
AlternativeHSE - Ed
FacultyFaculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Latest research outputs

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An evaluation of the link between subjects studied in hospitality courses in Cyprus and career success: Perceptions of industry professionals
Marneros, S. and Gibbs, P. 2015. An evaluation of the link between subjects studied in hospitality courses in Cyprus and career success: Perceptions of industry professionals. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning. 5 (3), pp. 228-241.


Experience belongs to man
Boud, D. 2014. Experience belongs to man. in: Nehyba, J. and Lazarova, B. (ed.) Reflection vs the Processed Learned Muni Press.

Book chapter

Improving assessment: understanding educational decision-making in practice
Dawson, P., Bearman, M., Bennett, S., Boud, D., Joughin, G. and Molloy, E. 2014. Improving assessment: understanding educational decision-making in practice. Office for Learning and Teaching..

Project report

Building local leadership for research education
Boud, D., Brew, A., Dowling, R., Kiley, M., Malfroy, J., Solomon, N. and Ryland, K. 2014. Building local leadership for research education. Office for Learning and Teaching..

Project report

Reflective teaching in higher education
Ashwin, P., Boud, D., Coate, K., Hallet, F., Keane, E., Krause, K., Lebowitz, B., MacLaren, I., McArthur, J., McCune, V. and Tooher, M. 2015. Reflective teaching in higher education. Bloomsbury.


The coordination role in research education: emerging understandings and dilemmas for leadership
Boud, D., Brew, A., Dowling, R., Kiley, M., McKenzie, J., Malfroy, J., Ryland, K. and Solomon, N. 2014. The coordination role in research education: emerging understandings and dilemmas for leadership. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 36 (4), pp. 440-454.


Dilemmas in continuing professional learning: Learning inscribed in frameworks or elicited from practice?
Reich, A., Rooney, D. and Boud, D. 2015. Dilemmas in continuing professional learning: Learning inscribed in frameworks or elicited from practice? Studies in Continuing Education. 37 (2), pp. 131-141.


Sustainable assessment revisited
Boud, D. and Soler, R. 2016. Sustainable assessment revisited. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 41 (3), pp. 400-413.


Groupwork in practice: a work-based learning approach
Nottingham, P. and Pronger, N. 2010. Groupwork in practice: a work-based learning approach. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 4 (1), pp. 104-107.


"Evil cats" and "jelly floods": young children’s collective constructions of digital art-making in the early years classroom
Sakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M. 2016. "Evil cats" and "jelly floods": young children’s collective constructions of digital art-making in the early years classroom. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 30 (1), pp. 128-141.


Narrative in young children’s digital art-making
Sakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M. 2016. Narrative in young children’s digital art-making. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 16 (3), pp. 289-310.


'Too high an ideal for the work required'? Minnie James and the intellectual life of the librarian
Sakr, M. 2011. 'Too high an ideal for the work required'? Minnie James and the intellectual life of the librarian. Library & Information History. 27 (3), pp. 179-193.


The semiotic work of the hands in scientific inquiry
Sakr, M., Jewitt, C. and Price, S. 2014. The semiotic work of the hands in scientific inquiry. Classroom Discourse. 5 (1), pp. 51-70.


‘Wrighting’ the self: new technologies and textual subjectivities
Sakr, M. 2012. ‘Wrighting’ the self: new technologies and textual subjectivities. Learning, Media and Technology. 37 (1), pp. 119-123.


Feedback: ensuring it leads to enhanced learning
Boud, D. 2015. Feedback: ensuring it leads to enhanced learning. Clinical Teacher. 12 (1), pp. 3-7.


All about… multilingualism & critical thinking
Burghardt, V., Barnaby, B. and Robertson, L. 2015. All about… multilingualism & critical thinking. Mark Allen Group.


Making the 'here' and 'now': rethinking children's digital photography with Deleuzian concepts
Sakr, M. and Kucirkova, N. 2015. Making the 'here' and 'now': rethinking children's digital photography with Deleuzian concepts. in: Hackett, A., Procter, L. and Seymour, J. (ed.) Children's Spatialities: Embodiment, Emotions and Agency London, UK. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 54–74

Book chapter

Teaching and learning about child rights: a study of implementation in 26 countries
Jerome, L., Emerson, L., Lundy, L. and Orr, K. 2015. Teaching and learning about child rights: a study of implementation in 26 countries. UNICEF PFP & Queen's University Belfast.

Project report

The impact of work-based research projects at postgraduate level
Costley, C. and Abukari, A. 2015. The impact of work-based research projects at postgraduate level. Journal of Work-Applied Management. 7 (1), pp. 3-14.


Educational knowledge in professional practice: a transdisciplinary approach
Costley, C. 2015. Educational knowledge in professional practice: a transdisciplinary approach. in: Gibbs, P. (ed.) Transdisciplinary Professional Learning and Practice Springer. pp. 121-133

Book chapter

Engineers' professional learning: a practice-theory perspective
Reich, A., Rooney, D., Gardner, A., Willey, K., Boud, D. and Fitzgerald, T. 2015. Engineers' professional learning: a practice-theory perspective. European Journal of Engineering Education. 40 (4), pp. 366-379.


