
AlternativeHSE - Ed
FacultyFaculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Latest research outputs

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The effects of peer judgements on teamwork and self-assessment ability in collaborative group work
Sridharan, B. and Boud, D. 2019. The effects of peer judgements on teamwork and self-assessment ability in collaborative group work. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 44 (6), pp. 894-909.


Exploring cultures of feedback practice: the adoption of learning-focused feedback practices in the UK and Australia
Winstone, N. and Boud, D. 2019. Exploring cultures of feedback practice: the adoption of learning-focused feedback practices in the UK and Australia. Higher Education Research & Development. 38 (2), pp. 411-425.


Does the use of summative peer assessment in collaborative group work inhibit good judgement?
Sridharan, B., Tai, J. and Boud, D. 2019. Does the use of summative peer assessment in collaborative group work inhibit good judgement? Higher Education. 77 (5), pp. 853-870.


Using formative assessment to influence self- and co-regulated learning: the role of evaluative judgement
Panadero, E., Broadbent, J., Boud, D. and Lodge, J. 2019. Using formative assessment to influence self- and co-regulated learning: the role of evaluative judgement. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 34 (3), pp. 535-557.


Why academics should have a duty of truth telling in an epoch of post-truth?
Gibbs, P. 2019. Why academics should have a duty of truth telling in an epoch of post-truth? Higher Education. 78 (3), pp. 501-510.


The three goods of higher education; as education, in its educative and in its institutional practices
Gibbs, P. 2019. The three goods of higher education; as education, in its educative and in its institutional practices. Oxford Review of Education. 45 (3), pp. 405-416.


Threats to student evaluative judgement and their management
Joughin, G., Boud, D. and Dawson, P. 2019. Threats to student evaluative judgement and their management. Higher Education Research & Development. 38 (3), pp. 537-549.


Youth transitions: mobility and the travel intentions of 12-20 year olds, Reading, UK
Barker, J., Ademolu, E., Bowlby, S. and Musson, S. 2019. Youth transitions: mobility and the travel intentions of 12-20 year olds, Reading, UK. Children's Geographies. 17 (4), pp. 442-453.


Outside edge
Barker, J. and Wainwright, E. 2015. Outside edge. Geographical. 87 (3), p. 21.


Results of cross-faculty 'capstone' assessments involving nursing and performing arts students
Edwards, S., Fryer, N., Boot, M., Farquharson, M., McCormack, S., Sluman, K. and Tigar, K. 2018. Results of cross-faculty 'capstone' assessments involving nursing and performing arts students. Nursing Management. 25 (4), pp. 22-29.


Technology and feedback design
Dawson, P., Henderson, M., Ryan, T., Mahoney, P., Boud, D., Phillips, M. and Molloy, E. 2018. Technology and feedback design. in: Spector, J.M., Lockee, B.B. and Childress, M.D. (ed.) Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy Springer. pp. 1-45

Book chapter

Multimodal participation frameworks during young children’s collaborative drawing on paper and on the iPad
Sakr, M. 2018. Multimodal participation frameworks during young children’s collaborative drawing on paper and on the iPad. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 29, pp. 1-11.


'We’re just gonna scribble it': The affective and social work of destruction in children’s art-making with different semiotic resources
Sakr, M. 2017. 'We’re just gonna scribble it': The affective and social work of destruction in children’s art-making with different semiotic resources. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 18 (2), pp. 227-239.


A transcending a single reality
Gibbs, P. 2018. A transcending a single reality. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 50 (50), pp. 1391-1392.


The development of student feedback literacy: Enabling uptake of feedback
Carless, D. and Boud, D. 2018. The development of student feedback literacy: Enabling uptake of feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 43 (8), pp. 1315-1325.


What makes for effective feedback: Staff and student perspectives
Dawson, P., Henderson, M., Mahoney, P., Phillips, M., Ryan, T., Boud, D. and Molloy, E. 2019. What makes for effective feedback: Staff and student perspectives. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 44 (1), pp. 25-36.


The Influence of professional doctorates on practice and the workplace
Boud, D., Fillery-Travis, A., Pizzolato, N. and Sutton, B. 2018. The Influence of professional doctorates on practice and the workplace. Studies in Higher Education. 43 (5), pp. 914-926.


Examining the nature and effects of feedback dialogue
Ajjawi, R. and Boud, D. 2018. Examining the nature and effects of feedback dialogue. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 43 (7), pp. 1106-1119.


Identifying an educational response to the prevent policy: student perspectives on learning about terrorism, extremism and radicalisation
Jerome, L. and Elwick, A. 2019. Identifying an educational response to the prevent policy: student perspectives on learning about terrorism, extremism and radicalisation. British Journal of Educational Studies. 67 (1), pp. 97-114.


An investigation into the dialectic of Academic Teaching Identity: Some preliminary findings [Presentation]
Ryder, A., Lazar, G., Gibbs, P. and Davis, C. 2016. An investigation into the dialectic of Academic Teaching Identity: Some preliminary findings [Presentation]. London, United Kingdom Society for Research into Higher Education.


