Formalizing federated learning and differential privacy for GIS systems in IIIf

Conference paper

Kammueller, F., Piras, L., Fields, B. and Nagarajan, R. 2024. Formalizing federated learning and differential privacy for GIS systems in IIIf. 3rd International Workshop on System Security Assurance. Bydgoszcz, Poland 19 - 20 Sep 2024 Springer.
TypeConference paper
TitleFormalizing federated learning and differential privacy for GIS systems in IIIf
AuthorsKammueller, F., Piras, L., Fields, B. and Nagarajan, R.

GIS systems, like Google maps or ArcGIS, are a ubiquitous central application but are highly privacy critical. In many GIS systems, inputs from various and diverse sensors potentially expose private information. However, in particular, in the context of public safety, the sensor inputs are crucial to provide timely information for example for weather related warning systems. The notion of Differential Privacy (DP) has become an ad hoc standard, most notably adopted for the US census. Federated Learning (FL) facilitates machine learning for mobile distributed scenarios. This paper proposes a notion of DP for FL for infrastructures with actors and policies formalized in the Isabelle Insider and Infrastructure framework (IIIf). To illustrate this extension of the IIIf by FL and DP on a practical example, we apply the extended framework to a case study from GIS systems for extreme weather warning to control privacy.

KeywordsSecurity and Privacy; Software and Application Security; Human-centered computing - Visualisation; Theory of computation - Logic
Sustainable Development Goals9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Middlesex University ThemeSustainability
Research Groupseta
Conference3rd International Workshop on System Security Assurance
Publication process dates
Accepted21 Jul 2024
Deposited02 Oct 2024
Output statusAccepted
Accepted author manuscript
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Kammueller, F. and Probst, C. 2013. Invalidating policies using structural information. IEEE CS Security and Privacy Workshops, SPW, WRIT'13.
Network information flow control: proof of concept
Alghothami, A. and Kammueller, F. 2013. Network information flow control: proof of concept. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC. Manchester, UK 13 - 16 Oct 2013 IEEE. pp. 2957-2962
Privacy analysis of a hidden friendship protocol
Kammueller, F. and Preibusch, S. 2013. Privacy analysis of a hidden friendship protocol. The 8th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, DPM 2013. Egam, UK 12 - 13 Sep 2013 Springer. pp. 83-99
Externalizing behaviour for analysing system models
Ivanova, M., Probst, C., Hansen, R. and Kammueller, F. 2013. Externalizing behaviour for analysing system models. 5th International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats, MIST, 2013..
Verification of quantum protocols using Coq
Boender, J., Kammueller, F. and Nagarajan, R. 2014. Verification of quantum protocols using Coq. 17th Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP). Barcelona, Spain 03 - 07 Feb 2014
Reviews for the American Mathematical Society (AMS): Paul Howells, Mark d’Inverno. Specifying termination in CSP. Theoretical Computer Science, 503:31–61, 2013.
Kammueller, F. 2014. Reviews for the American Mathematical Society (AMS): Paul Howells, Mark d’Inverno. Specifying termination in CSP. Theoretical Computer Science, 503:31–61, 2013. MathSciNet: Mathematical Reviews.
Combining generated data models with formal invalidation for insider threat analysis
Kammueller, F. and Probst, C. 2014. Combining generated data models with formal invalidation for insider threat analysis. 2014 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW): Workshop on Research for Insider Threat (WRIT 2014). San Jose, California, USA 17 - 18 May 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 229-235
Verification of DNSsec delegation signatures
Kammueller, F. 2014. Verification of DNSsec delegation signatures. 21st International IEEE Conference on Telecommunication. Lisbon 04 - 07 May 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 298-392
Invalidating policies using structural information
Kammueller, F. and Probst, C. 2014. Invalidating policies using structural information. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications. 5 (2), pp. 59-79.
