Dubai Campus
Title | Dubai Campus |
Alternative | INT - DBI |
Department | Middlesex University - Overseas Campuses |
Campus | Dubai |
Latest research outputs
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Life satisfaction around the world: measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups
Swami, V., Stieger, S., Voracek, M., Aavik, T., Abdollahpour Ranjbar, H., Adebayo, S.O., Afhami, R., Ahmed, O., Aimé, A., Akel, M., Al Halbusi, H., Alexias, G., Ali, K., Alp-Dal, N., Alsalhani, A.B., Álvarez-Solas, S., Amaral, A.C.S., Andrianto, S., Aspden, T., Argyrides, M., Aruta, J.J.B.R., Atkin, S., Ayandele, O., Baceviciene, M., Bahbouh, R., Ballesio, A., Barron, D., Bellard, A., Bender, S.S., Beydaǧ, K., Birovljević, G., Blackburn, M.-E., Borja-Alvarez, T., Borowiec, J., Bozogáňová, M., Bratland-Sanda, S., Browning, M., Brytek-Matera, A., Burakova, M., Çakır-Koçak, Y., Camacho, P., Camilleri, V.E., Cazzato, V., Cerea, S., Chaiwutikornwanich, A., Chaleeraktrakoon, T., Chambers, T., Chen, Q.-W., Chen, X., Chien, C.-L., Chobthamkit, P., Choompunuch, B., Compte, E.J., Corrigan, J., Cosmas, G., Cowden, R., Czepczor-Bernat, K., Czub, M., da Silva, W.R., Dadfar, M., Dalley, S.E., Dany, L., Datu, J.A.D., de Carvalho, P.H.B., Coelho, G.L.d.H., De Jesus, A.O.S., Debbabi, S.H., Dhakal, S., Di Bernardo, F., Dimitrova, D.D., Dion, J., Dixson, B., Donofrio, S., Drysch, M., Du, H., Dzhambov, A.M., El-Jor, C., Enea, V., Eskin, M., Farbod, F., Farrugia, L., Fian, L., Fisher, M.L., Folwarczny, M., Frederick, D.A., Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Furnham, A., García, A.A., Geller, S., Ghisi, M., Ghorbani, A., Gomez Martinez, M.A., Gradidge, S., Graf, S., Grano, C., Gyene, G., Hallit, S., Hamdan, M., Handelzalts, J.E., Hanel, P., Hawks, S.R., Hekmati, I., Helmy, M., Hill, T., Hina, F., Holenweger, G., Hřebíčková, M., Ijabadeniyi, O.A., Imam, A., İnce, B., Irrazabal, N., Jankauskiene, R., Jiang, D.-Y., Jiménez-Borja, M., Jiménez-Borja, V., Johnson, E.M., Jovanović, V., Jović, M., Jović, M., Junqueira, A.C.P., Kahle, L.-M., Kantanista, A., Karakiraz, A., Karkin, A., Kasten, E., Khatib, S., Khieowan, N., Kimong, P.J., Kiropoulos, L., Knittel, J., Kohli, N., Koprivnik, M., Kospakov, A., Król-Zielińska, M., Krug, I., Kuan, G., Kueh, Y.C., Kujan, O., Kukić, M., Kumar, S., Kumar, V., Lamba, N., Lauri, M.A., Laus, M., LeBlanc, L.A., Lee, H.J., Lipowska, M., Lipowski, M., Lombardo, C., Lukács, A., Maïano, C., Malik, S., Manjary, M., Márquez Baldó, L., Martinez-Banfi, M., Massar, K., Matera, C., McAnirlin, O., Mebarak, M.R., Mechri, A., Meireles, J.F.F., Mesko, N., Mills, J., Miyairi, M., Modi, R., Modrzejewska, A., Modrzejewska, J., Mulgrew, K.E., Myers, T.A., Namatame, H., Nassani, M.Z., Nerini, A., Neto, F., Neto, J., Neves, A.N., Ng, S.-K., Nithiya, D., O, J., Obeid, S., Oda-Montecinos, C., Olapegba, P.O., Olonisakin, T.T., Omar, S.S., Örlygsdóttir, B., Özsoy, E., Otterbring, T., Pahl, S., Panasiti, M.S., Park, Y., Patwary, M.M., Pethö, T., Petrova, N., Pietschnig, J., Pourmahmoud, S., Prabhu, V.G., Poštuvan, V., Prokop, P., Ramseyer Winter, V.L., Razmus, M., Ru, T., Rupar, M., Sahlan, R.N., Salah Hassan, M., Šalov, A., Sapkota, S., Sarfo, J., Sawamiya, Y., Schaefer, K., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Seekis, V., Selvi, K., Sharifi, M., Shrivastava, A., Siddique, R.F., Sigurdsson, V., Silkane, V., Šimunić, A., Singh, G., Slezáčková, A., Sundgot-Borgen, C., Ten