Female 'birds of passage' a decade later: gender and immigration in the European Union

Failed information systems projects: definition in terms of neglect of professional ethics

Teaching professional and ethical aspects of computing: a case study approach

Interview with Kirsten Justesen

Suzanne Lacy: new genre public art

The removal of urban pollutants by constructed wetlands during wet weather

The single European market and SMEs: a comparison of its effects in the food and clothing sectors in the UK and Portugal

Effect of emulsifier type on sensory properties of oil-in-water emulsions

Design guidelines and user-centred digital libraries

Refugee resettlement in Europe

Mechatronics of systems with undetermined configurations

The role of mental imagery in creativity

“...it was true! How can you laugh?”: the conflation of history and memory in the reception of Titanic in Britain and Southampton’

The metropolis and its image: constructing identities for London, c. 1750-1950

London Bridge and its symbolic identity in the Regency Metropolis: the dialectic of civic and national pride

The Genocide Convention at Fifty

Bringing Rwandan Génocidaires to book.

Polyclonal anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha Fab used as an ancillary treatment for severe malaria

Asset proportions, stochastic dominance and the 50% rule

The microbiology associated with glycol removal in constructed wetlands

Modelling the response of masonry structures to gas explosions

Comparison and recovery of escherichia coli and thermotolerant coliforms in water with a chromogenic medium incubated at 41 and 44.5°C

Training to break the barriers of habit in reasoning about unusual faults.

Explicit and implicit processing of words and pseudowords by adult developmental dyslexics - a search for Wernicke's Wortschatz?

Karlheinz Stockhausen's kontakte and narrativity.

Rewriting conceptual art

Software quality management from a cross-cultural viewpoint

Enthusiastic embrace or critical reception? The German HRM debate

Human resource management under institutional constraints: the case of Germany

Unitarism, pluralism, and human resource management in Germany.

On the edge: minority ethnic families caring for a severely disabled child

Traditional communication formats: MARC is far from dead.

Cross-Reaction with luteinizing hormone ß-Core is responsible for the age-dependent increase of immunoreactive ß-Core fragment of human chorionic gonadotropin in women with nonmalignant conditions

The beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotrophin exists as a homodimer

Adolescent sexual behaviour and knowledge

Organizational selection and assessment of women entering a surrogacy agreement in the UK

Composition operators on weighted Bergman spaces.

Entry clearance applications for spouses where sponsor is on benefits.

The feasibility of nursing patients with sickle cell crisis at home

Retroviral transduction of quiescent haematopoietic cells using a packaging cell line expressing the membrane-bound form of stem cell factor

Gender and cancer: is the tide starting to turn? European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 3 (1) . p. 1. ISSN 1462-3889

Communication and awareness about dying in the 1990s

Sex and cross-cultural differences in the estimated multi-faceted intelligence quotient score for self, parents and siblings

Dimerization of urinary beta-core/hCFbetacf: a cause of poor beta-core assay performance in Down syndrome screening studies.

Furies and diehards: women and Irish Republicanism in the early twentieth century

Alcohol-related attendances in the A&E department: could nurses have a preventative role?

Resisting the gaze? nurse perceptions of the role of accident and emergency departments in responding to alcohol-related attendances.

Identifying alcohol-related harm in young drinkers: the role of accident and emergency departments

Exploring changes in young men's drinking using the AUDIT questionnaire

Pocohontas’s baptism: reformed theology and the paradox of desire.

At the borders of the human : beasts, bodies and natural philosophy in the early modern period.

Heritage IV: new system installation at Central School of Speech and Drama

Herbalism and Osteoarthritis; methodological aspects of a small research study investigating herbal treatment outcomes, patient and practitioner viewpoints.

Conceptual art and/as philosophy.

Institutional constraints in water management: the French case.

Sovereign debt discounts and the unwillingness to pay.

Beta lives: some statistical perspectives on the capital asset pricing model.

Risk ranking by the British public: a survey of worry about a broad spectrum of risk issues.

Diverse conceptions of risk prioritization.

At the borders of the human: beasts, bodies and natural philosophy in the early modern period.

L'effet de réunification sur le risque politique à Hong Kong.

Peripheral intravenous therapy management

Safe injection techniques.

Demystifying the contents and construction of dictionaries.

The real stabilisation plan: going beyond credibility.

Typechecking UML static models.

A semantic framework for object-oriented development.

A semantics for object-oriented design notations.

EBG: a lazy functional programming language implemented on the Java virtual machine.

Specification and implementation of a multi-agent calculus based on higher-order functions.

Implementation of lazy agents in the functional language EBG.

Spirituality and holistic caring: an exploration of the literature.

Transcultural competence: the challenge for nurse education.

Health and illness beliefs of Greek Cypriots living in London.

Formal refinement and proof of a small java program.

Building bridges: reflections on the problem of transfer of learning in mathematics.

Query processing in temporal object-oriented databases

Perspectives on the purposes, processes and products of doctorates: towards a rich picture of doctorates

Asylum seekers and refugees in the UK: the role of refugee community organisations and refugee agencies in the settlement process

The battlefield: discharge planning and multidisciplinary team work

Discourses on women and shoplifting: a critical analysis of why female crime mythologies past and present operate to legitimate the incompatibility between female gender roles and the idea of women as active agents of crime.

Relations between logic and mathematics in the work of Benjamin and Charles S. Peirce.