Modeling human behaviour with higher order logic: insider threats
Boender, J., Kammueller, F., Ivanova, M. and Primiero, G. 2014. Modeling human behaviour with higher order logic: insider threats. 4th Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust. Vienna Technical University, Vienna, Austria 18 Jul 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 31-39
A probabilistic analysis framework for malicious insider threats
Chen, T., Kammueller, F., Nemli, I. and Probst, C. 2015. A probabilistic analysis framework for malicious insider threats. 3rd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust, HAS 2015, held as part of HCI International 2015. Los Angeles, California, USA 02 - 07 Aug 2015 Springer. pp. 178-189
Confinement for active objects
Kammueller, F. 2015. Confinement for active objects. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 6 (2), pp. 246-261.
Modeling human behaviour with higher order logic: insider threats
Boender, J., Ivanova, M., Kammueller, F. and Primiero, G. 2014. Modeling human behaviour with higher order logic: insider threats. 4th Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust (STAST 2014). Vienna, Austria 18 Jul 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 31-39
The application of mHealth to mental health: opportunities and challenges
Marzano, L., Bardill, A., Fields, B., Herd, K., Veale, D., Grey, N. and Moran, P. 2015. The application of mHealth to mental health: opportunities and challenges. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2 (10), pp. 942-948.
Hard-to-get-at data from difficult-to-access users
Fields, B., Bardill, A., Marzano, L. and Herd, K. 2015. Hard-to-get-at data from difficult-to-access users. Abascal, J., Barbosa, S., Fetter, M., Gross, T., Palanque, P. and Winckler, M. (ed.) 15th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Bamberg, Germany 14 - 18 Sep 2015 Springer. pp. 409-416
External representation of provenance in intelligence analysis
Wheat, A., Attfield, S. and Fields, B. 2014. External representation of provenance in intelligence analysis. Provenance for Sensemaking IEEE VIS 2014 Workshop. Paris, France 10 Nov 2014
From global terminology to local terminology: a review of cross-cultural interface design solutions
Duncker-Gassen, E., Sheikh, J. and Fields, B. 2013. From global terminology to local terminology: a review of cross-cultural interface design solutions. in: Rau, P. (ed.) Cross-Cultural Design. Methods Practice and Case-Studies: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference CCD 2013, held as part of HCI Inernational 2013, Las Vegas Springer.
Verification of concurrent quantum protocols by equivalence checking
Ardeshir-Larijani, E., Gay, S. and Nagarajan, R. 2014. Verification of concurrent quantum protocols by equivalence checking. TACAS 2014: 20th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Grenoble, France 05 - 13 Apr 2014 Springer.
Model checking for communicating quantum processes
Davidson, T., Gay, S., Mlnařík, H., Nagarajan, R. and Papanikolaou, N. 2012. Model checking for communicating quantum processes. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. 8 (1), pp. 73-98.
Lossless quantum prefix compression for communication channels that are always open
Müller, M., Rogers, C. and Nagarajan, R. 2009. Lossless quantum prefix compression for communication channels that are always open. Physical Review A. 79 (1).
Equivalence checking of quantum protocols
Ardeshir-Larijani, E., Gay, S. and Nagarajan, R. 2013. Equivalence checking of quantum protocols. in: Piterman, N. and Smolka, S. (ed.) Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems : 19th International Conference Proceedings (TACAS 2013). Berlin Springer.
QMC: a model checker for quantum systems
Gay, S., Nagarajan, R. and Papanikolaou, N. 2008. QMC: a model checker for quantum systems. in: Gupta, A. and Malik, S. (ed.) Computer Aided Verification : 20th International Conference, (CAV 2008) Proceedings Berlin Springer.
DNSsec in Isabelle – replay attack and origin authentication
Kammueller, F., Kirsal-Ever, Y. and Cheng, X. 2013. DNSsec in Isabelle – replay attack and origin authentication. SMC 2013: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Manchester, UK 13 - 16 Oct 2013 IEEE. pp. 4772-4777
A semi-lattice model for multi-lateral security
Kammueller, F. 2013. A semi-lattice model for multi-lateral security. in: Data privacy management and autonomous spontaneous security Berlin, Germany Springer.
