Prof Fergus Lyon

NameProf Fergus Lyon
Job titleDirector of CEEDR
Research institute
Primary appointmentCentre for Enterprise, Environment and Development Research
Contact categoryResearcher



Fergus Lyon is a Professor of Enterprise and Organisations in the Centre for Enterprise, Environment and Development Research, Middlesex University in London and Deputy Director of the ESRC Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity. His research interests include social and sustainable enterprises, agri-food, sustainable fashion, clustering and networks of enterprises, ethnic minority enterprise, and enterprise support policy. Recent funders include the Economic and Social Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council, Arts and Humanities Research Council, Research England, Dept of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Food Farming and Countryside Commission, European Commission, International Labour Organisation, and a number of charities.  He was the social enterprise lead on the £10m Third Sector Research Centre funded over five years by ESRC and Office for Civil Society. Previously he has carried out research in Bhutan, Ghana, India, Nepal, Nigeria, and Pakistan. He has been a trustee/director of a number social enterprises related to preschool education, conservation and farming.  Fergus has over 150 publications including 50 substantial reports for policy makers funded by UK and international donors, 30 papers in established international journals, 25 book chapters, a number of shorter policy briefings and two books on social research methodologies.


Joanna Paulynn Kitchen (ongoing); Numbers, negotiations and networks:  Exploring the role of calculative practice in the transition towards sustainability.

Ambrose Massaquoi (ongoing); Faith at work in social entrepreneurship.

Adeyemi Adelekan(Completed - Director of Studies); Exploring the circular economy strategies of social enterprises: A case study of organisations in Nigeria's solid waste recycling sector.

Maria Irurita  (Completed - Director of Studies); Innovation and Learning in social enterprises. 

Abdullah Al-Faruq (Completed - Director of Studies);  Social enterprises in Bangladesh. 

Anthony Ayakwah (Completed - Director of Studies); Internationalisation and SME clusters in Ghana.

Isaac Amoako (Completed - Director of Studies); SME Exporting Determinants: The Power of Institutions on Networking and Performance in a developing country.

Bianca Stumbitz  (Completed - Director of Studies); Older Social Entrepreneurs and the life course.

Mark McPherson (Completed - Director of Studies); Inter-generational Differences within Ethnic Minority Enterprises: A Comparison of Sikh and Pakistani Muslim Businesses.

Vitor Braga (Completed- Second Supervisor); Networking in Portuguese SMEs: Evidence from Large Event Organisers and Furniture Industries.

Teaching and Pedagogic interests:

Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship

Natural capital and payment for ecosystem services

Entrepreneurship, business support and regeneration

Business, international development and conflict

Qualitative research methods and analysis

Research project design

Participatory research methodologies for social and natural/biological scientists

Learning through participatory workshops and field research

Outputs- manual of research methods, briefing notes and published handouts for research students


Professor of Enterprise and Organisations
Middlesex University
01 Jun 2001

Education and qualifications



  • ES/M010163/1

Prizes and Awards

Research outputs

Collective capabilities for organizational democracy: the case of mutual social enterprises

Vickers, I., Lyon, F. and Sepulveda Ramirez, L. 2024. Collective capabilities for organizational democracy: the case of mutual social enterprises. British Journal of Management.

From “business as usual” to sustainable “purpose‐driven business”: Challenges facing the purpose ecosystem in the United Kingdom and Australia

Lyon, F., Stubbs, W., Dahlmann, F. and Edwards, M. 2024. From “business as usual” to sustainable “purpose‐driven business”: Challenges facing the purpose ecosystem in the United Kingdom and Australia. Business and Society Review.

Finance and funding for upscaling sustainable fashion

Lyon, F., Elf, P., Owen, R. and Werner, A. 2023. Finance and funding for upscaling sustainable fashion. in: Charter, M., Pan, B. and Black, S. (ed.) Accelerating Sustainability in Fashion, Clothing and Textiles London Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

SME Financing for Biodiversity: Building Nature Measurement and Impacts into SME Financing (‘SME FinBio’)

Owen, R., Lyon, F., Burnett, A. and Lodh, S. 2022. SME Financing for Biodiversity: Building Nature Measurement and Impacts into SME Financing (‘SME FinBio’). Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

SME Finance for Biodiversity (‘FinBio’) in the UK - project summary

Owen, R., Lyon, F., Burnett, A. and Suman, L. 2022. SME Finance for Biodiversity (‘FinBio’) in the UK - project summary. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

Rural social enterprise: contributions, challenges and support needs

Vickers, I., Owen, R., Lyon, F. and Darko, E. 2022. Rural social enterprise: contributions, challenges and support needs. Newcastle Newcastle University.

