Design Engineering & Mathematics

TitleDesign Engineering & Mathematics
AlternativeS&T - D Eng & Maths
FacultyFaculty of Science and Technology

Latest research outputs

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RIS-aided smart manufacturing: information transmission and machine health monitoring
Hoang, T., Son, D., Barn, B., Trestian, R. and Nguyen, H. 2022. RIS-aided smart manufacturing: information transmission and machine health monitoring. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9 (22), pp. 22930-22943.


Planning and design scenarios for liveable cities
Clements-Croome, D., Marson, M., Yang, T. and Airaksinen, M. 2022. Planning and design scenarios for liveable cities. in: Abraham, M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies Elsevier.

Book chapter

LearnSDN: optimizing routing over multimedia-based 5G-SDN using machine learning
Al-Jawad, A., Comsa, I., Shah, P. and Trestian, R. 2022. LearnSDN: optimizing routing over multimedia-based 5G-SDN using machine learning. The 14th International Conference on Communications (COMM). Bucharest, Romania [Virtual Conference] 16 - 18 Jun 2022 IEEE.

Conference paper

Unsupervised deep learning-based reconfigurable intelligent surface aided broadcasting communications in industrial IoTs
Dinh-Van, S., Hoang, T., Trestian, R. and Nguyen, H. 2022. Unsupervised deep learning-based reconfigurable intelligent surface aided broadcasting communications in industrial IoTs. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9 (19), pp. 19515-19528.


A conceptual framework for the future of sea-level rise and land uplift changes in the Vaasa region of Finland
Girgibo, N., Lü, X., Hiltunen, E., Peura, P., Yang, T. and Dai, Z. 2022. A conceptual framework for the future of sea-level rise and land uplift changes in the Vaasa region of Finland. SCIREA Journal of Geosciences. 6 (1), pp. 23-57.


Eye-tracking assistive technologies for individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Edughele, H., Zhang, Y., Muhammad-Sukki, F., Vien, Q., Morris-Cafiero, H. and Agyeman, M. 2022. Eye-tracking assistive technologies for individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. IEEE Access. 10, pp. 41952-41972.


Engaging with maths online - teaching mathematics collaboratively and inclusively through a pandemic and beyond
Jones, M., Megeney, A. and Sharples, N. 2022. Engaging with maths online - teaching mathematics collaboratively and inclusively through a pandemic and beyond. MSOR Connections. 20 (1), pp. 74-83.


On solutions of the transport equation in the presence of singularities
Miot, E. and Sharples, N. 2022. On solutions of the transport equation in the presence of singularities. Transactions of the American Mathematics Society. 375 (10), pp. 7187-7207.


Modular covariants of cyclic groups of order p
Elmer, J. 2022. Modular covariants of cyclic groups of order p. Journal of Algebra. 598, pp. 134-155.


An elitism-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for min-cost network disintegration
Li, Q., Liu, S., Bai, Y., He, X. and Yang, X. 2022. An elitism-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for min-cost network disintegration. Knowledge-Based Systems. 239, pp. 1-19.


BIM for landscape design improving climate adaptation planning: the evaluation of software tools based on the ISO 25010 standard
Keibach, E. and Shayesteh, H. 2022. BIM for landscape design improving climate adaptation planning: the evaluation of software tools based on the ISO 25010 standard. Applied Sciences. 12 (2).


Double intelligent reflecting surface-assisted multi-user MIMO mmWave systems with hybrid precoding
Niu, H., Chu, Z., Zhou, F., Pan, C., Ng, D. and Nguyen, H. 2022. Double intelligent reflecting surface-assisted multi-user MIMO mmWave systems with hybrid precoding. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 71 (2), pp. 1575-1587.


Cloud-based digital twinning for structural health monitoring using deep learning
Dang, H., Tatipamula, M. and Nguyen, H. 2022. Cloud-based digital twinning for structural health monitoring using deep learning. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 18 (6), pp. 3820-3830.


Solutions for improving rich media streaming quality in heterogeneous network environments
Trestian, R. and Muntean, G. 2022. Solutions for improving rich media streaming quality in heterogeneous network environments. in: Webster, J.G. (ed.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Wiley.

