Curating New Narratives interviews Ute Meta Bauer
Cross-cultural use of the library metaphor
Working notes: conversation with Katy Deepwell
Facts or fragments? Visual histories in the age of mechanical reproduction
Is empirical imagination a constraint on adaptationist theory construction?
The abolition of the death penalty in International Law. 3rd edition
Developments in the law of genocide
The ICJ ruling against the United States: is it really about the death penalty?
State, labour markets and immigration: overseas doctors in the UK.
Contemporary European migrations, civic stratification and citizenship
Control strategies for inventory management
Quasi-optimal trajectory planning and control of a CRS A251 industrial robot
A correspondence of life and letters: 'why war?'
Dissociations in processing past tense morphology: neuropathology and behavioral studies
Marketing issues for non-degree UK higher education: The case of foundation degrees
From the invisible hand to the invisible hand shake: marketing higher education
Badiou et la déliaison absolue
Just a plaything for your pet cat?
Vision models based identification of traffic signs
Content based retrieval of lesioned brain images
Adaptation processes in supplier-customer relationships
Economic change and regional development in Portugal
Contemporary Portugal: dimensions of economic and political change
The limits of globalization: legal and political issues in E-commerce
Safe disposal of inflammatory monosodium urate monohydrate crystals by differentiated macrophages
Interacting with pictures: film, narrative and interaction
Moby Dick and the crimes of the economy
The vertigo of philosophy: Deleuze and the problem of immanence
Modelling an industrial manipulator: a case study
What role for the arts in palliative care?
Entertaining Other Options: Restaging "Theory" in the Age of Practice as Research
Slobodan Milosevic on trial: a companion
Through the looking glass: Victor Frankenstein and Robert Owen
Reframing human resource management in Africa: a cross-cultural perspective
Developing culturally competent researchers
Empirical measurement of the effects of cultural diversity on software quality management.
Adaptive simulated annealing for CT image classification
Quality of life, sleep, mood and alcohol consumption: a complex interaction
The oil crisis, risk and evidence-based practice
The fast alcohol screening test
Sewer losses and interactions with groundwater quality.
Developing research conceptions of emotion among adult learners of mathematics.
Travelling to the ancestral homeland: the aspirations and experiences of a UK Caribbean community.
Towards a taxonomy of fantasy.
Water supply in England and Wales: whose responsibility is it when things go wrong?
Environmental risk assessment and the intrusion of bias
FOXM1 is a downstream target of Gli1 in basal cell carcinomas
Changing significance of inland fisheries for livelihoods and nutrition in Bangladesh
Vulnerability to flooding: health and social dimensions.
Being deaf and being other things: young Asian people negotiating identities
Young South Asian deaf people and their families: negotiating relationships and identities
Sophistry, relevance and technology transfer in management research: an IMP perspective.
The deserving and the undeserving: refugees, asylum seekers and welfare in Britain
Exploring the gender dimensions of reconstruction processes post-hurricane Mitch.
The African diaspora: developmental and modern African political theory
Crime and modernity: continuities in left realist criminology
Applying linguistics: questions of language and law.
Translation and linguistics: what does the future hold?
Witchcraft and kingship in the North Berwick witch-hunt and Shakespeare's Macbeth.
Absolutely postcolonial: writing between the singular and the specific
Levinas, Feminism and the Feminine
Instrument und Pseudoinstrument - Akusmatische Konzepte
Discourses on Research and the PhD in Design
A qualitative analysis of composers at work.
Webern's Op.21 and the unity of musical space.
A new mouse mutant, skijumper.
Proceedings of Common Ground, Design Research Society International Conference
Strategic parameters for capital budgeting when abandonment value is stochastic
Multilevel clustering of extremes
The management of people across cultures: valuing people differently
Factorial validity and internal reliability of the Honey and Mumford's learning styles questionaire
Targeted support for high-growth start-ups: some policy issues
What causes structure to find a place in love
Bungalow blitz: another history of Irish architecture
Mathis Lussy: a pioneer in studies of expressive performance
[h]interland GDA, and touring as [h]interland 2.
'Cluster': telematic performance viewed in situ and webcast.
The commodification of conspiracy theory.
Flexible working time and interest representation in German and British banking.
The outsider within: Shonibare's Dandy and the parasitic economy of exchange.
