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Latest research outputs

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Avoidance of the real and anxiety about the unreal: attachment style and video-gaming
Coulson, M., Oskis, A. and Gould, R. 2017. Avoidance of the real and anxiety about the unreal: attachment style and video-gaming. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 18 (2), pp. 240-249.


Social networks users: fear of missing out in preservice teachers
Gezgin, D., Hamutoglu, N., Gemikonakli, O. and Raman, I. 2017. Social networks users: fear of missing out in preservice teachers. Journal of Education and Practice. 8 (17), pp. 156-168.


Effects of physical activity on debilitating behaviours in 13- to 20-year-old males with severe autism spectrum disorder
Duffy, L., Baluch, B., Welland, S. and Raman, E. 2017. Effects of physical activity on debilitating behaviours in 13- to 20-year-old males with severe autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation. 13 (3), pp. 340-347.


Is it any wonder? On commissioning an ‘uncommissioned’ atmosphere: a reply to Hillary and Sumartojo
Hansen, S. 2017. Is it any wonder? On commissioning an ‘uncommissioned’ atmosphere: a reply to Hillary and Sumartojo. Public Art Dialogue. 7 (2), pp. 242-256.


A web-based clinical decision tool to support treatment decision-making in psychiatry: a pilot focus group study with clinicians, patients and carers
Henshall, C., Marzano, L., Smith, K., Attenburrow, M., Puntis, S., Zlodre, J., Kelly, K., Broome, M., Shaw, S., Barrera, A., Molodynski, A., Reid, A., Geddes, J. and Cipriani, A. 2017. A web-based clinical decision tool to support treatment decision-making in psychiatry: a pilot focus group study with clinicians, patients and carers. BMC Psychiatry. 17 (1).


An empirical and theoretical investigation of kleptoparasitic foraging behaviour in mixed-species aggregations of gulls (Laridae)
Spencer, R. 2017. An empirical and theoretical investigation of kleptoparasitic foraging behaviour in mixed-species aggregations of gulls (Laridae). PhD thesis Middlesex University Psychology

PhD thesis

The application of a qualitative approach to adult attachment research: a short report
Bailey-Rodriguez, D., Frost, N. and Oskis, A. 2016. The application of a qualitative approach to adult attachment research: a short report. Quarterly.


Exploring disorganized attachment style among Malay mothers in Malaysia: a study using the Attachment Style Interview
Abdul Kadir, N. and Bifulco, A. 2017. Exploring disorganized attachment style among Malay mothers in Malaysia: a study using the Attachment Style Interview. Social Work in Mental Health. 15 (4), pp. 397-418.


Child online protection in the MENA region
Patrick, B., Monica, B., Davidson, J., Ali, M., Davison, P., Day, E., DeMarco, J., Rasul, M., Razai, S., Scally, M. and Wex, B. 2016. Child online protection in the MENA region. Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention.

Project report

EU online child safety: what does the literature say?
DeMarco, J., Davidson, J., Bifulco, A., Scally, M., Cheevers, C., Schimmenti, A., Caretti, V., Puccia, A., Corbari, E., Schilder, J. and Bogaerts, S. 2016. EU online child safety: what does the literature say? Crimen et Delictum: International Journal of Criminological and Investigative Sciences. 11 (1), pp. 1-19.


Neuron-based control mechanisms for a robotic arm and hand
Singh, N., Huyck, C., Gandhi, V. and Jones, A. 2017. Neuron-based control mechanisms for a robotic arm and hand. International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering. 11 (2), pp. 221-229.


Reciprocal mutualism not altruism: immediate but not delayed time matching in chimpanzee social grooming
Phelps, S., Ng, W., Musolesi, M. and Russell, Y. 2016. Reciprocal mutualism not altruism: immediate but not delayed time matching in chimpanzee social grooming. 8th European Conference on Behavioural Biology (ECBB2016). Vienna 12 - 15 Jul 2016

Conference poster

The role of working memory sub-components in food choice and dieting success
Whitelock, V., Nouwen, A., van den Akker, O. and Higgs, S. 2018. The role of working memory sub-components in food choice and dieting success. Appetite. 124, pp. 24-32.


