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Regulation of human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit expression in ovarian cancer
Śliwa, A., Kubiczak, M., Szczerba, A., Walkowiak, G., Nowak-Markwitz, E., Burczynska, B., Butler, S., Iles, R., Białas, P. and Jankowska, A. 2019. Regulation of human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit expression in ovarian cancer. BMC cancer. 19 (1), pp. 1-9.
Novel insights into the expression of CGB1 & 2 genes by epithelial cancer cell lines secreting ectopic free hCGβ
Burczynska, B., Kobrouly, L., Butler, S., Naase, M. and Iles, R. 2014. Novel insights into the expression of CGB1 & 2 genes by epithelial cancer cell lines secreting ectopic free hCGβ. Anticancer Research. 34 (5), pp. 2239-2248.Article
Do the adult daughters of PCOS patients develop PCOS and is this due to an androgenized uterine environment-an online epidemiological survey
Ratajczak, A., Iles, R. and Wen, S. 2016. Do the adult daughters of PCOS patients develop PCOS and is this due to an androgenized uterine environment-an online epidemiological survey. Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research. 5 (2), pp. 1-5.
Determination of urinary cortisol, cortisone and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin using dilute and shoot ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Sniecinska-Cooper, A., Shah, A., Dimitriou, D., Iles, R., Butler, S. and Bayford, R. 2015. Determination of urinary cortisol, cortisone and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin using dilute and shoot ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B. 978-79, pp. 18-23.
Abnormal secretion of melatonin and cortisol in relation to sleep disturbances in children with Williams syndrome
Sniecinska-Cooper, A., Iles, R., Butler, S., Jones, H., Bayford, R. and Dimitriou, D. 2015. Abnormal secretion of melatonin and cortisol in relation to sleep disturbances in children with Williams syndrome. Sleep Medicine. 16 (1), pp. 94-100.
Screening for Downs Syndrome pregnancy by mass spectral glycofingerprinting hCG-beta core in neat pregnancy urine.
Luttoo, J., Appiah, S., Butler, S. and Iles, R. 2009. Screening for Downs Syndrome pregnancy by mass spectral glycofingerprinting hCG-beta core in neat pregnancy urine. Middlesex University Postgraduate Summer Conference. London, UKConference poster
Single point biochemical measurement algorithm for early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy
Butler, S., Abban, T., Borrelli, P., Luttoo, J., Kemp, B. and Iles, R. 2013. Single point biochemical measurement algorithm for early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Clinical Biochemistry. 46 (13-14), pp. 1257-1263.
hCGβ expression by cervical squamous carcinoma - in vivohistological association with tumour invasion and apoptosis
Li, D., Wen, S., Ghali, L., Al-Shalabi, F., Docherty, S., Purkis, P. and Iles, R. 2008. hCGβ expression by cervical squamous carcinoma - in vivohistological association with tumour invasion and apoptosis. Histopathology. 53 (2), pp. 147-155.
Stable knockdown of hCGβ mRNA expression in bladder cancer cells results in significant inhibition of growth
Burczynska, B., Booth, M., Iles, R., Shah, A., Shiled, A. and Butler, S. 2013. Stable knockdown of hCGβ mRNA expression in bladder cancer cells results in significant inhibition of growth. Anticancer Research. 33 (9), pp. 3611-3614.Article
hCGβ expression by cervical squamous carcinoma: in vivo histological association with tumour invasion and apoptosis
Li, D., Wen, S., Ghali, L., Al-Shalabi, F., Docherty, S., Purkis, P. and Iles, R. 2008. hCGβ expression by cervical squamous carcinoma: in vivo histological association with tumour invasion and apoptosis. Histopathology. 53 (2), pp. 147-155.
Does hCG or hCGβ play a role in cancer cell biology?
Iles, R., Delves, P. and Butler, S. 2010. Does hCG or hCGβ play a role in cancer cell biology? Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 329 (1-2), pp. 62-70.
Development of Zwitterionic Hydrophilic Liquid Chromatography (ZICⓇHILIC-MS) metabolomics method for Shotgun analysis of human urine
Trivedi, D., Jones, H., Shah, A. and Iles, R. 2012. Development of Zwitterionic Hydrophilic Liquid Chromatography (ZICⓇHILIC-MS) metabolomics method for Shotgun analysis of human urine. Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques. 03 (06).