A security model for functional active objects
Kammueller, F. 2012. A security model for functional active objects. Francisco, C., Kim, V., Miguel, C. and Andreas, K. (ed.) First International Symposium Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive Systems (CCGIDIS 2011). Berlin Springer.
Conversational spaces for learning and designing
Fields, B., Bardill, A. and Jones, S. 2010. Conversational spaces for learning and designing. CHI2010 Workshop on New Generation of HCI and Education. Atlanta, GA, USA 10 - 15 Apr 2010
A security model for functional active objects with an implementation in Erlang
Fleck, A. and Kammueller, F. 2011. A security model for functional active objects with an implementation in Erlang. in: Ficarra, F., Kratky, A., Veltman, K., Ficarra, M., Nicol, E. and Brie, M. (ed.) Computational informatics, social factors and new information technologies: hypermedia perspectives and avant-garde experiences in the era of communicability expansion Bergamo, Italy Blue Herons.
Engineering security protocols with modelchecking – Radius-SHA256 and secured simple protocol.
Kammueller, F., Mapp, G., Patel, S. and Sani, A. 2012. Engineering security protocols with modelchecking – Radius-SHA256 and secured simple protocol. International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP 2012). Stuttgart, Germany 27 May - 01 Jun 2012 Xpert Publishing Service.
Review for the American Mathematical Society (AMS): A. Francalanza et al. Permission-based separation logic for message-passing concurrency. Logical methods in computer science, 7: 1-47, 2011
Kammueller, F. 2012. Review for the American Mathematical Society (AMS): A. Francalanza et al. Permission-based separation logic for message-passing concurrency. Logical methods in computer science, 7: 1-47, 2011. Mathematical Reviews.
Reviews for the American Mathematical Society (AMS): Russell O’Connor. Classical mathematics for a constructive world. MSCS (21): 861–882, Cambridge University Press. 2010.
Kammueller, F. 2012. Reviews for the American Mathematical Society (AMS): Russell O’Connor. Classical mathematics for a constructive world. MSCS (21): 861–882, Cambridge University Press. 2010. Mathematical Reviews.
A locally nameless theory of objects
Henrio, L., Kammueller, F., Lutz, B. and Sudhof, H. 2010. A locally nameless theory of objects. SAFA Annual Workshop on Formal Techniques (SAFA’2010). 2229 Route des Crêtes, 06560, Valbonne, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Locally nameless sigma calculus
Henrio, L., Kammueller, F., Lutz, B. and Sudhof, H. 2010. Locally nameless sigma calculus. Archive of Formal Proof.
Formalizing statecharts using hierarchical automata
Helke, S. and Kammueller, F. 2010. Formalizing statecharts using hierarchical automata. Archive of Formal Proof.
Radius-SHA256 – verified remote authentication with secure hashing.
Kammueller, F. and Patel, S. 2011. Radius-SHA256 – verified remote authentication with secure hashing. First Global Conference on Communication, Science and Information Engineering, CCSIE’11. Middlesex University 25 - 27 Jul 2011
ASPfun: a typed functional active object calculus
Henrio, L., Kammueller, F. and Lutz, B. 2012. ASPfun: a typed functional active object calculus. Science of Computer Programming. 77 (7-8), pp. 823-847.
Application of verification techniques to security: model checking insider attacks
Kammueller, F., Probst, C. and Raimondi, F. 2012. Application of verification techniques to security: model checking insider attacks. 1st International Conference on Software and Emerging Technologies for Education, Culture, Entertainment, and Commerce (SETECEC 2012): New Directions in Multimedia Mobile Computing, Social Networks, Human-Computer Interaction and Communicability. Venice, Italy 28 - 29 Mar 2012 Blue Herons editions.