Creating an agenda for developing students' evaluative judgement
Boud, D., Dawson, P., Tai, J. and Ajjawi, R. 2018. Creating an agenda for developing students' evaluative judgement. in: Boud, D., Ajjawi, R., Dawson, P. and Tai, J. (ed.) Developing Evaluative Judgement in Higher Education: Assessment for Knowing and Producing Quality Work London Routledge. pp. 186-195

Book chapter

Conceptualising evaluative judgement for sustainable assessment in higher education
Ajjawi, R., Tai, J., Dawson, P. and Boud, D. 2018. Conceptualising evaluative judgement for sustainable assessment in higher education. in: Boud, D., Ajjawi, R., Dawson, P. and Tai, J. (ed.) Developing Evaluative Judgement in Higher Education: Assessment for Knowing and Producing Quality Work London Routledge. pp. 7-17

Book chapter

Introduction: what is evaluative judgement?
Dawson, P., Ajjawi, R., Boud, D. and Tai, J. 2018. Introduction: what is evaluative judgement? in: Boud, D., Ajjawi, R., Dawson, P. and Tai, J. (ed.) Developing Evaluative Judgement in Higher Education: Assessment for Knowing and Producing Quality Work London Routledge. pp. 1-4


Sticky stories from the classroom: from reflection to diffraction in early childhood teacher education
Moxnes, A. and Osgood, J. 2018. Sticky stories from the classroom: from reflection to diffraction in early childhood teacher education. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 19 (3), pp. 297-309.


Governing through trust: community-based link workers and parental engagement in education
Fretwell, N., Osgood, J., O'Toole, G. and Tsouroufli, M. 2018. Governing through trust: community-based link workers and parental engagement in education. British Educational Research Journal. 44 (6), pp. 1047-1063.


Ensuring assessment builds capacity for future clinical practice: sustainable assessment in action
Ajjawi, R. and Boud, D. 2018. Ensuring assessment builds capacity for future clinical practice: sustainable assessment in action. in: Delany, C. and Molloy, E. (ed.) Learning and Teaching in Clinical Contexts: A Practical Guide Elsevier. pp. 273-285

Book chapter

The potential and paradox of informal learning
Boud, D. and Rooney, D. 2018. The potential and paradox of informal learning. in: Messmann, G., Segers, M. and Dochy, F. (ed.) Informal Learning at Work: Triggers, Antecedents and Consequences Routledge. pp. 134-152

Book chapter

In pursuit of quality: early childhood qualifications and training policy
Elwick, A., Osgood, J., Robertson, L., Sakr, M. and Wilson, D. 2018. In pursuit of quality: early childhood qualifications and training policy. Journal of Education Policy. 33 (4), pp. 510-525.


Speaking the same language: developing a language-aware feedback culture
Lazar, G. and Ryder, A. 2018. Speaking the same language: developing a language-aware feedback culture. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 55 (2), pp. 143-152.


Transdisciplinary qualities in practice doctorates
Costley, C. and Pizzolato, N. 2018. Transdisciplinary qualities in practice doctorates. Studies in Continuing Education. 40 (1), pp. 30-45.


Revisiting search and review for work-based projects
Costley, C. and Nottingham, P. 2018. Revisiting search and review for work-based projects. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 55 (5), pp. 511-520.


Assessment could demonstrate learning gains, but what is required for it to do so?
Boud, D. 2018. Assessment could demonstrate learning gains, but what is required for it to do so? Higher Education Pedagogies. 3 (1), pp. 54-56.


Developing evaluative judgement: Enabling students to make decisions about the quality of work
Tai, J., Ajjawi, R., Boud, D., Dawson, P. and Panadero, E. 2018. Developing evaluative judgement: Enabling students to make decisions about the quality of work. Higher Education. 76 (3), pp. 467-481.


Student-centered pedagogy and real-world research: using documents as sources of data in teaching social science skills and methods
Peyrefitte, M. and Lazar, G. 2018. Student-centered pedagogy and real-world research: using documents as sources of data in teaching social science skills and methods. Teaching Sociology. 46 (1), pp. 62-74.


The position of childhood in society at the intersection of discourses on rights, power and intergenerational relationship. Thirty years after the United Nation Convention on the Right
Scollan, A. 2018. The position of childhood in society at the intersection of discourses on rights, power and intergenerational relationship. Thirty years after the United Nation Convention on the Right. 19th ISA World Congress of Sociology. Session Coordinator. Toronto, Canada 15 - 21 Jul 2018

Conference item

Paddling the digital wave
Farini, F. and Scollan, A. 2017. Paddling the digital wave. 69th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference. Opatija, Croatia 19 - 24 Jun 2017

Conference paper

A three-dimensional semantic of childhood and children’s rights
Farini, F. and Scollan, A. 2017. A three-dimensional semantic of childhood and children’s rights. 69th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference. Opatija, Croatia 19 - 24 Jun 2017

Conference paper

Children as storytellers. Using photographs to facilitate narratives in the classroom, promoting respect of cultural differences and intercultural dialogue
Farini, F., Scollan, A. and Mia, S. 2017. Children as storytellers. Using photographs to facilitate narratives in the classroom, promoting respect of cultural differences and intercultural dialogue. IAIE and UCO Conference: Education theory and practice in challenging times: cultivating an ethos of social justice, respect and diversity. Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Angers, France 13 - 16 Jun 2017

Conference paper

Early Years Inspections, quality & sustainability 'Define Them!' [Chair & Keynote Speaker]
Scollan, A. 2016. Early Years Inspections, quality & sustainability 'Define Them!' [Chair & Keynote Speaker]. CAPITA 7th National Conference on Early Years Inspections Conference. London 20 Oct 2016

Conference keynote

I told you to be free. A critical assessment of Education to British Values in the EYFS 2015
Farini, F. and Scollan, A. 2016. I told you to be free. A critical assessment of Education to British Values in the EYFS 2015. 26th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) Conference. Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2016

Conference paper