Student satisfaction or happiness? : a preliminary rethink of what is important in the student experience
Gibbs, P. and Dean, A. 2015. Student satisfaction or happiness? : a preliminary rethink of what is important in the student experience. Quality Assurance in Education.. 23 (1), pp. 5-19.


12 teachers’ use of writing in displays of young children’s artwork
Sakr, M., Connelly, V. and Wild, M. 2015. 12 teachers’ use of writing in displays of young children’s artwork. in: Archer, A. and Breur, E. (ed.) Multimodality in Writing: The state of the art in theory, methodology and pedagogy Brill.

Book chapter

The calibration of student judgement through self-assessment: disruptive effects of assessment patterns
Boud, D., Lawson, R. and Thompson, D. 2015. The calibration of student judgement through self-assessment: disruptive effects of assessment patterns. Higher Education Research & Development. 34 (1), pp. 45-59.


Happiness and education: troubling students for their own contentment
Gibbs, P. 2015. Happiness and education: troubling students for their own contentment. Time & Society. 24 (1), pp. 54-70.


What can higher education learn from the workplace?
Boud, D. and Rooney, D. 2015. What can higher education learn from the workplace? in: Dailey-Hebert, A. and Dennis, K. (ed.) Transformative Perspectives and Processes in Higher Education Cham, Switzerland. Springer. pp. 195-209

Book chapter

Work based knowledge: creation, recognition and use - a paradigm shift for higher education
Costley, C., Doncaster, K., Garnett, J. and Ferreira, I. 1999. Work based knowledge: creation, recognition and use - a paradigm shift for higher education. in: Researching work and learning: a first international conference: conference proceedings. Leeds School of Continuing Education, University of Leeds. pp. 53-60

Book chapter

Work based learners’ engagement with the university: an exploratory study
Costley, C., Shukla, N. and Inceoglu, I. 2010. Work based learners’ engagement with the university: an exploratory study. London Middlesex University.

Project report

Literature review of work based learning: October 2008
Costley, C., Abukari, A. and Little, B. 2010. Literature review of work based learning: October 2008. London Middlesex University.


General credit: a recognition of lifewide learning
Costley, C. 2014. General credit: a recognition of lifewide learning. in: Jackson, N. and Willis, J. (ed.) Lifewide learning & education in universities and colleges Lifewide Education.

Book chapter

Academic and vocational progression routes for early years practitioners working towards 'Early Years Professional Status' (EYPS).
Scollan, A. 2009. Academic and vocational progression routes for early years practitioners working towards 'Early Years Professional Status' (EYPS). Extended Services and Early Years Conference. London Borough of Sutton

Conference keynote

Troubling the notion of satisfied students
Gibbs, P. and Dean, A. 2014. Troubling the notion of satisfied students. Higher Education Quarterly. 68 (4), pp. 416-431.


Professional artefacts: embodying ideas in work-based learning
Nottingham, P. and Akinleye, A. 2014. Professional artefacts: embodying ideas in work-based learning. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning. 4 (1), pp. 98-108.


Deliberation, capability and action research: knowledge and becoming
Gibbs, P. 2014. Deliberation, capability and action research: knowledge and becoming. Educational Action Research. 22 (3), pp. 428-440.


'Community of practice'. Practice based research in organisations, communities of practice and stakeholders in educational and other professional settings
Scollan, A. 2013. 'Community of practice'. Practice based research in organisations, communities of practice and stakeholders in educational and other professional settings. Community of Practice Poster Conference. Middlesex University

Conference poster

A reflection to identify and develop professional skills of early years practitioners advocating children's rights within their practice
Scollan, A. 2013. A reflection to identify and develop professional skills of early years practitioners advocating children's rights within their practice. 23rd EECERA Conference: Values, Culture & Contexts. Tallin University, Estonia Aug 2013

Conference paper

Interprofessional learning at work: what spatial theory can tell us about workplace learning in an acute care ward
Gregory, L., Hopwood, N. and Boud, D. 2014. Interprofessional learning at work: what spatial theory can tell us about workplace learning in an acute care ward. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 28 (3), pp. 200-205.


Aspirations for automobility: family geographies and the production of young people's aspirations for cars
Barker, J. 2014. Aspirations for automobility: family geographies and the production of young people's aspirations for cars. Families Relationships and Societies. 3 (2), pp. 167-183.


Geographers out of place: institutions, (inter)disciplinarity and identity
Wainwright, E., Barker, J., Ansell, N., Buckingham, S., Hemming, P. and Smith, F. 2014. Geographers out of place: institutions, (inter)disciplinarity and identity. Area. 46 (4), pp. 410-417.


Roma, viandanza dell’esilio. Rafael Alberti tradotto da Vittorio Bodini
Longo, A. 2014. Roma, viandanza dell’esilio. Rafael Alberti tradotto da Vittorio Bodini. in: Di Nunzio, N. and Ragni, F. (ed.) «GIÀ TROPPE VOLTE ESULI» LETTERATURA DI FRONTIERA E DI ESILIO Perugia, Italy Morlacchi - Università degli Studi di Perugia.

Book chapter