Duncan Newton: abstract pictures.
Requirements specification for a composition tools system.
Review: the 'Nowalls' Conference at De Montfort University
Histories and ideologies of synthesis.
CD review: The British 'school' of acousmatic music
Export control regimes and India's space and missile programmes
Regulating natural monopolies: the case of drinking water in France.
Measuring country risk as implied volatility.
Controlling the risk: a case study of the Indian liquidity crisis 1990-92
Country rulers: macrometrics for country risk assessment.
Comparative employment systems.
Financial transformation and social citizenship in the EU.
Work-family cultural changes: company initiatives
Current trends in work-life research.
International HRM: a cross-cultural approach
Organisational research in the NPM: the turn to qualitative methods
Young Europeans, work and family: futures in transition
Measuring the return on human capital.
Crewing the international merchant fleet.
Knowledge management in the context of mergers and acquisitions.
Do you know how much your greatest asset is worth?
Co-determination and strategic integration in German firms
The diffusion of management concepts in Europe: conceptual considerations and longitudinal analysis.
Profiles of union workplace representatives : evidence from three unions in SW England
Clarification of employer's liability for work-related stress
Practitioners' use of online law reports
Whistleblowing procedures at work: what are the implications for human resource practitioners?
A survey of confidential reporting procedures in English and Welsh local authorities
New transfer regulations and insolvency
The German corporate governance code: what implications?
Business to business markets and marketing research
Managerial relevance in academic research: an exploratory study
Human rights and employment law
Long head runs and long match patterns.
Compound poisson approximation for the distribution of extremes
Extraction of features from 3D PET images.
Towards archiving 3D PET brain images based on their physiological and visual content.
Invariant recognition of traffic signs
A new approach to traffic sign recognition
Road sign recognition by means of the behavioural model of vision.
Approaches to modelling open networks with bursty arrivals.
Road sign recognition by one fixation of space-variant sensor.
A multi-agent decision support system for stock trading
Object detection with vision vased system: a secondary aid for visually impaired and blind people.
Object modelling of gene mutation data for variance analysis.
The role of subject knowledge in the effective teaching of primary science
Making decisions based on evidence.
I told you I was ill: a tribute to the work of Spike Milligan
Putting the pleasure back into poetry.
Perceiving animals: humans and beasts in early modern English culture
Picturing children: constructions of childhood between Rousseau and Freud
Reversing a common notion: translation and examples in contrastive linguistics.
The end of politics: culture, nation and other fundamentalisms
Quaker relief work in the Spanish Civil War.
A systematic basis for developing cognitive assessment methods for assistive technology
FATHOM: a framework for assessment through hybridising of methods.
An investigation of the effects of cultural diversity on software quality management.
The need for and the problems with location aware services (LAS) for people with disabilities.
Multiple viewpoints on computer supported team work: a case study on ambulance dispatch.
Learning to look: real and virtual artifacts.
Learning with digital artifacts: gaining a sense of the object
Analysing ambulance dispatcher decision making: trialing emergent themes analysis
Deleuze meets Hitchcock; and the horror thereafter.
Abbas Kiarostami: new waves, authorship, and the politics of the festival circuit
Badiou's politics: equality and justice.
Neural cell assemblies for practical applications.
No room for manoeuvre: does 'best value' provide a better deal for workers in UK local government?
Global campus: learning to walk with webbed feet.
Feeling the way through DLL hell
Evolution of distributed Java progams.
Distance learning comes home: resource-based learning for campus-based students.
A feasibility study of remote monitoring of asthmatic patients.
A multi-shell algorithm to reconstruct EIT images of brain function
Work based learning: models and implementations.
Practice-based research methodologies for practitioner-researchers
Fighting your way through the electronic jungle: who manages e-journals?
Inference on heavy tails from dependent data.
On self-normalised sums [supplement]
Bringing learning to life and life to earning
Future prospects for vaccines to control fertility
The transitional autonomy model (TAM): a telepistemology for online work based learning.
Falsely elevated human chorionic gonadotropin leading to unnecessary therapy
Who deserves foundation degrees?
A case study of independent group peer-assisted learning
The international human rights regime and the protection of linguistic rights.
Self-experience in Thomas Merton and C.G. Jung.
