Thinking theoretically in nursing research—positionality and reflexivity in an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) study

A little history of mathematics

Mathematical meditations

Professor Yosif Fadenhecht (1873-1953) and the Bulgarian-Polish intellectual exchanges during the interwar period

Is it possible to fight corruption in a post-communist captured state? The case of Bulgaria

The roles of reflection in professional practice doctorates

Environmental cooperation in the post-Brexit era: enhancing collaborative approaches for environmental protection and conservation

Control of subsidiary HRM policies by multi-national corporate headquarters: the role of institutional differences and labor unions

Refusing perpetual mediation: playing in the undercommons

The right to freedom of thought in South Africa

Who Cares: the aesthetic use of thermal imaging to explore the role of touch as a signifier of care, contamination, intimacy and trust

(Don't) look back: three Portraits of a Lady on Fire

Semiotics as a mode of popular music analysis and interpretation

The Intellect handbook of popular music methodologies