Accounting, Finance & Economics

TitleAccounting, Finance & Economics
AlternativeBAL - Acc Fin & Econ
FacultyFaculty of Business and Law

Latest research outputs

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Green financing for shipping industry: results of a marine professionals’ survey
Bace, E., Singh, S. and Gottschalk, S. 2025. Green financing for shipping industry: results of a marine professionals’ survey. Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences. 7 (3), pp. 306-315.


Choosing democracy over party? How civic education can mitigate the anti-democratic effects of partisan polarization
Eroglu, M.H., Finkel, S., Neundorf, A., Ozturk, A. and Rascon Ramirez, E. 2025. Choosing democracy over party? How civic education can mitigate the anti-democratic effects of partisan polarization. British Journal of Political Science.


When efficient help is perceived as greed: experimental evidence
Lodato, S., Güth W., Angelovski, A. and Mavridis, C. 2025. When efficient help is perceived as greed: experimental evidence. Public Choice.


What makes a legislator promote or thwart trade liberalization in developing democracies?
Lodato, S., Dockendorff, A. and López Giral, D. 2025. What makes a legislator promote or thwart trade liberalization in developing democracies? Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. 68 (1).


Trust and trustworthiness in the villain’s dilemma: collaborative dishonesty with conflicting incentives?
Andrighetto, G., Angelovski, A., Di Cagno, D., Marazzi, F. and Szekely, A. 2025. Trust and trustworthiness in the villain’s dilemma: collaborative dishonesty with conflicting incentives? Experimental Economics: A Journal of the Economic Science Association.


When the rich do (not) trust the (newly) rich: experimental evidence on the effects of positive random shocks in the trust game
Bejarano, H., Gillet, J. and Rodriguez-Lara, I. 2025. When the rich do (not) trust the (newly) rich: experimental evidence on the effects of positive random shocks in the trust game. Southern Economic Journal.


Soft law regulation and labour rights reporting: a deficit in moral legitimacy?
Parsa, S., Roper, I., Maurer, I. and Muller-Camen, M. 2025. Soft law regulation and labour rights reporting: a deficit in moral legitimacy? Accounting Forum. 49 (1), pp. 20-44.


Are English SMEs disadvantaged in accessing Green Finance? A study of UK (bank and non-bank) debt finance provision
Gottschalk, S., Owen, R. and Coban, I. 2024. Are English SMEs disadvantaged in accessing Green Finance? A study of UK (bank and non-bank) debt finance provision. Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP).

Project report

Forecasting digital asset return: an application of machine learning model
Ciciretti, V., Pallotta, A., Lodh, S., Senyo, P.K. and Nandy, M. 2024. Forecasting digital asset return: an application of machine learning model. International Journal of Finance & Economics.


Insider trading and CEO pay-gap induced turnover
Le, V., Nguyen, A., Gregoriou, A. and Forbes, W. 2024. Insider trading and CEO pay-gap induced turnover. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 17 (11).


Benevolent authoritarianism, paternalism and religious humanitarianism in Sri Lanka: a dependent or autonomous HR?
Hettiarachchi, C., Parsa, S. and Roper, I. 2024. Benevolent authoritarianism, paternalism and religious humanitarianism in Sri Lanka: a dependent or autonomous HR? The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 35 (20), pp. 3475-3495.


Insider trading before earnings news: the role of executive pay disparity
Nguyen, A., Le, V., Gregoriou, A. and Kernohan, D. 2024. Insider trading before earnings news: the role of executive pay disparity. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 17 (10).


Political entrepreneurs and interest groups in the CPTPP ratification process in Chile: A case of politicization?
López, D., Dockendorff, A. and Lodato, S. 2024. Political entrepreneurs and interest groups in the CPTPP ratification process in Chile: A case of politicization? World Affairs.


Measuring breastfeeding prevalence using demographic and health surveys
Chabe-Ferret, B. 2024. Measuring breastfeeding prevalence using demographic and health surveys. BMC Public Health. 24 (1).


A diversified funding profile for banks: including green bonds in the liability structure
Bace, E. 2024. A diversified funding profile for banks: including green bonds in the liability structure. in: Choudhry, M. (ed.) Professional Perspectives on Banking and Finance Leeds, UK Emerald. pp. 65-75

Book chapter

Distributional effects of immigration and imperfect labour markets
Costas-Fernández, J. and Lodato, S. 2024. Distributional effects of immigration and imperfect labour markets. Economics Letters.


Deciding for others: local public good contributions with intermediaries
Angelovski, A., Kujal, P. and Mavridis, C. 2024. Deciding for others: local public good contributions with intermediaries. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 112.


Are survey stock price forecasts anchored by fundamental forecasts? A long-run perspective
Kuang, P., Tang, L., Zhang, R. and Zhang, T. 2024. Are survey stock price forecasts anchored by fundamental forecasts? A long-run perspective. Economic Theory.


