Other Research

TitleOther Research
UniversityMiddlesex University London

Latest research outputs

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Italian national identity and nationalism (1870-1980)
Pizzolato, N. 2008. Italian national identity and nationalism (1870-1980). in: Herb, G. and Kaplan, D. (ed.) Nations and nationalism: a global historical overview ABC-Clio.

Book chapter

The American worker and the Forze Nuove: Turin and Detroit at the twilight of Fordism
Pizzolato, N. 2013. The American worker and the Forze Nuove: Turin and Detroit at the twilight of Fordism. Viewpoint Magazine.


“Una situazione sado-masochistica ad incastro”. Il dibattito scientifico sull’immigrazione meridionale (1950-1970)
Pizzolato, N. 2005. “Una situazione sado-masochistica ad incastro”. Il dibattito scientifico sull’immigrazione meridionale (1950-1970). Quaderni Storici. https://doi.org/10.1408/19594


"Lo diavolo mi ingannao". La sodomia nelle campagne siciliane (1572-1664)
Pizzolato, N. 2006. "Lo diavolo mi ingannao". La sodomia nelle campagne siciliane (1572-1664). Quaderni Storici. 2, pp. 449-480. https://doi.org/10.1408/22531


Workers and revolutionaries at the twilight of Fordism: the breakdown of industrial relations in the automobile plants of Detroit and Turin, 1967-1973
Pizzolato, N. 2004. Workers and revolutionaries at the twilight of Fordism: the breakdown of industrial relations in the automobile plants of Detroit and Turin, 1967-1973. Labor History. 45 (4), pp. 419-443. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656042000292234


An ordinary transgression. Adultery and concubinage: from the neighbourhood to the Court (Diocese of Monreale, 1590-1680)
Pizzolato, N. 2007. An ordinary transgression. Adultery and concubinage: from the neighbourhood to the Court (Diocese of Monreale, 1590-1680). Quaderni Storici. https://doi.org/10.1408/24449


Gli operai, gli immigrati, la rivoluzione. Detroit e Torino: un'ipotesi comparative (1967-73)
Pizzolato, N. 2006. Gli operai, gli immigrati, la rivoluzione. Detroit e Torino: un'ipotesi comparative (1967-73). Meridiana.


Revolution in a comic strip: Gasparazzo and the identity of southern migrants in Turin, 1969-1975
Pizzolato, N. 2007. Revolution in a comic strip: Gasparazzo and the identity of southern migrants in Turin, 1969-1975. International Review of Social History. 52 (S15), pp. 59-75. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859007003124


Transformation in the South African mining industry - looking beyond the employment equity scorecard
Jansen van Rensburg, M. and Moraka, N.V. 2015. Transformation in the South African mining industry - looking beyond the employment equity scorecard. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 115 (8), pp. 669-678. https://doi.org/10.17159/2411-9717/2015/V115N8A2


SMEs wealth creation model: A conceptual framework
Asikhia, O.U. and Jansen van Rensburg, M. 2015. SMEs wealth creation model: A conceptual framework. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. 4 (1), pp. 1-19.


An analysis of theological and strategic management perspectives of Moses as a leader
Jansen van Rensburg, M. and Nicolaides, A. 2015. An analysis of theological and strategic management perspectives of Moses as a leader. Pharos Journal of Theology. 96 (1), pp. 1-16.


‘Tied visas’ and inadequate labour protections: a formula for abuse and exploitation of migrant domestic workers in the United Kingdom
Demetriou, D. 2015. ‘Tied visas’ and inadequate labour protections: a formula for abuse and exploitation of migrant domestic workers in the United Kingdom. Anti-Trafficking Review. 5. https://doi.org/10.14197/atr.20121555


Cisco: next generation connected lighting
Seeam, A. 2015. Cisco: next generation connected lighting. All Energy 2015. SECC, Glasgow 15 May 2015

Conference item

Fabric of India - a lecture
Raina, N. 2015. Fabric of India - a lecture. Fabric of India Exhibition and Conference. Victoria and Albert Museum, London 03 Oct 2015 - 10 Jan 2016 London, UK Victoria and Albert Museum.