A grounded theory approach towards conceptualizing CIS for heterogeneous work communities
Selvaraj, N. and Fields, B. 2009. A grounded theory approach towards conceptualizing CIS for heterogeneous work communities. Proceedings of the 23rd British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Celebrating People and Technology. Cambridge, UK 01 - 05 Sep 2009 Swindon, UK British Computer Society. pp. 471-479
The roles of time, place, value and relationships in collocated photo sharing with camera phones
Stelmaszewska, H., Fields, B. and Blandford, A. 2008. The roles of time, place, value and relationships in collocated photo sharing with camera phones. England, D. and Beale, R. (ed.) The 22nd British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Culture, Creativity, Interaction. Liverpool, UK 01 - 05 Sep 2008 Swindon, UK British Computer Society.
The cultural integration of knowledge management into interactive design
Sheikh, J., Fields, B. and Duncker-Gassen, E. 2011. The cultural integration of knowledge management into interactive design. HI'11 Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Human interface and the management of information. Orlando, FL, USA 09 - 14 Jul 2011 Springer.
Mediation role of boundary objects in articulating common information spaces.
Selvaraj, N. and Fields, B. 2010. Mediation role of boundary objects in articulating common information spaces. Workshop held in conjunction with the 9th International Conference on the Designing Cooperative Systems (COOP 2010). Aix-en-Provence, France 18 - 21 May 2010
Design tribes and information spaces for creative conversations
Bardill, A., Griffiths, W., Jones, S. and Fields, B. 2010. Design tribes and information spaces for creative conversations. The 12th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Trondheim, Norway 02 - 03 Sep 2010
Modelchecking non-functional requirements for interface specifications.
Kammueller, F. and Preibusch, S. 2008. Modelchecking non-functional requirements for interface specifications. European Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software, 2008, (Foundations of Interface technologies). Budapest 29 Mar - 06 Apr 2008
Compositionality of aspect weaving.
Kammueller, F. and Sudhof, H. 2008. Compositionality of aspect weaving. in: Mahr, B. and Sheng, H. (ed.) Autonomous systems: self-organisation, management, and control. Springer Verlag. pp. 87-96
Interactive theorem proving in software engineering.
Kammueller, F. 2008. Interactive theorem proving in software engineering. Saarbrücken, Germany VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller.
Using functional active objects to enforce privacy
Kammueller, F. 2010. Using functional active objects to enforce privacy. 5th Conference on Network Architectures and Information Systems Security. Menton, France 18 - 21 May 2010
Enhancing privacy implementations of database enquiries
Kammueller, F. and Kammueller, R. 2009. Enhancing privacy implementations of database enquiries. IEEE. pp. 45-50
Implementing privacy with Erlang active objects
Fleck, A. and Kammueller, F. 2010. Implementing privacy with Erlang active objects. International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection. Barcelona 09 - 15 May 2010 IEEE. pp. 141-146
Privacy by flexible parameterization with Erlang active objects.
Fleck, A. and Kammueller, F. 2010. Privacy by flexible parameterization with Erlang active objects. International Journal on Advances in Software. 3 (3-4), pp. 461-473.
Functional active objects: typing and formalisation
Henrio, L. and Kammueller, F. 2009. Functional active objects: typing and formalisation. Elsevier.
Feature link propagation across variability representations with Isabelle/HOL
Kammueller, F., Rein, A. and Reiser, M. 2010. Feature link propagation across variability representations with Isabelle/HOL. Rubin, J., Botterweck, G., Mezini, M., Maman, I. and Lero, A. (ed.) New York ACM. pp. 48-53
Checking the TWIN elevator system by translating object-Z to SMV
Preibusch, S. and Kammueller, F. 2008. Checking the TWIN elevator system by translating object-Z to SMV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4916, pp. 38-55.
Composing safely: a type system for aspects
Kammueller, F. and Sudhof, H. 2008. Composing safely: a type system for aspects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4954, pp. 231-247.