Defence spending and economic growth: a case study of Greece and comparison with Spain and Portugal (1960-1996).

Managing change through curriculum innovation (building a Network of Learning: beyond the boundary).

Effective business and professsional practices in franchising.

Applied formative evaluation in the webbased environment.

Investigation of a mechatronic device for the remedial treatment of brain injured children.

Evaluating export promotion programmes: UK overseas trade missions and export performance.

Application of machine learning algorithms in adaptive web-based information systems

Single-word naming in a transparent alphabetic orthography.

The essay film.

Tradiciniai komunikaciniai formatai : MARC anaiptol ne seniena

Oral reading in a transparent writing system: implications for models of oral reading.

From shaman to therapist

Facing impending death: experiences of patients and their nurses

The development of the mathematical department of the Educational Times from 1847 to 1862.

Econometric analysis of exchange rates in East Asia.

Statistical modelling of road accident data via graphical models and hierarchical Bayesian models.

Dynamic impact testing and computer simulation of wheelchair tiedown and occupant restraint systems (WTORS).


Introducing cultural studies

Justice and design

A study of manganese dioxide-hydrogen insertion compounds produced by different chemical insertion methods

The formation of silicon nitride from trisilylamine and ammonia

The adoption and impact of computer integrated prepress systems in the printing and publishing industries of Kuwait

A window on literature

Containing contradictions: the development of prison drugs policy in England since 1980

Documentary practice

Obstetric related residual morbidities among the women in Bangladesh

Access to "Jiggasha program: a family planning communication approach" and its exposure to the selected background characteristics

Factors related to urban and rural lifetime marital fertility rates in Bangladesh

The Ismaili resurrection of Alamut: a bid for spiritual awakening or a statement of political authority?

Two simulated annealing-based heuristics for the job shop scheduling problem

Travels in modernity: spectatorship and narratives in British film culture

Cultural characteristic prevalent in the Chinese negotiation process

Negotiating in China: some issues for Western women

Order and justice: national minorities and the right to secession

Territory and identity in international law: the struggle for self-determination in the Western Sahara

The movement of pesticides within a mixed land use catchment

International corporate visual identity: standardization or localization?

Work based knowledge: creation, recognition and use - a paradigm shift for higher education

Doctorate in Professional Studies: an initial evaluation of a new programme at Middlesex University

The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of urban runoff

Politics and power: government intervention in the Muda irrigation scheme, Malaysia

Developing a theory of total quality management - using the delphi technique

Multi-chip module interconnections at microwave frequencies: electromagnetic simulation and material characterisation

Extending professional education and practice in Chinese medicine within higher education

Multi-chip module interconnections at microwave frequencies: electromagnetic simulation and material characterisation

A geomorphic and hydraulic investigation in the context of floodplain revegetation; based on a soil bioengineering application on the Mattole River, Petrolia, California, USA

Control strategy for a flexible analytical chemistry robotics system

An investigation into children's geographical perceptions of the wider world at nursery and Key Stage One

Integration and operational strategy of a flexible automated system for sample analysis

Fuzzy PD control of an optically guided long reach robot

A literature review for nurses on the potential diabetic complications in children and young adults

Uncemented total hip arthroplasty with subtrochanteric derotational osteotomy for severe femoral anteversion

Migration of the uncemented CLS acetabular component

Migration of the uncemented CLS femoral component

Factors affecting the structure and acquisition of expert performance in sport: evidence from darts

The effect of a lateral flare feature on uncemented hip stems

Symbolic representations in multidisciplinary collaborations

Development tools and cultural diversity

The 3 kings

HollyOaks [1999-2001]

Merseyside Youth Theatre. Liverpool.

Screening pregnant women for HIV: the case against

Moving pictures, queer politics: relax.. it's just sex!

Health care professionals and public doubt over the value of medical biotechnology

Cost effectiveness analysis of antenatal HIV screening in United Kingdom

Authors' reply

A nursing academy is urgently needed

Dobson is right about nurse education

The benefits of study support: a review of opinion and research. Research report 110

In patients with symptomatic HIV disease, spirituality emerged from stigmatisation and having an incurable disease

Improving health, well‐being and cognition in schizophrenia: making the case for physical activity

[Image no 34, work in - V Lubinska Aukcja Dziel Sztuki - Galeria Zamkowa Luinie Poland 1999]

'Totem Telecom Tower','Telizone', 'London Refugee' and 'East End' [monoprints and reliefs on canvas in Firm Impressions, Bankside Gallery, London 1999]

Still setting the pace labour history industrial relations and the history of post-war trade unionism

Unfinished business: the reform of strike legislation in Britain

Organising the militants: the liaison committee for the defence of trade unions 1966-1973

Always outnumbered always outgunned: the trotskyists and the trade unions

Notes on the communist party and industrial politics

The high-tide of trade unionism: mapping industrial politics 1964-1979

The post-war compromise: mapping industrial politics

Approaching post-war trade unionism

Making trade unionists: the politics of pedagogy 1945-1979

Generalised kernel density estimator

British trade unions and industrial politics: the postwar compromise 1945-64

British trade unions and industrial politics: the high tide of trade unionism, 1964-79

Development of a protocol for the automated analysis of amino acids in brain tissue samples and microdialysates

Orexin A activates locus coeruleus cell firing and increases arousal in the rat

Nurses failure to appreciate the risks of infection due to needle stick accidents: a hospital based survey