Public service mutuals: transforming how services are delivered through social enterprise and democratic governance

Vickers, I., Lyon, F., Sepulveda Ramirez, L. and Brennan, G. 2022. Public service mutuals: transforming how services are delivered through social enterprise and democratic governance. Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

Social innovation for biodiversity: A literature review and research challenges

Ziegler, R., Balzac-Arroyo, J., Hölsgens, R., Holzgreve, S., Lyon, F., Spangenberg, J. and Thapa, P. 2022. Social innovation for biodiversity: A literature review and research challenges. Ecological Economics. 193, pp. 1-10.

Social Enterprise: Market Trends 2019

Owen, R., Lyon, F., Vickers, I. and Gottschalk, S. 2021. Social Enterprise: Market Trends 2019. London DCMS.

Financing Cleantech SME innovation: Setting an agenda

Owen, R., Brennan, G., Lyon, F. and Harrer, T. 2021. Financing Cleantech SME innovation: Setting an agenda. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 68 (4), pp. 1168-1172.

Educating at scale for sustainable development and social enterprise growth: the impact of online learning and a massive open online course (MOOC)

Calvo, S., Lyon, F., Morales, A. and Wade, J. 2020. Educating at scale for sustainable development and social enterprise growth: the impact of online learning and a massive open online course (MOOC). Sustainability. 12 (8).

Implementing democratic governance and ownership: the interplay of structure and culture in public service social enterprises

Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Lyon, F. and Vickers, I. 2020. Implementing democratic governance and ownership: the interplay of structure and culture in public service social enterprises. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 31 (3), pp. 627-641.

Early stage investing in green SMEs: the case of the UK

Owen, R., Lehner, O., Lyon, F. and Brennan, G. 2020. Early stage investing in green SMEs: the case of the UK. ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives. 8 (1), pp. 163-182.

Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe

Stumbitz, B., Vickers, I. and Lyon, F. 2019. Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe. Luxembourg European Union.

Financing social enterprises and the demand for social investment

Lyon, F. and Owen, R. 2019. Financing social enterprises and the demand for social investment. Strategic Change. 28 (1), pp. 47-57.

Maternity protection in formal and informal economy workplaces: The case of Ghana

Stumbitz, B., Lewis, S., Kyei, A. and Lyon, F. 2018. Maternity protection in formal and informal economy workplaces: The case of Ghana. World Development. 110, pp. 373-384.

Enabling investment for the transition to a low carbon economy: government policy to finance early stage green innovation

Owen, R., Brennan, G. and Lyon, F. 2018. Enabling investment for the transition to a low carbon economy: government policy to finance early stage green innovation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 31, pp. 137-145.

Trust in food supplies: assuring quality, sustainability, price and availability

Naslund, N. and Lyon, F. 2018. Trust in food supplies: assuring quality, sustainability, price and availability. in: Searle, R., Nienaber, A. and Sitkin, S. (ed.) The Routledge Companion of Trust Routledge. pp. 438-452

Competitive or cooperative relationships in clusters: a comparative study of two internationalising agro-processing clusters in Ghana

Ayakwah, A., Sepulveda Ramirez, L. and Lyon, F. 2018. Competitive or cooperative relationships in clusters: a comparative study of two internationalising agro-processing clusters in Ghana. Critical Perspectives on International Business. 14 (2/3), pp. 230-251.

'Social enterprise spin-outs': an institutional analysis of their emergence and potential

Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Lyon, F. and Vickers, I. 2018. 'Social enterprise spin-outs': an institutional analysis of their emergence and potential. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 30 (8), pp. 967-979.

Social entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and social value creation

Haugh, H., Lyon, F. and Doherty, B. 2018. Social entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and social value creation. in: Backburn, R., De Clercq, D. and Heinonen, J. (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Sage. pp. 125-142

Public service innovation and multiple institutional logics: the case of hybrid social enterprise providers of health and wellbeing

Vickers, I., Lyon, F., Sepulveda Ramirez, L. and McMullin, C. 2017. Public service innovation and multiple institutional logics: the case of hybrid social enterprise providers of health and wellbeing. Research Policy. 46 (10), pp. 1755-1768.