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in the secretome of cultured embryos: hyperglycosylated hCG and hCG-free beta subunit are potential markers for infertility management and treatment
Butler, S., Luttoo, J., Freire, M., Abban, T., Borrelli, P. and Iles, R. 2013. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in the secretome of cultured embryos: hyperglycosylated hCG and hCG-free beta subunit are potential markers for infertility management and treatment. Reproductive Sciences. 20 (9), pp. 1038-1045.
Differential proteolysis of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) in pregnancy
Hills, F., Iles, R. and Sullivan, M. 2013. Differential proteolysis of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) in pregnancy. Journal of Perinatal Medicine. 41 (3), pp. 241-249.
Does HCG or HCG-beta play a role in breast cancer cell biology?
Iles, R. and Butler, S. 2010. Does HCG or HCG-beta play a role in breast cancer cell biology? Tumour Biology. 31 (S39).Article
Ectopic HCG beta may induce epithelialmensenchymal transition on human kera tinocytes in vitro and this could promote tumour progression and invasion.
Wen, S., Li, D., Ghali, L. and Iles, R. 2010. Ectopic HCG beta may induce epithelialmensenchymal transition on human kera tinocytes in vitro and this could promote tumour progression and invasion. Tumour Biology. 31 (S44).Article
Structural modelling of human chorion ic gonadotropin: the effect of nicking and glycosylation on the molecular folding and likely epitope recognition by HCG antibodies.
Butler, S., Gibbons, N., Rehman, S. and Iles, R. 2010. Structural modelling of human chorion ic gonadotropin: the effect of nicking and glycosylation on the molecular folding and likely epitope recognition by HCG antibodies. Tumour Biology. 31 (S46).Article
Serum biomarkers of collagen metabolism, pyridinoline (PYD) and aminoterminal properptide of type i procollagen (PINP) as diagnostic staging markers of bone metastases in breast cancer patients.
Iles, R., Cheung, K., Robertson, J. and Perrett, D. 2010. Serum biomarkers of collagen metabolism, pyridinoline (PYD) and aminoterminal properptide of type i procollagen (PINP) as diagnostic staging markers of bone metastases in breast cancer patients. Tumour Biology. 31 (S72).Article
Detection of cancer.
Bayford, R., Roitt, I., Rademacher, T., Demosthenous, A. and Iles, R. 2010. Detection of cancer.Patent
Gonadotropins and gonadotropin receptors: evolutional genetics, signalling mechanisms, extra gonadal function and roles in oncogenesis.
Iles, R. and Butler, S. 2010. Gonadotropins and gonadotropin receptors: evolutional genetics, signalling mechanisms, extra gonadal function and roles in oncogenesis. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 329 (1), pp. 1-2.
Biological function of the free β -subunit: expression and treatment target in cancer.
Butler, S. and Iles, R. 2010. Biological function of the free β -subunit: expression and treatment target in cancer. in: Cole, L. (ed.) Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). London Elsevier. pp. 153-171Book chapter
Does hCG or hCGß play a role in cancer cell biology?
Iles, R., Delves, P. and Butler, S. 2010. Does hCG or hCGß play a role in cancer cell biology? Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 329 (1-2), pp. 62-70.
Composition of intact hormone and free subunits in the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material found in serum and urine of patients with carcinoma of the bladder.
Iles, R., Lee, C., Oliver, R. and Chard, T. 1990. Composition of intact hormone and free subunits in the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material found in serum and urine of patients with carcinoma of the bladder. Clinical Endocrinology. 33 (3), pp. 355-364.
Rapid diagnosis of testicular choriocarcinoma by urinary pregnancy tests.
Caulfield, M., Dilkes, M., Iles, R., Handel, B. and Oliver, R. 1990. Rapid diagnosis of testicular choriocarcinoma by urinary pregnancy tests. Lancet. 335 (8699), p. 1230.
Biological significance of beta hCG, HLA and other membrane antigen expression on bladder tumours and their relationship to tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL)
Oliver, R., Nouri, A., Crosby, D., Iles, R., Naverette, C., Martin, J., Bodmer, W. and Festenstein, H. 1989. Biological significance of beta hCG, HLA and other membrane antigen expression on bladder tumours and their relationship to tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). International journal of immunogenetics. 16 (4-5), pp. 381-390.Article
Expression of beta human chorionic gonadotrophin by non-trophoblastic non-endocrine 'normal' and malignant epithelial cells.
Iles, R., Purkis, P., Whitehead, P., Oliver, R. and Chard, T. 1990. Expression of beta human chorionic gonadotrophin by non-trophoblastic non-endocrine 'normal' and malignant epithelial cells. British journal of cancer. 61 (5), pp. 663-666.Article
Enhancement of ectopic beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin expression by interferon-alpha.