(Mis)perception of party congruence and satisfaction with democracy
Carroll, R., Liao, Y.-C. and Tang, L. 2024. (Mis)perception of party congruence and satisfaction with democracy. Political Science Research and Methods.


Worker productivity during Covid-19 and adaptation to working from home
Burdett, A., Tang, L., Etheridge, B. and Wang, Y. 2024. Worker productivity during Covid-19 and adaptation to working from home. European Economic Review. 167 (Aug 2024).


No poverty, zero hunger and human resource management
Roper, I., Parsa, S. and Hettiarachchi, C. 2024. No poverty, zero hunger and human resource management. in: Aust-Gronarz, I., Cooke, F. and Semeijn, J. (ed.) The Elgar Companion to Human Resource Management and the Sustainable Development Goals Edward Elgar Publishing.

Book chapter

Issues in sustainability reporting assurance: evidence from interviews
Aliyu, S. 2024. Issues in sustainability reporting assurance: evidence from interviews. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 15 (3), pp. 628-653.


Basel III compliance with securities financing transactions
Bace, E. 2024. Basel III compliance with securities financing transactions. Professional Risk Managers' International Association.


Network risk parity: graph theory-based portfolio construction
Ciciretti, V. and Pallotta, A. 2024. Network risk parity: graph theory-based portfolio construction. Journal of Asset Management. 25 (2), pp. 136-146.


Question-order effects on judgements under uncertainty
Novella, R. and Rascon Ramirez, E. 2024. Question-order effects on judgements under uncertainty. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 109.


Strategic fertility, education choices, and conflicts in deeply divided societies
Bezin, E., Chabe-Ferret, B. and de la Croix, D. 2024. Strategic fertility, education choices, and conflicts in deeply divided societies. Journal of European Economic Association.


Discrimination and daycare choice: evidence from a randomized survey
Batsaikhan, M., Gørtz, M., Kennes, J., Lyng, R., Monte, D. and Tumennasan, N. 2024. Discrimination and daycare choice: evidence from a randomized survey . The Journal of Human Resources.


Should you use GARCH models for forecasting volatility? A comparison to GRU neural networks
Pallotta, A. and Ciciretti, V. 2024. Should you use GARCH models for forecasting volatility? A comparison to GRU neural networks. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics. 28 (5), pp. 725-738.


Carbon media legitimacy in UK companies: actions or words?
Rohani, A. and Jabbour, M. 2024. Carbon media legitimacy in UK companies: actions or words? Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 25 (2), pp. 298-324.


Stemming the tide: Does climate risk affect M&A performance?
Lodh, S., Deshmukh, N. and Rohani, A. 2024. Stemming the tide: Does climate risk affect M&A performance? Business Strategy and the Environment. 33 (2), pp. 858-881.


Constituency service and representation in Chile: the effects of remoteness and social deprivation
Dockendorff A. and Lodato, S. 2024. Constituency service and representation in Chile: the effects of remoteness and social deprivation . Representation: Journal of Representative Democracy. 60 (3), pp. 545-557.


When do interest groups lobby legislators in strong presidential systems?
Dockendorff, A. and Lodato, S. 2024. When do interest groups lobby legislators in strong presidential systems? Legislative Studies Quarterly.


Competitiveness of entrepreneurs and salaried workers
Balafoutas, L., Batsaikhan, M. and Sutter, M. 2024. Competitiveness of entrepreneurs and salaried workers. Management Science. 70 (5), pp. 2900-2911.


Minority versus majority: The choice of acquisition in Asia-Pacific countries
Nguyen, A., Kernohan, D. and Nguyen, T. 2024. Minority versus majority: The choice of acquisition in Asia-Pacific countries. International Journal of Finance & Economics. 29 (1), pp. 1125-1140.


From outcome-based to language-based preferences
Capraro, V., Halpern, J. and Perc, M. 2024. From outcome-based to language-based preferences. Journal of Economic Literature. 62 (1), pp. 115-154.


Demand for external finance by environmentally-motivated SMEs: An exploration of geographical disparities and potential in relation to Net Zero
Gottschalk, S. and Owen, R. 2023. Demand for external finance by environmentally-motivated SMEs: An exploration of geographical disparities and potential in relation to Net Zero. London, UK Enterprise Research Centre (ERC).

Project report

Alcoa of Australia Ltd.
Bace, E. 1989. Alcoa of Australia Ltd. Credit Week International. 7 (6), p. 17.


Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries
Azevedo, F., Pavlović, T., Rêgo, G., Ay, F., Gjoneska, B., Etienne, T., Ross, R., Schönegger, P., Riaño-Moreno, J., Cichocka, A., Capraro, V., Cian, L., Longoni, C., Chan, H., Van Bavel, J., Sjåstad, H., Nezlek, J., Alfano, M., Gelfand, M., Birtel, M., Cislak, A., Lockwood, P., Abts, K., Agadullina, E., Aruta, J., Besharati, S., Bor, A., Choma, B., Crabtree, C., Cunningham, W., De, K., Ejaz, W., Elbaek, C., Findor, A., Flichtentrei, D., Franc, R., Gruber, J., Gualda, E., Horiuchi, Y., Huynh, T., Ibanez, A., Imran, M., Israelashvili, J., Jasko, K., Kantorowicz, J., Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, E., Krouwel, A., Laakasuo, M., Lamm, C., Leygue, C., Lin, M., Mansoor, M., Marie, A., Mayiwar, L., Mazepus, H., McHugh, C., Minda, J., Mitkidis, P., Olsson, A., Otterbring, T., Packer, D., Perry, A., Petersen, M., Puthillam, A., Rothmund, T., Santamaría-García, H., Schmid, P., Stoyanov, D., Tewari, S., Todosijević, B., Tsakiris, M., Tung, H., Umbres, R., Vanags, E., Vlasceanu, M., Vonasch, A., Yucel, M., Zhang, Y., Abad, M., Adler, E., Akrawi, N., Mdarhri, H., Amara, H., Amodio, D., Antazo, B., Apps, M., Ba, M., Barbosa, S., Bastian, B., Berg, A., Bernal-Zárate, M., Bernstein, M., Białek, M., Bilancini, E., Bogatyreva, N., Boncinelli, L., Booth, J., Borau, S., Buchel, O., Cameron, C., Carvalho, C., Celadin, T., Cerami, C., Chalise, H., Cheng, X., Cockcroft, K., Conway, J., Córdoba-Delgado, M., Crespi, C., Crouzevialle, M., Cutler, J., Cypryańska, M., Dabrowska, J., Daniels, M., Davis, V., Dayley, P., Delouvée, S., Denkovski, O., Dezecache, G., Dhaliwal, N., Diato, A., Di Paolo, R., Drosinou, M., Dulleck, U., Ekmanis, J., Ertan, A., Farhana, H., Farkhari, F., Farmer, H., Fenwick, A., Fidanovski, K., Flew, T., Fraser, S., Frempong, R., Fugelsang, J., Gale, J., Garcia-Navarro, E., Garladinne, P., Ghajjou, O., Gkinopoulos, T., Gray, K., Griffin, S., Gronfeldt, B., Gümren, M., Gurung, R., Halperin, E., Harris, E., Herzon, V., Hruška, M., Huang, G., Hudecek, M., Isler, O., Jangard, S., Jorgensen, F., Kachanoff, F., Kahn, J., Dangol, A., Keudel, O., Koppel, L., Koverola, M., Kubin, E., Kunnari, A., Kutiyski, Y., Laguna, O., Leota, J., Lermer, E., Levy, J., Levy, N., Li, C., Long, E., Maglić, M., McCashin, D., Metcalf, A., Mikloušić, I., El Mimouni, S., Miura, A., Molina-Paredes, J., Monroy-Fonseca, C., Morales-Marente, E., Moreau, D., Muda, R., Myer, A., Nash, K., Nesh-Nash, T., Nitschke, J., Nurse, M., Ohtsubo, Y., de Mello, V., O’Madagain, C., Onderco, M., Palacios-Galvez, M., Palomöki, J., Pan, Y., Papp, Z., Pärnamets, P., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Pavlović, Z., Payán-Gómez, C., Perander, S., Pitman, M., Prasad, R., Pyrkosz-Pacyna, J., Rathje, S., Raza, A., Rhee, K., Robertson, C., Rodríguez-Pascual, I., Saikkonen, T., Salvador-Ginez, O., Santi, G., Santiago-Tovar, N., Savage, D., Scheffer, J., Schultner, D., Schutte, E., Scott, A., Sharma, M., Sharma, P., Skali, A., Stadelmann, D., Stafford, C., Stanojević, D., Stefaniak, A., Sternisko, A., Stoica, A., Stoyanova, K., Strickland, B., Sundvall, J., Thomas, J., Tinghög, G., Torgler, B., Traast, I., Tucciarelli, R., Tyrala, M., Ungson, N., Uysal, M., Van Lange, P., van Prooijen, J., van Rooy, D., Västfjäll, D., Verkoeijen, P., Vieira, J., von Sikorski, C., Walker, A., Watermeyer, J., Wetter, E., Whillans, A., White, K., Habib, R., Willardt, R., Wohl, M., Wójcik, A., Wu, K., Yamada, Y., Yilmaz, O., Yogeeswaran, K., Ziemer, C., Zwaan, R., Boggio, P. and Sampaio, W. 2023. Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries. Scientific Data. 10 (1), p. 272.


Shell Finance (Netherlands) B.V.
Bace, E. 1990. Shell Finance (Netherlands) B.V. Credit Week International. 9 (4), pp. 34-35.


Korea Telecom
Bace, E. 1993. Korea Telecom. Credit Week International. 11 (1), pp. 61-63.