Indicators for sustainable prosperity? - Challenges and potentials for indicator use In political processes

Jones, A., Mair, S., Ward, J., Druckman, A., Lyon, F., Christie, I. and Hafner, S. 2016. Indicators for sustainable prosperity? - Challenges and potentials for indicator use In political processes. Guildford: University of Surrey Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity Working Paper 3.

Understanding sustainable prosperity — Towards a transdisciplinary research agenda

Jackson, T., Burningham, K., Catney, P., Christie, I., Davies, W., Doherty, B., Druckman, A., Hammond, M., Hayward, B., Jones, A., Lyon, F., Molho, N., Oakley, K., Seaford, C. and Victor, P. 2016. Understanding sustainable prosperity — Towards a transdisciplinary research agenda. The Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity.

Spinning with substance? The creation of new third sector organisations from public services

Miller, R. and Lyon, F. 2016. Spinning with substance? The creation of new third sector organisations from public services. in: Rees, J. and Mullins, D. (ed.) The Third Sector in Public Services: Developments, innovation and challenges Policy Press. pp. 87-106

Lending to social ventures: existing demand for finance and the potential roles of social investment

Lyon, F. 2016. Lending to social ventures: existing demand for finance and the potential roles of social investment. in: Lehner, O. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Social and Sustainable Finance Routledge. pp. 177-188

Pushing enterprise and entrepreneurship in the delivery of rural public services: the case of education and health services

Lyon, F. 2016. Pushing enterprise and entrepreneurship in the delivery of rural public services: the case of education and health services. in: Liddle, J. (ed.) New perspectives on research, policy & practice in public entrepreneurship (contemporary issues in entrepreneurship research) Emerald Group Publishing Limited. pp. 195-212

Access and non-probability sampling in qualitative research on trust

Lyon, F. 2015. Access and non-probability sampling in qualitative research on trust. in: Lyon, F., Mollering, G. and Saunders, M. (ed.) Handbook of Research Methods on Trust: Second Edition Edward Elgar. pp. 109-117

Handbook of research methods on trust

Lyon, F., Möllering, G. and Saunders, M. (ed.) 2015. Handbook of research methods on trust. Edward Elgar.

Opening access to administrative data for evaluating public services: The case of the Justice Data Lab

Lyon, F., Gyateng, T., Pritchard, D., Vaze, P., Vickers, I. and Webb, N. 2015. Opening access to administrative data for evaluating public services: The case of the Justice Data Lab. Evaluation. 21 (2), pp. 232-247.

Towards a ‘long view’: historical perspectives on the scaling and replication of social ventures

Blundel, R. and Lyon, F. 2015. Towards a ‘long view’: historical perspectives on the scaling and replication of social ventures. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. 6 (1), pp. 80-102.

Researching trust in tourism: methodological issues and associated concerns

Saunders, M., Lyon, F. and Mollering, G. 2014. Researching trust in tourism: methodological issues and associated concerns. in: Nunkoo, R. and Smith, S. (ed.) Trust, Tourism Development and Planning Routledge. pp. 168-180

Financing social ventures and the demand for social investment

Lyon, F. and Owen, R. 2014. Financing social ventures and the demand for social investment. Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham.

Social enterprises as hybrid organizations: a review and research agenda

Doherty, B., Haugh, H. and Lyon, F. 2014. Social enterprises as hybrid organizations: a review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews. 16 (4), pp. 417-436.

‘We don’t deal with courts’: cooperation and alternative institutions shaping exporting relationships of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ghana

Amoako, I. and Lyon, F. 2014. ‘We don’t deal with courts’: cooperation and alternative institutions shaping exporting relationships of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ghana. International Small Business Journal. 32 (2), pp. 117-139.

Process of social innovation in mutual organisations: the case of social enterprises leaving the public sector

Lyon, F., Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Vickers, I., McMullin, C. and Gregory, D. 2013. Process of social innovation in mutual organisations: the case of social enterprises leaving the public sector. in: Social frontiers: the next edge of social innovation research NESTA.

Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise

Lyon, F. and Humbert, A. 2013. Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise. Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham.

Changing funding realities for charities and social enterprises: responses to the big society agenda and austerity in the East of England

Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Lyon, F. and Stevenson, N. 2011. Changing funding realities for charities and social enterprises: responses to the big society agenda and austerity in the East of England. Institue for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Playing with numbers: a methodological critique of the social enterprise growth myth

Teasdale, S., Lyon, F. and Owen, R. 2013. Playing with numbers: a methodological critique of the social enterprise growth myth. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. 4 (2), pp. 113-131.