Book chapter

Analysis of operation performance of three indirect expansion solar assisted air source heat pumps for domestic heating
Yang, L., Hua, N., Pu, J., Xia, Y., Zhou, W., Xu, R., Yang, T., Belyayev, Y. and Wang, H. 2022. Analysis of operation performance of three indirect expansion solar assisted air source heat pumps for domestic heating. Energy Conversion and Management. 252, pp. 1-19.


Technology-enhanced learning for social work education and practice
Nix, I. 2010. Technology-enhanced learning for social work education and practice. in: Seden, J., Matthews, S., McCormick, M. and Morgan, A. (ed.) Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice Abingdon, UK and New York, USA Routledge. pp. 150-156

Book chapter

Supported open learning: developing an integrated information literacy strategy online
Gosling, C. and Nix, I. 2011. Supported open learning: developing an integrated information literacy strategy online. in: Mackey, T. and Jacobson, T. (ed.) Teaching Information Literacy Online New York Neal Schuman. pp. 91-108

Book chapter

"Why bother?" Learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development - learning design implications
Nix, I., Hall, M. and Baker, K. 2012. "Why bother?" Learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development - learning design implications. 11th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2012). University of Groningen, The Netherlands 26 - 27 Oct 2012 Academic Publishing International Limited. pp. 406-415

Conference paper

"What do I need?" - evaluating learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development to inform enhancements to learning design
Nix, I., Hall, M. and Baker, K. 2012. "What do I need?" - evaluating learner perceptions of digital literacy skills development to inform enhancements to learning design. The Seventh International Blended Learning Conference: Reflecting on Our Achievements - What's Next for Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK 13 - 14 Jun 2012 University of Hertfordshire. pp. 21-31

Conference paper

Social media and social work students: the boundaries just got more complicated
Lomax, R. and Nix, I. 2015. Social media and social work students: the boundaries just got more complicated. Joint Social Work Education Conference (JSWEC 2015). The Open University, Milton Keynes 15 - 17 Jul 2015

Conference item

Collecting questionnaire and interview data: evaluating approaches to developing digital literacy skills
Nix, I. and Hall, M. 2016. Collecting questionnaire and interview data: evaluating approaches to developing digital literacy skills. in: SAGE Research Methods Cases London, UK SAGE Publications.

Book chapter

Supporting and enabling scholarship: developing and sharing expertise in online learning and teaching
Barnes, F., Cole, S. and Nix, I. 2018. Supporting and enabling scholarship: developing and sharing expertise in online learning and teaching. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 6 (1), pp. 66-74.


Face-to-face language learning at a distance? a study of a video conference try-out
Goodfellow, R., Nix, I., Miles, T. and Shirra, T. 1996. Face-to-face language learning at a distance? a study of a video conference try-out. ReCALL. 8 (2), pp. 5-16.


Exploring design features to enhance computer-based assessment: learners' views on using a confidence-indicator tool and computer-based feedback
Nix, I. and Wyllie, A. 2011. Exploring design features to enhance computer-based assessment: learners' views on using a confidence-indicator tool and computer-based feedback. British Journal of Educational Technology. 42 (1), pp. 101-112.


Are learner perceptions of digital literacy skills teaching affected by demographic factors?
Hall, M., Nix, I. and Baker, K. 2012. Are learner perceptions of digital literacy skills teaching affected by demographic factors? The Seventh International Blended Learning Conference: Reflecting on Our Achievements - What's Next for Technology-Enhanced Learning and Teaching. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK 13 - 14 Jun 2012 University of Hertfordshire. pp. 12-20

Conference paper

"Why should I?" Engaging learners in digital literacy skills development
Hall, M., Nix, I. and Baker, K. 2012. "Why should I?" Engaging learners in digital literacy skills development. Beldhuis, H. (ed.) 11th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2012). University of Groningen, The Netherlands 26 - 27 Oct 2012 Academic Publishing International Limited. pp. 220-229

Conference paper

Student experiences and perceptions of digital literacy skills development: engaging learners by design?
Hall, M., Nix, I. and Baker, K. 2013. Student experiences and perceptions of digital literacy skills development: engaging learners by design? Electronic Journal of e-Learning. 11 (3), pp. 207-225.