Hoor, G., Tevichapong, P., Tipandjan, A., Todd, J., Togas, C., Tonini, F., Tovar-Castro, J.C., Trangsrud, L.K.J., Tripathi, P., Tudorel, O., Tylka, T.L., Uyzbayeva, A., Vally, Z., Vanags, E., Vega, L.D., Vicente-Arruebarrena, A., Vidal-Mollón, J., Vilar, R., Villegas, H., Vintilă, M., Wallner, C., White, M.P., Whitebridge, S., Windhager, S., Wong, K., Yau, E.K., Yamamiya, Y., Yeung, V.W.L., Zanetti, M., Zawisza, M., Zeeni, N., Zvaríková, M. and Tran, U. 2025. Life satisfaction around the world: measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups. PLoS ONE. 20 (1), p. e0313107.
Integrating policy, technology, and knowledge: a roadmap to circular manufacturing adoption
Nair, K., Bhardwaj, S., Chopra, R., Balasubramanian, S. and Mishra, M. 2025. Integrating policy, technology, and knowledge: a roadmap to circular manufacturing adoption. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. 18 (1), pp. 1-11.
Applying artificial intelligence in healthcare: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V., Islam, N., Upadhyay, A. and Duong, L. 2025. Applying artificial intelligence in healthcare: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Production Research. 63 (2), pp. 594-627.
Innovation forge: a hybrid review about resilience and technology readiness in the manufacturing sector
Nair, K., Bhardwaj, S., Balasubramanian, S., Misra, M. and Chopra, R. 2024. Innovation forge: a hybrid review about resilience and technology readiness in the manufacturing sector. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. 17 (1), pp. 829-842.
Perceptual filters: exploring disability and ableism's cognitive framework
Vasudeva, A., Mohanraj, P.S., Tripathi, R., Shrivastava, A.K. and Vardhan, V. 2024. Perceptual filters: exploring disability and ableism's cognitive framework. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 13 (11), pp. 4755-4758.
Harnessing synergy: a multidimensional exploration of AI, big data, and blockchain convergence in the healthcare sector
Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V. and Sreejith, S. 2024. Harnessing synergy: a multidimensional exploration of AI, big data, and blockchain convergence in the healthcare sector. in: Daniel, J., Samadhiya, A. and Garza-Reyes, J.A. (ed.) Blockchain Technology: Transforming Businesses and Shaping the Future CRC Press.Book chapter
Greening the pharmaceutical supply chain
Belal, M.M., Shukla, V. and Balasubramanian, S. 2024. Greening the pharmaceutical supply chain. Business Strategy and the Environment.
Psychometric properties of the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q) and the clinical impairment assessment (CIA) using a heterogenous clinical sample from Arab countries
Hadati, C., Kassie, S., Bertl, B., Sidani, M.F., Melad, M.A.W. and Ammar, A. 2024. Psychometric properties of the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q) and the clinical impairment assessment (CIA) using a heterogenous clinical sample from Arab countries. SAGE Open. 14 (4).
A conceptual framework for a proposed intervention: interdisciplinary academic advising and mentoring through personal tutor groups
Osman, Y. and Vaidya, R. 2024. A conceptual framework for a proposed intervention: interdisciplinary academic advising and mentoring through personal tutor groups. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.
