
Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biographies and lists of publications.

Mac an Bhreithiun, Bharain

"Head of Department, School of Arts"

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Macaulay, Pamela

Administrator in CEEDR

— Centre for Enterprise, Environment and Development Research, Faculty of Business and Law

Mace, Nicky

Senior Lecturer in English for Specific Academic Purposes

— Learning Enhancement Team, Library & Student Support

Machon, Josephine

Associate Professor

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Mackenzie, Andrew

DBI - Marketing Lecturer

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Maghalseh, Deema

DBI - Senior Lecturer in Film

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Magoulas, Babis

SL In Life Science

— Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

Mr John Magpayo

Magpayo, John

Lecturer in Accounting & Finance

— Accounting, Finance & Economics, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Kate Maguire

Maguire, Kate

Professor of Transdisciplinary Practice & Research

— Business School Research, Faculty of Business and Law

Maher, Clare

Director of Programmes - Midwifery

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Maher, Claudia

DBI - HRM Lecturer

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Dr Stephen Malone

Malone, Stephen

Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management

— Strategy, Leadership & Operations, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Sean Maloney

Maloney, Sean

Hourly Academic

— London Sports Institute, Faculty of Science and Technology

Mangiacotti, Anthony

Post-doctoral Researcher in Psychology

— School Leadership, Faculty of Science and Technology

Manyiwa, Simon

Senior Lecturer in Marketing

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Yan Mao

Mao, Yan

Senior Lecturer in Sales

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Mapp, Glenford

Associate Professor

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Marshall, Bronwen

Senior Lecturer in Fashion Design

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Miss Elena Martellozzo

Martellozzo, Elena

DoP in Policing/Professor of Criminology

— Centre for Policing, Faculty of Business and Law

Martin, Stewart

Associate Professor in Philosophy and Fine Art

— School of Film, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Lisa Marzano

Marzano, Lisa

Theme Director/Professor in Psychology

— Psychology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Mashood, Neelofer

DBI - Human Resource Management Lecturer

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Dr Brendan Masterson

Masterson, Brendan

Senior Lecturer in Mathematics

— Design Engineering & Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology

Matadeen, Sanjay


— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Mathew, Shawn

DBI - Senior Lecturer in Marketing

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Maude-Roxby, Alice

Senior Lecturer in Fine Art

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Mayo, Andrew

Professor Human Capital Management

— Strategy, Leadership & Operations, Faculty of Business and Law

Mc Dermott, Louise

Lecturer - Nursing Education Fellow (Adult)

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Mr Thomas Mc Donagh

Mc Donagh, Thomas

Senior Lecturer in Law

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

McAlister, Rory

Lecturer in Scenography (Practice)

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

McAra, Jonathan

EAP Lecturer Hainan

— International Preparatory Programmes & Exchanges, Other Research

Mr Edward McCaffrey

McCaffrey, Edward

Professor in Television Production

— School of Film, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Simon McCarthy

McCarthy, Simon

Senior Research Fellow

— Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

McConnon, Rory

DBI - Programme Coordinator Business Mgt

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

McDermott, Justin

Senior Lecturer(Practice Based Learning co-ordinator)

— Contract Compliance & Specialist Placements, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Prof Kevin McDonald

McDonald, Kevin

Professor of Sociology

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

McGowan, Suzanne

Lecturer (Practice) in Mental Health

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Dr Martin McGrath

McGrath, Martin

Senior Lecturer in Public Relations and Media

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

McGuinness, John

Chief Officer for People & Culture

— Corporate Services, Executive

McKay, Sophie

Lecturer in Clinical Skills and Simulation

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

McNiff, Siobhan

DBI - Lecturer in IFP/Inclusion Counsellor

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

McPherson, Becca

Graduate Academic Assistant (Biosciences)

— Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

Dr Mark McPherson

McPherson, Mark

Associate Professor in Marketing

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Alison Megeney

Megeney, Alison

Deputy Dean of Education

— School Leadership, Faculty of Science and Technology

Dr Sinead Mehigan

Mehigan, Sinead

"Head of Dept Adult, Child & Midwifery"