New methods for stress assessment and monitoring at the workplace
Carneiro, D., Novais, P., Augusto, J. and Payne, N. 2019. New methods for stress assessment and monitoring at the workplace. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 10 (2), pp. 237-254.


Mother-infant separations in prison. A systematic attachment-focused review of the academic and grey literature
Powell, C., Ciclitira, K. and Marzano, L. 2017. Mother-infant separations in prison. A systematic attachment-focused review of the academic and grey literature. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. 28 (6), pp. 790-810.


Dropout reasons in Iranian youth roller skaters
Heydari, H., Badami, R., Baluch, B. and Duffy, L. 2014. Dropout reasons in Iranian youth roller skaters. International journal of Science Culture and Sport. 2 (4), pp. 89-102.


Selfish-gene theory and levels of selection
Dickins, T. 2018. Selfish-gene theory and levels of selection. in: Callan, H. (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology Wiley. pp. 1-11

Book chapter

An equitable marriage: a focal study of a barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nest on Lundy
Dickins, T. 2016. An equitable marriage: a focal study of a barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nest on Lundy. Journal of the Lundy Field Society. 5, pp. 89-100.


Differences between diurnal patterns of salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in healthy female adolescents
Oskis, A., Clow, A., Thorn, L., Loveday, C. and Hucklebridge, F. 2012. Differences between diurnal patterns of salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in healthy female adolescents. Stress. 15 (1), pp. 110-114.


Gamete donors’ reasons for, and expectations and experiences of, registration with a voluntary donor linking register
Blyth, E., Crawshaw, M., Frith, L. and van den Akker, O. 2017. Gamete donors’ reasons for, and expectations and experiences of, registration with a voluntary donor linking register. Human Fertility. 20 (4), pp. 268-278.


The extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering among undergraduate nursing students: implications for pedagogy in nurse education
Dyson, S., Liu, L., van den Akker, O. and O'Driscoll, M. 2017. The extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering among undergraduate nursing students: implications for pedagogy in nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice. 23, pp. 15-22.


A cross cultural study of the health-seeking behaviours of Nigerians from the perspective of Nigerian care providers: challenges for collaboration
Onyigbuo, C., van den Akker, O. and Alexis-Garsee, C. 2015. A cross cultural study of the health-seeking behaviours of Nigerians from the perspective of Nigerian care providers: challenges for collaboration. Humanities and Social Sciences Review. 4 (3), pp. 537-554.


Voluntary DNA-based information exchange and contact services following donor conception: an analysis of service users’ needs
Crawshaw, M., Frith, L., van den Akker, O. and Blyth, E. 2016. Voluntary DNA-based information exchange and contact services following donor conception: an analysis of service users’ needs. New Genetics and Society. 35 (4), pp. 372 -392.


Maternal psychosocial consequences of twins and multiple births following assisted and natural conception: a meta-analysis
van den Akker, O., Postavaru, G. and Purewal, S. 2016. Maternal psychosocial consequences of twins and multiple births following assisted and natural conception: a meta-analysis. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 33 (1), pp. 1-14.


Work–life balance and austerity: Implications of new ways of working in British public sector organisations
Lyonette, C., Anderson, D., Lewis, S., Payne, N. and Wood, S. 2016. Work–life balance and austerity: Implications of new ways of working in British public sector organisations. in: Lewis, S., Anderson, D., Lyonette, C., Payne, N. and Wood, S. (ed.) Work-Life Balance in Times of Recession, Austerity and Beyond New York Routledge. pp. 63-77

Book chapter

Prevent: what is pre-criminal space?
Goldberg, D., Jadhav, S. and Younis, T. 2017. Prevent: what is pre-criminal space? BJPsych Bulletin. 41 (4), pp. 208-211.