Iles, R. and Chard, T. 1989. Enhancement of ectopic beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin expression by interferon-alpha. Journal of Endocrinology. 123 (3), pp. 501-507.
Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin in serum and urine. A marker for metastatic urothelial cancer.
Iles, R., Jenkins, B., Oliver, R., Blandy, J. and Chard, T. 1989. Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin in serum and urine. A marker for metastatic urothelial cancer. British Journal of Urology. 64 (3), pp. 241-244.
Immunochemical analysis of the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material secreted by 'normal' and neoplastic urothelial cells.
Iles, R. and Chard, T. 1989. Immunochemical analysis of the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material secreted by 'normal' and neoplastic urothelial cells. Journal of molecular endocrinology. 2 (2), pp. 107-112.
Amplification or rearrangement of the beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG)--human LH gene cluster is not responsible for the ectopic production of beta-hCG by bladder tumour cells.
Iles, R., Czepulkowski, B., Young, B. and Chard, T. 1989. Amplification or rearrangement of the beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG)--human LH gene cluster is not responsible for the ectopic production of beta-hCG by bladder tumour cells. Journal of molecular endocrinology. 2 (2), pp. 113-117.
In vitro secretion of human chorionic gonadotrophin by bladder tumour cells.
Iles, R., Oliver, R., Kitau, M., Walker, C. and Chard, T. 1987. In vitro secretion of human chorionic gonadotrophin by bladder tumour cells. British journal of cancer. 55 (6), pp. 623-626.Article
The measurement of urinary beta core fragment in conjunction with serum CA125 does not aid the differentiation of malignant from benign pelvic masses.
Carter, P., Iles, R., Neven, P., Davies, A., Shepherd, J. and Chard, T. 1993. The measurement of urinary beta core fragment in conjunction with serum CA125 does not aid the differentiation of malignant from benign pelvic masses. Gynecologic Oncology. 51 (3), pp. 368-371.
Bony metastases from breast cancer: a study of foetal antigen 2 as a blood tumour marker.
Cheung, K., Iles, R. and Robertson, J. 2010. Bony metastases from breast cancer: a study of foetal antigen 2 as a blood tumour marker. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 8 (38).
Purine metabolite levels in pre-ovulatory human follicles may hold the key to ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome.
Iles, R. and Docherty, S. 2010. Purine metabolite levels in pre-ovulatory human follicles may hold the key to ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome. Metabolism.
Measurement of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as a screening test for Down’s Syndrome
Chard, T. and Iles, R. 1994. Measurement of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as a screening test for Down’s Syndrome. in: Grudzinskas, J., Chard, T., Chapman, M. and Cuckle, H. (ed.) Screening for Down’s Syndrome Cambridge University Press (CUP). pp. 73-84Book chapter
Electrochemical impedance detection of hCGbeta: preliminary results and analysis in the development of lab on a chip technology.
Bayford, R., Kassanos, P., Demosthenous, A. and Iles, R. 2009. Electrochemical impedance detection of hCGbeta: preliminary results and analysis in the development of lab on a chip technology. 42nd IUPAC Congress: Chemistry Solutions SECC.. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 02 - 07 Aug 2009Conference paper
Designing a new generation of anti-hCG vaccines for cancer therapy
Delves, P., Iles, R., Roitt, I. and Lund, T. 2007. Designing a new generation of anti-hCG vaccines for cancer therapy. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 260-26, pp. 276-281.
Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone profiles in human follicular fluid and cultured granulosa cells from luteinized pre-ovulatory follicles
Wen, S., Li, D., Tozer, A., Docherty, S. and Iles, R. 2010. Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone profiles in human follicular fluid and cultured granulosa cells from luteinized pre-ovulatory follicles. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 8 (117).
High follicular fluid adenosine levels may be pivotal in the metabolism and recycling of adenosine nucleotides in the human follicle
Wen, S., Perrett, D., Jones, N., Tozer, A., Docherty, S. and Iles, R. 2010. High follicular fluid adenosine levels may be pivotal in the metabolism and recycling of adenosine nucleotides in the human follicle. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 59 (8), pp. 1145-1155.
Urinary concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin and its fragments as a prognostic marker in bladder cancer
Iles, R., Persad, R., Trivedi, M., Sharma, K., Dickinson, A., Smith, P. and Chard, T. 1996. Urinary concentration of human chorionic gonadotrophin and its fragments as a prognostic marker in bladder cancer. British Journal of Urology. 77 (1), pp. 61-69.
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