REDO: a reinforcement learning-based dynamic routing algorithm selection method for SDN
Al-Jawad, A., Comsa, I., Shah, P., Gemikonakli, O. and Trestian, R. 2021. REDO: a reinforcement learning-based dynamic routing algorithm selection method for SDN. 2021 IEEE NFV-SDN. Virtual Conference 09 - 11 Nov 2021 IEEE. pp. 54-59

Conference paper

The relative Heller operator and relative cohomology for the Klein 4-group
Elmer, J. 2022. The relative Heller operator and relative cohomology for the Klein 4-group. Communications in Algebra. 50 (4), pp. 1518-1534.


A carbonation and chloride induced corrosion model for hot-dip galvanised reinforcement bar material in concrete
Lü, X., Lu, T. and Yang, T. 2021. A carbonation and chloride induced corrosion model for hot-dip galvanised reinforcement bar material in concrete. Journal of Building Material Science. 3 (2), pp. 13-18.


Time-based resource allocation for downlink in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks
Denedo, D., Vien, Q. and Phan, C. 2021. Time-based resource allocation for downlink in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks. Telecommunication Systems. 78 (3), pp. 463-475.


Swarm and stochastic computing for global optimization
Yang, X. 2021. Swarm and stochastic computing for global optimization. in: Adamatzky, A. (ed.) Handbook of Unconventional Computing - Volume 1: Theory World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd. pp. 469-487

Book chapter

Improving the energy efficiency of buildings based on fluid dynamics models: a critical review
Lü, X., Lu, T., Yang, T., Salonen, H., Dai, Z., Droege, P. and Chen, H. 2021. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings based on fluid dynamics models: a critical review. Energies. 14 (17).


An innovative reinforcement learning-based framework for quality of service provisioning over multimedia-based SDN environments
Al-Jawad, A., Comsa, I., Shah, P., Gemikonakli, O. and Trestian, R. 2021. An innovative reinforcement learning-based framework for quality of service provisioning over multimedia-based SDN environments. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 67 (4), pp. 851-867.


PRIVATT - a closer look at people’s data privacy attitudes in times of COVID-19
Trestian, R., Xie, G., Lohar, P., Celeste, E., Bendechache, M., Brennan, R. and Tal, I. 2021. PRIVATT - a closer look at people’s data privacy attitudes in times of COVID-19. IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom). Hybrid: In-Person in Athens, Greece and Virtual Conference 07 - 10 Sep 2021 IEEE. pp. 174-179

Conference paper

Public attitudes towards privacy in COVID-19 times in the Republic of Ireland: a pilot study
Bendechache, M., Lohar, P., Xie, G., Brennan, R., Trestian, R., Celeste, E., Kapanova, K., Jayasekera, E. and Tal, I. 2021. Public attitudes towards privacy in COVID-19 times in the Republic of Ireland: a pilot study. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective. 30 (5), pp. 281-293.


Privacy in a time of Covid-19: how concerned are you?
Trestian, R., Xie, G., Lohar, P., Celeste, E., Bendechache, M., Brennan, R., Jayasekera, E., Connolly, R. and Tal, I. 2021. Privacy in a time of Covid-19: how concerned are you? IEEE Security and Privacy. 19 (5), pp. 26-135.


Privacy in times of COVID-19: a pilot study in the Republic of Ireland
Xie, G., Lohar, P., Florea, C., Bendechache, M., Trestian, R., Brennan, R., Connolly, R. and Tal, I. 2021. Privacy in times of COVID-19: a pilot study in the Republic of Ireland. 4th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Privacy and Trust (iPAT 2021) to be held in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021). All-Digital Conference 17 - 20 Aug 2021 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). pp. 1-6

Conference paper

Irish attitudes toward COVID tracker app & privacy: sentiment analysis on Twitter and survey data
Lohar, P., Xie, G., Bendechache, M., Brennan, R., Celeste, E., Trestian, R. and Tal, I. 2021. Irish attitudes toward COVID tracker app & privacy: sentiment analysis on Twitter and survey data. 16th International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (FARES 2021) to be held in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021). All-Digital Conference 17 - 20 Aug 2021 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). pp. 1-8

Conference paper

Digital pedagogy in a world of digital poverty: the Middlesex iPad project
Jones, M., Megeney, A. and Sharples, N. 2021. Digital pedagogy in a world of digital poverty: the Middlesex iPad project. AdvanceHE Curriculum Symposium 2021. Online 08 Jun 2021

Conference item