After 'After the Wall': an interview with curator Bojana Pejic
Factors influencing the documentation of care
Distribution and removal of cadmium and lead in a constructed wetland receiving urban runoff
Genocide in international law: The crimes of crimes
Clinical governance. Scope to improve
How product newness influences ‘learning and probing’ and the linearity of its development process
Building artificial CPGs with asymmetric Hopfield networks
Hollywood beyond the screen: design and material culture
Adult learning styles: implications for practice teaching in social work
Canadian implementing legislation for the Rome statute
Twenty-five years of public international law at the Supreme Court of Canada.
Life, death and the crime of crimes supreme penalties and the ICC statute
Perverse effects of the nulla poena principle: national practice and the ad hoc tribunals
Word imageability effects on naming: a pilot investigation of beginning readers of Turkish
Miraculous Royalty in James VI and I, Jonson and Shakespeare, 1590-1609
Gender and international migration in Europe: employment, welfare and politics
The innovativeness and growth of rural SMEs in the 1990s
Trust, networks and norms: the creation of social capital in agricultural economies in Ghana
Evidence based practice in the perioperative environment
A cultural effect on brain function
Prison drugs policy since 1980: shifting agendas and policy networks
Isn’t higher education employability?
A reminder of past realities: on the photographs of Roman Vishniac
Quantification and characterization of arteries in retinal images
Mathematics and its publics: Texts, contexts and users
Management of the market research client/agency relationship
Shaping the duties of directors: "No" to stakeholder approach, "Yes" to transparency
Company law - Neither use nor ornament: do we really need annual general meetings?
Repetivity: platforms and approaches for publishing
Future practitioners...advancing nursing practice in the perioperative setting
Trait and state EEG indices of information processing in developmental dyslexia
Abnormal functional activation during a simple word repetition task: a PET study of adult dyslexics
Re-verberations: tactics of resistance, forms of agency in trans/cultural practices.
Janet! John! Lets go to the toilet!
Oil in Nigeria: conflict and litigation between oil companies and village communities.
Author's reply: Shell in Nigeria: a further contribution
Exploration: Out of this World.
Ludwig van Henry: an interview with Pierre Henry.
Introduction to the work of Sabine Schäfer
Die Herausforderung traditioneller Konzepte.
The evocation of space as a compositional determinant.
The 'open' score as source for interaction.
ICT in drama: policy and practice.
The teaching art: preparing a drama teacher.
Unholy delights: on Edward Cone's relations
Agency conflict and the signalling snafu in the Mexican peso conflict of 1994
Duality in national innovation systems: the case of India
Agências de Desenvolvimento Regional em Portugal: que futuro?
Water management in France: delegation and irreversibility
Resource management and the mayor's guarantee in French water allocation.
Corporate performance analysis and military production in South Africa
Review essay money as sovereignty: the economics of Michel Aglietta
The Regulation School, the employment relation and financialization.
Organisational change and gender equity: case studies from the UK.
Workplace programmes and policies in the UK.
Management ethics and corporate policy: a cross cultural comparison
Making ethical judgements: a cross-cultural management study
What's new in strategic thinking: recent developments and their implications for NHS strategy.
Is job insecurity changing the psychological contract?
Dual earner parents with disabled children: patterns for working and caring
Colouring the kaleidoscope : emotion in health care organisation.
The role of employee development in the growth of intellectual capital
Employee representation and pay in Austria, Germany and Sweden
The crisis of labour relations in Germany
The secession of Bangladesh in international law
The impact of safety legislation on the contract of employment
What is a precedent when interpreting a statute? Jolly v Sutton LBC
Harassment at work: a matter of health and safety
Increasing returns versus externalities: pro-cyclical productivity in US and Japan
Tangible and intangible investment and economic performance: evidence from company accounts.
Whistleblowing and local government
Me Voici, here I am, here I stand, I can do no other
Transferring liability for employee claims
Section 15 of the trusts of land and appointment of Trustees Act 1996: a change in the Law?
Redesigning the role of non executive director: has the consultation document gone far enough?
Unresponsive shareholders in public companies: dial M for motivate
Institutional shareholders: sleeping partners in corporate governance.
The common law legacy and access to justice: contingency fees and the birth of civil legal aid
Adult mathematics and everyday life: building bridges and facilitating learning 'transfer'
Adults' mathematical thinking and emotions: a study of numerate practices
Drivers to relational strategies in retailing
Confidence intervals for a tail index estimator
Spectral approximation in L(H).
An electronic system for the simulation of neural networks with real time constraints.
A new distributed Java-based agents environment
A multi-agent framework for stock trading.
Trainee teachers and science educational research.
Goldilocks and the three elephants
Nose book: representations of the nose in literature and the arts
Denominational differences in Quaker relief
Corporatism and the corporate ethos in the early works of Robert A. Heinlein.
The cartesian novum of third rock from the sun.