Editorial: Exploring implicit biases in the educational landscape
Lamba, N., Kishore, S. and Fosch-Villaronga, E. 2024. Editorial: Exploring implicit biases in the educational landscape. Frontiers in Education. 9, p. 1500008.
Green pharma supply chain: a review of existing practices and future directions
Belal, M.M., Shukla, V., Ahmad, S. and Balasubramanian, S. 2024. Green pharma supply chain: a review of existing practices and future directions. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.
Fostering virtue among autorickshaw drivers in Sri Lanka: a case study of an urban sharing institution
Jensen, C. 2024. Fostering virtue among autorickshaw drivers in Sri Lanka: a case study of an urban sharing institution. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis
Understanding how to develop an effective role-modelling character education programme in Saudi Arabia
Osman, Y. 2024. Understanding how to develop an effective role-modelling character education programme in Saudi Arabia. Globalisation, Societies and Education.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning-based decision support system for forecasting electric vehicles' power requirement
Jauhar, S., Sethi, S., Kamble, S., Mathew, S. and Belhadi, A. 2024. Artificial intelligence and machine learning-based decision support system for forecasting electric vehicles' power requirement. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 204.
Reimagining neuroscientific and andragogical principles for dementia care education
Kassie, S. and Astell, A. 2024. Reimagining neuroscientific and andragogical principles for dementia care education. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education.
Educators as agents of breadth-biased learning: using social reconstructionism as rationale for embracing media multitasking and enhancing teaching practices in higher education
Kassie, S. 2024. Educators as agents of breadth-biased learning: using social reconstructionism as rationale for embracing media multitasking and enhancing teaching practices in higher education. Frontiers in Psychology. 15.
Psychological empowerment and exercising: the relationships between exercising, self‐stereotyping, agency, autonomy and physical self‐efficacy in non‐Western women
Mosanya, M. and Kassie, S. 2024. Psychological empowerment and exercising: the relationships between exercising, self‐stereotyping, agency, autonomy and physical self‐efficacy in non‐Western women. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. 34 (3).
A SWOT analysis of an industry-organised contest using a vocational assessment lens
King, S. 2024. A SWOT analysis of an industry-organised contest using a vocational assessment lens. 7th International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences. Middlesex University Dubai 13 - 15 May 2024 Middlesex University, Dubai.Conference paper
How AI could transform the advertising pitch game
King, S. 2024. How AI could transform the advertising pitch game. Motivate Media Group.Magazine
Working the system—an empirical analysis of the relationship between systems thinking, paradoxical cognition, and sustainability practices
Schulte, M. and Paris, C. 2024. Working the system—an empirical analysis of the relationship between systems thinking, paradoxical cognition, and sustainability practices. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 31 (5), pp. 4154-4171.
Unraveling the determinants of FDI in the GCC: a multifaceted analysis of economic, regulatory, and institutional factors
Kishore, P. 2024. Unraveling the determinants of FDI in the GCC: a multifaceted analysis of economic, regulatory, and institutional factors. International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence. 9 (4), pp. 423-433.
Intimate partner violence: laws on sexual violence
Khokhlova, O., Allen, K. and Lamba, N. 2023. Intimate partner violence: laws on sexual violence. in: Shackelford, T. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence Cham Springer.Book chapter
When is celebrity endorsement effective? Exploring the role of celebrity endorsers in enhancing key brand associations
Jun, M., Han, J., Zhou, Z. and Eisingerich, A. 2023. When is celebrity endorsement effective? Exploring the role of celebrity endorsers in enhancing key brand associations. Journal of Business Research. 164.
The role of life satisfaction: hidden link between brand attachment and brand supportive behavior
Han, J., Jun, M. and Kim, M. 2023. The role of life satisfaction: hidden link between brand attachment and brand supportive behavior. 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference. San Francisco, United States 04 - 06 Aug 2023Conference poster
Avatar and self-concept in the era of metaverse
Jun, M., Kim, M. and Han, J. 2023. Avatar and self-concept in the era of metaverse. 2023 Global Marketing Conference. Seoul, Republic of Korea 20 - 23 Jul 2023 Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations. pp. 317 paper
How can HR navigate the challenge of ChatGPT?
