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Latest research outputs

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Elective single-embryo transfer: persuasive communication strategies can affect choice in a young British population
van den Akker, O. and Purewal, S. 2011. Elective single-embryo transfer: persuasive communication strategies can affect choice in a young British population. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 23 (7), pp. 838-850.


Longitudinal motivational predictors of dietary self-care and diabetes control in adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus
Nouwen, A., Ford, T., Balan, A., Twisk, J., Ruggiero, L. and White, D. 2011. Longitudinal motivational predictors of dietary self-care and diabetes control in adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. Health Psychology. 30 (6), pp. 771-779.


Editorial. Beyond Boundaries – Introduction to the Special Issue
Carroll, J., Larkin, R. and Brunswick, N. 2011. Editorial. Beyond Boundaries – Introduction to the Special Issue. Dyslexia. 17 (4), pp. 293-294.


Prehistoric stone tools, chess expertise, and cognitive evolution: an experiment about recognizing features in flint debitage
Russell, Y. 2011. Prehistoric stone tools, chess expertise, and cognitive evolution: an experiment about recognizing features in flint debitage. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 9 (3), pp. 249-269.


The role of age of acquisition in picture and word naming in dyslexic adults
Raman, I. 2011. The role of age of acquisition in picture and word naming in dyslexic adults. British Journal of Psychology. 102 (3), pp. 328-339.


The psychological and social consequences of miscarriage
van den Akker, O. 2011. The psychological and social consequences of miscarriage. Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 6 (3), pp. 295-304.


Parental order reporters' attitudes towards their role, surrogacy arrangements and UK legislation
Crawshaw, M., Purewal, S., Khan, F. and van den Akker, O. 2010. Parental order reporters' attitudes towards their role, surrogacy arrangements and UK legislation. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 28 (3).


The menstrual cycle: psychological, behavioral, physiological, and nutritional factors
van den Akker, O. 2011. The menstrual cycle: psychological, behavioral, physiological, and nutritional factors. in: Preedy, V., Watson, R. and Martin, C. (ed.) Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition Springer. pp. 879-888

Book chapter

Dart performance as a function of facets of practice amongst professional and amateur men and women players
Duffy, L., Baluch, B. and Ericsson, K. 2004. Dart performance as a function of facets of practice amongst professional and amateur men and women players. International Journal of Sport Psychology. 35 (3), pp. 232-245.


Signing the organ donor card: the relationship between expressed attitude, the actual behavior and personality traits
Baluch, B., Randhawa, G., Holmes, S. and Duffy, L. 2001. Signing the organ donor card: the relationship between expressed attitude, the actual behavior and personality traits. Journal of Social Psychology. 14 (1), pp. 124-126.


Children’s memory for television advertising: effects of programme–advertisement congruency.
Gunter, B., Baluch, B., Duffy, L. and Furnham, A. 2002. Children’s memory for television advertising: effects of programme–advertisement congruency. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 16 (2), pp. 171-190.


Students’ knowledge of abnormal psychology
Furnham, A., Baluch, B. and Starr, F. 2003. Students’ knowledge of abnormal psychology. Counselling psychology quarterley. 16 (4), pp. 331-336.


In search of the loci for sex differences in throwing: the effects of physical size and differential recruitment rates on high levels of dart performance.
Duffy, L., Ericsson, K. and Baluch, B. 2007. In search of the loci for sex differences in throwing: the effects of physical size and differential recruitment rates on high levels of dart performance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 78 (1), pp. 71-78.


Drawings of self and best friend by children undergoing dialysis
Nyman, K., Baluch, B., Duffy, L. and Shinebourne, P. 2011. Drawings of self and best friend by children undergoing dialysis. Education and Health. 29 (1).


