Dr Leena Robertson

NameDr Leena Robertson
Job titleAssociate Professor - Early Years/Foundation Stage Education
Research institute
Primary appointmentEducation
Email addressl.robertson@mdx.ac.uk
Contact categoryAcademic staff

Research outputs

Translanguaging as a political act with Roma: carving a path between pluralism and collectivism for transformation

Smith, H., Robertson, L., Auger, N. and Wysocki, L. 2020. Translanguaging as a political act with Roma: carving a path between pluralism and collectivism for transformation. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies. 18 (1), pp. 98-135.

SCT and translanguaging-to-learn: proposed conceptual integration

Smith, H. and Robertson, L. 2020. SCT and translanguaging-to-learn: proposed conceptual integration. Language and Sociocultural Theory. 6 (2), pp. 213-233. https://doi.org/10.1558/lst.36955

In pursuit of quality: early childhood qualifications and training policy

Elwick, A., Osgood, J., Robertson, L., Sakr, M. and Wilson, D. 2018. In pursuit of quality: early childhood qualifications and training policy. Journal of Education Policy. 33 (4), pp. 510-525. https://doi.org/10.1080/02680939.2017.1416426

Early Years Training and Qualifications in England: Issues for policy and practice

Osgood, J., Elwick, A., Robertson, L., Sakr, M. and Wilson, D. 2017. Early Years Training and Qualifications in England: Issues for policy and practice. TACTYC.

Early Years Teacher and Early Years Educator: a scoping study of the impact, experiences and associated issues of recent early years qualifications and training in England

Osgood, J., Elwick, A., Robertson, L., Sakr, M. and Wilson, D. 2017. Early Years Teacher and Early Years Educator: a scoping study of the impact, experiences and associated issues of recent early years qualifications and training in England. TACTYC.

Teaching for transformation, diversity and equality in the teacher education system in England

Robertson, L. 2015. Teaching for transformation, diversity and equality in the teacher education system in England. in: Kumar, R. (ed.) Neoliberalism, Critical Pedagogy and Education London Routledge India.

All about… multilingualism & critical thinking

Burghardt, V., Barnaby, B. and Robertson, L. 2015. All about… multilingualism & critical thinking. Mark Allen Group. https://doi.org/10.12968/nuwa.2015.16.17

Child-initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia and England: exploring young children’s views on decisions [conference item]

Robertson, L. 2015. Child-initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia and England: exploring young children’s views on decisions [conference item]. Early Years Research Festival. University of Northampton, Northampton, United Kingdom 17 Jun 2015

Child-initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia and England: exploring young children's views on decisions

Robertson, L., Kinos, J., Barbour, N., Pukk, M. and Rosqvist, L. 2015. Child-initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia and England: exploring young children's views on decisions. Early Childhood Development and Care. 185 (11-12), pp. 1815-1827. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2015.1028392

Early years: young children deserve the best possible start in life

Robertson, L. 2015. Early years: young children deserve the best possible start in life. Forum: for Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education. 57 (1), pp. 31-34. https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2015.57.1.31

Child-initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia and England: exploring young children’s views on decisions [article]

Robertson, L., Kinos, J., Barbour, N., Pukk, M. and Rosqvist, L. 2015. Child-initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia and England: exploring young children’s views on decisions [article]. Early Child Development and Care. 185 (11-12), pp. 1815-1827. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2015.1028392

Policy and ideologies in schooling and early years education in England: implications for and impacts on leadership, management and equality

Robertson, L. and Hill, D. 2014. Policy and ideologies in schooling and early years education in England: implications for and impacts on leadership, management and equality. Management in Education. 28 (4), pp. 167-174. https://doi.org/10.1177/0892020614550468

Developing child-initiated pedagogies in England

Robertson, L. 2014. Developing child-initiated pedagogies in England. Key Note Presentation for the Ministry of Education and Culture. Tallinn University, Estonia

Silencing bilingualism: a day in a life of a bilingual practitioner

Robertson, L. and Drury, R. 2014. Silencing bilingualism: a day in a life of a bilingual practitioner. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 17 (5), pp. 610-623. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2013.864252

Teaching for transformation, diversity and equality, in the teacher education system in England

Robertson, L. 2014. Teaching for transformation, diversity and equality, in the teacher education system in England. International Conference on Transformative Education: Possibilities and Alternatives to the Educational Crisis. South Asian University, Delhi, India Mar 2014

Ethnography of an early years teacher – working with young multilingual children and their families in a nursery class in London

Robertson, L. and Drury, R. 2014. Ethnography of an early years teacher – working with young multilingual children and their families in a nursery class in London. EECERA Annual Conference. Crete, Greece

Symposium: towards democratically appropriate practices in early childhood education: researching child initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia, England and the US