Supporting South Asian carers and those they care for: the role of the primary health care team
South Asian disabled young people and their families
Working with young people in Europe: what we can learn from our neighbours
Dynamic aspects of visual event perception and the production of pointing by human infants
Development of algorithms to image impedance changes inside the human head.
Psychological distress of cancer and clinical trial participation: a review of the literature.
Researching pornography and sexual bodies
Developing learner autonomy via part time work.
The role of emotional perception in attentional bias for threat.
Taking a stance on the bodily expression of emotion: evidence from the UK and China.
Effects of early mobility on shortcut performance in a simulated maze
Textual turns - and a turn-up for the books.
Before the posthuman can take [its] place: performing place and person in the early 21st century
Cytolytic viruses as potential anti-cancer agents
Use of virtual environments to acquire spatial understanding of real-world multi-level environments
The Gollin incomplete figure test as a masking problem
Open awareness and dying: the use of denial and acceptance as coping strategies by hospice patients
Flappers and shawls: the female embodiment of Irish National Identity in the 1920s
Gender, identity and the Irish Press, 1922-1937: embodying the nation
Mother India/ Mother Ireland: gendered dialogues of nationalism and colonialism
I’m going to England: Irish women’s stories of migration in the 1930s
Sexualising emigration: discourses on Irish female migration in the 1930s
Social capital and well-being: generations in an East London neighbourhood.
Impact of mass media programs on family planning in Jiggasha area: evidence from a micro study
Report on methodological issues in family and migration research
Seasonal removal of herbicides in urban runoff
Modelling contraceptive prevalence in Bangladesh: a hierarchical approach
Pollutant biodegradation potentials on airport surfaces.
Elimination of luteinizing hormone cross-reactive epitopes from human chorionic gonadotropin.
Genes and IgG glycosylation in autoimmune and non-autoimmune strains of mice
The complete guide to infertility: diagnosis, treatment, options
Complementarity and co-ordination of self-employment support in rural areas.
Business regeneration in deprived areas: a review of the evidence base.
A note on trust, networks, social capital and entrepreneurial behaviour.
Mapping the social economy in the rural East Midlands.
Gendered poverties and power relations: looking inside communities and households.
Measuring enterprise impacts upon deprived areas.
Adapting authorship: beyond sovereignty and death.
The Incisive Line: prints, paintings & drawings By Richard Fozard (1925 - 2000).
Calling creatures by their true Names: Bacon, the new science and the beast in man.
Afghan nationals in the UK: professional capacity and views on return
The ‘third world’ in the ‘first world’: migrant women, citizenship and political action.
Migration policy in Europe: contradictions and continuities.
Management knowledge: a critical view.
Emotion and cognition in business ethics teaching.
UK Libraries Plus: two years of progress.
Le Sommet mondial pour le développement durable de Johanesbourg, un sommet de plus?
Philosophies of race and ethnicity.
Playgrounds - risks, benefits and choices
Understanding and responding to societal concerns.
Charisma: cultural heritage, access and risk management.
Staging machines: power and the spectacle of technology.
Working with older people with communication difficulties: an evaluation of care worker training.
Media Space: an analysis of spatial practices in planar pictorial media.
Marxism against postmodernism in educational theory.
Postmodernism adieu: toward a politics of human resistance.
Resistance postmodernism: progressive politics or rhetorical left posturing?
Marxism, class analysis, and postmodernism.
Hotel yield management and its impact on customer relationships.
Social roles and spatial relations of NGOs and civil society.
Six theses on class, global capital and resistance by education and other cultural workers.
Modelling generalization and other class-to-parent relationships.
A pattern based approach to defining the dynamic infrastructure of UML 2.0.
The mark-up rates in Turkish private manufacturing industry during trade liberalization.
Measuring wage flexibility: the case of Turkey before and after structural adjustment.
A meta-model facility for a family of UML constraint languages.
Object modeling with the OCL: the rationale behind the object constraint language.
11th September 2001: the deterrent effect on travel
A metamodel for package extension with renaming.
Object-oriented theories for model driven architecture.
Meeting health care needs in culturally diverse societies.
Enhancing the template mechanism.
Unambiguous UML submission to UML 2 infrastructure RFP (ad/00-09-01).
The use of audio diaries in a study with visually impaired people.
Reporting and validating research findings through reconstructed stories.
A pattern based approach to defining translations between languages.