Transdisciplinary environmental research: Building trust across professional cultures

Harris, F. and Lyon, F. 2013. Transdisciplinary environmental research: Building trust across professional cultures. Environmental Science and Policy. 31, pp. 109-119.

Social impact measurement and non-profit organisations: compliance, resistance, and promotion

Arvidson, M. and Lyon, F. 2014. Social impact measurement and non-profit organisations: compliance, resistance, and promotion. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 25 (4), pp. 869-886.

Social enterprise and innovation in third sector organizations

Chew, C. and Lyon, F. 2013. Social enterprise and innovation in third sector organizations. in: Osborne, S. and Browne, L. (ed.) Handbook of Innovation and Change in Public Sector Services. Edward Elgar. pp. 420-431

Valuing the social? The nature and controversies of measuring social return on investment (SROI)

Arvidson, M., Lyon, F., McKay, S. and Moro, D. 2013. Valuing the social? The nature and controversies of measuring social return on investment (SROI). Voluntary Sector Review. 4 (1), pp. 3-18.

Beyond green niches? Growth strategies of environmentally-motivated social enterprises

Vickers, I. and Lyon, F. 2014. Beyond green niches? Growth strategies of environmentally-motivated social enterprises. International Small Business Journal. 32 (4), pp. 449-470.

Social enterprise support policies: distinctions and challenges

Lyon, F. and Sepulveda Ramirez, L. 2012. Social enterprise support policies: distinctions and challenges. in: Blackburn, R. and Schaper, M. (ed.) Government, SMEs and entrepreneurship development: policies, tools and challenges Gower Publishing. pp. 213-226

Innovation and social enterprise activity in third sector organisations

Chew, C. and Lyon, F. 2012. Innovation and social enterprise activity in third sector organisations. Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham.

Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise

Lyon, F. and Humbert, A. 2012. Gender balance in the governance of social enterprise. Local Economy. 27 (8), pp. 831-845.

Scaling up social enterprise: strategies taken from early years providers

Lyon, F. and Fernandez, H. 2012. Scaling up social enterprise: strategies taken from early years providers. Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham.

Social impact measurement as an entrepreneurial process.

Lyon, F. and Arvidson, M. 2011. Social impact measurement as an entrepreneurial process. Birmingham Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham.

Strategies for scaling up social enterprise: lessons from early years providers

Lyon, F. and Fernandez, H. 2012. Strategies for scaling up social enterprise: lessons from early years providers. Social Enterprise Journal. 8 (1), pp. 63-77.

Introduction to social and sustainable enterprise: changing the nature of business

Underwood, S., Blundel, R., Lyon, F. and Schaefer, A. 2012. Introduction to social and sustainable enterprise: changing the nature of business. in: Underwood, S., Blundel, R., Lyon, F. and Schaefer, A. (ed.) Social and Sustainable Enterprise: Changing the Nature of Business Emerald Group Publishing Limited. pp. xi-xv

Social and sustainable enterprise: Changing the nature of business

Underwood, S., Blundel, R., Lyon, F. and Schaefer, A. (ed.) 2012. Social and sustainable enterprise: Changing the nature of business. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Social innovation, co-operation and competition: inter-organizational relations for social enterprises in the delivery of public services

Lyon, F. 2011. Social innovation, co-operation and competition: inter-organizational relations for social enterprises in the delivery of public services. in: Nicholls, A. and Murdock, A. (ed.) Social Innovation: blurring boundaries to reconfigure markets Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 139-161

Population superdiversity and new migrant enterprise: The case of London

Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Syrett, S. and Lyon, F. 2011. Population superdiversity and new migrant enterprise: The case of London. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 23 (7-8), pp. 469-497.

Handbook of research methods on trust

Lyon, F., Möllering, G. and Saunders, M. (ed.) 2011. Handbook of research methods on trust. Edward Elgar.

Social Enterprise Investment Fund evaluation - phase one: scoping, review and methodology development.

Lyon, F., Gabriel, M. and Millar, R. 2010. Social Enterprise Investment Fund evaluation - phase one: scoping, review and methodology development. Birmingham TSRC and Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham.

The ambitions and challenges of SROI.

Arvidson, M., Lyon, F., McKay, S. and Moro, D. 2010. The ambitions and challenges of SROI. Birmingham Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham.

