Religious clothing and symbols in employment. A legal analysis of the situation in the EU member states

Technical report

Howard, E. and Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (European Commission) 2017. Religious clothing and symbols in employment. A legal analysis of the situation in the EU member states. Luxembourg European Union.
TypeTechnical report
TitleReligious clothing and symbols in employment. A legal analysis of the situation in the EU member states
AuthorsHoward, E. and Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (European Commission)
Research GroupLaw and Politics
PublisherEuropean Union
Place of publicationLuxembourg
Publication dates
Print01 Nov 2017
Online11 Dec 2017
Publication process dates
Deposited13 Mar 2018
Output statusPublished
Additional information

The text of this report was drafted by Erica Howard, coordinated by Catharina Germaine and Isabelle Chopin for the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination.
ISBN 978-92-79-75352-7
Catalogue number DS-06-17-260-3A-N

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