Patterns for renaming and stamping out object-oriented models.
Engineering modelling languages: a precise meta-modelling approach.
Nursing with dignity part 4: Christianity II.
Sexuality and people with acute illness.
Defining OCL expressions using templates.
Unambiguous UML (2U) submission to UML 2 infrastructure RFP.
A model for the development of culturally competent researchers.
Cultural competence in action: working with mental health providers.
Heidegger and science: nature, objectivity and the present-at-hand
Multilayer microwave structures using thick-film technology
A strategic approach to CPD in the driver training industry.
Mathematical thinking: studying the notion of 'transfer'.
Work based learning partnerships and structural capital: the case of Middlesex University.
It's only a game: using interactive graphics middleware to visualise historical data
Autonomia: a movement of refusal: social movements and social conflict in Italy in the 1970's
Adorno and the problem of philosophy.
Trade liberalisation, openness and economic growth in less-developed countries.
Survivors of male rape: the emergence of a social and legal issue.
Providing a formal linkage between MDG and HOL based on a verified MDG system.
Interior [Part of Fabric: reinterpreting the house exhibition]
Analysis of strategies in soccer as a function of European and domestic competition.
Building critical organizational knowledge: a case study
Acquired dyslexia as a function of orthographic transparency.
On the AoA effects and orthographic transparency: evidence from Turkish.
Children’s memory for television advertising: effects of programme–advertisement congruency.
Parallelised max-Log-Map model
Retail change: a consideration of the UK food retail industry, 1950-2010.
Networked surfaces: a new concept in mobile networking
Painting as a Foreign Language.
"Attac": a global social movement?
Private label milk and Greek consumers' behaviour
Language and gender in political debates in the House of Commons
Polyoma virus middle T antigen and its role in identifying cancer-related molecules
Chile: the consequences of privatisation
The Single European Currency and implications of labour market imperfections
Uncanny place, narrative space: the architectural imagination of animation
Critical realism, value and capital
The process of conducting herbal medicine research through the clinical trials exemption scheme
Fast parallel heuristics for the job shop scheduling problem
Bounded-depth threshold circuits for computer-assisted CT image classification
The convergence of stochastic algorithms solving flow shop scheduling
The use of neural nets in the field of social science
Adult Attachment Style. II: Its relationship to psychosocial depressive-vulnerability
Adult attachment style. I: Its relationship to clinical depression
Exploring psychological abuse in childhood. I: developing a new interview scale
Attachment style measurement: a clinical and epidemiological perspective
Cross-cultural usability of computing metaphors: do we colonise the minds of indigenous web users?
Scale of hospitality firms and local economic development - evidence from Crete
Options in tourism development: conscious versus conventional tourism
The relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and human values
The human values’ lenses of country of origin images
Leveraging corporate identity in the digital age
Defining the corporate identity construct
The impact of information technology on global marketing strategies
Industry in transition: corporate identity on hold?
Capability and its development: experiences from a work-based doctorate
Developing the environment agency's capacity for policy advocacy
Geometric models for composition operators on the little Bloch space
Gender issues in child sexual abuse
A robust framework for medical image segmentation through adaptable class-specific representation
Fixing meaning: intertextuality, inferencing and genre in interpretation
Perfect moments: British advertising during the 1990s - an assessment of determinants
The demand for military expenditure in developing countries
Social capital, generations and health in East London
Requirements, specifications, and minimal refinement
Implementation of belief change operators using BDDs
Business-to-Employee cooperation support through online job interviews
Investigating cultural differences in virtual software teams
Children's memory for television advertising: effects of programme-advertisement congruency
Enabling men to access help for testicular cancer
Interaction between protein allergens and model gastric emulsions
Contesting AIDS/HIV: the lay reception of biomedical knowledge
Delivering a work-focused service: views and experiences of clients. Research report no. 167
An evaluation of the jobseekers' basic skills pilot
Assessing the business skills of early years, childcare and playwork providers
'Relationship between national and local evaluations' in respect of the Sure Start Euston evaluation
Circadian effects on the acute responses of salivary cortisol and IgA in well trained swimmers
The Scots at the Lenin School: an essay in collective biography
Amino acid neurotransmitters: separation approaches and diagnostic value
Product quality and the international location of manufacturing industry
Can market size outweigh adverse comparative advantage?