Multidisciplinarity in process research
Translation as an academic discipline
Memory's touch: the art of Louise Bourgeois
Recovery and re-appropriation in Lefebvre and Constant
Internet ethics: changing concepts, changing ethics?
A survey of object-oriented methods as predecessors to UML.
Restructuring: managing change and maintaining software quality.
Towards ensuring the development of capabilities through the use of the problem-based learning grid.
INSPIRE V: quality and software development: teaching and training issues.
Reciprocal modelling as a mechanism for creative cooperation.
A new typology of national and organisational cultures to facilitate software quality management.
Model mismatch analysis: towards a deeper explanation of users' usability problems.
QTVR support for teaching operative procedures in dentistry.
Interactive children: the use of virtual reality and web technologies.
Cognitive task analysis for decision centred design and training.
Activity breakdown in quickTime virtual reality environments.
Emergency medical dispatch at the London ambulance service.
The integrated decision model in emergency dispatch management and its implications for design
Identifying expertise for CAL program development in operative dentistry
Assessing the effectiveness of animation and virtual reality in teaching operative dentistry
Ethics without others: a reply to Simon Critchley
The singular and the specific: recent French philosophy
The limits of individuation, or how to distinguish Deleuze from Foucault
A connectionist inference model for pattern-directed knowledge representation
Genomic and proteomic sequence recognition using a connectionist inference model.
On the design and implementation of reliable point-to-point asynchronous message passing system.
Quality management and trade unions in local government: demonstrating social partnership
Can biological markers improve the management of breast cancer patients?
Biological markers: maintaining standards
The boundaries and frontiers of work based knowledge
Citation and related argumentation strategies in reflective essays by work based learners
Work based learning and the university: new perspectives and practices
Two-dimensional finite element modelling of the neonatal head
Work based learning: an accessible curriculum
Models of work based learning in the undergraduate curriculum.
Work based learning and the local community
A review of an invisible 'herstory' in Uk accounting : minority ethnic women accountants.
A low budget luminometer for sensitive chemiluminescent immunoassays
The immune system: second of two parts
The immune system: first of two parts
Methodologies of work based learning
Urinary hyperglycosylated hCG in first trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities.
Laser modulation of angiogenic factor production by T-lymphocytes.
Reflections in learner autonomy.
Is play educationally important in the teaching of art?
Organisational cultures and the role of learning agreements.
Effective work based learning partnerships: two case studies from Middlesex University.
The construction and validation of an institutional work based learning programme.
Medical autonomy and the UK state 1975 to 2025
Primary care and haemoglobin disorders: a study of families and professionals
Pumping iron: compliance with chelation therapy among young people who have thalassaemia major
Introduction [to edited volume 'Ethnicity, disability, and chronic illness']
Language, communication and information: the needs of parents caring for a severely disabled child
Living with sickle cell disorder: how young people negotiate their care and treatment
Ethnicity, health and the meaning of socio economic position
Ethnicity, disability and chronic illness
Evidence-based policy-making?: research utilisation and the development of prison drugs policy.
Suspect data: arresting research
Semantic representation and ease of predication
Lost for words or loss of memories: autobiographical memory in a semantic dementia patient
Spatial information transfer from virtual to real versions of the Kiel locomotor maze.
The importance of a genetic link in mothers commissioning a surrogate baby in the UK
Archibald Knox at the Silver Studio
Legal needs research in a local community
Patient perceptions of crisis pain management in sickle cell disease: a cross-cultural study
Haemophilias: advances towards genetic engineering replacement therapy.
Virtual environments as spatial training aids for children and adults with physical disabilities
What do we mean when we talk about ethical cancer care?
Intervention studies to reduce the prevalence and incidence of pressure sores: a literature review.
Alcohol in transition: towards a model of young men's drinking styles.
"Drunken Tans": representations of sex and violence in the Anglo-Irish War (1919–21)
Institutions for controlling the global trade in hazardous chemicals: the 1998 Rotterdam convention
The psycho-social problems among acne patients in Livingston New Town, West Lothian, Scotland
Is lack of peripheral tolerance induction a cause for diabetes in the nonobese diabetic mouse?
Regional technology initiatives: some insights from the English regions
Innovative activity in SMEs and rural economic development: some evidence from England
Policy support for R and D in SMEs: the UK government’s SMART award scheme.
Other means: on the political economies of violence.
Monstrous acts: bestiality in early modern England.
Bad manners at the anatomist’s table: Edward Tyson and the naturalisation of truth.
Mechanical strain activates estrogen response elements in bone cells.
Creative accounting: consumer culture, the creative economy and the cultural policies of New Labour.
Philosophy in cultural theory.
From an aesthetic point of view: philosophy, art and the senses.
Consumer affairs and the valuation of safety.
Ships in the night and the quest for safety.
The valuation of safety in the UK – some recent developments.
Feminism and the "crisis of masculinity" in contemporary British detective fiction
Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber and the decolonization of feminine sexuality
Edward II, Derek Jarman, and the State of England.