Security analysis of private data enquiries in Erlang
Kammueller, F. and Kammueller, R. 2009. Security analysis of private data enquiries in Erlang. International Journal on Advances in Security. 2 (2&3), pp. 242-255.
An asynchronous distributed component model and its semantics
Henrio, L., Kammueller, F. and Rivera, M. 2009. An asynchronous distributed component model and its semantics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 5751, pp. 159-179.
A framework for reasoning on component composition
Henrio, L., Kammueller, F. and Khan, M. 2010. A framework for reasoning on component composition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6286, pp. 1-20.
Formalizing non-interference for a simple bytecode language in Coq
Kammueller, F. 2008. Formalizing non-interference for a simple bytecode language in Coq. Formal Aspects of Computing. 20 (3), pp. 259-275.
Mechanical analysis of finite idempotent relations
Kammueller, F. 2011. Mechanical analysis of finite idempotent relations. Fundamenta Informaticae. 107 (1), pp. 43-65.
Privacy enforcement and analysis for functional active objects
Kammueller, F. 2011. Privacy enforcement and analysis for functional active objects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6514, pp. 93-107.
Lo-fi prototyping to design interactive-tabletop applications for children
Rick, J., Francois, P., Fields, B., Fleck, R., Yuill, N. and Carr, A. 2010. Lo-fi prototyping to design interactive-tabletop applications for children. The 9th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. Barcelona, Spain 09 - 12 Jun 2010 New York, NY, USA ACM. pp. 138-146
Developing a framework of common information space (CIS): grounded theory analysis of airport CIS
Selvaraj, N. and Fields, B. 2010. Developing a framework of common information space (CIS): grounded theory analysis of airport CIS. Kolfschoten, G., Herrmann, T. and Lukosch, S. (ed.) 16th Collaboration Researchers' International Working Group Conference on Collaboration and Technology. Maastricht, The Netherlands 20 - 23 Sep 2010 Berlin, Germany Springer. pp. 281-296
3D-in-2D Displays for ATC.
Wong, B., Rozzi, S., Boccalatte, A., Gaukrodger, S., Amaldi, P., Fields, B., Loomes, M. and Martin, P. 2007. 3D-in-2D Displays for ATC. in: Brochard, M. and Jurgens, M. (ed.) 6th EUROCONTROL innovative research workshop & exhibition. Eurocontrol. pp. 47-62
A framework for considering spatial-temporal representation design needs in air traffic control.
Wong, B., Rozzi, S., Amaldi, P., Woodward, P. and Fields, B. 2006. A framework for considering spatial-temporal representation design needs in air traffic control. in: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th annual meeting: October 16 - 20, 2006, San Francisco. Santa Monica, CA. HFES. pp. 250-254
Research into EMD at the London ambulance service: stage 1 report requirements, priorities and projects.
Wong, B., Fields, B. and Blandford, A. 2000. Research into EMD at the London ambulance service: stage 1 report requirements, priorities and projects. London Middlesex University.
Emergency medical dispatch at the London ambulance service.
Wong, B., Blandford, A. and Fields, B. 2000. Emergency medical dispatch at the London ambulance service. Middlesex University.
Evaluating combined 2D/3D displays for ATC.
Rozzi, S., Woodward, P., Amaldi, P., Fields, B. and Wong, B. 2006. Evaluating combined 2D/3D displays for ATC. in: 5th EUROCONTROL innovative research workshop & exhibition: proceedings. Eurocontrol: []. pp. 167-174
Developing visualisations to support spatial-temporal reasoning in ATC.
Rozzi, S., Wong, B., Woodward, P., Amaldi, P., Fields, B. and Panizzi, E. 2006. Developing visualisations to support spatial-temporal reasoning in ATC. in: Pejcic-Tarle, S. (ed.) Second international conference on research in air transportation. Belgrade, Serbia University of Belgrade: Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering.