Conference item

An exploratory study about the impact of phishing attacks on online financial institutions in the UAE
Hussain, F. and Shabaan, Y. 2015. An exploratory study about the impact of phishing attacks on online financial institutions in the UAE. ERPBSS 2015: Third International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences. Dubai, UAE 24 - 26 Nov 2015

Conference item

Investigation of Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) security and design of conceptual framework: using fingerprint biometric as proposed solution to username/password challenges in Web 2.0
Hussain, F. and Bashir, L. 2015. Investigation of Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) security and design of conceptual framework: using fingerprint biometric as proposed solution to username/password challenges in Web 2.0. ERPBSS 2015: Third International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences. Dubai, UAE 24 - 26 Nov 2015

Conference paper

Reaching the end of the unbeaten path? An analysis of Lonely Planet’s Digital Media ‘Requiem’
Butler, G. and Paris, C. 2015. Reaching the end of the unbeaten path? An analysis of Lonely Planet’s Digital Media ‘Requiem’. Anatolia. 27 (3), pp. 377-388. https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2016.1191770


On wealth and the diversity of friendships: high social class people around the world have fewer international friends
Yearwood, M., Cuddy, A., Lamba, N., Wu, Y., Van der Lowe, I., Piff, P., Gronin, C., Fleming, P., Simon-Thomas, E., Keltner, D. and Spectre, A. 2015. On wealth and the diversity of friendships: high social class people around the world have fewer international friends. Personality and Individual Differences. 87, pp. 224-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2015.07.040


Indian egg donors’ characteristics, motivations and feelings towards the recipient and resultant child
Jadva, V., Lamba, N., Kadam, K. and Golombok, S. 2015. Indian egg donors’ characteristics, motivations and feelings towards the recipient and resultant child. Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online. 1 (2), pp. 98-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rbms.2016.04.003


Personal carbon footprint reduction: ICT as a key enabler
Bekaroo, G., Moedeen, W., Bokhoree, C. and Ramsamy, P. 2015. Personal carbon footprint reduction: ICT as a key enabler. ERPBSS 2015: Third International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences. Dubai, UAE 24 - 26 Nov 2015

Conference paper

Green cryptography: energy performance optimization of 3DES
Musumhiri, M., Bekaroo, G. and Ramsurrun, V. 2015. Green cryptography: energy performance optimization of 3DES. ERPBSS 2015: Third International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences. Dubai, UAE 24 - 26 Nov 2015 pp. 554-558

Conference paper

Exploring the effects of a universal classroom management training programme on teacher and child behaviour: a group randomised controlled trial and cost analysis
Hickey, G., McGilloway, S., Hyland, L., Leckey, Y., Kelly, P., Bywater, T., Comiskey, C., Lodge, A., Donnelly, M. and O’Neill, D. 2015. Exploring the effects of a universal classroom management training programme on teacher and child behaviour: a group randomised controlled trial and cost analysis. Journal of Early Childhood Research. 15 (2), pp. 174-194. https://doi.org/10.1177/1476718x15579747


Attitudes towards mental illnesses: effects of labels and associations with materialism
Azhar, H., Kausar, M., Perera, A., Siddiqua, A., Ferreira, N., Hyland, L. and Pietschnig, J. 2015. Attitudes towards mental illnesses: effects of labels and associations with materialism. Gulf Medical Journal. 4 (1), pp. 32-38.


Disconnected and unplugged: experiences of technology induced anxieties and tensions while traveling
Paris, C., Berger, E., Rubin, S. and Casson, M. 2015. Disconnected and unplugged: experiences of technology induced anxieties and tensions while traveling. Tussyadiah, I. and Inversini, A. (ed.) ENTER2015 eTourism Conference. Lugano, Switzerland 03 - 06 Feb 2015 Springer. pp. 803-816 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14343-9_58

Conference paper

A comparison between Asian and Australasia backpackers using cultural consensus analysis
Paris, C., Musa, G. and Thirumoorthi, T. 2015. A comparison between Asian and Australasia backpackers using cultural consensus analysis. Current Issues in Tourism. 18 (2), pp. 175-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2014.920771


The social affordances of flashpacking: exploring the mobility nexus of travel and communication
Germann Molz, J. and Paris, C. 2015. The social affordances of flashpacking: exploring the mobility nexus of travel and communication. Mobilities. 10 (2), pp. 173-192. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450101.2013.848605


