Design Engineering & Mathematics

TitleDesign Engineering & Mathematics
AlternativeS&T - D Eng & Maths
FacultyFaculty of Science and Technology

Latest research outputs

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A comparison of reinforcement learning algorithms in fairness-oriented OFDMA schedulers
Comsa, I., Zhang, S., Aydin, M., Kuonen, P., Trestian, R. and Ghinea, G. 2019. A comparison of reinforcement learning algorithms in fairness-oriented OFDMA schedulers. Information. 10 (10).


Atomic scheduling of appliance energy consumption in residential smart grids
Kim, K., Lee, S., Ting, T. and Yang, X. 2019. Atomic scheduling of appliance energy consumption in residential smart grids. Energies. 12 (19).


The prediction of childhood overweight based on parental lifestyle and genetic parameters
Graham, C., Hearne, G., Lorente-Cebrian, S., González-Muniesza, J. and Mavrommatis, Y. 2018. The prediction of childhood overweight based on parental lifestyle and genetic parameters. NuGO European Conference 2018. International Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 03 - 06 Sep 2018

Conference poster

On the performance of regenerative relaying for SWIPT in NOMA Systems
Tran, H., Phan, C. and Vien, Q. 2019. On the performance of regenerative relaying for SWIPT in NOMA Systems. 26th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2019). Hanoi, Vietnam 08 - 10 Apr 2019 IEEE. pp. 1-5

Conference paper

Improved tabu search and simulated annealing methods for nonlinear data assimilation
Nino-Ruiz, E. and Yang, X. 2019. Improved tabu search and simulated annealing methods for nonlinear data assimilation. Applied Soft Computing. 83, p. 105624.


Investigation of individual perceptions towards BIM Implementation-a Chongqing case study
Liu, N., Ruan, L., Jin, R., Chen, Y., Deng, X. and Yang, T. 2019. Investigation of individual perceptions towards BIM Implementation-a Chongqing case study. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 26 (7), pp. 1455-1475.


On the accuracy of poisson approximation
Novak, S. 2019. On the accuracy of poisson approximation. Extremes. 22 (4), pp. 729-748.


Development of a wheelchair stability assessment system: design tools and approaches
Moody, L., Magee, P. and Stefanov, D. 2020. Development of a wheelchair stability assessment system: design tools and approaches. in: McDonagh, D., Moody, L., Woodcock, A., Jain, A. and Jain, L. (ed.) Design of Assistive Technology for Ageing Populations Springer.

Book chapter

A study on the relationship between robotic movement with animacy and visual attention of young children
Lee, J., Aoki, H., Stefanov, D., Yamamoto, T. and Obinata, G. 2016. A study on the relationship between robotic movement with animacy and visual attention of young children. 2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). New York, NY, USA 26 - 31 Aug 2016 IEEE. pp. 682-687

Conference paper

Tongue interface based on surface EMG signals of suprahyoid muscles
Sasaki, M., Onishi, K., Stefanov, D., Kamata, K., Nakayama, A., Yoshikawa, M. and Obinata, G. 2016. Tongue interface based on surface EMG signals of suprahyoid muscles. Springer Open.

Conference paper

The effect of swing leg retraction on biped walking stability is influenced by the walking speed and step-length
Bao, R. and Geng, T. 2018. The effect of swing leg retraction on biped walking stability is influenced by the walking speed and step-length. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Madrid, Spain 01 - 05 Oct 2018 IEEE. pp. 3257-3262

Conference paper

Bio-inspired computation: where we stand and what's next
Del Ser, J., Osaba, E., Molina, D., Yang, X., Salcedo-Sanz, S., Camacho, D., Das, S., Suganthan, P., Coello Coello, C. and Herrera, F. 2019. Bio-inspired computation: where we stand and what's next. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 48, pp. 220-250.