Repetition disorder in Turkish.
Raman, I. and Weekes, B. 2004. Repetition disorder in Turkish. First Congress of the European Neuropsychological Societies. Modena, Italy 18 - 20 Apr 2004

Conference paper

Turkish speaking mothers in Hackney: an investigation of needs and use of health provision and a trial of a volunteer visiting scheme for first-time mothers.
Hoggart, L., Sales, R., Raman, I. and Gunbey, A. 2000. Turkish speaking mothers in Hackney: an investigation of needs and use of health provision and a trial of a volunteer visiting scheme for first-time mothers. London Middlesex University.

Working paper

Word recognition in Turkish: implications for models of reading.
Raman, I. and Baluch, B. 1995. Word recognition in Turkish: implications for models of reading. 4th European Congress of Psychology. Athens, Greece 06 - 09 Jul 1995

Conference paper

Imageability and frequency effects on visual word recognition: evidence from a transparent orthography.
Raman, I., Baluch, B. and Besner, D. 1997. Imageability and frequency effects on visual word recognition: evidence from a transparent orthography. 5th European Congress of Psychology. Dublin, Ireland

Conference paper

Oral reading in a transparent writing system: implications for models of oral reading.
Raman, I. and Baluch, B. 1999. Oral reading in a transparent writing system: implications for models of oral reading. 6th European Congress of Psychology. Rome Jul 1999

Conference paper

What is the role of the semantic system in acquired dyslexia in a transparent orthography?
Raman, I. 2001. What is the role of the semantic system in acquired dyslexia in a transparent orthography? 12th European Society for Cognitive Psychology /B.P.S Cognitive Section annual conference.. Edinburgh 05 - 08 Sep 2001 Scotland.

Conference poster

Acquired dyslexia as a function of orthographic transparency.
Raman, I. and Weekes, B. 2002. Acquired dyslexia as a function of orthographic transparency. 2nd Multilingual and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Dyslexia. Washington, D.C. 27 - 29 Jun 2002

Conference item

Deep dysphasia in Turkish.
Raman, I. and Weekes, B. 2003. Deep dysphasia in Turkish. 41st Annual Meeting of Academy of Aphasia. Vienna, Austria

Conference paper

Age-of-Acquisition (AoA) effects in word and object naming in Turkish, using Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures.
Raman, I. 2003. Age-of-Acquisition (AoA) effects in word and object naming in Turkish, using Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures. Psychonomic Society: 44th annual meeting. Vancouver, Canada

Conference paper

Age-of-acquisition effects in picture naming in Turkish using Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures.
Raman, I. 2004. Age-of-acquisition effects in picture naming in Turkish using Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures. 28th International Congress of Psychology. Beijing, China 08 - 13 Aug 2004

Conference poster

Written picture naming in Turkish-French bilingual children.
Mertan, B. and Raman, I. 2005. Written picture naming in Turkish-French bilingual children. 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Barcelona 20 - 23 Mar 2005 Poster presented at the 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism.

Conference poster

The role of order of acquisition of literacy on cognate spelling: a pilot study with Turkish-French bilingual children.
Mertan, B. and Raman, I. 2006. The role of order of acquisition of literacy on cognate spelling: a pilot study with Turkish-French bilingual children. Experimental Psychology Society: The Role of Orthographies on Reading and Spelling. Middlesex University 20 - 21 Sep 2006

Conference poster

Differential effects of number of letters on word and nonword naming latency: revisited.
Kokten, O. and Raman, I. 2008. Differential effects of number of letters on word and nonword naming latency: revisited. XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin Jul 2008

Conference poster

The role of task demands on memory and naming RTs in a totally transparent orthography.
Hancerli, S. and Raman, I. 2008. The role of task demands on memory and naming RTs in a totally transparent orthography. XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin 22 Jul 2008

Conference poster

The impact of hearing loss on mathematical and linguistic performance in 11-16 year old school children.
Cann, N. and Raman, I. 2007. The impact of hearing loss on mathematical and linguistic performance in 11-16 year old school children. The XXIV Annual Cognitive Section Meeting. Aberdeen 20 - 22 Aug 2007 Poster presented at the XXIV Annual Cognitive Section Meeting.

