Cities: A decade of la politique de la ville

The abolition of the death penalty in international law

Local economic initiatives in Portugal - Reality and rhetoric

Interior lifestyles

Music and gender at Key Stage Three (11–14): an action research project

A novel pneumatic actuator

Actuators for rehabilitation robots

International norms on execution of the insane and the mentally retarded

Preparation and immunogenicity of an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine

The octamer binding site in the HPV16 regulatory region produces opposite effects on gene expression in cervical and non-cervical cells

The human Brn-3b POU transcription factor shows only limited homology to the Brn-3a/RDC-1 factor outside the conserved POU domain

Transactivation of the human papilloma virus 16 octamer motif by the octamer binding protein Oct-2 requires both the N and C terminal activation domains

Computers in art librarianship: the standards that support them

Substantial urinary concentrations of material resembling beta-core fragment of chorionic gonadotropin beta-subunit in mid-menstrual cycle

CDS/ISIS information [1993]

Chronic granulomatous disease: towards gene therapy.

Acute hepatitis C infection in patients undergoing therapy for haematological malignancies: a clinical and virological study

Hepatitis C viral RNA in clotting factor concentrates and the development of hepatitis in recipients

Pattern of coital frequency in rural Bangladesh

Fertility differentials in rural Bangladesh

Factors affecting fertility in a rural Bangladesh

Bovine animals of Bangladesh: an econometric analysis of regional data

A study on socioeconomic and intermediate variables on fertility

User needs in information technology standards.

Standards for information and the control of information

Prisons: the paradox in prison employment.

The measurement of urinary beta core fragment in conjunction with serum CA125 does not aid the differentiation of malignant from benign pelvic masses.

A basic model of KBS software.

Investigations of gaseous electrochemical reactions on zirconia electrolytes using amperometric sensors.

International Information System on Cultural Development model database for cultural development on CDS/ISIS: manual and accompanying diskette: first experimental draft.

Lexical decisions in Persian: a test of the orthographic depth hypothesis

Frequent and difficult problems perceived by nurses caring for the dying in community, hospice and acute care settings

Compacted doctrines: Empson and the meanings of words.

'Making one's language as one goes along': Wong Phui Nam's 'Ways of Exile'.

Wheelchair-mounted robots for the home environment

Sentenced to normality: the Italian political refugees in Paris

Training in Germany: a dissident view

Waking up to reality: the labour market in Eastern Germany

A social definition of young people in care

Emissions from a gas-burning pulse combustor

Literature and language teaching: a guide for teachers and trainers

The limits of modernisation: religious and gender inequality in Northern Ireland

The structure of manganese dioxide-hydrogen insertion compounds and some related stability studies

Analysis of split-plot design with unequal cell variances

Influences of selected socioeconomic variables on fertility: a multivariate analysis

Investigations into the design of a wheelchair-mounted rehabilitation robotic manipulator

Atmospheric particulate matter and historic buildings

Organisational culture and the development of IT in further education

Crossover culture: popular music and the politics of "race".

HIV/AIDS: a positive response (continuing education credit)

A strategy to enhance skills: developing intravenous therapy skills for community nursing

Musik und Symbolische Kreativitat, 1990

Coexistent phases in concentrated polydisperse emulsion flocculated by non-adsorbing polymer

Home care for intravenous treatment of HIV-related candidiasis

The role of the lecturer-practitioner in a department of genitourinary medicine (sexual health)

Collaborative community care management enhancing homecare for people with advanced HIV disease: care planning between nursing and social care consultants, London, United Kingdom

Community case study of long-term survival with oesophageal candidiasis: a primary healthcare nursing study of support for a patient receiving home self-administered intravenous amphotericin

The implications of advances in the care of clients in the community with HIV/AIDS (invited paper).

Developing reflective practice through focus group methodology within the outpatient sexual health setting

Long-term survival:a case study using Jean Watson's carative factors

Marimei taboos

Marimei taboos

[Work featured in Heads: as part of its tidy ten celebrations - Ecoaction presents: art,auction & eco activities, at the Stables Orleans House Gallery, Twickenham 1993

Watercolours by Stephen Mumberson [in Art Now, Eirlys Tynan curated show of bronzes and watercolours]

Community, Labour and Raymond Williams

Tales from smoke-filled rooms

Teacher, critic, explorer

Going to university: the student guide

Border country: Raymond Williams in adult education

On the asymptotic distribution of the number of random variables exceeding a given level

An experimental examination of the role of re-engineering in the management of software quality

Korea Telecom