martinsen, B., Wolsh Rasmussen, K., Valero-Garces, C., Maxwell-Hyslop, H., Clement, A., Sandrelli, A. and Gorm Hansen, I. Townsley, B. (ed.) 2011. Building mutual trust: a framework project for implementing EU common standards in legal interpreting and translation. London Middlesex University.Book
Intercultural and interlinguistical mediation in the healthcare system: the challenge of conflict management
Farini, F. 2008. Intercultural and interlinguistical mediation in the healthcare system: the challenge of conflict management. migracijske i etnicke teme. 24 (3), pp. 251-271.Article
Affectivity, expertise, and inequality: three foundations of trust in education. Reflections on presuppositions, (unintended) consequences, and possible alternatives
Farini, F. 2011. Affectivity, expertise, and inequality: three foundations of trust in education. Reflections on presuppositions, (unintended) consequences, and possible alternatives. in: Mica, A., Peisert, A. and Winczorek, J. (ed.) Sociology and the unintended: Robert Merton revisited Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang.Book chapter
An improbable leadership: structural limits of educational communication. The case of some Italian primary schools
Farini, F. 2009. An improbable leadership: structural limits of educational communication. The case of some Italian primary schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice. 12 (4), pp. 367-388.
Dialogic mediation in international groups of adolescents
Baraldi, C. and Farini, F. 2011. Dialogic mediation in international groups of adolescents. Language and Dialogue. 1 (2), pp. 207-232.
Trust building in the promotion of peace and intercultural dialogue among adolescents in international summer camps
Farini, F. 2012. Trust building in the promotion of peace and intercultural dialogue among adolescents in international summer camps. RIMCIS - International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences. 1 (2), pp. 163-192.
Analysing trust building in educational activities
Farini, F. 2012. Analysing trust building in educational activities. International Journal of Educational Research. 53, pp. 240-250.
Cultures of education in action: research on the relationship between interaction and cultural presuppositions regarding education in an international educational setting
Farini, F. 2011. Cultures of education in action: research on the relationship between interaction and cultural presuppositions regarding education in an international educational setting. Journal of Pragmatics. 43 (8), pp. 2176-2186.
Cortese, D. 2013. Concubinage. in: DeLong-Bas, N. (ed.) The Oxford encyclopedia of Islam and women Oxford University Press (OUP).Book chapter
The political and economic contexts of Fāṭimid female patronage during the reign of al-‘Azīz (365/975-386/996)
Cortese, D. 2008. The political and economic contexts of Fāṭimid female patronage during the reign of al-‘Azīz (365/975-386/996). Alifba. Studi Arabo-Islamici e Mediterranei. 22, pp. 81-94.Article
A dream come-true: empowerment through dreams reflecting Fāṭimid-Ṣulayḥid relations
Cortese, D. 2011. A dream come-true: empowerment through dreams reflecting Fāṭimid-Ṣulayḥid relations. in: Ali-De-Unzaga, O. (ed.) Fortresses of the intellect: Ismaili and other islamic studies in honour of Farhad Daftary I.B.Tauris. pp. 387-402Book chapter
Citizenship as practice: critical evaluation of educational communication as means of young migrants’ social participation
Farini, F. 2008. Citizenship as practice: critical evaluation of educational communication as means of young migrants’ social participation. Socialno Delo. 47 (3-6), pp. 133-144.Article
Sitt al-Mulk
Cortese, D. 2008. Sitt al-Mulk. in: Smith, B. (ed.) The Oxford encyclopedia of women in world history Oxford University Press (OUP).Book chapter
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