
Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biographies and lists of publications.

Farah, Nada

Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Miss Claire Farmer

Farmer, Claire

Acting Director of Programmes for Dance

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Faulkner-Mellor, George

Graduate Academic Assistant

— Accounting, Finance & Economics, Faculty of Business and Law

Feeney, Aine

Senior Lec(Practice)Adult Nursing

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Fereday, Gwen

"Senior Lecturer in Textiles: Weave, Mixed-Media and Knit"

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Fernandes, Gavin

Senior Lecturer in Photography

— School of Film, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Ferry, Benjamin

Lecturer (Practice) in Social Work (Think Ahead Programme)

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Fields, Bob

Associate Professor

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Fine, Lucy

Interim Director of Fashion Programmes

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Miss Carmel Fitzsimons

Fitzsimons, Carmel

Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Ms Cariona Flaherty

Flaherty, Cariona

Deputy Head of Nursing and Midwifery

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Miss Yassmin Foster-Paul

Foster-Paul, Yassmin

Lecturer in Dance Practices

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Fox, Wesley

Senior Lecturer in Sport Exercise Science (Coaching)

— London Sports Institute, Faculty of Science and Technology

Francis, Laura

Lecturer in Clinical Skills and Simulation

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Franco, Fabia

Associate Professor in Psychology

— Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Franklin, Ellie

Senior Lecturer in Finance

— Accounting, Finance & Economics, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Tim Freeman

Freeman, Tim

Professor of Leadership

— Strategy, Leadership & Operations, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Nathan Fretwell

Fretwell, Nathan

Senior Lecturer in Education Studies/Early Childhood Studies

— Education, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Prof Peter Fribbins

Fribbins, Peter

Professor & ACI Director of New Partnership Development

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Mr Stewart Frost

Frost, Stewart

Senior Lecturer in Policing (Practice)

— Centre for Policing, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Nic Fryer

Fryer, Nic

Senior Lecturer (Practice) in Learning and Teaching

— Education, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Furness, Alys

English for Academic Purposes Lecturer

— International Preparatory Programmes & Exchanges, Other Research