Comparison of constraint-handling techniques for metaheuristic optimization
He, X.-S., Fan, Q.-W., Karamanoglu, M. and Yang, X. 2019. Comparison of constraint-handling techniques for metaheuristic optimization. 19th International Conference on Computational Science - ICCS 2019. Faro, Portugal 12 - 14 Jun 2019 Switzerland Springer. pp. 357-366

Conference paper

Developing traffic prediction and congestion algorithms for a C-ITS network
Mehta, V., Gandhi, V. and Mapp, G. 2019. Developing traffic prediction and congestion algorithms for a C-ITS network. Second UK Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Systems Research Symposium. Dept of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK 01 Jul 2019

Conference item

A power-splitting relaying protocol for wireless energy harvesting and information processing in NOMA systems
Tran, H., Nguyen, T., Phan, C. and Vien, Q. 2019. A power-splitting relaying protocol for wireless energy harvesting and information processing in NOMA systems. IET Communications. 13 (14), pp. 2132-2140.


Investigation of demographic factors in construction employees' safety perceptions
Han, Y., Jin, R., Wood, H. and Yang, T. 2019. Investigation of demographic factors in construction employees' safety perceptions. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 23 (7), pp. 2815-2828.


On the performance, availability and energy consumption modelling of clustered IoT systems
Ever, E., Shah, P., Mostarda, L., Omondi, F. and Gemikonakli, O. 2019. On the performance, availability and energy consumption modelling of clustered IoT systems. Computing. 101 (12), pp. 1935-1970.


Enhancing user fairness in OFDMA radio access networks through machine learning
Comsa, I., Zhang, S., Aydin, M., Kuonen, P., Trestian, R. and Ghinea, G. 2019. Enhancing user fairness in OFDMA radio access networks through machine learning. Wireless Days (WD). Manchester, UK 24 - 26 Apr 2019 IEEE. pp. 1-8

Conference paper

Implementation and performance evaluation of a MIMO-VLC system for data transmissions
Jesuthasan, F., Rohitkumar, H., Shah, P. and Trestian, R. 2019. Implementation and performance evaluation of a MIMO-VLC system for data transmissions. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB). Jeju, South Korea 05 - 07 Jun 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Conference paper

A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones
Tuysuz, M., Murat, U. and Trestian, R. 2019. A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 127, pp. 107-121.


Towards 5G: A reinforcement learning-based scheduling solution for data traffic management
Comsa, I., Zhang, S., Aydin, M., Kuonen, P., Trestian, R. and Ghinea, G. 2018. Towards 5G: A reinforcement learning-based scheduling solution for data traffic management. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 15 (4), pp. 1661-1675.


The competitive and multi-faceted nature of neural coding in motor imagery: Comment on "Muscleless motor synergies and actions without movements: From motor neuroscience to cognitive robotics" by V. Mohan et al.
Chinellato, E. 2019. The competitive and multi-faceted nature of neural coding in motor imagery: Comment on "Muscleless motor synergies and actions without movements: From motor neuroscience to cognitive robotics" by V. Mohan et al. Physics of life reviews.


Guaranteeing user rates with reinforcement learning in 5G Radio access networks
Comsa, I., Zhang, S., Aydin, M., Kuonen, P., Trestian, R. and Ghinea, G. 2019. Guaranteeing user rates with reinforcement learning in 5G Radio access networks. in: Comsa, I. and Trestian, R. (ed.) Next-generation wireless networks meet advanced machine learning applications IGI Global. pp. 163-198

Book chapter

Machine learning in Radio resource scheduling
Comsa, I., Zhang, S., Aydin, M., Kuonen, P., Trestian, R. and Ghinea, G. 2019. Machine learning in Radio resource scheduling. in: Comsa, I. and Trestian, R. (ed.) Next-generation wireless networks meet advanced machine learning applications IGI Global. pp. 24-56

Book chapter

Abstract machines: overlaying virtual worlds on physical rides
Tennent, P., Marshall, J., Brundell, P., Walker, B. and Benford, S. 2019. Abstract machines: overlaying virtual worlds on physical rides. CHI '19. Glasgow, Scotland 04 - 09 May 2019 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). pp. 1-12

Conference paper

Exploring intelligent service migration in vehicular networks
Ezenwigbo, A., Paranthaman, V., Mapp, G. and Trestian, R. 2019. Exploring intelligent service migration in vehicular networks. Gao, H., Yin, Y., Yang, X. and Miao, H. (ed.) TridentCom 2018: International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures. Shanghai, China 16 - 18 Nov 2018 Springer. pp. 41-61

Conference paper

Proceedings of the training conference history of mathematics in mathematics education
Lawrence, S., Mihailovic, A. and Djokic, O. (ed.) 2019. Proceedings of the training conference history of mathematics in mathematics education. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina.