Comparison of SSVEP BCI and eye tracking for controlling a humanoid robot in a social environment
Kishore, S., González-Franco, M., Hintemüller, C., Kapeller, C., Guger, C., Slater, M. and Blom, K.J. 2014. Comparison of SSVEP BCI and eye tracking for controlling a humanoid robot in a social environment. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality. 23 (3), p. 242–252. https://doi.org/10.1162/pres_a_00192


The effect of consumer`s powerlessness on power-symbol product consumption focusing on the moderating effect of materialism
Kim, M., Kim, C., Jun, M., Han, J. and Kim, J. 2014. The effect of consumer`s powerlessness on power-symbol product consumption focusing on the moderating effect of materialism. Korea Management Review. 43 (2), pp. 329-351.


Strong attachment toward human brand and its implication for life-satisfaction and self-efficacy
Jun, M., Kim, C., Han, J., Kim, M. and Kim, J. 2014. Strong attachment toward human brand and its implication for life-satisfaction and self-efficacy. Asia Marketing Journal. 16 (1), pp. 101-116. https://doi.org/10.53728/2765-6500.1529


Dark sides of engaging in fan community of human brand
Han, J., Kim, C., Jun, M., Kim, M. and Kim, J. 2014. Dark sides of engaging in fan community of human brand. Asia Marketing Journal. 16 (1), pp. 133-148. https://doi.org/10.53728/2765-6500.1531


Making strategy work: The role of the middle manager
Jansen van Rensburg, M., Davis, A. and Venter, P. 2014. Making strategy work: The role of the middle manager. Journal of Management & Organization. 20 (2), pp. 165-186. https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2014.33


The relationship between marketing intelligence and strategic marketing
Venteer, P. and Jansen van Rensburg, M. 2014. The relationship between marketing intelligence and strategic marketing. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences. 17 (4), pp. 440-456. https://doi.org/10.4102/sajems.v17i4.642


Relevance of travel agencies in the digital age
Jansen van Rensburg, M. 2014. Relevance of travel agencies in the digital age. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. 31 (1), pp. 1-9.


Uncovering client retention antecedents in service organizations
Jansen van Rensburg, M. 2014. Uncovering client retention antecedents in service organizations. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. 3 (1), pp. 1-14.


The effect of human brand attachment on brand supportive behavior and brand authenticity for the endorsed brands
Jun, M., Kim, C., Han, J., Kim, M., Park, J. and Kim, Y. 2014. The effect of human brand attachment on brand supportive behavior and brand authenticity for the endorsed brands. Services Marketing Journal. 7 (1), pp. 5-14.


Organization vision - Experimentation on its effective communication
Kaitheri, S. and Narayanamurthy, G. 2014. Organization vision - Experimentation on its effective communication. The Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE@MIT). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

Conference poster

Towards a model for user technology readiness in ICT4D initiatives
Supriya, K., Sebastian, M. and Nanath, K. 2014. Towards a model for user technology readiness in ICT4D initiatives. 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems. Auckland, New Zealand 08 - 10 Dec 2014 ACIS.

Conference paper

Sustainability of environmental programs: A green IT perspective
Nanath, K., Radhakrishna Pillai, R. and Supriya, K. 2014. Sustainability of environmental programs: A green IT perspective. 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems. Auckland, New Zealand 08 - 10 Dec 2014 ACIS.

Conference paper

The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme in Ireland: A process evaluation and observational assessment of teacher-pupil outcomes
Hyland, L. 2014. The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme in Ireland: A process evaluation and observational assessment of teacher-pupil outcomes. PhD thesis Maynooth University (National University of Ireland) Psychology

PhD thesis

Effective group work management using Web 2.0 technologies
Hussain, F. 2014. Effective group work management using Web 2.0 technologies. Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Creative Curriculum. Middlesex University, London, UK 10 Jul 2014

