How can reporters and others affected by the whistleblowing process be compensated for psycho-social harm?

Optimizing physical recovery in male field sport athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: residual deficits, performance targets, and training strategies

Engagement in influencer marketing: a systematic review of key drivers, behaviours, and future research directions

A rule based approach to classify counterpressing analysis of its risks and relationship with rest defence

Exploring how followers’ verification behavior influence sharing decisions: the role of source, content, and audience factors

Interactive learning for impact: game-based learning in social work education

3D view reconstruction from endoscopic videos for gastrointestinal tract surgery planning

IoT wearables in child health: a comprehensive scoping review and exploration of ubiquitous computing

Bridging the gap: findings from focus groups on challenges and solutions in the transition from midwifery education to clinical practice

Editorial: Journal of Further and Higher Education

Validity and reliability of flywheel resistance technology as an assessment method and its association with sports performance and asymmetry: a systematic review

Self-assessment design in a digital world: centring student agency

Understanding the factors and consequences of student belonging in higher education: a critical literature review

Notes on two paintings of Jeremy Corbyn

The MDX Living Pavilion: making a collaborative, sustainable learning and wellbeing space on campus

Integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into engineering education: a practical framework for developing future leaders in sustainability

Don’t take the fascist pill, Neo: techno-orientalism, kung fu, and conspirituality in the afterlives of The Matrix

JMRA Collections: Prelude to afternoons of ultramodern synaesthetes: reflecting on discourses of the Musical Association 1912–1922

The crisis of experience in the age of algorithmic attention

The future of T Levels

A risk assessment of information security in a diet centre business: a case study

Enhancing privacy, censorship resistance, and user engagement in a blockchain-based social network

Explainer: compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights: the UK and Europe

‘The Aesthetic Cold War: Decolonisation and Global Literature’ by Peter J Kalliney reviewed by Daniel Neofetou

Choosing democracy over party? How civic education can mitigate the anti-democratic effects of partisan polarization

Survey studies: connecting sport science to coaching practice

Auswirkungen der neuen Regulierungsmaßnahmen der Finalisierung von Basel III auf die Kreditvergabe österreichischer Banken an KMU – eine multiperspektivische Betrachtung aus Sicht der Banken und KMU

Enterprise Service Management als Wertschöpfungsinstrument für IT-Dienstleistungsunternehmen in der DACH-Region: Fallstudienbasierte Untersuchung der Umsetzung des ESM entlang der Wertschöpfungskette

Nutzungsabsicht und Akzeptanz von Dienstleistungsangeboten eines bundesdeutschen Branchenverbands durch Mitglieder und Relevanz für Verbandserfolg – eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel des DEHOGA Baden-Württemberg

Managers' risk preferences and firm investment: the moderating role of early‐life war exposure and firm size

Visualizing versus verbalizing uncertainty in intelligence analysis

The role of social signaling and ethnic norms in charitable giving: a field experiment in Vietnam

When efficient help is perceived as greed: experimental evidence

What makes a legislator promote or thwart trade liberalization in developing democracies?

Signature-based security analysis and detection of IoT threats in advanced message queuing protocol

Architecting digital twins for intelligent transportation systems

Enhancing employability and engagement in a student-centred learning environment: insights from the MDX internship scheme

The refugees and health crisis: migration policy management and government response to Afghan migrants

A digital twin framework with MobileNetV2 for damage detection in slab structures

Development of machine learning-aided rapid CFD prediction for optimal urban wind environment design

What the global evidence says [Part 1]

What the global evidence says [Part 2]

Neurodiversity & midwifery: creating supportive learning/care environments

‘Why don't we just build it in a square hole?’: Developing a multi-component drug outreach service for young people aged 16-25 in England

Bridging the gap: challenges and solutions in the transition to practice from midwifery education to clinical practice

Forearm motion and hand grasp prediction based on target muscle bioimpedance for Human-Machine Interaction

Two feminist performances at and against the statue of John Bright, Rochdale, England

Sensing, weathering, making, mushrooming: ecopedagogies with student teachers

Understanding and managing iron deficiency anaemia

Rigour and reality

A comparison of maximal isometric force in the first pull, transition and second pull of the clean and their contribution to predict performance in national and international level weightlifters

Blockchain adoption and coordination strategies for green supply chains considering consumer privacy concern

Assessment of aerobic fitness and repeated sprint ability in elite male soccer: a systematic review of test protocols used in practice and research

Interprofessional and inter-organisational collaboration in the COVID-19 vaccination programme: lessons from North Central London

Return to the ancestral homeland

Content moderator mental health and associations with coping styles: replication and extension of previous studies

Enhanced accountability? Assessing the amendments to gender pay gap reporting in the Employment Rights Bill

Life satisfaction around the world: measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups

Projecting destinations via organic tourist videos: the role of appearance, production and content

Neurodivergence acceptance - Embedding cultural competence in midwifery education

Embracing inclusivity in student healthcare practice - educating and supporting staff

Supporting the progress and attainment of neurodivergent students

A coach’s guide to velocity-based training: definitions and diagnostics

Jump squat momentum: an alternative method to prescribe jump squat loads for elite rugby union players

Integrating policy, technology, and knowledge: a roadmap to circular manufacturing adoption

The Nordic model of HRM from 1995-2021– a case of ‘bounded change’?