Robertson, L., Kinos, J., Pukk, M. and Barbour, N. 2014. Symposium: towards democratically appropriate practices in early childhood education: researching child initiated pedagogies in Finland, Estonia, England and the US. EECERA Annual Conference. Crete, Greece

Theory of child-initiated education: the future and possibilities of child-initiated education

Robertson, L. 2014. Theory of child-initiated education: the future and possibilities of child-initiated education. Tallinn University Symposium: Kindergarten Teacher Education. Tallinn University, Estonia 03 Oct 2014

Developing child initiated pedagogies towards democracy and participatory practices in formal early years settings – the case of England

Robertson, L., Kinos, J., Pukk, M. and Barbour, N. 2014. Developing child initiated pedagogies towards democracy and participatory practices in formal early years settings – the case of England. BERA 2014. London

Learning to read with meaning: early literacy and young Pakistani British children.

Robertson, L. 2001. Learning to read with meaning: early literacy and young Pakistani British children. 22nd Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum on “Situating literacies and learning”. Philadelphia, PA, USA 02 - 03 Mar 2001

Parallel literacy classes and multilingual flexibility: learning to read in English, Urdu and classical Arabic in England

Robertson, L. 2003. Parallel literacy classes and multilingual flexibility: learning to read in English, Urdu and classical Arabic in England. European Conference on Educational Research. Hamburg, Germany 17 - 20 Sep 2003

Opening or closing? Learning to read in three parallel literacy classes and developing multilingual flexibility.

Robertson, L. 2004. Opening or closing? Learning to read in three parallel literacy classes and developing multilingual flexibility. 15th Sociolinguistics Symposium on "Culture, contact, and change". Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 01 - 04 Apr 2004

Opening doors to community language schools: towards a new European research agenda.

Robertson, L. 2004. Opening doors to community language schools: towards a new European research agenda. 2nd International JTET Conference “Sustainable development. Culture. Education”. Tallinn, Estonia 14 - 16 Apr 2004

Multilingual flexibility and literacy learning in an Urdu community school.

Robertson, L. 2005. Multilingual flexibility and literacy learning in an Urdu community school. AERA annual meeting on "Demography and democracy in the era of accountability". Montréal, Canada 11 - 15 Apr 2005

Celebrations of learning in parallel literacy classes: bilingual children and early literacy.

Robertson, L. 2005. Celebrations of learning in parallel literacy classes: bilingual children and early literacy. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). Dublin, Ireland 07 - 10 Sep 2005

Simultaneous and complementary literacy learning.

Robertson, L. 2005. Simultaneous and complementary literacy learning. British Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Wales, UK 14 - 17 Sep 2005

The role of community groups and community language schools in initial teacher education (ITE)

Robertson, L. 2006. The role of community groups and community language schools in initial teacher education (ITE). BERA Annual Conference. Warwick, UK 06 - 09 Sep 2006

Bilingual teaching assistants and learning in early years settings.

Drury, R. and Robertson, L. 2007. Bilingual teaching assistants and learning in early years settings. 17th EECERA Annual Conference on "Exploring Vygotsky’s ideas: crossing borders". Prague, Czech Republic 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2007

A day in the life of a bilingual practitioner: ways of mediating knowledge [Norway]

Drury, R., Cable, C. and Robertson, L. 2008. A day in the life of a bilingual practitioner: ways of mediating knowledge [Norway]. 18th EECERA Annual Conference on 'Reconsidering the basics in early childhood education'. Stavanger, Norway 03 - 06 Sep 2008

A day in the life of a bilingual practitioner: ways of mediating knowledge [UK]

Cable, C., Drury, R. and Robertson, L. 2009. A day in the life of a bilingual practitioner: ways of mediating knowledge [UK]. 2nd International Conference on Multilingualism on 'Making multilingualism meaningful: linking theory to practice'. London, UK 19 - 20 Jun 2009

Bilingual practitioners constructing mediation. “In a middle person I am a bridge.”

Robertson, L. 2009. Bilingual practitioners constructing mediation. “In a middle person I am a bridge.”. 19th EECERA on 'Diversities in Early Childhood Education'. Strasbourg, France 26 - 29 Aug 2009

A young bilingual child starting school: learning in an English nursery class.

Robertson, L. and Drury, R. 2010. A young bilingual child starting school: learning in an English nursery class. 20th EECERA Conference: ‘Knowledge and Voice in Early Childhood: Who Knows, Who Speaks, Who Listens?’. Birmingham, UK 06 - 08 Sep 2010

Sex and relationships education

Hilton, G. and Baldwin, G. 2009. Sex and relationships education. in: Hill, D. and Robertson, L. (ed.) Equality in the Primary School: Promoting Good Practice Across the Curriculum London Continuum.