King, S. 2023. How can HR navigate the challenge of ChatGPT? Informa Connect.Blog
Flood risk: a capacity and vulnerability analysis of Newham and Hammersmith, UK
Hassan, A. and Paris, C. 2023. Flood risk: a capacity and vulnerability analysis of Newham and Hammersmith, UK. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 19 (3), pp. 187-204.
Political incumbency effects in India: a regional analysis
Karnik, A., Lalvani, M. and Phatak, M. 2023. Political incumbency effects in India: a regional analysis. Studies in Economics and Econometrics. 47 (1), pp. 43-60.
Identifying drivers and hindrances to the disposal of used mobile phones: a study of user behavior in the UAE
Patrao, G. and Karnik, A. 2023. Identifying drivers and hindrances to the disposal of used mobile phones: a study of user behavior in the UAE. SAGE Open. 13 (3).
Examining racial and gender biases in teaching evaluations of instructors by students on an online platform in the UAE
Lamba, N., Kishore, S. and Khokhlova, O. 2023. Examining racial and gender biases in teaching evaluations of instructors by students on an online platform in the UAE. Frontiers in Education. 8.
Resilience and well‐being among expatriate entrepreneurs: envisioning life after a global crisis
Abonil, M., Shrivastava, A. and Hyland, L. 2023. Resilience and well‐being among expatriate entrepreneurs: envisioning life after a global crisis. Global Business and Organizational Excellence. 43 (2), pp. 107-121.
An investigation of crowdsourcing methods in enhancing the machine learning approach for detecting online recruitment fraud
Nanath, K. and Olney, L. 2023. An investigation of crowdsourcing methods in enhancing the machine learning approach for detecting online recruitment fraud. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights. 3 (1).
Technology adoption in a hybrid learning environment: an action research study among university faculty in the UAE
Puthiya, R., Anderson, P., Fonseca, C. and Hyland, L. 2023. Technology adoption in a hybrid learning environment: an action research study among university faculty in the UAE. Interactive Learning Environments. 32 (10), pp. 6833-6844.
Prevention before intervention: introducing mindfulness-based social-emotional learning in higher education institutions across the United Arab Emirates
Kassie, S. 2023. Prevention before intervention: introducing mindfulness-based social-emotional learning in higher education institutions across the United Arab Emirates. Frontiers in Education. 8.
Foreign direct investment and its relationship with financial factors: linking macro with micro perspectives
Kishore, P. 2023. Foreign direct investment and its relationship with financial factors: linking macro with micro perspectives. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolPhD thesis
Assessing generative A.I. through the lens of the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies: a collaborative autoethnography
King, S. and Prasetyo, J. 2023. Assessing generative A.I. through the lens of the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies: a collaborative autoethnography. Frontiers in Education. 8.
Customer engagement through augmented reality filter on social media influences purchase decisions
Bhat, N. and Han, J. 2023. Customer engagement through augmented reality filter on social media influences purchase decisions. 2nd International Conference on Technology, Innovation and Sustainability in Business Management (ICTIS 2023). Middlesex University Dubai 03 - 04 May 2023Conference item
The role of avatar: how do we create the positive consumer experience in the era of metaverse?
Kim, M., Jun, M. and Han, J. 2023. The role of avatar: how do we create the positive consumer experience in the era of metaverse? 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference. San Francisco, United States 04 - 06 Aug 2023Conference poster
Experiences, psychological health, and prenatal bonding of surrogate mothers: a longitudinal study
Lamba, N. 2023. Experiences, psychological health, and prenatal bonding of surrogate mothers: a longitudinal study. Research Invited Talk, IPPN, Kings College London. Kings College London 07 - 07 Aug 2023Conference keynote
Maternal mental health of surrogate mothers: a longitudinal study
Lamba, N. 2023. Maternal mental health of surrogate mothers: a longitudinal study. Invited Research Talk, Suffolk University. University of Suffolk 17 - 17 Jul 2023Conference keynote
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