Approaches to measuring the scale of the social enterprise sector in the UK

Lyon, F., Teasdale, S. and Owen, R. 2010. Approaches to measuring the scale of the social enterprise sector in the UK. Birmingham Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham.

Evolving institutions of trust: personalized and institutional bases of trust in Nigerian and Ghanaian food trading

Lyon, F. and Porter, G. 2010. Evolving institutions of trust: personalized and institutional bases of trust in Nigerian and Ghanaian food trading. in: Saunders, M., Skinner, D., Dietz, G., Gillespie, N. and Lewicki, R. (ed.) Organizational trust: a cultural perspective Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press. pp. 255-278

Social Impact Measurement (SIM) experiencing and future Directions for the third sector organisations in the east of England.

Stevenson, N., Taylor, M., Lyon, F. and Rigby, M. 2010. Social Impact Measurement (SIM) experiencing and future Directions for the third sector organisations in the east of England. Bradford Social Enterprise East of England.

Conflict and cooperation in market spaces: learning from the operation of local networks of civic engagement in African market trade

Porter, G., Lyon, F., Adamu, F. and Obafemi, L. 2010. Conflict and cooperation in market spaces: learning from the operation of local networks of civic engagement in African market trade. Human Organization. 69 (1), pp. 31-42.

Complementarity and co-ordination of self-employment support in rural areas.

Lyon, F. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2002. Complementarity and co-ordination of self-employment support in rural areas. Countryside Agency.

Developing fledgling social enterprises? A study of the support required and the means of delivering it

Lyon, F. and Ramsden, M. 2006. Developing fledgling social enterprises? A study of the support required and the means of delivering it. Social Enterprise Journal. 2 (1), pp. 27-41.

External evaluation of Innovation Exchange.

Lyon, F. and CEEDR 2010. External evaluation of Innovation Exchange. London Middlesex University.

Doing interdisciplinarity: motivation and collaboration in research for sustainable agriculture in the UK

Harris, F., Lyon, F. and Clarke, S. 2009. Doing interdisciplinarity: motivation and collaboration in research for sustainable agriculture in the UK. Area. 41 (4), pp. 374-384.

Alternative approaches to capacity building: practices in the public and private sector.

Lyon, F. 2009. Alternative approaches to capacity building: practices in the public and private sector. CEEDR, Middlesex University.

Market institutions, trust and norms: exploring moral economies in Nigerian food systems

Lyon, F. and Porter, G. 2009. Market institutions, trust and norms: exploring moral economies in Nigerian food systems. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 33 (5), pp. 903-920.

Market institutions and urban food supply in West and Southern Africa.

Porter, G., Lyon, F. and Potts, D. 2009. Market institutions and urban food supply in West and Southern Africa. in: Shapiro, S., Tadajewski, M. and Shultz, C. (ed.) Macromarketing: a global focus: marketing systems, societal development, equity & poverty. London SAGE Publications.

Measuring the value of social and community impact.

Lyon, F. 2009. Measuring the value of social and community impact. in: Hunter, P. (ed.) Social enterprise for public service: how does the third sector deliver. London Smith Institute. pp. 30-38

SMEs in a low carbon economy: final report for BERR enterprise directorate.

Vickers, I., Vaze, P., Corr, L., Kasparova, E., Lyon, F. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2009. SMEs in a low carbon economy: final report for BERR enterprise directorate. London Department for Business, Innovation & Skills..

Mapping the regional social enterprise sector: past approaches, challenges and future direction

Lyon, F., Sepulveda Ramirez, L. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2009. Mapping the regional social enterprise sector: past approaches, challenges and future direction. Emerald.

Moral economy and development economics: introduction

Lyon, F., Olsen, W. and Sanghera, B. 2009. Moral economy and development economics: introduction. Cambridge Journal of Economics. 33 (5), pp. 871-873.

New ethnic minority business communities in Britain: challenges of diversity and informality for the UK business and policy frameworks.

Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Syrett, S. and Lyon, F. 2008. New ethnic minority business communities in Britain: challenges of diversity and informality for the UK business and policy frameworks. London Middlesex University.

Mapping the regional social enterprise sector.

Lyon, F. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2008. Mapping the regional social enterprise sector. South East of England Development Agency.