Treatment of chronic pain for adults 65 and over: analyses of outcomes and changes in psychological flexibility following interdisciplinary acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
Scott, W., Daly, A., Yu, L. and McCracken, L. 2017. Treatment of chronic pain for adults 65 and over: analyses of outcomes and changes in psychological flexibility following interdisciplinary acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Pain Medicine. 18 (2), pp. 252-264.


Change in "Self-as-Context" ("Perspective-taking") occurs in acceptance and commitment therapy for people with chronic pain and is associated with improved functioning
Yu, L., Norton, S. and McCracken, L. 2017. Change in "Self-as-Context" ("Perspective-taking") occurs in acceptance and commitment therapy for people with chronic pain and is associated with improved functioning. The Journal of Pain. 18 (6), pp. 664-672.


Preliminary investigation of self-as-context in people with fibromyalgia
Yu, L., Norton, S., Almarzooqi, S. and McCracken, L. 2017. Preliminary investigation of self-as-context in people with fibromyalgia. British Journal of Pain. 11 (3), pp. 134-143.


General intelligence does not help us understand cognitive evolution
Shuker, D., Barrett, L., Dickins, T., Scott-Phillips, T. and Barton, R. 2017. General intelligence does not help us understand cognitive evolution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: An International Journal of Current Research and Theory with Open Peer Commentary. 40.


Made corrections: a prison-based street art intervention for young offenders
Walker, O. and Hansen, S. 2017. Made corrections: a prison-based street art intervention for young offenders. Street Art & Urban Creativity. 3 (1), pp. 95-103.


State authenticity
Sedikides, C., Slabu, L., Lenton, A. and Thomaes, S. 2017. State authenticity. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 26 (6), pp. 521-525.


Talking the line: inclusive strategies for the teaching of drawing
Rankin, Q., Riley, H., Brunswick, N., McManus, C. and Chamberlain, R. 2017. Talking the line: inclusive strategies for the teaching of drawing. Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice. 2 (2), pp. 287-304.


Should compulsory admission to hospital be part of suicide prevention strategies?
Wang, D. and Colucci, E. 2017. Should compulsory admission to hospital be part of suicide prevention strategies? BJPsych Bulletin. 41 (3), pp. 169-171.


Improving access to and engagement with mental health services among young people from refugee backgrounds: service user and provider perspectives
Colucci, E., Valibhoy, M., Szwarc, J., Kaplan, I. and Minas, H. 2017. Improving access to and engagement with mental health services among young people from refugee backgrounds: service user and provider perspectives. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health. 10 (2), pp. 185-196.


Prevalence of somatisation as a determinant of burnout amongst staff working in drug and alcohol services
Mazoruk, S., Huxley, A., Alexis-Garsee, C. and Schifano, F. 2017. Prevalence of somatisation as a determinant of burnout amongst staff working in drug and alcohol services. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 17 (4), pp. 242-249.


A suicide research agenda for people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds
Colucci, E., Too, L. and Minas, H. 2017. A suicide research agenda for people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds. Death Studies. 41 (8), pp. 502-511.


Does study duration have opposite effects on recognition and repetition priming?
Berry, C., Ward, E. and Shanks, D. 2017. Does study duration have opposite effects on recognition and repetition priming? Journal of Memory and Language. 97, pp. 154-174.


Microstructural abnormalities in white and gray matter in obese adolescents with and without type 2 diabetes
Nouwen, A., Chambers, A., Chechlacz, M., Higgs, S., Blissett, J., Barrett, T. and Allen, H. 2017. Microstructural abnormalities in white and gray matter in obese adolescents with and without type 2 diabetes. NeuroImage: Clinical. 16, pp. 43-51.


Simple mindreading abilities predict complex theory of mind: developmental delay in autism spectrum disorders
Pino, M., Mazza, M., Mariano, M., Peretti, S., Dimitriou, D., Masedu, F., Valenti, M. and Franco, F. 2017. Simple mindreading abilities predict complex theory of mind: developmental delay in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 47 (9), pp. 2743-2756.
