Insight/inside learning: a participatory app for analysing the effectiveness of school environments

Conference paper

Szynalska, K., Fields, B. and Bardill, A. 2017. Insight/inside learning: a participatory app for analysing the effectiveness of school environments. People, Personal Data and the Built Environment: A DIS2017 Workshop. Edinburgh 10 Jun 2017
TypeConference paper
TitleInsight/inside learning: a participatory app for analysing the effectiveness of school environments
AuthorsSzynalska, K., Fields, B. and Bardill, A.

This paper will introduce a bespoke tablet application designed to explore the relationship between students’ engagement in learning and the spatial affordances in a number of urban secondary schools in England. The main research tool employs the Experience Sampling Method (ESM). It collects images of the participants’ surroundings and information about their school related experience in situ – by sampling the participants’ thoughts, feelings or behaviours as they occur and in the environment within which they occur. It combines a focus on lived experience with an attempt to use the tools of empirical investigation.

ConferencePeople, Personal Data and the Built Environment: A DIS2017 Workshop
Publication dates
Print10 Jun 2017
Publication process dates
Deposited07 Jun 2017
Accepted01 Apr 2017
Output statusPublished
Book titlePeople, Personal Data and the Built Environment
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