Unspoken, unseen, unheard: using arts-based and visual research methods to gain insights into lived experiences of suicide in young adults

Votes at 16: empowering young people and revitalising democracy in Britain

The performative legacies of the women’s peace camp at Greenham Common: beyond monuments

When safeguarding presents differently

Strength and conditioning for volleyball: a review

Ensuring culturally competent nursing care for LGBT+ people

Student communications: a review of current practices and scoping a new vision

Redefining regulation: towards equity and social justice

Exploring the use of Virtual Reality to enhance rapid decompression from occupational stress during short wellness breaks for content moderators

Inter-limb asymmetry tracking during an intense road cycling training camp

Trust and trustworthiness in the villain’s dilemma: collaborative dishonesty with conflicting incentives?

The machine psychology of cooperation: can GPT models operationalise prompts for altruism, cooperation, competitiveness, and selfishness in economic games?

Application of a fuzzy, indicator‐based methodology for investigating the functional vulnerability of critical infrastructures to flood hazards

Lived experiences of migrant and refugee parents: challenges encountered during their journey and settlement in Europe

Assessment of linear speed and change of direction ability in elite male soccer: a systematic review of test protocols used in scientific literature

A needs analysis and recommendations for physical assessments and training adaptations for judo athletes with visual impairments: a brief review

Frequency of upper body muscular demands in contemporary and ballet dance performance: a cross sectional performance analysis

Effect of post activation potentiation on weightlifting performance and endocrinological responses

Mechanical determinants of superior horizontal deceleration performance in multidirectional sportspersons

Are dry-land measurements and their asymmetries related to swimming performance?

Cultivating a culture of supports

'Understanding domestic violence and abuse: victim, suspect and crime predictors of police outcomes'

Issues with using police data to investigate offending: a research perspective

Associations between dynamic strength index and jumping, sprinting and change of direction performance in highly trained basketball players

Acute effects of repeated sprints on performance measures during the countermovement rebound jump

A preliminary study on the reality of autonomy in Georgian universities

Association of muscle strength and cardiorespiratory fitness with all-cause and cancer-specific mortality in patients diagnosed with cancer: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Accentuated eccentric loading in countermovement jumps vs. Drop jumps: effects on jump performance and strength in a randomized controlled trial

The role of different types of knowledge and expertise in explaining recognition justice in flood defence and flood risk prevention

A latent diffusion approach to visual attribution in medical imaging

A coach's guide to velocity-based training: definitions and diagnostics

Improved Bi-GRU for parkinson’s disease severity analysis

When the rich do (not) trust the (newly) rich: experimental evidence on the effects of positive random shocks in the trust game

Thinking theoretically in nursing research—positionality and reflexivity in an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) study

Test-retest reliability and sensitivity of kinematic and kinetic metrics measured from horizontal deceleration ability tests with different sprinting distances

A little history of mathematics

Mathematical meditations

‘It’s not necessarily a social space’ − Institutions, power and nature’s wellbeing benefits in the context of diverse inner-city neighbourhoods

Professor Yosif Fadenhecht (1873-1953) and the Bulgarian-Polish intellectual exchanges during the interwar period

Is it possible to fight corruption in a post-communist captured state? The case of Bulgaria

The roles of reflection in professional practice doctorates

“Green conditionality” in the EU’s Trade and Investment Policy: Quo vadis?

Environmental cooperation in the post-Brexit era: enhancing collaborative approaches for environmental protection and conservation

The Urban Life of Workers in Post-Soviet Russia: Engaging in Everyday Struggle by Alexandrina Vanke. Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 2024. 256 pp. £85.00. ISBN 978-1-5261-6763-7 [Book review]

Effects of maturation on the magnitude and direction of asymmetry in jumping and change of direction speed in young elite football players

Control of subsidiary HRM policies by multi-national corporate headquarters: the role of institutional differences and labor unions

Refusing perpetual mediation: playing in the undercommons

The Cambridge Handbook for the Right to Freedom of Thought

The right to freedom of thought in South Africa

Who Cares: the aesthetic use of thermal imaging to explore the role of touch as a signifier of care, contamination, intimacy and trust

(Don't) look back: three Portraits of a Lady on Fire

Gender matters: respectful approaches to gender equity in primary school

Recognition of differences in the capacity to deal with floods—A cross-country comparison of flood risk management

Validity of three commercial devices for recording movement velocity in the Bulgarian split squat

Applying artificial intelligence in healthcare: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

Characteristics of productive feedback encounters in online learning

Soft law regulation and labour rights reporting: a deficit in moral legitimacy?

Semiotics as a mode of popular music analysis and interpretation

Automated journalism in UK local newsrooms: attitudes, integration, impact

The Intellect handbook of popular music methodologies