Combining scientific and lay knowledges: participatory approaches to research in organic

Lyon, F. and Harris, F. 2008. Combining scientific and lay knowledges: participatory approaches to research in organic. in: Fish, R., Seymour, S., Watkins, C. and Seven, M. (ed.) Sustainable farmland management: new transdisciplinary approaches. Wallingford CAB International. pp. 94-106

Institutional perspectives on understanding street retailer behavior and networks: cases from Ghana

Lyon, F. 2007. Institutional perspectives on understanding street retailer behavior and networks: cases from Ghana. in: Cross, J. and Morales, A. (ed.) Street Entrepreneurs: People, Place, & Politics in Local and Global Perspective London, UK Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Market institutions and urban food supply in West and Southern Africa: a review

Porter, G., Lyon, F. and Potts, D. 2007. Market institutions and urban food supply in West and Southern Africa: a review. Progress in Development Studies. 7 (2), pp. 115-134.

Types and impacts of BME businesses

Lyon, F., Owen, R., McPherson, M., Ekanem, I., Ellis, C., Bertotti, M., Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Oyelere, M. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2007. Types and impacts of BME businesses. South East England Development Agency.

Measuring the contributions of small firms to reducing poverty and increasing social inclusion in the UK

Lyon, F. and Bertotti, M. 2007. Measuring the contributions of small firms to reducing poverty and increasing social inclusion in the UK. in: Stoner, J. and Wankel, C. (ed.) Innovative approaches to reducing global poverty. Charlotte, USA Information Age Publishing.

Formalising new arrival enterprises: challenges of new ethnic entrepreneurship for business support policy.

Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Lyon, F., Botero, A., Syrett, S. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2007. Formalising new arrival enterprises: challenges of new ethnic entrepreneurship for business support policy. Prevista Ltd.

Enterprising refugees: contributions and challenges in deprived areas

Lyon, F., Sepulveda Ramirez, L. and Syrett, S. 2007. Enterprising refugees: contributions and challenges in deprived areas. Local Economy. 22 (4), pp. 363-375.

Groups as a means or an end? Social capital and the promotion of cooperation in Ghana

Porter, G. and Lyon, F. 2006. Groups as a means or an end? Social capital and the promotion of cooperation in Ghana. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 24 (2), pp. 249-262.

Social capital as culture? Promoting cooperative action in Ghana

Porter, G. and Lyon, F. 2006. Social capital as culture? Promoting cooperative action in Ghana. in: Radcliffe, S. (ed.) Culture and Development in a Globalizing World: Geographies, Actors and Paradigms Taylor & Francis (Routledge). pp. 150-169

The Nigerian market: fuelling conflict or contributing to peace.

Lyon, F., Porter, G., Adamu, F. and Obafemi, L. 2006. The Nigerian market: fuelling conflict or contributing to peace. in: Banfield, J., Gunduz, C. and Killick, N. (ed.) Local business, local peace: the peace building potential of the domestic private sector. London International Alert. pp. 432-437

Managing co-operation: trust and power in Ghanaian associations

Lyon, F. 2006. Managing co-operation: trust and power in Ghanaian associations. Organization Studies. 27 (1), pp. 31-52.

Trust, co-operation and networking in an immigrant business community: the case of Chinese-owned businesses in the UK

Smallbone, D., Lyon, F. and Xiao, L. 2005. Trust, co-operation and networking in an immigrant business community: the case of Chinese-owned businesses in the UK. in: Hohmann, H. and Welter, F. (ed.) Trust and Entrepreneurship: a West–East Perspective Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar.

Evaluation of the support for enterprising communities pilot project.

Lyon, F., Evans, M., Ramsden, M., Burch, J. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2005. Evaluation of the support for enterprising communities pilot project. Department of Education and Skills..

The social relations of economic life and networks of civic engagement: ‘Social capital’ and targeted development

Lyon, F. and Porter, G. 2005. The social relations of economic life and networks of civic engagement: ‘Social capital’ and targeted development. in: Cline-Cole, R. and Robson, E. (ed.) West African worlds: Paths through socio-economic change, livelihoods and development Pearson. pp. 191-205

Investigations on building a food marketing policy evidence base in Nigeria

Porter, G., Lyon, F. and Nigerian Marketing Network 2005. Investigations on building a food marketing policy evidence base in Nigeria. Department for International Development..

Trade and market in conflict development and conflict resolution in Nigeria: scoping study report to the UK department for International Development.

Porter, G., Lyon, F., Adamu, F., Obafemi, L. and Blench, R. 2005. Trade and market in conflict development and conflict resolution in Nigeria: scoping study report to the UK department for International Development. University of Minnesota AgEcon Search.