Conference poster

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Abonil, Mariam

Ahmad, Mahine

Ajodah, Anju

Aslam, Mariam

Assotally, Ameerah

Ayodeji, Tomi

Baddar, Lulu

Balasubramanian, Sreejith

Balgobin, Priya

Balstone, Nick

Bartolome, Allan

Bashir, Engie

Beech, Nic

Beegun, Lakshana

Beessoo, Vandana

Bekaroo, Girish

Bernaschina, Paula

Bhatia, Aditi

Bholah, Prerna

Bhoyroo, Shahila

Bhudoye, Yashraj

Binning, Baljit

Boddington, Anne

Bonazza, Ruth

Broughan, Christine

Brown, Matthew

Burrows, Alison

Carvalho, Sheldon

Challen, Jill

Chan Yuk, Harry

Chanolien, Navya

Chatterton, Anne

Clarke, Julia

Clover, David

Corti, Andrew

Das, Madhumita

Demetriou, Daphne

Deonaran, Mahensingh

Dobee, Dhanraj

Dodourova, Mariana

Donkor, Susannah

Dumur, Vrajishni

Edensor, Louise

El-Abiary, Alia

Ersapah, Ramalingum

Furness, Alys

George, Chinnu

Gray, Mark

Grewal, Inderjit

Gujadhur, Yash

Hamilton, Izabela

Han, Jeongsoo

Hendon, Zoe

Hoolash, Ashley

Hurgobin, Gavish

Hurloll, Neerunjun

Hussain, Fehmida

Hyland, Lynda

Idoo, Aisha

Issur, Nivede

Jansen van Rensburg, Mari

Jean, Justine

Jensen, Christopher

Joyekurrun, Ajit

Juddoo, Suraj

Jugun, Oxana

Kaitheri, Supriya

Kalaitzi, Athanasia

Karnik, Ajit

Kashi, Anita

Kassie, Seada

Khan, Lubna

King, Stephen

Kishore, Pallavi

Kishore, Sameer

Kitra, Eleni

Kodabux, Adeelah

Kumar, Vijaya

Kyriazi, Tenia

Lallmahomed, Muhammad

Lamba, Nishtha

Leelodharry, Dhanush

Lewis, Linda

Lord, Alison

Luchmun, Arvin

Mace, Nicky

Mackenzie, Andrew

Maghalseh, Deema

Maher, Claudia

Mashood, Neelofer

Matadeen, Sanjay

Mathew, Shawn

McAra, Jonathan

McConnon, Rory

McGuinness, John

McNiff, Siobhan

Menon, Santhosh

Moedeen, Waseemah

Mohammad, Ambreen

Monaff, Sameeha

Morvan, Vincent

Motala-Timol, Shaheen

Mustun, Tasneem

Nagen, Melany

Nanath, Krishnadas

Nem, Boodeo

Ni Shuilleabhain, Joanne

O'Meara, Colman

O'Rourke, Dominic

Oodally, Irfaan

Origo, Eleonora

Osman, Yousra

Paris, Cody

Peksa, Joanna

Pheiffer, Lee

Pirbhai, Mehndi

Pitt, Alexandra

Pizzolato, Nico

Planel-Ratna, Catriona

Poluru, Nitin

Prasetyo, Judhi

Pujari, Vijay

Purmah, Raamandarsingh

Puthiya, Rashita

Raghavan, Kanaka

Raina, Neelam

Raj Sharma, Vaishali

Ramkissoon, Baboo

Ramsamy, Priscilla

Ramsurrun, Visham

Ramyead, Pooja

Roberts, Samantha

Rollings, Lois

Romano, Rhoderick

Rostom, Guffran

Rout-Hoolash, Sweta

Saadeh, Maha

Salinger, Max

Sandeela, Muneeza

Sanderson, Paula

Santokhee, Adityarajsingh

Sebah, Yasmin

Seeam, Amar Kumar

Seeburrun, Parvesh

Seedoyal-Seereekissoon, Denisha

Seewooruthun, Akshaysingh

Sereda, Valentina

Sethi, Jaspreet

Sharma, Mrinal

Shipman, Heather

Sinha, Kavita

Sivabalah, Kalpana

Smith, Hugh

Soonucksing, Atish

Sreejith, Sony

Stephenson, Ryan Kenneth

Stephenson, Sandra

Surajbali, Bholanathsingh

Thannoo, Babita

Thomas, Peter

Towakel, Praveer

Tully, David

Tummel, Margo

Umar, Faiza

Unath Ras, Lockheenathsingh

Vaidya, Ruta

Valev, Dimo

Veerabudren, Karel

Veerayen, Nancy

Vyas, Anuradha

Wallace, Nancy

Wareing, Shan

Wellington, Sean

Wilkinson, Gemma

Wilkinson, Mark

Woodward, Sian