
Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biographies and lists of publications.

Dack, John

Senior Lecturer Music and Technology

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Dafoulas, George

Professor & Director of Programmes - Computer Science

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Dr Yun Dai

Dai, Yun

Senior Lecturer in Accounting (Practice)

— Accounting, Finance & Economics, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Adam Dalton

Dalton, Adam

Senior Lecturer in English Literature and Creative Writing

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Daly, Niall

Senior Lecturer in Social Work

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Daryanani, Padma

Senior Lecturer

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Das, Madhumita

DBI - Computer Engineering & Informatics Lecturer

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Davies, Alun

Senior Lecturer in Fashion Communication

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Davies, Lesley

SL in Cardiac Physiology

— Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

Davison, James

Lecturer in Fashion Design

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Day, Clare

Lecturer in Fashion Marketing

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

De Mornay Davies, Paul

SL in Neuropsychology

— Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology

De Raffaele, Clifford

Senior Lecturer Computer Science

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Dr Victoria de Rijke

de Rijke, Victoria


— Education, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

de Senna, Pedro

Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Theatre Theory & Practice

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Alessandra De Tommaso

De Tommaso, Alessandra

Senior Lecturer in Law

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Katy Deepwell

Deepwell, Katy

"Professor of Contemporary Art, Theory and Criticism"

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Delaney, Aidan

Director of Programmes for The Moving Image

— School of Film, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Delany, Helen

Lecturer in Fashion Communication

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

DeMarco, Jeffrey

Senior Lecturer in Psychology

— Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology

DeMello-Bouttell, Alison

Lec in Sales Practice(Leadership role and PG Teaching)

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Demetriou, Daphne

DBI - Programme Coordinator - PG Law

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Prof Charles Dennis

Dennis, Charles

Professor of Consumer Behaviour

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Dennis, Matt

Lecturer in Visual Arts

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Mahensingh Deonaran

Deonaran, Mahensingh

MRU- AL in Psychology

— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Desai, Jeenal

Lecturer Education and Early Childhood Studies

— Education, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Dr Nitin Deshmukh

Deshmukh, Nitin

Senior Lecturer in Finance

— Accounting, Finance & Economics, Faculty of Business and Law

Ms Tina Devadasan

Devadasan, Tina

Finance and Programme Advisor

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

Devereux, Luke

Lecturer in Marketing

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Devo, Perry

Lecturer in Computational Chemistry

— Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

Dexter, Alison

Lecturer - Adult Nursing

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Dhabha, Adriana

Lecturer (Practice) in Social Work

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Prof Mandeep Dhami

Dhami, Mandeep

Professor in Decision Psychology

— Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Mr Kulvinder Dhillon

Dhillon, Kulvinder

Assoc Lec (Practice) in Social Work(Think Ahead Project)

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Dias Dos Santos, Leroy

Lecturer (Practice) in Dance Practices

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dick, Emma

"Interim Head of Department, School of Design"

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Prof Tom Dickins

Dickins, Tom

Professor of Behavioural Science

— Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Diedrich, Antje

Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Theatre & Practice

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Mehmetali Dikerdem

Dikerdem, Mehmetali

Associate Professor

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

Dilmperi, Athina

"Head of Department, Marketing, Enterprise and Tourism"

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Dimitriou, Lygeri

Senior Lecturer

— Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

Dr Mike Dines

Dines, Mike

Senior Lecturer in Popular Music

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dire, Kingstone

Placement Co-ordinator/Lecturer in Social Work

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Dirie, Afaf

Senior Lecturer in Public Health

— Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

Ms Rebecca Disney

Disney, Rebecca

Senior Lecturer in Interior Architecture

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dobee, Dhanraj

MRU- Lecturer

— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Dodourova, Mariana

Interim PVC Educ & Stu Exp & Assoc PVC Enterprise & Innovat

— Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Executive

Dr Alice Donald

Donald, Alice

Professor in Human Rights Law

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

Donkor, Susannah

Senior Lecturer in Academic Writing and Language

— Learning Enhancement Team, Library & Student Support

Donnelly, Anne

Associate Professor in Dance

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Stephen Donohoe

Donohoe, Stephen

Senior Lecturer in Marketing

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Mrs Jenna Doyle

Doyle, Jenna

Senior Lecturer in Popular Music

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Drakopoulou, Sophia

"Senior Lecturer in Media, Culture and Communication"

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Chris Dromey

Dromey, Chris

Associate Professor in Music & Arts Management

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Duffy, Linda

Associate Professor in Psychology

— Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Professor Karen Duke

Duke, Karen

Professor in Criminology

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

Duman, Alberto

Senior Lecturer in Fine Art

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dumur, Vrajishni

MRU- Part Time Lecturer in Psychology

— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Duncan, Niki

Lecturer - Midwifery Education Fellow

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Duncker-Gassen, Elke

Associate Professor

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Durant, Alan

Professor of Communication

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

Dwyer, Benjamin

Professor in Music

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dye, Kirstie

Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education