Learning and research for sustainable agro-ecosystems by both farmers and scientists.

Lyon, F., Clarke, S., Harris, F., Wolf, M. and Gibbon, D. 2005. Learning and research for sustainable agro-ecosystems by both farmers and scientists. London Middlesex University.

Public service sectors in rural England.

North, D., Lyon, F., Ramsden, M., Owen, R. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2004. Public service sectors in rural England. Cheltenham Commission for Rural Communities.

Improving market institutions and urban food supplies for the urban poor: a comparative study of Nigeria and Zambia.

Porter, G., Lyon, F., Potts, D. and Bowyer-Bower, T. 2004. Improving market institutions and urban food supplies for the urban poor: a comparative study of Nigeria and Zambia. Wallingford Department for International Development..


Lyon, F. 2004. Entrepreneurship. in: Forsyth, T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of international development. London Routledge.

Community groups and livelihoods in remote rural areas of Ghana: how small-scale farmers sustain collective action

Lyon, F. 2003. Community groups and livelihoods in remote rural areas of Ghana: how small-scale farmers sustain collective action. Community Development Journal. 38 (4), pp. 323-331.

Trader associations and urban food systems in Ghana: institutionalist approaches to understanding urban collective action

Lyon, F. 2003. Trader associations and urban food systems in Ghana: institutionalist approaches to understanding urban collective action. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 27 (1), pp. 11-23.

Business-led regeneration of deprived areas: a review of the evidence base. [Research report 5]

North, D., Smallbone, D., Lyon, F., Potts, G. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2003. Business-led regeneration of deprived areas: a review of the evidence base. [Research report 5]. London Office of the Deputy Prime Minister..

Provide advice on methods to improve promotion and facilitation of Rural Enterprise Scheme - RE0114

Lyon, F., CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) and Plunkett Foundation 2003. Provide advice on methods to improve promotion and facilitation of Rural Enterprise Scheme - RE0114. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

The contribution of social enterprises to rural economies.

Lyon, F. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2003. The contribution of social enterprises to rural economies. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Markets, ethnicity and environment in a vulnerable landscape: the case of small-scale vegetable production on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria, 1991-2001.

Porter, G., Harris, F., Lyon, F., Adeptu, A. and Dung, J. 2003. Markets, ethnicity and environment in a vulnerable landscape: the case of small-scale vegetable production on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria, 1991-2001. The Geographical Journal. 169 (4), pp. 370-381.

The relations of co-operation in group enterprises and associations in Ghana: exploration of issues of trust and power

Lyon, F. 2003. The relations of co-operation in group enterprises and associations in Ghana: exploration of issues of trust and power. in: Sforzi, F. (ed.) The institutions of local development Ashgate.

Measuring enterprise impacts upon deprived areas.

Lyon, F., Evans, M., Bertotti, M., Smallbone, D., Potts, G., Ramsden, P., CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) and New Economics Foundation 2002. Measuring enterprise impacts upon deprived areas. Small Business Service..

Mapping the social economy in the rural East Midlands.

Lyon, F., Smallbone, D., Evans, M., Ekanem, I., Smith, K. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2002. Mapping the social economy in the rural East Midlands. Countryside Agency.

A note on trust, networks, social capital and entrepreneurial behaviour.

Smallbone, D. and Lyon, F. 2002. A note on trust, networks, social capital and entrepreneurial behaviour. in: Hohmann, H. and Welter, F. (ed.) Entrepreneurial strategies and trust: structure and evolution of entrepreneurial behavioural patterns in East and West European environments. Bremen Forschungsstelle Osteurpa.

Food marketing systems on the Jos Plateau.

Porter, G., Adeptu, A., Dung, J., Harris, F. and Lyon, F. 2001. Food marketing systems on the Jos Plateau. Crop Harvest Programmes & Department for International Development.

Segmenting support for small and medium enterprises: identifying and disseminating best practice. Research summary.

Atherton, A. and Lyon, F. 2001. Segmenting support for small and medium enterprises: identifying and disseminating best practice. Research summary. Department for Business, Innovation & Skills..

Trust, networks and norms: the creation of social capital in agricultural economies in Ghana

Lyon, F. 2000. Trust, networks and norms: the creation of social capital in agricultural economies in Ghana. World Development. 28 (4), pp. 663-682.
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