Developing links between communities, schools and teacher training

Robertson, L. 2010. Developing links between communities, schools and teacher training. in: Lytra, V. and Martin, P. (ed.) Sites of multilingualism: complementary schools in Britain today. Trentham Books.

Theorising politics and the curriculum: understanding and addressing inequalities through critical pedagogy and critical policy analysis

Hill, D. 2009. Theorising politics and the curriculum: understanding and addressing inequalities through critical pedagogy and critical policy analysis. in: Hill, D. and Robertson, L. (ed.) Equality in the primary school: promoting good practice across the curriculum. London Continuum. pp. 293-320

Equality in the primary school: promoting good practice across the curriculum

Hill, D. and Robertson, L. 2009. Equality in the primary school: promoting good practice across the curriculum. London Continuum.

Citizenship education

Baldwin, G., Whitworth, L. and Kovacs, P. 2009. Citizenship education. in: Hill, D. and Robertson, L. (ed.) Equality in the Primary School: Promoting Good Practice Across the Curriculum London Continuum. pp. 260-277

One in the crossfire: early years foundation stage, national curriculum and every child matters

Robertson, L. 2009. One in the crossfire: early years foundation stage, national curriculum and every child matters. in: Hill, D. and Robertson, L. (ed.) Equality in the primary school: promoting good practice across the curriculum. Continuum.

The role of community groups and community language schools in initial teacher education (ITE).

Robertson, L. 2007. The role of community groups and community language schools in initial teacher education (ITE). London Multiverse.

Multilingual learning: stories from schools and communities in Britain.

Conteh, J., Martin, P. and Robertson, L. 2007. Multilingual learning: stories from schools and communities in Britain. Trentham Books.

Multilingual methodologies: capturing and representing bilingual children’s voices.

Robertson, L. 2006. Multilingual methodologies: capturing and representing bilingual children’s voices. 16th EECERA Annual Conference on 'Democracy and culture in early childhood education'. Reykjavik, Iceland 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2006

Learning to read ‘properly’ by moving between parallel literacy classes

Robertson, L. 2006. Learning to read ‘properly’ by moving between parallel literacy classes. Language and education. 20 (1), pp. 44-61. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500780608668709

Learning to read 'properly' by moving between parallel literacy classes.

Robertson, L. 2006. Learning to read 'properly' by moving between parallel literacy classes. Language and education. 20 (1), pp. 44-61. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500780608668709

Teaching and learning in community language schools.

Robertson, L. 2005. Teaching and learning in community language schools. National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum (NALDIC).

Multilingual flexibility and literacy learning in an Urdu community school.

Robertson, L. 2004. Multilingual flexibility and literacy learning in an Urdu community school. in: Gregory, E., Long, S. and Volk, D. (ed.) Many pathways to literacy: young children learning with siblings, grandparents, peers and communities. Routledge. pp. 171-181

Parallel literacy classes and hidden strengths: learning to read in English, Urdu and classical Arabic

Robertson, L. 2002. Parallel literacy classes and hidden strengths: learning to read in English, Urdu and classical Arabic. Reading. 36 (3), pp. 119-126. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9345.00198

Revealing invisible worlds: connecting the mainstream with bilingual children’s home and community learning

Parke, T., Drury, R., Kenner, C. and Robertson, L. 2002. Revealing invisible worlds: connecting the mainstream with bilingual children’s home and community learning. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 2 (2), pp. 195-220. https://doi.org/10.1177/14687984020022004

Revealing invisible worlds: connecting the mainstream with bilingual children’s home and community experiences

Parke, T., Drury, R., Kenner, C. and Robertson, L. 2002. Revealing invisible worlds: connecting the mainstream with bilingual children’s home and community experiences. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.

Excluded voices: educational exclusion and inclusion.

Robertson, L. and Hill, R. 2001. Excluded voices: educational exclusion and inclusion. in: Mike, C. and Hill, D. (ed.) Schooling and equality: fact, concept and policy. Kogan Page. pp. 73-94

Early literacy and young emergent bilingual pupils: the exclusive nature of the national curriculum and the national literacy strategy

Robertson, L. 2000. Early literacy and young emergent bilingual pupils: the exclusive nature of the national curriculum and the national literacy strategy. in: Walraven, G., Parsons, C., Veen, D. and Day, C. (ed.) Combating social exclusion through education Garant Publishers. pp. 189-206

From Karelia to Kashmir: a journey into bilingual children's story-reading experiences within school and community literacy practice.

Robertson, L. 1997. From Karelia to Kashmir: a journey into bilingual children's story-reading experiences within school and community literacy practice. in: Gregory, E., Strickland, D. and Genishi, C. (ed.) One child, many worlds: early learning in multicultural communities. David Fulton. pp. 163-175
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