Enhancing the nursing role: why nurses want to cannulate
Gender, language and floor apportionment in political debates
The third way ideology of New Labour’s educational policy in England and Wales.
Standards for serials holdings and for serials data in the serials analytical record.
The risk factor: protect and treat. Independent comment.
Counting the cost of Christmas.
Object-oriented refinement and proof using behaviour functions.
Cancer and men from minority ethnic groups: an exploration of the literature.
Using profiles to re-architect the UML.
Stock market development and economic growth in emerging economies
Birdsong in the music of Olivier Messiaen
Understanding the patient: the hermeneutics of psychotherapy.
A critical examination of the use of drama with offenders in prison and on probation.
Designing and implementing a new appraisal system for the Ministry of Defence Police.
Decadal morphodynamic behaviour of the Holland shoreface.
Wild but wired? The construction of society and technology in rural Strathclyde.
Differences between machine and human testing of shock absorbing systems.
Policy networks in England and France: the case of child care policy 1980-1989.
Probation into the millenium: the changing features of community justice.
An appraisal of key factors in the implementation of occupational stress interventions.
Forget evidence: the demise of research involvement by the NOHSC since 1996.
Systematic occupational health and safety management: perspectives on an international development.
Imageability effects in single-word naming in a transparent alphabetic orthography.
Witchcraft in early modern Scotland: James VI's demonology and the North Berwick witches
A robotic system for blood sampling
What future for interpretive work in Film and Media Studies?
The consumption of Kuala Lumpur
New social movements and the ‘centri sociali’ in Milan
Crime and markets: essays in anti-criminology
Movements in the city: conflict in the European metropolis
New dance development at Dartington College of Arts UK 1971 - 1987
Criminal franchising: Albanians and illicit drugs in Italy
Moving target: theatre translation and cultural relocation
Re-presenting the Metropolis: architecture, urban experience and social life in London 1800–1840
Identity and discursive practices: Spain and Latin America
Developing core skills – lessons from Germany and Sweden
Spain, Latin America, the European Union and the United States
On the Possibility of Authentic Christian Spirituality In The Post-Critical Age.
A study of the effects of current and proposed restraint concepts on the child occupants of vehicles
A critical evaluation of the management of change in an inter-cultural project
A study of vegetable sourced colourants for use in screen process ink production
Austrian economics and the political economy of freedom
Recognising and accrediting learning and the development of reflective thinking
The saliency of Olins' visual identity structure in relation to UK companies operating in Malaysia
Discovering relational bonds in channel relationships: a case study of Malaysia
Global corporate visual identity systems: using an extended marketing mix
Effects of mass media exposure on reversible methods of contraception in Bangladesh
Whose beauty? Women, art, and inter-subjectivity in Luce Irigaray’s writings
How LINCs were made: alignment and exclusion in American medical informatics
Cultural usability in digital libraries
The role of corporate identity in merger and acquisition activity
International advertising strategies of multinational enterprises in the Middle East
Developing the instruments: the recognition and accreditation of learning
Reflection and planning: essential elements of professional doctorates
Learning agreements: their function in work based programmes at Middlesex University
Accrediting the experience of work-based learners – a case study
The Middlesex University professional doctorate: a case study
Developing the skills of work based learners – some problems of practice
Development and performance characteristics of a family of gas-fired pulsed combustors
The work based learning of creative artists: the case of William Shakespeare
Psychological and social aspects of infertility and infertility treatment: the Persian experience
The case for a london-wide authority and agency responsible for burial and cremation
Invariant subspaces for composition operators on H^2
The financing of SMEs in Poland with particular reference to the role of banks
Tailoring concurrent engineering to small companies
An integrated approach to flood warning in England and Wales
Mozambique: resistance and freedom
DRASIS: supporting dynamic role allocation in software engineering teams
Virtual teams and dynamic role allocation
Diffuse pollution impacts: the environmental and economic impacts of diffuse pollution in the UK
Flooding and human health: the dangers posed are not always obvious
Stability and bone preservation in custom designed revision hip stems
Protein-lipid interactions at interfaces
Sexual health and professional practice
How reliable are tests for HIV?
AIDS screening and testing technologies: individual responses
Exploring the continuum in public response-styles to medical screening for disease (invited paper)
Developing early education and childcare services for the 21st century
Alternative education provision at key stage four. Research report 12
[Entry in The Sixth international Cartoon Contest - Sport - Haifa Israel 2000]
Branded? Products and their personalities
Reflections on the communist party's third period in Scotland
Lifelong learning: trade unions in search of a role
Reds at work: communist factory organisation in the Cold War 1947-1956
The new politics of pressure: the Trades Union Congress and new Labour in government
New Labour, new unions, new left
On the mode of an unknown probability distribution
Lifelong learning: trade unions in search of a role
The man with the beautiful eyes
What are the benefits of study support? A review of opinion and research