Operational potential for 3D displays in air traffic control
Rozzi, S., Amaldi, P., Wong, B. and Fields, B. 2007. Operational potential for 3D displays in air traffic control. in: Brinkman, W., Ham, D. and Wong, B. (ed.) ECCE 2007: European conference on cognitive ergonomics, 2007. New York Association for computing machinery.
Next generation 4D HMI concepts. Deliverable 14. Report prepared for AD4: 4D virtual airspace management system, sixth framework programme, priority 1.4 aeronautics and space.
Wong, B., Panifici, E., Lot, D., Amaldi, P., Fields, B. and Rozzi, S. 2005. Next generation 4D HMI concepts. Deliverable 14. Report prepared for AD4: 4D virtual airspace management system, sixth framework programme, priority 1.4 aeronautics and space. Rome NEXT Sistems Ingegeria o..
Operational concepts report Vol.2: tower control deliverable 12.
Amaldi, P., Fields, B., Rozzi, S., Woodward, P. and Wong, B. 2005. Operational concepts report Vol.2: tower control deliverable 12. Middlesex University Press.
Operational Concepts Report Vol.1: Approach Control.
Amaldi, P., Fields, B., Rozzi, S. and Wong, B. 2005. Operational Concepts Report Vol.1: Approach Control. London Middlesex University Press.
Cultural representation for multi-culture interaction design
Sheikh, J., Fields, B. and Duncker-Gassen, E. 2009. Cultural representation for multi-culture interaction design. Aykin, N. (ed.) 3rd International Conference on Internationalization, Design and Global Development. San Diego, CA, USA 19 - 24 Jul 2009 Berlin, Heidelberg Springer.
Dynamic digital libraries for children.
Fields, B., Buchanan, G., Mohd-Nasir, N. and Theng, Y. 2001. Dynamic digital libraries for children. in: 1st ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital Libraries, Proceedings. NY, USA ACM New York. pp. 406-411
Representing collaborative work: the airport as common information space
Fields, B., Tassi, A. and Amaldi-Trillo, P. 2005. Representing collaborative work: the airport as common information space. Cognition Technoogy and Work. 7 (2), pp. 119-133.
A portable wireless-based architecture for solving minimum digital divide problems
Fenu, G. and Piras, L. 2008. A portable wireless-based architecture for solving minimum digital divide problems. 4th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications. Athens, Greece 27 Jul - 01 Aug 2008 IEEE. pp. 130-136
Editorial: In use, in situ: extending field research methods
Fields, B., Amaldi, P., Wong, B. and Gill, S. 2007. Editorial: In use, in situ: extending field research methods. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 22 (1-2), pp. 1-6.
Disrupting digital library development with scenario informed design
Fields, B., Blandford, A., Furniss, D. and Keith, S. 2007. Disrupting digital library development with scenario informed design. Interacting with Computers. 19 (1), pp. 70-82.
Design sketching for space and time
Rozzi, S., Wong, B., Amaldi, P., Woodward, P. and Fields, B. 2006. Design sketching for space and time. Clemmensen, T., Orngreen, R., Pejtersen, A. and Wong, B. (ed.) 1st IFIP Working Conference on Human Work Interaction Design. Madeira, Portugal 13 - 15 Feb 2006 New York, NY Springer. pp. 161-183
Claims analysis "in the wild": a case study on digital library development
Fields, B., Blandford, A. and Keith, S. 2006. Claims analysis "in the wild": a case study on digital library development. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 21 (2), pp. 197-218.
A study into the effect of digitisation projects on the management and stability of historic photograph collections
Davis-Perkins, V., Butterworth, R., Curzon, P. and Fields, B. 2005. A study into the effect of digitisation projects on the management and stability of historic photograph collections. Rauber, A., Christodoulakis, S. and Tjoa, A. (ed.) 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. Vienna, Austria 18 - 23 Sep 2005 Berlin, Heidelberg Springer. pp. 278-289