Conference Proceedings

Descriptive geometry in England: lost in translation
Lawrence, S. 2019. Descriptive geometry in England: lost in translation. in: Barbin, É., Menghini, M. and Volkert, K. (ed.) Descriptive geometry, the spread of a polytechnic art: the legacy of Gaspard Monge Cham, Switzerland Springer. pp. 313-335

Book chapter

Refurbishment of UK school buildings: challenges of improving energy performance using BIM
Al Bunni, A. and Shayesteh, H. 2019. Refurbishment of UK school buildings: challenges of improving energy performance using BIM. Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 Tokyo (SBE19Tokyo) Built Environment in an era of climate change: how can cities and buildings adapt?. The University of Tokyo, Japan IOP Publishing.

Conference paper

An optimal power allocation for D2D communications over multi-user cellular uplink channels
Omorinoye, A., Vien, Q., Le, T. and Shah, P. 2019. An optimal power allocation for D2D communications over multi-user cellular uplink channels. Duong, T., Vo, N., Nguyen, L., Vien, Q. and Nguyen, V. (ed.) 5th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (INISCOM 2019). Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Vietnam 19 Aug 2019 Springer, Cham. pp. 53-64

Conference paper

On the performance of NOMA in SWIPT systems with power-splitting relaying
Tran, H., Nguyen, T., Phan, C. and Vien, Q. 2019. On the performance of NOMA in SWIPT systems with power-splitting relaying. 2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT). Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Vietnam 25 - 27 Sep 2019 IEEE. pp. 255-259

Conference paper

A 122 fps, 1 MHz bandwidth multi-frequency wearable EIT belt featuring novel active electrode architecture for neonatal thorax vital sign monitoring
Wu, Y., Jiang, D., Bardill, A., Bayford, R. and Demosthenous, A. 2019. A 122 fps, 1 MHz bandwidth multi-frequency wearable EIT belt featuring novel active electrode architecture for neonatal thorax vital sign monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 13 (5), pp. 927-937.


#MDXPD Product Design 2019
2019. #MDXPD Product Design 2019. London, UK Middlesex University London.

Technical report

Exploiting resource contention in highly mobile environments and its application to vehicular ad-hoc networks
Paranthaman, V., Kirsal, Y., Mapp, G., Shah, P. and Nguyen, H. 2019. Exploiting resource contention in highly mobile environments and its application to vehicular ad-hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 68 (4), pp. 3805-3819.


Poisson approximation
Novak, S. 2019. Poisson approximation. Probability Surveys. 16, pp. 228-276.


An energy planning oriented method for analyzing spatial-temporal characteristics of electric loads for heating/cooling in district buildings with a case study of one university campus
Chen, S., Zhang, X., Wei, S., Yang, T., Guan, J., Yang, W., Qu, L. and Xu, Y. 2019. An energy planning oriented method for analyzing spatial-temporal characteristics of electric loads for heating/cooling in district buildings with a case study of one university campus. Sustainable Cities and Society. 51.


Data Analytics
Shepherd, I. and Hearne, G. 2019. Data Analytics. in: Evans, J., Ruane, S. and Southall, H. (ed.) Data in society: Challenging statistics in an age of globalisation Bristol, UK. Policy Press. pp. 35-45

Book chapter

Diagnosis and monitoring of Alzheimer's patients using classical and deep learning techniques
Raza, M., Awais, M., Ellahi, W., Aslam, N., Nguyen, H. and Le-Minh, H. 2019. Diagnosis and monitoring of Alzheimer's patients using classical and deep learning techniques. Expert Systems with Applications. 136, pp. 353-364.


Enhancing security of MME handover via fractional programming and Firefly algorithm
Vien, Q., Le, T., Yang, X. and Duong, T. 2019. Enhancing security of MME handover via fractional programming and Firefly algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 67 (9), pp. 6206-6220.


Gansu Studio: 'Plug-in' school unit for rural China
Tenorio, R., Yang, T. and Oro, B. 2019. Gansu Studio: 'Plug-in' school unit for rural China. Revista Asia America Latina. 4 (6), pp. 13-44.