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Prof TC Melewar

Melewar, TC

Professor of Marketing & Strategy

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Menon, Santhosh

DBI - Computer Eng. & Informatics Lecturer

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Merelas, Paula

Lecturer - Clinical Skills and Simulation

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Miss Stephanie Michaelides

Michaelides, Stephanie

SL in Midwifery

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Michaeloudis, Androulla

Hourly Academic

— Design Engineering & Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology

Midgelow, Vida

Chair of Postgraduate Research & Professor in Dance

— Performing Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Miller, Rhys

Associate Lecturer in Policing

— Centre for Policing, Faculty of Business and Law

Miller, Ruth

Associate Professor in Work Based Learning

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Ms Kajal Mistry

Mistry, Kajal

Graduate Academic Assistant in Applied Computer Science

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Dr Ian Mitchell

Mitchell, Ian

Associate Professor

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Miss Teodora Mitrovska

Mitrovska, Teodora

Graduate Academic Assistant (Fashion)

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Moar, Magnus

Senior Lecturer in Digital Arts Technologies

— School of Film, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Waseemah Moedeen

Moedeen, Waseemah

MRU- Research Assistant

— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Mohammad, Ambreen

DBI - Lecturer in Education

— Dubai Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Dr Maryam Mohammadipour

Mohammadipour, Maryam

Senior Lecturer in Operations Management

— Strategy, Leadership & Operations, Faculty of Business and Law

Mr Rahaman Mohammed

Mohammed, Rahaman

SL in Social Work

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Mohammed, Shukri

Lec- (Practice) in Primary Ed'n(Found'n Subjects & Comput'g)

— Education, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Mohess, Laura

Director of Programmes (Nursing- Mental Health)

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Ms Intisaar Mohsin

Mohsin, Intisaar

Lecturer - Midwifery Education Fellow

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Moio, Natalie

Lecturer - Midwifery Education Fellow

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Monaff, Sameeha

Mauritius Associate Lecturer in Psychology

— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Montagna, Nicola

Senior Lecturer-Criminology & Sociology

— Law and Social Sciences, Faculty of Business and Law

Dr Christopher Moon

Moon, Christopher

Senior Lecturer in Eco-Entrepreneurship

— Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism, Faculty of Business and Law

Moore, Fay

Lecturer (Practice) in Mental Health Nursing

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Moore, Tina

SL in Work Based Learning & Adult Nursing

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Moran Mylett, Toby

Graduate Academic Assistant (Theatre Arts)

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Vlad Morariu

Morariu, Vlad

Senior Lecturer in Fashion Visual Cultures

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Lynette Morris

Morris, Lynette

Director of Programmes for Education and Early Childhood

— Education, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Dr Claudio Morrison

Morrison, Claudio

Senior Research Fellow - HRM

— Strategy, Leadership & Operations, Faculty of Business and Law

Mr Jon Mortimer

Mortimer, Jon

Senior Lecturer in Interior Architecture and Design

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Morvan, Vincent

Head of Marketing & Student Recruitment

— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Moseley, Ralph

SL Computing Science

— Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology

Moss, Jack

Associate Lecturer in Policing

— Centre for Policing, Faculty of Business and Law

Motala-Timol, Shaheen

MRU- Academic & Quality Enhancement Manager

— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Mourouti, Olga

"Dep Dean, Quality Enhancement & Devp't & Student Success"

— Business School Leadership, Faculty of Business and Law

Mukhopadhyay, Rick

Senior Lecturer/MBA Director

— Strategy, Leadership & Operations, Faculty of Business and Law

Mulcahy, Sue

Research Assistant in Criminology and Psychology

— Centre for Policing, Faculty of Business and Law

Mulhern, Ruairi

Senior Lecturer (Practice) in Mental Health

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Mullaniff, Kathleen

Senior Lecturer in Fine Art

— Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Dr Anne Mulligan

Mulligan, Anne

SL in Primary Education Mathematics

— Education, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Dr Francesca Murialdo

Murialdo, Francesca

Director of Interior Architecture and Design Programmes

— School of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Murphy, Carol

Lecturer Practice in Social Work (Think Ahead Project

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Murphy-Collins, Shauna

Associate Lecturer in Clinical Skills (Technician)

— Adult, Child & Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Murray, Sam

Lecturer in Music Business & Arts Management

— School of Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Mustun, Tasneem

MRU- Lecturer in Accounting & Finance

— Mauritius Campus, Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses

Mwebe, Herbert

Senior Lecturer (Practice) in Mental Health

— Mental Health & Social Work, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education