Conference poster

The role of context on age-of-acquisition effects in reading.
Raman, I. 2008. The role of context on age-of-acquisition effects in reading. Experimental Psychology Society Meeting. Cambridge Paper presented at the EPS Meeting, April 2-4, Cambridge.

Conference paper

The role of age of aquisition in picture and word naming in German.
Brase, J. and Raman, I. 2009. The role of age of aquisition in picture and word naming in German. Annual Cognitive Section Meeting, BPS. Hatfield, UK 01 - 03 Sep 2009 Hertfordshire.

Conference poster

The role of context on age-of-acquisition effects in visual word recognition.
Raman, I. 2009. The role of context on age-of-acquisition effects in visual word recognition. Annual Cognitive Section Meeting, BPS. Hatfield, UK 01 - 03 Sep 2009 Paper presented at the Annual Cognitive Section Meeting, BPS.

Conference paper

Word and picture naming in adult dyslexia in a transparent orthography: evidence from Turkish.
Raman, I. 2010. Word and picture naming in adult dyslexia in a transparent orthography: evidence from Turkish. BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference. Cardiff University 06 - 08 Sep 2010 Paper presented at the Annual Cognitive Section Meeting, BPS.

Conference paper

Processes involved in learning to read in a transparent alphabetic orthography: evidence from good and poor beginner readers of Turkish.
Raman, I. 2004. Processes involved in learning to read in a transparent alphabetic orthography: evidence from good and poor beginner readers of Turkish. 28th International Congress of Psychology. Beijing, China 08 - 13 Aug 2004

Conference paper

The role of age of acquisition in picture naming in Turkish.
Raman, I. 2004. The role of age of acquisition in picture naming in Turkish. BPS Cognitive Section Annual Meeting: Recent Advances in Age of Acquisition Research convened by Professor Catriona Morrison.. University of Leeds Invited paper to symposium on Recent Advances in Age of Acquisition Research convened by Professor Catriona Morrison. BPS Cognitive Section Annual Meeting.

Conference paper

Acquired reading, writing and repetition disorders in a Turkish-English bilingual.
Raman, I. 2005. Acquired reading, writing and repetition disorders in a Turkish-English bilingual. 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Barcelona, Spain 20 - 23 Mar 2005 biscriptal reader. Invited paper to Colloquia titled �Bilingual Communication Disorders� convened by Dr Brendan Weekes. Discussant Professor Lorraine Obler. 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism.

Conference paper

The influence of age of acquisition in processing words and pictures in Turkish.
Mertan, B. and Raman, I. 2005. The influence of age of acquisition in processing words and pictures in Turkish. 5th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Barcelona, Spain 20 - 23 Mar 2005 Dr Catriona Morrison. Chair and discussant Prof.

Conference paper

Differential effects of context on age-of-acquisition in visual word recognition.
Raman, I. 2008. Differential effects of context on age-of-acquisition in visual word recognition. BPS Cognitive Section Annual Meeting: Symposium on Age of Acquisition convened by Drs Catriona Morrison and Viv Moore.. Southampton

Conference paper

On the AoA effects and orthographic transparency: evidence from Turkish.
Raman, I. 2002. On the AoA effects and orthographic transparency: evidence from Turkish. Experimental Psychology Conference (EPC 2002 LEUVEN) for the Experimental Psychology Society (UK) in cooperation with the Belgian Society of Psychology. Leuven, Belgium 09 - 11 Apr 2002 Joint meeting of the British and Belgian Experimental Psychology Societies, EPC2002.

Conference paper

The role of context on age of acquisition effects in visual word recognition: evidence from Turkish.
Raman, I. and Wilson, M. 2010. The role of context on age of acquisition effects in visual word recognition: evidence from Turkish. Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Campus Hotel Berlin 07 - 10 Jul 2010 SSSR Meeting.

Conference paper